St. Josaphat Parish School employee arrested after student hit by bullet at school

Guns are obviously a really bad idea in schools:
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A St. Josaphat Parish School employee was arrested after a student was hit by a bullet at the school.

According to Milwaukee Police, the employee brought a firearm inside the school building on April 5 which then discharged. A 10-year-old student was hit by the bullet, causing a bruise, but the bullet did not penetrate the child's skin.

Milwaukee Police say they were notified about the incident on April 17. The employee was arrested and criminal charges are expected.

And in case you missed this one:
Gun in pocket of 74-year-old substitute teacher discharges in 1st-grade Alabama classroom
A 74-year-old substitute teacher is behind bars after a gun in his pocket discharged inside a first-grade classroom Friday.

The incident happened midday at Blountsville Elementary School, said Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon. Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey said one student was struck by a fragment and checked out by the school nurse.

Luckily nobody was killed, but over 500 are killed in accidental shootings each year. And it's not just the untrained. Even people teaching gun safety accidently shoot people.
Gun range instructor accidentally shoots man during training, police say

More guns aren't the anwer.
A good guy with a gun.......and I still think arming teachers in schools is a TREMENDOUS idea......

A good guy with a gun that shoots a kid? Are you serious?
Guns are obviously a really bad idea in schools:
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A St. Josaphat Parish School employee was arrested after a student was hit by a bullet at the school.

According to Milwaukee Police, the employee brought a firearm inside the school building on April 5 which then discharged. A 10-year-old student was hit by the bullet, causing a bruise, but the bullet did not penetrate the child's skin.

Milwaukee Police say they were notified about the incident on April 17. The employee was arrested and criminal charges are expected.

And in case you missed this one:
Gun in pocket of 74-year-old substitute teacher discharges in 1st-grade Alabama classroom
A 74-year-old substitute teacher is behind bars after a gun in his pocket discharged inside a first-grade classroom Friday.

The incident happened midday at Blountsville Elementary School, said Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon. Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey said one student was struck by a fragment and checked out by the school nurse.

Luckily nobody was killed, but over 500 are killed in accidental shootings each year. And it's not just the untrained. Even people teaching gun safety accidently shoot people.
Gun range instructor accidentally shoots man during training, police say

More guns aren't the anwer.
A good guy with a gun.......and I still think arming teachers in schools is a TREMENDOUS idea......

A good guy with a gun that shoots a kid? Are you serious?
Oh course...aren't they all? Until they're not?
And no one with any brains at all carries a gun in a pocket.

This just illustrates how stupid the people are who are educating your children
It shows how many stupid people carry....


How many accidental discharges by people carrying concealed firearms occur annually ?
It happens all the time. Just go to google news and search.
Americans Who Carry Concealed Weapons Keep Accidentally Shooting Themselves in Public Bathrooms - CityLab
How many times?

That article amounts to nothing but a collection of anecdotes

And excuse me if I don't think City Lab is much of a source

How about the CDC or the FBI?

And remember it's accidental discharges by people carrying concealed weapons not all accidental discharges.
Like I said all the time. Most won't even make the news. But go to google news and search, you will find MANY.
Its like in the hood during special holidays the people in the community shoots bullets into the air with their guns and people are injured or killed but they media does not report it all.
More guns aren't the answer.
If this is true, in my opinion, it is because they end up in the possession of too many people who do not know when they are to be put to action.

God bless you and the true victims always!!!

Guns are obviously a really bad idea in schools:
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A St. Josaphat Parish School employee was arrested after a student was hit by a bullet at the school.

According to Milwaukee Police, the employee brought a firearm inside the school building on April 5 which then discharged. A 10-year-old student was hit by the bullet, causing a bruise, but the bullet did not penetrate the child's skin.

Milwaukee Police say they were notified about the incident on April 17. The employee was arrested and criminal charges are expected.

