Spy Balloon

Should the Biden admin have shot down the wayward Chinese spy balloon currently traversing the US?

  • Yes, spy balloons should NOT be allowed in US airspace.

    Votes: 32 91.4%
  • No. (state your reason)

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Good thing Covid was a hoax then, right?
Covid was a biological weapon released by the Chinese. Since we have had lies pushed on us from the beginning then why trust you. I and others have experienced how people become when propaganda rules. I want revenge on those who have screwed with me on this issue. I have no issue with destruction done by others in that vein. To be denied because of beliefs, they can screw themselves. It's what Progs do in their agendas, right.
Bizarre it is but it's not a substantial security risk. China already has numerous spy satellites over the US. Why they sent this thing is puzzling. Might be why they want it in one piece.

How you can be sure there isn't a nuke attached to the balloon?
The idiot Biden must resign immediately
I hope he is taking advice from Netanyahu as to what to do. Bibi knows how to protect Israel from its enemies and would have done something with this by now.
I hope he is taking advice from Netanyahu as to what to do. Bibi knows how to protect Israel from its enemies and would have done something with this by now.

Biden....take advice from Netanyahu? He's too stupid for that.
Biden....take advice from Netanyahu? He's too stupid for that.
As an anside, also shows why the Congressman (Salwall) who slept with a Chinese Communist spy has no business on critical committees.

I think Trump should step up, contact Netanyahu, and then report on the news waves what he said should be done. It should be today. That would show ANOTHER stark difference between the man who put our country first and the current demented wimp indebted to the Communists.
A nuke the size of a trash can that weighs 100 pounds could take the grid down in 1/3 of the nation.... so its track of flying over military quick response airfields and silos is as serious as a heart attack...
"And why is Marjorie Taylor Greene anti war and AOC is pro war?...."
Because the AOC women's movement thinks women should show their tits, and republican women want to make America safe again for our children more than that femanazi. :10:
o_O Oh, my, Mr. Oddball.What a teaser!
If Hunter's briefs get any breifer,
It's because he smoked a reefer
And it's sad his mother's rolling in her grave
To see her son was turned into a knave
By her ex the great deciever
And a slight underachiever
Who does nothing good for anybody else
As he extorts taxpayers money to himself
As he throw America 'neath proverb'al bus
until everyone thinks he is treasonous.
For the Chinese know that he is all for sale
As they're making plans to make our country wail.
As their products are a mercenary fail
Cheaply made, they tend to break
Irregardless of their make
And their products do not last
As they take our money fast
With their purchased president
Who is morally so bent
Into pocket-picking ventures,
As our poverty indentures
By the people who are woke
Working fury to invoke
Mis'ry to the common bloke
Who is poorly represented
By the greedy and demented
Massing fortunes of untold
Wealth to cads upon the Hill
Passing out their bitter pill
Breaking trust and breaking will
Of good people who are still
Thinking the elected may'
Benefit them one fine day.
The moral of this story's tale:
That taxes stolen are a fail.

Well, considering that the balloon was riding on the jetstream, and the jetstream goes right over Montana, it's not really hard to understand why it's flying over that state.

And then there is this little tidbit. I intentionally linked to a biased MSMS source just to make sure it would be considered “valid”.

Chinese authorities said Friday that a suspected Beijing-operated spy balloon spotted hovering over sensitive U.S. airspace was in fact a civilian airship intended for scientific research

China says suspected spy balloon over U.S. skies is a civilian airship

The funniest part is that those on the left in this country actually believe China that it was a “force majeure”. Hopefully out military isn’t so naive. I know the White House is.
Thread summary:

Trump cult sore-losers -- emphasis on the "loser" part -- actually enjoy sitting in a puddle of their own stale urine all day long.

Thus, they seek out any reason to hysterically wet themselves. They don't care how stupid and crazy the reason is. They want to piss themselves, and nothing is going to stop them.

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