'Squad' member Rashida Tlaib says 'Israel is a racist state'

Jews are not allowed to live in Palestinian areas but Palestinians live Jerusalem...and even serve in the government...so what is she talking about?...try and walk through and Muslim area as a Jew and see what happens...this shit is getting out of hand...just who was it that knocked down our trade center?...has everyone forgotten?...she is the enemy....

There have always been Jews welcomed in Arab neighborhoods.
Jews just prefer to live in areas of Israeli occupation because then they do not have to pay for any property.
For example, the largest population of Jews outside of the US and Israel, lives in Iran.
Over 30,000 Jews live in Tehran alone.

The WTC attack was justified because we murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis illegally when they were retreating out of Kuwait, under a negotiated white flag.
The massacre was called the "Highway of Death".
Do you dispute that we ambushed and murdered these innocent Iraqis?


Notice the vehicles are civilian, like ambulances and buses? They were almost all innocent civilians we massacred.

Those who illegally attack any innocents, like the US government has done, is the enemy.

Im calling bullshit on your photo ... vehicles on the highway of death were hit by airstrike. This is something else.... looks more like the junk yard of death to me.
Ooooh a Muzzhat calling Jews racist?


As a matter of fact, Muslims have NEVER discriminated against Jews, consider than Brothers of the Book, and has always protected Jews. You have this totally backwards. It is Christians who attack Jews, and it is Moslems who defend them historically.
Remember when I said traditional allies aren't feeling so warm and fuzzy?

I'm an outspoken guy too when I see injustice, and Israel is not perfect. in 2021, what nation is? Compared to where they are located, the neighbourhood of the world they live in, and the words some of them have used, including promising their annihilation, this is quite an odd comment to make.

I've had personal abuses in Canada and I speak up. Citizens in other nations can do the same, Israel is a democracy, they aren't living in a dictatorship, so speak your mind (as I did in Canada, only to be harmed more, at least I fight back).

It is also why I ask why some are so outspoken against Israel but don't say a peep about concentration camps being filled with Muslims in China. It really bothers me and screams hypocrisy.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., lambasted Israel as a "racist state" during an interview on "Democracy Now!" on Tuesday while discussing the low vaccination rate of Palestinians.

The host, Amy Goodman, mentioned that Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, at 20%, while Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – where Tlaib has family members – have supposedly not been provided vaccines.

Asked to give her take, Tlaib said it’s "important to understand that Israel is a racist state in that they would deny Palestinians like my grandmother access to a vaccine; that they don’t believe that she’s an equal human being that deserves to live, deserves to be protected by this global pandemic."

Israel is not just racist, but criminal.
Israel is not at all even remotely a democracy.
For example, did you know that Israel does not allow private land ownership?
It is all owned by the government, and you get use of what you have paid for.
Israel is not the division between different religions that have always lived there.
Essentially ALL Jews in Israel are recent European immigrants, who never paid for any land, and are illegal occupying the land and homes of Palestinians either murdered or illegally dispossessed.

And no Arab or Muslim has EVER said anything about "annihilating" anyone, much less Jews, who Muslims consider to be their forefathers.
Muslims use the same Abrahamic Bible.

And the situation in China is totally different.
The Uighurs are rebellious and are committing crimes.
Nor are the Chinese who govern them, new invaders who took over illegally, like Israel is.
I sympathize with the Uighurs, but China is the legitimate government, so there is not much that can be done.
Israel is not at all a legitimate government, and does not belong there in any way.
And since Israel is the one committing more and more crimes, they DO have to be stopped.
There really is no alternative.
Israel is likely the single most corrupt government in the entire world.
And it did not exist until Truman created it in 1948, with the UN he started.
And even Truman would have had a fit if Israel had invaded Jerusalem while he was still alive.
Jerusalem clearly is way outside of the partition that the UN gave to Israel.
Israel has ZERO legitimacy to exist at all.

You're a good Democrat..

No, I vote Green Party, Citizen's Party, or Democatic Socialist.
I voted for Bill Clinton, and that was a horrible mistake.
Remember when I said traditional allies aren't feeling so warm and fuzzy?

