‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman predicts ‘civil war’ if GOP takes control in midterms

Boom. Called it. Look at how predictable you idiots are.

You say something stupid. Get called on it. And then run away like cowards when asked to back up your claim.

So you’re a lying sack of shit and a little coward bitch. Pathetic.
you just described the SCUM demonRAT party to a tee....why do you continuously live your pathetic life in denial?....because thats all you have, you whine ass, little bitch
Did I say that? Or are you just seeing what you want to see because your head is up your own ass?

Care to try again, you stupid fuck?
you sure did, you anti-AMERICA piece of shit......Care to try again, you stupid fuck?
This isn't 1933 Germany, but that's a creative false equivalency you came up with there.

You are in as much denial as the Trumpeteers were in 2018 when they actually believed they were going to gain more House seats despite what all the polling said because "Hillary! 2016! 98% chance of winning!"

They lost 41.
but gained US senate seats
Progressive Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman warned of a stark outcome if Republicans take back power in the November midterm elections — one that would “embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.”

During a Saturday interview with MSNBC’s “The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross,” the Bronx-Westchester member of the congressional “Squad” led by socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed Republicans will quickly take action to halt Democratic progress in the investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, saying the House select committee’s findings would be “completely suppressed.”

Bowman also claimed the GOP would “impeach President Biden as quickly as possible and they will continue to find ways to impeach him going forward.”

But Bowman went on to warn that Republicans gaining control of the House and/or Senate would “embolden” dangerous and violent extremists to take further control.

“It would also embolden Republicans and the far right, and white nationalists across the country to begin to believe that it is their time to not just take power in the House, but the Senate, the White House and statehouses across the country,” Bowman said.

“We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the great replacement myth and many other things, and have been pushing for violence and pushing for even civil war, so that is what’s at stake right now in terms of this election,” he warned.

Progs using violent speech to agitate. Go figure.
Guess he doesn't believe in democracy. Democracy is only if your side wins.
This isn't 1933 Germany, but that's a creative false equivalency you came up with there.

You are in as much denial as the Trumpeteers were in 2018 when they actually believed they were going to gain more House seats despite what all the polling said because "Hillary! 2016! 98% chance of winning!"

They lost 41.
I see what's coming. I'm no fool. But I don't know why you see it as a false equivalent. If Trump Republicans win, they lie cheat and steal. They know elections are rigged because they rig them.

I can't wait to see Republicans get into power and pass a bunch of unpopular things and when they fix the economy it will only be for the rich.

This is such bullshit. I feel like the corporations, Russia and Republicans have all sabotaged Biden. Oh well. Like I always say, I'm a straight white male in my 50s with no debt. Inflation doesn't affect me like it does the rest of you. I like guns. I'll be dead before global warming destroys us. I'm not getting an abortion anyways.

Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next few years. Fuck it. Even if Trump gets back in. This should be fun.

I don't even mind the feds raising interest rates. Won't stop me from spending. I pay cash. I don't finance anything.
You could use a psychiatric check in.

Just sayin.

Here, chew on this: YOU are a retard.

Whether you agree with me or not.

Happy now?
You could use a lie detector so you know when you’re full of shit.

You could also use something to dislodge your head from your own ass.
sounds to me, that your lack of a brain is your biggest issue---sux 2 be you
i'd rather support TRUMP, than be a anti-AMERICA piece of shit like you

Ha, no. You bring up something that happened over 2 years ago simply because your overlords at GatewayPundit told you it was bad.

They command and you follow like the mindless sheep you are.
Ha, no. You bring up something that happened over 2 years ago simply because your overlords at GatewayPundit told you it was bad.

They command and you follow like the mindless sheep you are.
The mindless sheep stays with the herd and mindlessly agrees with the other sheep.
said, as the retarded sheep, you, looks in the mirror
I see what's coming. I'm no fool. But I don't know why you see it as a false equivalent. If Trump Republicans win, they lie cheat and steal. They know elections are rigged because they rig them.

I can't wait to see Republicans get into power and pass a bunch of unpopular things and when they fix the economy it will only be for the rich.

This is such bullshit. I feel like the corporations, Russia and Republicans have all sabotaged Biden. Oh well. Like I always say, I'm a straight white male in my 50s with no debt. Inflation doesn't affect me like it does the rest of you. I like guns. I'll be dead before global warming destroys us. I'm not getting an abortion anyways.

Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next few years. Fuck it. Even if Trump gets back in. This should be fun.

I don't even mind the feds raising interest rates. Won't stop me from spending. I pay cash. I don't finance anything.
so, you as a SCUM demonRAT, would rather pay 6 bucks a gallon, and hope you can buy food, right?
TRUMPs economy was for EVERYONE....you are pretty fucking stupid to think otherwise....
i bet you think AMERICAS economy is booming, right?

“We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the great replacement myth and many other things, and have been pushing for violence and pushing for even civil war, so that is what’s at stake right now in terms of this election,” he warned.

Progs using violent speech to agitate. Go figure.

This fucker ^^^ is inciting violence.

Well, no matter. He's just a other lying-ass leftie.

Maybe he'll be the first one in the butt end of the violence when it happens.
so, you as a SCUM demonRAT, would rather pay 6 bucks a gallon, and hope you can buy food, right?
TRUMPs economy was for EVERYONE....you are pretty fucking stupid to think otherwise....
i bet you think AMERICAS economy is booming, right?
No it wasn't. You're an idiot. You still didn't have any savings even during Trump you broke ass.

And for many of us, we're doing just fine.

Now I don't like inflation either. So I'm looking at my bills to see where I can cut back. Are you? Because most Americans seem willing to pay whatever the corporations ask. That's why prices are so high because you dopes keep paying.

Yesterday I called my cable company to see what I could do. Turns out last year when I cancelled Uverse and went with streaming, they never cancelled my Uverse. So I was paying two cable providers for a year. Didn't even notice. That's how much money I make. Enough I didn't notice an extra $180 coming out of my checking account for A YEAR!

They are going to re emburse me or credit my account. So I will have an extra $2000 in 1 year if you need to borrow some to put gas in your tank or food in your belly, you broke ass.

America's economy is booming aside from the inflation, which the Feds and Biden will fix. Companies are looking for help. If your $15 hr job isn't cutting it go find a $20 hr job.
No it wasn't. You're an idiot. You still didn't have any savings even during Trump you broke ass.

And for many of us, we're doing just fine.

Now I don't like inflation either. So I'm looking at my bills to see where I can cut back. Are you? Because most Americans seem willing to pay whatever the corporations ask. That's why prices are so high because you dopes keep paying.

Yesterday I called my cable company to see what I could do. Turns out last year when I cancelled Uverse and went with streaming, they never cancelled my Uverse. So I was paying two cable providers for a year. Didn't even notice. That's how much money I make. Enough I didn't notice an extra $180 coming out of my checking account for A YEAR!

They are going to re emburse me or credit my account. So I will have an extra $2000 in 1 year if you need to borrow some to put gas in your tank or food in your belly, you broke ass.

America's economy is booming aside from the inflation, which the Feds and Biden will fix. Companies are looking for help. If your $15 hr job isn't cutting it go find a $20 hr job.
yes sadly during xiden and the dems america most americans are being forced to find where they can cut back…many retirees are forced to come out of retirement…sad times xiden and the dems have given us

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