‘Squad’ Rep. Bowman predicts ‘civil war’ if GOP takes control in midterms

Veto pens won't help Joe pass his agenda... and if you think people paying $6 a gal and buying $9 milk care about abortion and guns you are dreaming...
Joe won't pass any agenda. But that's okay. Guys like Joe will sign common sense legislation that Republicans pass in a bipartisan way.
We're just like Trump. It was sad when he did it.

We're all talk though. Trump actually tried it.
hahaha all talk? You think we forget how you tried an insurrection and stop the peaceful transfer of power at his inaugation?

what about when your brownshirts rushed the capitol to stop the Congress from simply conducting hearings of a Judge? More than 200 arrested in D.C. protests on inauguration day

Or firebombing Courts? Or trying to assassinate a judge?

Or when you broke in the Dept of Tres and attempted ot break in the White House?

The list goes on...this is nothing new for the party of the klan, the party of insurrection, the party of the demafascist .
Once again we see the leaders of the Demafacist party pushing and openly encouraging insurrection if the people decide to vote them out of office.


its beyond that... We can't threaten "them" but they can and do threaten us...

typical elitist status quo MO

we also can't lie to Congress

but they lie to us EVERY day... esp the schiffty one.. They literally can say anything they want in front of Congress.. a lie, a threat, politically-oriented gibberish... whatever, but we do not have the same privilege or right or freedom

nice set up

like i have said b4

It is US against them... has been for a long time. They only hate Trump because they KNOW he speaks for US.

hahaha all talk? You think we forget how you tried an insurrection and stop the peaceful transfer of power at his inaugation?

what about when your brownshirts rushed the capitol to stop the Congress from simply conducting hearings of a Judge? More than 200 arrested in D.C. protests on inauguration day

Or firebombing Courts? Or trying to assassinate a judge?

Or when you broke in the Dept of Tres and attempted ot break in the White House?

The list goes on...this is nothing new for the party of the klan, the party of insurrection, the party of the demafascist .

Well the only time a riot was ever done successfully was in 2000 when your boys stole Florida. Hanging chads, tossed out votes, butterfly ballots, sending it to the right leaning supreme court after stopping the recount by STARTING A RIOT!

See? Violence works sometimes.
Progressive Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman warned of a stark outcome if Republicans take back power in the November midterm elections — one that would “embolden” far-right extremists and white nationalists who he claims “have been pushing” for “civil war.”

During a Saturday interview with MSNBC’s “The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross,” the Bronx-Westchester member of the congressional “Squad” led by socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed Republicans will quickly take action to halt Democratic progress in the investigation into the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, saying the House select committee’s findings would be “completely suppressed.”

Bowman also claimed the GOP would “impeach President Biden as quickly as possible and they will continue to find ways to impeach him going forward.”

But Bowman went on to warn that Republicans gaining control of the House and/or Senate would “embolden” dangerous and violent extremists to take further control.

“It would also embolden Republicans and the far right, and white nationalists across the country to begin to believe that it is their time to not just take power in the House, but the Senate, the White House and statehouses across the country,” Bowman said.

“We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the great replacement myth and many other things, and have been pushing for violence and pushing for even civil war, so that is what’s at stake right now in terms of this election,” he warned.

Progs using violent speech to agitate. Go figure.

He's ginning up more leftist terrorism. It's going to be another Summer of Terror, like 2020.
Veto pens won't help Joe pass his agenda... and if you think people paying $6 a gal and buying $9 milk care about abortion and guns you are dreaming...
we always care about abortion (or should)

what if we were in the womb with no guarantee of our life continuing?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

or how about

Thou shalt not commit murder?
Do a search on this Web site and see how many threads have been started or posts made by conservatives talking about a "civil war" coming.
You do know that is in response for the the last decade or more of pure propaganda thrown at White Males and Christians.
hahaha all talk? You think we forget how you tried an insurrection and stop the peaceful transfer of power at his inaugation?

what about when your brownshirts rushed the capitol to stop the Congress from simply conducting hearings of a Judge? More than 200 arrested in D.C. protests on inauguration day

Or firebombing Courts? Or trying to assassinate a judge?

Or when you broke in the Dept of Tres and attempted ot break in the White House?

The list goes on...this is nothing new for the party of the klan, the party of insurrection, the party of the demafascist .
Repubs must respond in kind when they take power. Insurrection can be a broad term now.
Hmmm? 1860, 2022.

Yep, Democrats doing what they do best, foment hate and violence. Same as ever.
It's the same basic fight....then Dems wanted to keep their african-american slaves, now they want to continue to oppress all races with record inflation.
Hmmm? 1860, 2022.

Yep, Democrats doing what they do best, foment hate and violence. Same as ever.
Are you kidding? Republicans are clearly the party for the rich. That's obvious. Yes the rich own both parties but the GOP is the party that, for example, argues that corporations should pay no taxes and for less regulations.

Anyways, I don't think I have to prove that the GOP's economic policies work best for the rich. Any time us Democrats want to discuss income inequality, Republicans refuse to talk about it. So it's clear.

So what do Republicans do to get half of us poor people to vote for them if their economic policies are no good for us? They use social wedge issues. That's right. The rich use god, gays, guns and racism to divide us.

You and me should be voting for the same party economically but instead you vote with Shell Oil lobbyists. Why? Because they own the GOP. And you deny global warming too because you go along with anything the tribe says is true.
LOL the decision on roe vs wade wont end abortion retard,
Liar. You liars may not even realize the years of steps and court decisions that have led us up to where we are right now and if you think this is the end game you're an idiot. They think it's murder dummy.
Always with dramatic and extreme wording.

The Democrats are always saying the conservatives will cause civil war, they will destroy democracy, they are violent and racists extremists, they want to take away freedoms, control us and so on. It's always them going straight to 100 with the most extreme phrasing as possible.

The thing is this new breed of democrat are pretty causing and doing exactly what they accuse republicans of.

It's like they are now exactly what they have been saying republicans are for the past 2 or 3 decades.
Are you kidding? Republicans are clearly the party for the rich. That's obvious. Yes the rich own both parties but the GOP is the party that, for example, argues that corporations should pay no taxes and for less regulations.

Anyways, I don't think I have to prove that the GOP's economic policies work best for the rich. Any time us Democrats want to discuss income inequality, Republicans refuse to talk about it. So it's clear.

So what do Republicans do to get half of us poor people to vote for them if their economic policies are no good for us? They use social wedge issues. That's right. The rich use god, gays, guns and racism to divide us.

You and me should be voting for the same party economically but instead you vote with Shell Oil lobbyists. Why? Because they own the GOP. And you deny global warming too because you go along with anything the tribe says is true.

Want to guess which places have the worst income inequality in the nation?
Well the only time a riot was ever done successfully was in 2000 when your boys stole Florida. Hanging chads, tossed out votes, butterfly ballots, sending it to the right leaning supreme court after stopping the recount by STARTING A RIOT!

See? Violence works sometimes.
hahah yeah that's why Gore decided to challenge the election, take the case to Court and the SCOTUS found in a 7-2 decision that the Dems were attempted to rob FL of their Constitutional rights.

Please.....and comparing a protest outside of a public building to your demafasicst brownshirt insurrections storming the Captiol, firebombing Courthouses, breaking into the Dept of Tres, attemping to break into the White House, while firebombing churches and otehr buildings around it....geez.

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