I'm an outspoken guy too when I see injustice, and Israel is not perfect. in 2021, what nation is? Compared to where they are located, the neighbourhood of the world they live in, and the words some of them have used, including promising their annihilation, this is quite an odd comment to make.

I've had personal abuses in Canada and I speak up. Citizens in other nations can do the same, Israel is a democracy, they aren't living in a dictatorship, so speak your mind (as I did in Canada, only to be harmed more, at least I fight back).

It is also why I ask why some are so outspoken against Israel but don't say a peep about concentration camps being filled with Muslims in China. It really bothers me and screams hypocrisy.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., lambasted Israel as a "racist state" during an interview on "Democracy Now!" on Tuesday while discussing the low vaccination rate of Palestinians.

The host, Amy Goodman, mentioned that Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, at 20%, while Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – where Tlaib has family members – have supposedly not been provided vaccines.

Asked to give her take, Tlaib said it’s "important to understand that Israel is a racist state in that they would deny Palestinians like my grandmother access to a vaccine; that they don’t believe that she’s an equal human being that deserves to live, deserves to be protected by this global pandemic."

Millions of Muslims in Chinese concentration camps! nothing to see there!.... lets order more shoes and I-phone hardware.. and forget about those millions of no-names.

Talib is projecting her own historical bias towards Israel... funny how every issue is used by the left to cry racism when we havn't seen all the fact details.

You forget that the Uighurs are Chinese, living in China.
We don't get any say.
But Israel is a bunch of European illegal immigrants who we paid and armed in order to steal Palestine from the natives.
That is totally and completely not only our fault, but our responsibility to fix.
Jews are not allowed to live in Palestinian areas but Palestinians live Jerusalem...and even serve in the government...so what is she talking about?...try and walk through and Muslim area as a Jew and see what happens...this shit is getting out of hand...just who was it that knocked down our trade center?...has everyone forgotten?...she is the enemy....

There have always been Jews welcomed in Arab neighborhoods.
Jews just prefer to live in areas of Israeli occupation because then they do not have to pay for any property.
For example, the largest population of Jews outside of the US and Israel, lives in Iran.
Over 30,000 Jews live in Tehran alone.

The WTC attack was justified because we murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis illegally when they were retreating out of Kuwait, under a negotiated white flag.
The massacre was called the "Highway of Death".
Do you dispute that we ambushed and murdered these innocent Iraqis?


Notice the vehicles are civilian, like ambulances and buses? They were almost all innocent civilians we massacred.

Those who illegally attack any innocents, like the US government has done, is the enemy.

Im calling bullshit on your photo ... vehicles on the highway of death were hit by airstrike. This is something else.... looks more like the junk yard of death to me.
That photo isn't the highway of death. Those autos and drivers were crispy fried like KFC and Hussein used civilian autos. He was invading Kuwait.

Iraqi Soldiers were looters, stealing cars...and as much as they could steal
Remember when I said traditional allies aren't feeling so warm and fuzzy?

I'm an outspoken guy too when I see injustice, and Israel is not perfect. in 2021, what nation is? Compared to where they are located, the neighbourhood of the world they live in, and the words some of them have used, including promising their annihilation, this is quite an odd comment to make.

I've had personal abuses in Canada and I speak up. Citizens in other nations can do the same, Israel is a democracy, they aren't living in a dictatorship, so speak your mind (as I did in Canada, only to be harmed more, at least I fight back).

It is also why I ask why some are so outspoken against Israel but don't say a peep about concentration camps being filled with Muslims in China. It really bothers me and screams hypocrisy.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., lambasted Israel as a "racist state" during an interview on "Democracy Now!" on Tuesday while discussing the low vaccination rate of Palestinians.

The host, Amy Goodman, mentioned that Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, at 20%, while Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – where Tlaib has family members – have supposedly not been provided vaccines.

Asked to give her take, Tlaib said it’s "important to understand that Israel is a racist state in that they would deny Palestinians like my grandmother access to a vaccine; that they don’t believe that she’s an equal human being that deserves to live, deserves to be protected by this global pandemic."

Israel is not just racist, but criminal.
Israel is not at all even remotely a democracy.
For example, did you know that Israel does not allow private land ownership?
It is all owned by the government, and you get use of what you have paid for.
Israel is not the division between different religions that have always lived there.
Essentially ALL Jews in Israel are recent European immigrants, who never paid for any land, and are illegal occupying the land and homes of Palestinians either murdered or illegally dispossessed.