And in case you missed this one:
Gun in pocket of 74-year-old substitute teacher discharges in 1st-grade Alabama classroom
A 74-year-old substitute teacher is behind bars after a gun in his pocket discharged inside a first-grade classroom Friday.

The incident happened midday at Blountsville Elementary School, said Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon. Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey said one student was struck by a fragment and checked out by the school nurse.

Luckily nobody was killed, but over 500 are killed in accidental shootings each year. And it's not just the untrained. Even people teaching gun safety accidently shoot people.
Gun range instructor accidentally shoots man during training, police say

More guns aren't the anwer.

Considering how many states allow teachers to carry guns already.......and the fact that 17.25 million people already carry guns for self have no point that is based in truth, facts or reality...

Here's what Pa. can do to stop the next school shooting | Opinion

Do we need the shooters to spell it out for us? Some have, including shooters at a Charleston church and at a Colorado movie theater.

In diaries and other statements, they have explicitly stated their intentions to avoid places where people have guns. In 2016, a young Islamic State sympathizer planned a shooting at one of the largest churches in Detroit. The FBI recorded a telephone call where he explained why he had picked the church: "It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church."

We don't have to guess about the logistics of letting teachers carry. In 18 states, teachers and staff are already carrying concealed handguns, though the rules vary greatly.

Utah, with some of the least restrictive rules, has allowed teachers and staff to carry since 1997. There has never been a mass public shooting at an American school that allows concealed carry.

Clark Aposhian, the senior member of Utah's Concealed Firearm Review Board, estimates roughly 5 percent of teachers in his state carry permitted concealed handguns at school.

Aposhian estimates a rate of between 10 percent and 12 percent among support staff . These support staff include janitors, librarians, secretaries, and lunch staff.

Carrying in a school is no different than in a grocery store, movie theater, or restaurant. Over 1.3 million Pennsylvanians have a concealed handgun permit, and nobody knows who is carrying until a need arises. With almost 14 percent of adults having permits, public places are rarely defenseless. Except for schools.

Permit holders have recently stopped dozens of would-be mass public shootings in malls, churches, schools, universities and towns. Still, some people fear the worst. They fear that permit holders won't respond well, and perhaps accidentally shoot an innocent bystander. But that's never happened. Nor has a police officer ever accidentally shot a permit holder.
Guns are obviously a really bad idea in schools:
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A St. Josaphat Parish School employee was arrested after a student was hit by a bullet at the school.

According to Milwaukee Police, the employee brought a firearm inside the school building on April 5 which then discharged. A 10-year-old student was hit by the bullet, causing a bruise, but the bullet did not penetrate the child's skin.

Milwaukee Police say they were notified about the incident on April 17. The employee was arrested and criminal charges are expected.

And in case you missed this one:
Gun in pocket of 74-year-old substitute teacher discharges in 1st-grade Alabama classroom
A 74-year-old substitute teacher is behind bars after a gun in his pocket discharged inside a first-grade classroom Friday.

The incident happened midday at Blountsville Elementary School, said Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon. Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey said one student was struck by a fragment and checked out by the school nurse.

Luckily nobody was killed, but over 500 are killed in accidental shootings each year. And it's not just the untrained. Even people teaching gun safety accidently shoot people.
Gun range instructor accidentally shoots man during training, police say

More guns aren't the anwer.

No..........considering there are close to 600 million guns in private hands, and over 17.25 million people now carry guns for self don't know what you are talking about, your post is not based in truth or reality, yet you continue to post as if you know what you are talking about....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2017 accidental gun death.....486



Fall (Gravity) ...36,338
Struck, by or against...819
Guns are obviously a really bad idea in schools:
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A St. Josaphat Parish School employee was arrested after a student was hit by a bullet at the school.

According to Milwaukee Police, the employee brought a firearm inside the school building on April 5 which then discharged. A 10-year-old student was hit by the bullet, causing a bruise, but the bullet did not penetrate the child's skin.

