Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
I'm guessing that most of you on here who are bitching about the balloon over the silos have never even seen one. Me? I grew up in Montana, and have seen them many times driving by. Know what you're gonna see? A small building, surrounded by chain link and concertina wire on the top, with a guard shack at the gate. That's about it. The silo itself is underground, and you ain't gonna get much information from floating a balloon over the top of it.
You must be kidding... I don't care where you grew up and what you saw from afar... these silos and airbases are our retaliation force in case of a nuclear strike on America and Biden allowed communist China to get a birds eye view and read who knows what intel they gathered electronically... just like he left our weapons in Afghanistan for China to get a hold of there too... do you have to be kicked in the head to see what's going on?...
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They admitted this isn't the first airspace violation, either. So you are now saying you are onboard with China's actions and the US response?
Every fascist democrat infesting the thread is cool with it, don't you see them mocking, they are every last one of them, sociopaths entertaining selves, so do not waste your valuable energy on them, most of them are under 20 years of age and in the mothers basement, they think its all just wonderful fun.... :wink:
Every fascist democrat infesting the thread is cool with it, don't you see them mocking, they are every last one of them, sociopaths entertaining selves, so do not waste your valuable energy on them, most of them are under 20 years of age and in the mothers basement, they think its all just wonderful fun.... :wink:
Well you and I aren't...........so be it.
Play games all they want, at the end of the day, they can't dispute facts.
So be it,it is done.

Why don't we shoot it down?

Could be a carrier for a bio-weapon.... Best to capture it somehow, and handle it with great care in order to not trigger it or trigger a release of the possibility of a bio-weapon on board if is the case.

Being that Covid is an air-born virus that possibly could be delivered in some sort of way, I'd say that anything like that balloon should be captured somehow, and then brought in a very careful way to study it and it's mechanisms on board ..

Spy BALOON ?? Whoever heard of such a thing in 2023 ??? It's sounds ridiculous, so what's it's mission intent ??? Weather balloon my ace.
Could be a carrier for a bio-weapon.... Best to capture it somehow, and handle it with great care in order to not trigger it or trigger a release of the possibility of a bio-weapon on board if is the case.

Being that Covid is an air-born virus that possibly could be delivered in some sort of way, I'd say that anything like that balloon should be captured somehow, and then brought in a very careful way to study it and it's mechanisms on board ..

Spy BALOON ?? Whoever heard of such a thing in 2023 ??? It's sounds ridiculous, so what's it's mission intent ??? Weather balloon my ace.
Supposedly not the first incursion......public was never informed.......classified......FOIA time.....
I do not recall that. Do you have a link?
Yup. Here's one way to assure that your nuke workers are fully supportive of the Reich. You simply create a scandal and fire the ones you don't like based on that. There was also a big scandal going on at the Pentagon around the same time and the ranks we're being purged and replaced there as well. And that was also when the current government in Ukraine was illegally installed by the West. It's like the entire deck of cards we have now was being rigged by the Obama administration back then.


Why don't we shoot it down?


Well a hot war with China will be just the distraction the Powers That Be are looking for. Distraction from the bioweapon they foisted on us in the form of vaccines, that is. Or I should say, "vaccines".

BTW, this is piercing the awareness of non-politicoheads too. Had a discussion with one last night. She asked about the Chinese spy balloon and what I thought. I said, "you don't want to know what I think. Five years ago I would have thought it was crazy too."

Immediately she said, "the vaccines. They're distracting us from the vaccines".

This is pervasive, the lack of trust anyone has for our government.
Well a hot war with China will be just the distraction the Powers That Be are looking for. Distraction from the bioweapon they foisted on us in the form of vaccines, that is. Or I should say, "vaccines".

BTW, this is piercing the awareness of non-politicoheads too. Had a discussion with one last night. She asked about the Chinese spy balloon and what I thought. I said, "you don't want to know what I think. Five years ago I would have thought it was crazy too."

Immediately she said, "the vaccines. They're distracting us from the vaccines".

This is pervasive, the lack of trust anyone has for our government.
Well it’s good to hear non politicos are waking up from their MSM induced slumber.
As a sovereign nation we certainly have a right to shoot the balloon down. At this point, they probably should do so if only to save face.

But let’s be honest, it’s histrionic to act like this is a big deal.

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