And no Arab or Muslim has EVER said anything about "annihilating" anyone, much less Jews, who Muslims consider to be their forefathers.
Muslims use the same Abrahamic Bible.

And the situation in China is totally different.
The Uighurs are rebellious and are committing crimes.
Nor are the Chinese who govern them, new invaders who took over illegally, like Israel is.
I sympathize with the Uighurs, but China is the legitimate government, so there is not much that can be done.
Israel is not at all a legitimate government, and does not belong there in any way.
And since Israel is the one committing more and more crimes, they DO have to be stopped.
There really is no alternative.
Israel is likely the single most corrupt government in the entire world.
And it did not exist until Truman created it in 1948, with the UN he started.
And even Truman would have had a fit if Israel had invaded Jerusalem while he was still alive.
Jerusalem clearly is way outside of the partition that the UN gave to Israel.
Israel has ZERO legitimacy to exist at all.
What a load of horse shit.
Jews are not allowed to live in Palestinian areas but Palestinians live Jerusalem...and even serve in the government...so what is she talking about?...try and walk through and Muslim area as a Jew and see what happens...this shit is getting out of hand...just who was it that knocked down our trade center?...has everyone forgotten?...she is the enemy....

There have always been Jews welcomed in Arab neighborhoods.
Jews just prefer to live in areas of Israeli occupation because then they do not have to pay for any property.
For example, the largest population of Jews outside of the US and Israel, lives in Iran.
Over 30,000 Jews live in Tehran alone.

The WTC attack was justified because we murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis illegally when they were retreating out of Kuwait, under a negotiated white flag.
The massacre was called the "Highway of Death".
Do you dispute that we ambushed and murdered these innocent Iraqis?


Notice the vehicles are civilian, like ambulances and buses? They were almost all innocent civilians we massacred.

Those who illegally attack any innocents, like the US government has done, is the enemy.

Im calling bullshit on your photo ... vehicles on the highway of death were hit by airstrike. This is something else.... looks more like the junk yard of death to me.

Nope, this is an Associated Press image they call the "Highway of Death".
The vehicles were on the road when first hit by US aircraft however, and have since been dragged off the road. The hoods are all open, so likely the batteries were stripped for lead salvage.
If these were not victims of illegal US air attack, then where did they come from, and how did they get bullet holes and burns?
Jews are not allowed to live in Palestinian areas but Palestinians live Jerusalem...and even serve in the government...so what is she talking about?...try and walk through and Muslim area as a Jew and see what happens...this shit is getting out of hand...just who was it that knocked down our trade center?...has everyone forgotten?...she is the enemy....

There have always been Jews welcomed in Arab neighborhoods.
Jews just prefer to live in areas of Israeli occupation because then they do not have to pay for any property.
For example, the largest population of Jews outside of the US and Israel, lives in Iran.
Over 30,000 Jews live in Tehran alone.

The WTC attack was justified because we murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis illegally when they were retreating out of Kuwait, under a negotiated white flag.
The massacre was called the "Highway of Death".
Do you dispute that we ambushed and murdered these innocent Iraqis?


Notice the vehicles are civilian, like ambulances and buses? They were almost all innocent civilians we massacred.

Those who illegally attack any innocents, like the US government has done, is the enemy.

Im calling bullshit on your photo ... vehicles on the highway of death were hit by airstrike. This is something else.... looks more like the junk yard of death to me.
That photo isn't the highway of death. Those autos and drivers were crispy fried like KFC and Hussein used civilian autos. He was invading Kuwait.

SOME of the vehicles on the Highway of Death were burned by illegal US air/fuel dispersion bombs that are like small nuclear blasts. But most were not, and were just hit with helicopter chain gun fire.
Saddam did not use civilian vehicles.
The Iraqi troops used military vehicles, and were retreating under a negotiated truce, so this was NOT an invasion. Iraq lost almost nothing when it occupied Kuwait. And the invasion of Kuwait was not illegal.
Iraq has asked Ambassador Glasspie for permission, since Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil with slant drilling.
Many of those we killed were Kuwaiti journalists who had come out against the emir after the Iraqis deposed him. The emir is not ethnically from Kuwait, but an inland tribe of Bedouins.

