‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman predicts ‘civil war’ if GOP takes control in midterms

Progressive Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman warned of a stark outcome if Republicans take back power in the November midterm elections — one that would “embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.”

During a Saturday interview with MSNBC’s “The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross,” the Bronx-Westchester member of the congressional “Squad” led by socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed Republicans will quickly take action to halt Democratic progress in the investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, saying the House select committee’s findings would be “completely suppressed.”

Bowman also claimed the GOP would “impeach President Biden as quickly as possible and they will continue to find ways to impeach him going forward.”

But Bowman went on to warn that Republicans gaining control of the House and/or Senate would “embolden” dangerous and violent extremists to take further control.

“It would also embolden Republicans and the far right, and white nationalists across the country to begin to believe that it is their time to not just take power in the House, but the Senate, the White House and statehouses across the country,” Bowman said.

“We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the great replacement myth and many other things, and have been pushing for violence and pushing for even civil war, so that is what’s at stake right now in terms of this election,” he warned.

Progs using violent speech to agitate. Go figure.
Better get Piglosi, Schifforbrains, Nadler et al to put together an insurrection hearing on this guy.
The answer is that you’re a conspiracy theorist retard.
We get it. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a retard.

All I can say is, you're leaving office, and leaving power. You blew it. And now you're doubling down on stupid.

No on wants that stuff. Go away with that crap.
It is coming if the left doesn't back off.
They won't.

A) they're too stupid, and

B/ they have no regard for others, and

C) they're a bunch of miserable Stalinist fucktards and that bunch of barbarians never quits.

The communist fucktards who call themselves "progressives" have ALREADY put us on a war footing.

There is still time to stop it, but the Democrats would have to purge their leadership and they won't do that.
Progressive Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman warned of a stark outcome if Republicans take back power in the November midterm elections — one that would “embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.”

During a Saturday interview with MSNBC’s “The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross,” the Bronx-Westchester member of the congressional “Squad” led by socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed Republicans will quickly take action to halt Democratic progress in the investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, saying the House select committee’s findings would be “completely suppressed.”

Bowman also claimed the GOP would “impeach President Biden as quickly as possible and they will continue to find ways to impeach him going forward.”

But Bowman went on to warn that Republicans gaining control of the House and/or Senate would “embolden” dangerous and violent extremists to take further control.

“It would also embolden Republicans and the far right, and white nationalists across the country to begin to believe that it is their time to not just take power in the House, but the Senate, the White House and statehouses across the country,” Bowman said.

“We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the great replacement myth and many other things, and have been pushing for violence and pushing for even civil war, so that is what’s at stake right now in terms of this election,” he warned.

Progs using violent speech to agitate. Go figure.
Did Bowman also claim these insurrectionists will tie him down, wrists tied to ankles like a hog. Slowly peeling down AOCs panties that he has on, and do butt stuff to him using some kind of giant ribbed dildo?

Strangely descriptive there, Bowman.

Not necessary. You're in public.
Quote me saying that then you lying sack of shit.

This is the part where you run off like a little coward bitch or you desperately avoid backing up your obvious lie.

Which is it going to be? Run off or fail to back up your claim. I’m guessing the latter. Let’s see it. Go on you lying piece of shit.
Quote me saying that then you lying sack of shit.

This is the part where you run off like a little coward bitch or you desperately avoid backing up your obvious lie.

Which is it going to be? Run off or fail to back up your claim. I’m guessing the latter. Let’s see it. Go on you lying piece of shit.
This is rich. ^^^

A progtard accusing others of lying. :p

You're in public, idiot. Every word you say is on the record.

Let's see, I'll find some examples.
This is rich. ^^^

A progtard accusing others of lying. :p

You're in public, idiot. Every word you say is on the record.

Let's see, I'll find some examples.
Boom. Called it. Look at how predictable you idiots are.

You say something stupid. Get called on it. And then run away like cowards when asked to back up your claim.

So you’re a lying sack of shit and a little coward bitch. Pathetic.
Still haven’t seen a link from you. Looks like you’re a lying sack of shit.

No link, therefore he's a liar.

This is just STUPID shit. Stupid. We all know who the liars are around here. Starting with you can keep your doctor and your plan.
Here's one
And apparently English isn’t your first language either. Here, let me help you out, dimwit.

Your claim: “Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a retard.”

Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is not a retard. I never said that.

All clear now? Probably not. You’re clearly too fucking stupid to understand anything that‘s not already lodged inside your own ass.

No link, therefore he's a liar.

This is just STUPID shit. Stupid. We all know who the liars are around here. Starting with you can keep your doctor and your plan.
The liar here is the retard who can’t back up his own claim.
And apparently English isn’t your first language either. Here, let me help you out, dimwit.

Your claim: “Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a retard.”

Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is not a retard. I never said that.

All clear now? Probably not. You’re clearly too fucking stupid to understand anything that‘s not already lodged inside your own ass.
You could use a psychiatric check in.

Just sayin.

Here, chew on this: YOU are a retard.

Whether you agree with me or not.

Happy now?
I listened to what Schumer said and it’s quite a stretch even for you Trumpsters.
sounds to me, that your lack of a brain is your biggest issue---sux 2 be you
i'd rather support TRUMP, than be a anti-AMERICA piece of shit like you


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