Milwaukee Police say they were notified about the incident on April 17. The employee was arrested and criminal charges are expected.

And in case you missed this one:
Gun in pocket of 74-year-old substitute teacher discharges in 1st-grade Alabama classroom
A 74-year-old substitute teacher is behind bars after a gun in his pocket discharged inside a first-grade classroom Friday.

The incident happened midday at Blountsville Elementary School, said Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon. Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey said one student was struck by a fragment and checked out by the school nurse.

Luckily nobody was killed, but over 500 are killed in accidental shootings each year. And it's not just the untrained. Even people teaching gun safety accidently shoot people.
Gun range instructor accidentally shoots man during training, police say

More guns aren't the anwer.

And of those accidental deaths? The majority are criminals who can't legally own or carry the guns, and leave them in places they can get to quickly because they are afraid of other criminals.......and then accidents happen.....because most of the time those same criminals are using drugs and alcohol...
And no one with any brains at all carries a gun in a pocket.

This just illustrates how stupid the people are who are educating your children
It shows how many stupid people carry....


How many accidental discharges by people carrying concealed firearms occur annually ?
It happens all the time. Just go to google news and search.
Americans Who Carry Concealed Weapons Keep Accidentally Shooting Themselves in Public Bathrooms - CityLab

17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense....when you get to the 50% number get back to us....
And no one with any brains at all carries a gun in a pocket.

This just illustrates how stupid the people are who are educating your children
It shows how many stupid people carry....


How many accidental discharges by people carrying concealed firearms occur annually ?
Lots if irresponsible owners.
6 times someone accidentally fired a gun in public in Indiana

So far...about 8 people.....that you have news stories for........out of 17.25 million people carrying guns for self really nailed that topic......with about 600 million guns in private hands you again have no rational point to make.....

Cars killed over 38.000 people in 2017.....

So according to you, 6 accidental discharges in bathrooms = take away all 38,000 actual deaths by car must = take away all cars...right?
And no one with any brains at all carries a gun in a pocket.

This just illustrates how stupid the people are who are educating your children
It shows how many stupid people carry....


How many accidental discharges by people carrying concealed firearms occur annually ?
It happens all the time. Just go to google news and search.
Americans Who Carry Concealed Weapons Keep Accidentally Shooting Themselves in Public Bathrooms - CityLab
How many times?

That article amounts to nothing but a collection of anecdotes

And excuse me if I don't think City Lab is much of a source

How about the CDC or the FBI?

And remember it's accidental discharges by people carrying concealed weapons not all accidental discharges.
Like I said all the time. Most won't even make the news. But go to google news and search, you will find MANY.

And since most 1.1 million times guns are used for self defense don't make the news either.....and there are a lot more of those than accidents in bathrooms with guns.....those are lives saved from rape, robbery, kidnapping and murder....
And no one with any brains at all carries a gun in a pocket.

This just illustrates how stupid the people are who are educating your children
It shows how many stupid people carry....


How many accidental discharges by people carrying concealed firearms occur annually ?
Concealed Carry Holder Accidentally Shot Himself In Leg
More anecdotes

So I guess you can't come up with any nationwide numbers huh?
And no one with any brains at all carries a gun in a pocket.

This just illustrates how stupid the people are who are educating your children
It shows how many stupid people carry....


How many accidental discharges by people carrying concealed firearms occur annually ?
Lots if irresponsible owners.
6 times someone accidentally fired a gun in public in Indiana
And no one with any brains at all carries a gun in a pocket.

This just illustrates how stupid the people are who are educating your children
It shows how many stupid people carry....


How many accidental discharges by people carrying concealed firearms occur annually ?
Lots if irresponsible owners.
6 times someone accidentally fired a gun in public in Indiana
OMG 6 times?

How many gun owners live in IN?
Just more examples, they are plentiful.
And yet you can't give me any real statistics because all you can find are random news articles

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