squirrel in Colorado has tested positive for the bubonic plague...you've been warned

Nothing new. Happens every year. BUT since 2020 is so special and an election year, and people are waking up about this fake assed covid that is just the flu....watch for a new plaque to shut us all down. This may be it.
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Nothing new. Happens every year. BUT since 2020 is so special and an election year, and people are waking up about this fake assed covid that is just the flu....watch for a new plaque to shut us all down. This may be it.

If the PMS/DSA Democrats can play this up they will. They'll be blaming Trump for it. Historically rodents spread the disease through the fleas they shed...

is there hope for humanity?

there hope for humanity?
I have been outdoors a lot, and at times had pus dripping from bug bites, and swollen lymph nodes almost ready to burst, like the alleged Black Death victims of medieval London. I am still alive — and I find that on the other hand people who spend too much time indoors have other health problems such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes, of a more serious nature, much less amenable to recuperation or recovery.
I was down at the Twist & Shout the other night having an adult Beveridge and was told that there is an infestation of Crotch Crickets headin our way... Gonna start growing finger nails cause those little SOB's are itchy...
Bubonic Plague in squirrel, prairie dogs and rodents out west is nothing new. You can get a vaccination against catching it, but that shot is no picnic.
I was down at the Twist & Shout the other night having an adult Beveridge and was told that there is an infestation of Crotch Crickets headin our way... Gonna start growing finger nails cause those little SOB's are itchy...
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Not as big a threat as it was in the 1300's. There are about 7 cases every year in the U.S and it's treatable with antibiotics.

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