Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
I know exactly how a weather balloon works. It is also obvious that you are among the few who swallow the line that this is a WEATHER BALLOON gone off course. Why do you find it necessary to defend Communist China? Come on, you can tell us, you party with Hunter Biden, right?

They do so because fascist democrats love communist China, they think communism means "free things, and freedom from responsibility," so they auto defend China, which they see as indistinguishable from fascist democracy.

So they minimize and marginalize any and all threats as they perceive them, to their political fixations!

I would love to drop them into China, or North Korea, it would be wonderful to see their faces just before the communists kicked their teeth out of their heads....
What altitude is this balloon?

People can see it with the naked eye so it must be at like 60,000 tops, right?
I heard is was 80,000 then down to 46,000. We really need to grab that thing and study it.

Maybe our military is too faggpt to shoot it down at 80,000.

What is the max altitude of our sams?

F22 ceiling is 50k
Are you the Chinese spokesman?... you said earlier that it just happened to blow into Montana via wind patterns... the Pentagon shot that down and said it is being directed by China that it is not lost... plus a nuke can weigh as little as 100 pounds... look it up... a nuke of that size at that elevation could take out all electronics in Montana and our silos would be dead in the water and would not be able to launch... the fact that we still haven't taken it down is unforgivable... admit it... Biden froze again...

You really are quite the Chicken Little, ain't ya? So, they're gonna use a small nuke to take out our missile silos? Really? Ever heard of a military thing called "EMP hardening"? I'll give ya a hint, it's where they take critical gear (and missile silos and their missiles are critical gear) and shield it to withstand all sorts of things, EMP for one. Might wanna learn something about military stuff before spewing your fearful bullshit. No...........our silos wouldn't be dead in the water with the scenario you just put forth. You know that those things in addition to being built with all sorts of safeguards are also built underground, right?
Maybe our military is too faggpt to shoot it down at 80,000.

What is the max altitude of our sams?

F22 ceiling is 50k
Military mouthpiece said they're afraid of collateral damage. From a fucking balloon??!!
Wow. Yeah, a weather balloon from one of our chief adversaries that is over 8k miles away just happened to find itself above one of our nuclear sites in the US. Seriously, no, that is not at all a likely explanation. I am confounded that people would actually believe that nonsense. I guess you folks will believe any dribble you are told.

Well, considering that the balloon was riding on the jetstream, and the jetstream goes right over Montana, it's not really hard to understand why it's flying over that state.
Military mouthpiece said they're afraid of collateral damage. From a fucking balloon??!!

Thats bullshit, especially when it was in Montana. What the fuck?

Instead of dropping it in Montana, we just let it float across our entire nation.

It is a trial balloon.


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Yes of course I do... if it were driven merely by wind they would be able to tell... its a spy balloon not a weather balloon and it is being guided by the CCP and our military and Biden just allowed it to hover over numerous air bases and silos... an unheard of invasion of our most sensitive military assets and the document hoarder Biden let it do its thing....

I'm guessing that most of you on here who are bitching about the balloon over the silos have never even seen one. Me? I grew up in Montana, and have seen them many times driving by. Know what you're gonna see? A small building, surrounded by chain link and concertina wire on the top, with a guard shack at the gate. That's about it. The silo itself is underground, and you ain't gonna get much information from floating a balloon over the top of it.
I disagree. Why do you find it necessary to call someone stupid because they said the balloon had to be huge?

It is visible from Earth and is at an altitude of 60,000 feet. The balloon and the payload have to be huge. I'm sure you'll agree that a balloon would have to be huge to lift something the size and weight of three buses to an altitude of 60,000 feet.

You need to go back and read the news stories about the balloon again. No, it's NOT carrying a payload the size and weight of three buses. The balloon itself is roughly the size of 3 school buses. The thing it's carrying (payload) is underneath and quite a bit smaller than the balloon itself.
The Soviets shot down a U2 spy plane at 70,000 feet in 1960.

The fix is in fellas... Biden and Austin like Milley all work for China.

Trump 2024 or United States of China by 2035.

God Bless you. I was trying to find out the altitude of the U2.

Ironically, Francis Gary Powers died in a helicopter crash he was piloting in 1977.

The US military was very pissed off at him for not suiciding when he was shot down as he was trained.
I'm guessing that most of you on here who are bitching about the balloon over the silos have never even seen one. Me? I grew up in Montana, and have seen them many times driving by. Know what you're gonna see? A small building, surrounded by chain link and concertina wire on the top, with a guard shack at the gate. That's about it. The silo itself is underground, and you ain't gonna get much information from floating a balloon over the top of it.

How many times are you going to post the same shit?

We GET it, fuck.
Sounds like you watch too many action movies.
Don't worry. The situation is well under control.

"Why not shoot it down? We have to do the risk-reward here," a senior defense official said on Thursday. "So the first question is, does it pose a threat, a physical kinetic threat, to individuals in the United States in the US homeland? Our assessment is it does not. Does it pose a threat to civilian aviation? Our assessment is it does not. Does it pose a significantly enhanced threat on the intelligence side? Our best assessment right now is that it does not. So given that profile, we assess the risk of downing it, even if the probability is low in a sparsely populated area of the debris falling and hurting someone or damaging property, that it wasn't worth it."

They admitted this isn't the first airspace violation, either. So you are now saying you are onboard with China's actions and the US response?

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