‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman predicts ‘civil war’ if GOP takes control in midterms

No you don't. You're a lying sack of leftist shit.

So I can look at more leftist lies?
Dumbass, my signature is right there for anyone who isn’t a brain-dead moron.

Once again, I condemn all rioters. See that, you stupid fuck? I just said it again.

What a fucking idiot.
Dumbass, my signature is right there for anyone who isn’t a brain-dead moron.

Once again, I condemn all rioters. See that, you stupid fuck? I just said it again.

What a fucking idiot.
You're a lying leftist.

Your mistake is thinking anyone's going to believe you just because you said it.
You're a lying leftist.

Your mistake is thinking anyone's going to believe you just because you said it.
So you assume I’m lying because I didn’t answer the way you wanted me to.

Maybe you should pull your head out of your own ass and listen to what people instead of telling them what they think.

What a close-minded idiot.
your dishonest you are equating 500 riots over 7 months that injured over 2000 cops and murdered 30 people to one riot that injured a 100 cops and murdered no one
Who said anything about equating? I’m calling out your fellow Trumpster for being a lying sack of shit in saying that no officers were injured during Jan 6.

Now tell me, why is it that you won’t call him out on his blatant lie but you take an issue with me for telling him that he lied?
We're just like Trump. It was sad when he did it.

We're all talk though. Trump actually tried it.
wow---you are very pathetic....all you do is spew the propaganda that is spewed to you....and anti-AMERICA, SCUM demonRATS, like yourself, bite---hook, line and sinker

So you assume I’m lying because I didn’t answer the way you wanted me to.

Maybe you should pull your head out of your own ass and listen to what people instead of telling them what they think.

What a close-minded idiot.
Read my lips:


I shoot them.

Do we understand each other?
Police were attacked and Ashlii DumbBitch was killed. Does Jan 6 not count in your little world?
no, but i bet the chinese new year celebration means more to you....
does fuck face shumer threatening supreme court justices lives, not count in your fucked up head, er, world?
no, but i bet the chinese new year celebration means more to you....
does fuck face shumer threatening supreme court justices lives, not count in your fucked up head, er, world?
I listened to what Schumer said and it’s quite a stretch even for you Trumpsters.
So you don’t mind that your fellow Trumpsters attacked police that day. Thanks Trumpster.
Why did the police open the locked doors to the capitol so the protestors could enter? Why did Nancy Piglosi deny the assistance of 20,00(not 10,000) National Guard troops offered by President Trump? Why were there FBI agents in with the crowd urging the protestors to go into the building? So many questions, i know the answer, do you?
Why did the police open the locked doors to the capitol so the protestors could enter? Why did Nancy Piglosi deny the assistance of 20,00(not 10,000) National Guard troops offered by President Trump? Why were there FBI agents in with the crowd urging the protestors to go into the building? So many questions, i know the answer, do you?
The answer is that you’re a conspiracy theorist retard.

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