Iraqi Soldiers were looters, stealing cars...and as much as they could steal

Since the Iraqi occupation was to punish Kuwait for stealing all that Iraqi oil, then looting is totally and completely justified.
But 99% of those we illegal murdered on the Highway of Death were innocent civilians.
The Iraqi soldier were leaving in the same Iraqi trucks they arrived in.
Jews are not allowed to live in Palestinian areas but Palestinians live Jerusalem...and even serve in the government...so what is she talking about?...try and walk through and Muslim area as a Jew and see what happens...this shit is getting out of hand...just who was it that knocked down our trade center?...has everyone forgotten?...she is the enemy....

There have always been Jews welcomed in Arab neighborhoods.
Jews just prefer to live in areas of Israeli occupation because then they do not have to pay for any property.
For example, the largest population of Jews outside of the US and Israel, lives in Iran.
Over 30,000 Jews live in Tehran alone.

The WTC attack was justified because we murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis illegally when they were retreating out of Kuwait, under a negotiated white flag.
The massacre was called the "Highway of Death".
Do you dispute that we ambushed and murdered these innocent Iraqis?


Notice the vehicles are civilian, like ambulances and buses? They were almost all innocent civilians we massacred.

Those who illegally attack any innocents, like the US government has done, is the enemy.

" The WTC attack was justified because we murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis illegally when they were retreating out of Kuwait, under a negotiated white flag. "

Source it
Remember when I said traditional allies aren't feeling so warm and fuzzy?

I'm an outspoken guy too when I see injustice, and Israel is not perfect. in 2021, what nation is? Compared to where they are located, the neighbourhood of the world they live in, and the words some of them have used, including promising their annihilation, this is quite an odd comment to make.

I've had personal abuses in Canada and I speak up. Citizens in other nations can do the same, Israel is a democracy, they aren't living in a dictatorship, so speak your mind (as I did in Canada, only to be harmed more, at least I fight back).

It is also why I ask why some are so outspoken against Israel but don't say a peep about concentration camps being filled with Muslims in China. It really bothers me and screams hypocrisy.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., lambasted Israel as a "racist state" during an interview on "Democracy Now!" on Tuesday while discussing the low vaccination rate of Palestinians.

The host, Amy Goodman, mentioned that Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, at 20%, while Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – where Tlaib has family members – have supposedly not been provided vaccines.

Asked to give her take, Tlaib said it’s "important to understand that Israel is a racist state in that they would deny Palestinians like my grandmother access to a vaccine; that they don’t believe that she’s an equal human being that deserves to live, deserves to be protected by this global pandemic."

Israel is not just racist, but criminal.
Israel is not at all even remotely a democracy.
For example, did you know that Israel does not allow private land ownership?
It is all owned by the government, and you get use of what you have paid for.
Israel is not the division between different religions that have always lived there.
Essentially ALL Jews in Israel are recent European immigrants, who never paid for any land, and are illegal occupying the land and homes of Palestinians either murdered or illegally dispossessed.

And no Arab or Muslim has EVER said anything about "annihilating" anyone, much less Jews, who Muslims consider to be their forefathers.
Muslims use the same Abrahamic Bible.

And the situation in China is totally different.
The Uighurs are rebellious and are committing crimes.
Nor are the Chinese who govern them, new invaders who took over illegally, like Israel is.
I sympathize with the Uighurs, but China is the legitimate government, so there is not much that can be done.
Israel is not at all a legitimate government, and does not belong there in any way.
And since Israel is the one committing more and more crimes, they DO have to be stopped.
There really is no alternative.
Israel is likely the single most corrupt government in the entire world.
And it did not exist until Truman created it in 1948, with the UN he started.
And even Truman would have had a fit if Israel had invaded Jerusalem while he was still alive.
Jerusalem clearly is way outside of the partition that the UN gave to Israel.
Israel has ZERO legitimacy to exist at all.
What a load of horse shit.

