‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman predicts ‘civil war’ if GOP takes control in midterms

And for many of us, we're doing just fine.
Well hells bells

Everyone else in America exists just to make sure Sealy is ok

And since he reports that he is then what else is left to say?

I think he wont have a clue till the biden rot reaches him too
you will know---commie piece of shit

Uh huh. Cool story.

Be very careful, leftie.

If the Trumpster start owning it, you're in trouble.

You're very close to the hairy edge and you're mocking it.

No one ever said lefties were rocket scientists.
Apparently you’re not done acting like a drama queen yet.

We just need to keep the White House. Veto pen.

Oh, and Republicans don't think gun violence or this anti abortion thing is going to hurt them in November? They're being cocky but they may be in for a big surprise. Polls don't always mean the outcome is assured.
As you loons literally ignore the rampant gun violence in cities that have been controlled by Democrats for decades.
A pussy like you can't even say it and we're supposed to believe you can do it.... 😂
Say what?

You want me to predict the course of events?

Unlike some people here, I'm not Kreskin.

However I know about the Asian concept of synchronicity. It's very different from ours. Do you know about that?

Physics and the Buddha tell us that every action has a reaction. There is no action you can take, without causing a reaction.

However the form of that reaction is very difficult to predict. Chaos theory and all that. Randomness. Unexpected and unintended consequences. Surprises.

And, action requires energy. It:s costly. So you want to act efficiently. If you can act once and accomplish two goals, so much the better.
Do a search on this Web site and see how many threads have been started or posts made by conservatives talking about a "civil war" coming.
We already have civil wars in all of our Democrat run cities and the lawless are beating the lawful in every case. We don't want that out here in America. That's why we will vote all progressives out. For the preservation of the country. Unfortunately, it's already too late for the cities.
XponentialChaos thinks you're a pussy too, pretty much everyone who's been on the other side your weakly veiled threats does. You're just a cosplayer who imagines himself tactical rolling and bump firing his way towards victory. 😆
Oh come on. You're being stupid again.

I am doing EVERYTHING I can, to avoid the need for tactical rolling and bump stocks.

Dude - I practice what I preach. I don't threaten children. People walking around with tacs, that's a THREAT to any child in California. Oklahoma maybe not so much, the kids tend to be more engaged in old fashioned activities like hunting and fishing.
Oh come on. You're being stupid again.

I am doing EVERYTHING I can, to avoid the need for tactical rolling and bump stocks.

Dude - I practice what I preach. I don't threaten children. People walking around with tacs, that's a THREAT to any child in California. Oklahoma maybe not so much, the kids tend to be more engaged in old fashioned activities like hunting and fishing.
When you're as big of a pussy as you are I'm sure everything seems like a threat to children, including teaching them that it's okay to be gay. But don't worry, we will anyway. 😁
you are a REtard
go live in china you commie piece of shit

In China, they don't have a choice between 2 parties. Seems like you Republicans want to do everything you can so there is only 1 party rule.
Well hells bells

Everyone else in America exists just to make sure Sealy is ok

And since he reports that he is then what else is left to say?

I think he wont have a clue till the biden rot reaches him too
That's exactly what you guys did in the 2000's. Everyone was struggling and you said your half was doing just fine. Seems I'm as loyal to my party as you are. And I know things will turn around for the better without Trump.

I'm actually interested in seeing what you Republicans have planned after the revolution.
In China, they don't have a choice between 2 parties. Seems like you Republicans want to do everything you can so there is only 1 party rule.
this post is quite ironic given the OP where a dem is threatening to go to war if their party loses
this post is quite ironic given the OP where a dem is threatening to go to war if their party loses
Threatening? Did you even read the OP? He said your side winning would

“embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.”

It reminds me of the Nazi's. The people rejected them, but then 10 years later the economy was so bad, they put Hitler in power. Same things happening here now. History repeating itself.

Hitler started a riot. Trump started a riot. Hitler went to jail. Trump won't. Trump will be back in power in 4 years. All it took was inflation and high unemployment in Germany. All it takes here is high inflation.

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