‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman predicts ‘civil war’ if GOP takes control in midterms

Progressive Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman warned of a stark outcome if Republicans take back power in the November midterm elections — one that would “embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.”

During a Saturday interview with MSNBC’s “The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross,” the Bronx-Westchester member of the congressional “Squad” led by socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed Republicans will quickly take action to halt Democratic progress in the investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, saying the House select committee’s findings would be “completely suppressed.”

Bowman also claimed the GOP would “impeach President Biden as quickly as possible and they will continue to find ways to impeach him going forward.”

But Bowman went on to warn that Republicans gaining control of the House and/or Senate would “embolden” dangerous and violent extremists to take further control.

“It would also embolden Republicans and the far right, and white nationalists across the country to begin to believe that it is their time to not just take power in the House, but the Senate, the White House and statehouses across the country,” Bowman said.

“We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the great replacement myth and many other things, and have been pushing for violence and pushing for even civil war, so that is what’s at stake right now in terms of this election,” he warned.

Progs using violent speech to agitate. Go figure.
I think it's slowly dawning on the progressives that the vast majority of the country can't stand their policies and want them out of power before they do more damage.

The ones in safe liberal districts will bluster about "white nationalists" and "the great replacement myth" as Democrats in other areas go down in flames in the midterms! It's gonna be fun to watch.
Polls show no indication of that and the expected victory of Mayra Flores today in a special election in Texas which has been a safe Democratic seat for years would seem to affirm that.

Despite the gun violence and abortions that the vast majority of us will never have, gas prices and inflation are still high and the market is entering recession mode. None of that has changed and that's affecting people right in their own homes, not guns or abortion.
In the immortal words of James Carville..."It's the Economy, Stupid!"
I think it's slowly dawning on the progressives that the vast majority of the country can't stand their policies and want them out of power before they do more damage.

The ones in safe liberal districts will bluster about "white nationalists" and "the great replacement myth" as Democrats in other areas go down in flames in the midterms! It's gonna be fun to watch.
I am at the point where having concern for violence in Blue areas will have less and less importance. But somehow it is the fault of some redneck out in farm country.
Before the Nazis took control of the Reichstag in 1933, around 6 million Germans were unemployed; the German economy was in total collapse, Germany had no international credit rating, and was almost bankrupt from World War 1 reparations payments.

The German people were demotivated, factories were closed from lack of money to pay wages, benefits were cut as the Government had no money to pay them and inflation was spiralling out of control.
Did you know that the Nazi's killed about 6 million Jews? I wonder if there was a relation here.
Before the Nazis took control of the Reichstag in 1933, around 6 million Germans were unemployed; the German economy was in total collapse, Germany had no international credit rating, and was almost bankrupt from World War 1 reparations payments.

The German people were demotivated, factories were closed from lack of money to pay wages, benefits were cut as the Government had no money to pay them and inflation was spiralling out of control.

This isn't 1933 Germany, but that's a creative false equivalency you came up with there.

You are in as much denial as the Trumpeteers were in 2018 when they actually believed they were going to gain more House seats despite what all the polling said because "Hillary! 2016! 98% chance of winning!"

They lost 41.
Well the only time a riot was ever done successfully was in 2000 when your boys stole Florida. Hanging chads, tossed out votes, butterfly ballots, sending it to the right leaning supreme court after stopping the recount by STARTING A RIOT!

See? Violence works sometimes.

Every single count showed Gore lost.
Well, of course, Mr. B. says that a red wave would be dangerous.

It would be dangerous in the sense that maybe the Congress might finally take some action to stop the violent crime wave in our cities.

Yes, it would be dangerous -- for the bad guys!
Joe won't pass any agenda. But that's okay. Guys like Joe will sign common sense legislation that Republicans pass in a bipartisan way.
Guys like Joe are liars... he said he was a moderate when he ran for office and I guess you fell for it...
Well the only time a riot was ever done successfully was in 2000 when your boys stole Florida. Hanging chads, tossed out votes, butterfly ballots, sending it to the right leaning supreme court after stopping the recount by STARTING A RIOT!

See? Violence works sometimes.

^^^Look at this nutty election truther conspiracy theorist!


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