Israel can not be defended or justified in any way.
Jews left the Mideast in 160 AD after the failed rebellion against the Romans.
What few remained were slaughtered by the waves of Christian Crusaders.
Jews have no historic, cultural, or religious right to be in the Mideast at all.
As a Jew, I am aware that Jews are actually prohibited under Judaism, from returning to the Mideast until the coming of the Messiah.

Iraqi Soldiers were looters, stealing cars...and as much as they could steal

Since the Iraqi occupation was to punish Kuwait for stealing all that Iraqi oil, then looting is totally and completely justified.
But 99% of those we illegal murdered on the Highway of Death were innocent civilians.
The Iraqi soldier were leaving in the same Iraqi trucks they arrived in.

You are quite the little Baghdad Bob aren't you?
Remember when I said traditional allies aren't feeling so warm and fuzzy?

I'm an outspoken guy too when I see injustice, and Israel is not perfect. in 2021, what nation is? Compared to where they are located, the neighbourhood of the world they live in, and the words some of them have used, including promising their annihilation, this is quite an odd comment to make.

I've had personal abuses in Canada and I speak up. Citizens in other nations can do the same, Israel is a democracy, they aren't living in a dictatorship, so speak your mind (as I did in Canada, only to be harmed more, at least I fight back).

It is also why I ask why some are so outspoken against Israel but don't say a peep about concentration camps being filled with Muslims in China. It really bothers me and screams hypocrisy.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., lambasted Israel as a "racist state" during an interview on "Democracy Now!" on Tuesday while discussing the low vaccination rate of Palestinians.

The host, Amy Goodman, mentioned that Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, at 20%, while Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – where Tlaib has family members – have supposedly not been provided vaccines.

Asked to give her take, Tlaib said it’s "important to understand that Israel is a racist state in that they would deny Palestinians like my grandmother access to a vaccine; that they don’t believe that she’s an equal human being that deserves to live, deserves to be protected by this global pandemic."

Israel is not just racist, but criminal.
Israel is not at all even remotely a democracy.
For example, did you know that Israel does not allow private land ownership?
It is all owned by the government, and you get use of what you have paid for.
Israel is not the division between different religions that have always lived there.
Essentially ALL Jews in Israel are recent European immigrants, who never paid for any land, and are illegal occupying the land and homes of Palestinians either murdered or illegally dispossessed.

And no Arab or Muslim has EVER said anything about "annihilating" anyone, much less Jews, who Muslims consider to be their forefathers.
Muslims use the same Abrahamic Bible.

And the situation in China is totally different.
The Uighurs are rebellious and are committing crimes.
Nor are the Chinese who govern them, new invaders who took over illegally, like Israel is.
I sympathize with the Uighurs, but China is the legitimate government, so there is not much that can be done.
Israel is not at all a legitimate government, and does not belong there in any way.
And since Israel is the one committing more and more crimes, they DO have to be stopped.
There really is no alternative.
Israel is likely the single most corrupt government in the entire world.
And it did not exist until Truman created it in 1948, with the UN he started.
And even Truman would have had a fit if Israel had invaded Jerusalem while he was still alive.
Jerusalem clearly is way outside of the partition that the UN gave to Israel.
Israel has ZERO legitimacy to exist at all.

You're a good Democrat..

No, I vote Green Party, Citizen's Party, or Democatic Socialist.
I voted for Bill Clinton, and that was a horrible mistake.

Yes, and you voted for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, too. Because you're a DemoKKKrat.
Jews are not allowed to live in Palestinian areas but Palestinians live Jerusalem...and even serve in the government...so what is she talking about?...try and walk through and Muslim area as a Jew and see what happens...this shit is getting out of hand...just who was it that knocked down our trade center?...has everyone forgotten?...she is the enemy....

There have always been Jews welcomed in Arab neighborhoods.
Jews just prefer to live in areas of Israeli occupation because then they do not have to pay for any property.
For example, the largest population of Jews outside of the US and Israel, lives in Iran.
Over 30,000 Jews live in Tehran alone.

The WTC attack was justified because we murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis illegally when they were retreating out of Kuwait, under a negotiated white flag.
The massacre was called the "Highway of Death".
Do you dispute that we ambushed and murdered these innocent Iraqis?


Notice the vehicles are civilian, like ambulances and buses? They were almost all innocent civilians we massacred.

Those who illegally attack any innocents, like the US government has done, is the enemy.

Im calling bullshit on your photo ... vehicles on the highway of death were hit by airstrike. This is something else.... looks more like the junk yard of death to me.
That photo isn't the highway of death. Those autos and drivers were crispy fried like KFC and Hussein used civilian autos. He was invading Kuwait.

SOME of the vehicles on the Highway of Death were burned by illegal US air/fuel dispersion bombs that are like small nuclear blasts. But most were not, and were just hit with helicopter chain gun fire.
Saddam did not use civilian vehicles.
The Iraqi troops used military vehicles, and were retreating under a negotiated truce, so this was NOT an invasion. Iraq lost almost nothing when it occupied Kuwait. And the invasion of Kuwait was not illegal.
Iraq has asked Ambassador Glasspie for permission, since Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil with slant drilling.
Many of those we killed were Kuwaiti journalists who had come out against the emir after the Iraqis deposed him. The emir is not ethnically from Kuwait, but an inland tribe of Bedouins.
They invaded 6 months prior. This was a retreat and there was all types of vehicles military and non military.

Iraqi Soldiers were looters, stealing cars...and as much as they could steal

Since the Iraqi occupation was to punish Kuwait for stealing all that Iraqi oil, then looting is totally and completely justified.
But 99% of those we illegal murdered on the Highway of Death were innocent civilians.
The Iraqi soldier were leaving in the same Iraqi trucks they arrived in.

I wasn't aware that 99 percent of the Iraqi Invasion force was Innocent civilians! Why would Innocent Civilians be fleeing Kuwait in the middle of the night? and how do you come to the 99% figure? sorry, but this makes no logical sense to me.
Remember when I said traditional allies aren't feeling so warm and fuzzy?

I'm an outspoken guy too when I see injustice, and Israel is not perfect. in 2021, what nation is? Compared to where they are located, the neighbourhood of the world they live in, and the words some of them have used, including promising their annihilation, this is quite an odd comment to make.

I've had personal abuses in Canada and I speak up. Citizens in other nations can do the same, Israel is a democracy, they aren't living in a dictatorship, so speak your mind (as I did in Canada, only to be harmed more, at least I fight back).

It is also why I ask why some are so outspoken against Israel but don't say a peep about concentration camps being filled with Muslims in China. It really bothers me and screams hypocrisy.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., lambasted Israel as a "racist state" during an interview on "Democracy Now!" on Tuesday while discussing the low vaccination rate of Palestinians.

The host, Amy Goodman, mentioned that Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, at 20%, while Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – where Tlaib has family members – have supposedly not been provided vaccines.

Asked to give her take, Tlaib said it’s "important to understand that Israel is a racist state in that they would deny Palestinians like my grandmother access to a vaccine; that they don’t believe that she’s an equal human being that deserves to live, deserves to be protected by this global pandemic."
Why do you even care she said this?
Remember when I said traditional allies aren't feeling so warm and fuzzy?

I'm an outspoken guy too when I see injustice, and Israel is not perfect. in 2021, what nation is? Compared to where they are located, the neighbourhood of the world they live in, and the words some of them have used, including promising their annihilation, this is quite an odd comment to make.

I've had personal abuses in Canada and I speak up. Citizens in other nations can do the same, Israel is a democracy, they aren't living in a dictatorship, so speak your mind (as I did in Canada, only to be harmed more, at least I fight back).

It is also why I ask why some are so outspoken against Israel but don't say a peep about concentration camps being filled with Muslims in China. It really bothers me and screams hypocrisy.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., lambasted Israel as a "racist state" during an interview on "Democracy Now!" on Tuesday while discussing the low vaccination rate of Palestinians.

The host, Amy Goodman, mentioned that Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, at 20%, while Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank – where Tlaib has family members – have supposedly not been provided vaccines.

Asked to give her take, Tlaib said it’s "important to understand that Israel is a racist state in that they would deny Palestinians like my grandmother access to a vaccine; that they don’t believe that she’s an equal human being that deserves to live, deserves to be protected by this global pandemic."
Why do you even care she said this?

i know I know maybe because she’s a member of Congress and she shouldn’t be libeling a ally? I don’t know, could be.

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