Stalin, Communism and the left wing

Both of these threads are fucking stupid.

Neither the left or right are like Hitler or Stalin.

Bush was bad, Republicans are bad, Obama is worse than Bush and Dems are bad but none are a dictator. Obama is flirting with the ever so minor Dictator like powers but still light years from an actual king.

Other countries might be "right" or "left" for themselves, but they in no way reflect the US. It's mentally retarded to say otherwise.

Your definitions don't matter, real historians have already taken care of that for you.
Why do you Progressives always let someone else do your thinking for you?

Do you know so LITTLE about the USSR that you don't know they had voting?.

Oh yes, everyone was 'free' to vote for who they were damn well told to vote for. You should try reading a whole book once in a while, kid.

I did not say the voting was democracy. I said they had voting. To which you and you're immense intelligence said "Fucking idiot".

Oh, all of a sudden you've changed tact.

You didn't want to admit you were wrong, so you go on the attack yet again. No debate, just more lack of understanding of what actually happened, but you're extremely quick to fire on those who do know what they're talking about.

So do I get an apology? I doubt it very much.

The fact that they had "voting" is cute but immaterial. When there is only one choice is it really voting?
Do you know so LITTLE about the USSR that you don't know they had voting?.

Oh yes, everyone was 'free' to vote for who they were damn well told to vote for. You should try reading a whole book once in a while, kid.

I did not say the voting was democracy. I said they had voting. To which you and you're [sic] immense intelligence said "Fucking idiot".

Oh, all of a sudden you've changed tact...

No change at all. Only a fucking idiot would think that a sham vote means a damn thing. That was the point of the first response, you fucking idiot.
If you are against the state, you don't really make a distinction between them, as 'state socialism', 'state communism', 'fascism', and 'state capitalism' all unfairly restrict civil, economic, and political rights - but in different ways. You get taxed, you get oppressed, and you get wars you don't want to be caught up in. I don't like a 'workers paradise' any more than I don't like a 'capitalist paradise'.
The fact that they had "voting" is cute but immaterial. When there is only one choice is it really voting?

Well they probably had more than one choice, though everyone would have been from the same party but might have been from different factions.

However in the US how much choice is there? Everyone votes for two parties, who appear almost the same but spend their whole time making themselves look really different with issues that are of a lower level than the bread and butter of daily life.

I'm finding more similarities than I would like between the voting in the USSR and the USA.
The fact that they had "voting" is cute but immaterial. When there is only one choice is it really voting?

Well they probably had more than one choice, though everyone would have been from the same party but might have been from different factions.

However in the US how much choice is there? Everyone votes for two parties, who appear almost the same but spend their whole time making themselves look really different with issues that are of a lower level than the bread and butter of daily life.

I'm finding more similarities than I would like between the voting in the USSR and the USA.

There is more than a smidgen of truth to this statement. Slowly but surely the US is becoming a progressive nightmare. They have been working on dismantling this country for decades now. There is no doubt of that.
The problem is the left equates American conservatism to "far right" which it is not, not by a long shot. Conservatives are really centrists that dispise big government, whether it be a socialist/communist/atheist left wing type, or a religious extremist/Taliban/Fascist type.

Progressives on the far left simply see anyone not in their lane as "far right", which is why you see them compare Republicans to Islamists.
Just like how Islamists see all Americans as "infidels", they make no distinction between atheists and Christians conservatives.
Keep this handy, show it to a Progressive

Right Wing = minimum government, maximum individual Liberty

Left Wing = Maximum Government, minimum individual liberty
Do you know so LITTLE about the USSR that you don't know they had voting?.

Oh yes, everyone was 'free' to vote for who they were damn well told to vote for. You should try reading a whole book once in a while, kid.

I did not say the voting was democracy. I said they had voting. To which you and you're [sic] immense intelligence said "Fucking idiot".

Oh, all of a sudden you've changed tact...

No change at all. Only a fucking idiot would think that a sham vote means a damn thing. That was the point of the first response, you fucking idiot.
What do you think we have in this country? Sham voting is a pretty good description.
Perhaps the best method to slow a people's or nation's progress is to bring in religion. Seems the more religious the government can keep the nation, the less progress.
Perhaps the best method to slow a people's or nation's progress is to bring in religion. Seems the more religious the government can keep the nation, the less progress.
Communists were by far antireligious, they hated Church and all that was connected with it (folk culture in Russia, for example). However USSR couldn't compete with other countries over the course of time. Also, antireligion ideology influenced them for constructing anti-humanity net of prisons (GULAG) similar that was in Germany for jews, but in USSR it was for inner (not for enemies with guns) people.
During the past week or so, there has been a fascinating discussion on the thread 'Hitler, Fascism and the right wing'.

Fascinating largely because quite a few extremely right-wing posters argued against the classic dictionary definition of Fascism of being an extreme right-wing ideology, and instead attempt to define it as being socialist. This proved particularly challenging in economies such as Franco's Spain, Antonesu's Romania and Ustache Croatia, which embodied right-wing ideals of partnership with the church, capitalism and an emphasis on tradition and historical greatness.

I thought it might now be interesting to move on to the left wing.

There have been a LOT of left-wing dictatorships, but I think the Cold War regimes of USSR, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Mao's China, Ho Chi Minh's Viet Nam and FSLN Nicaragua make for interesting discussion. There is also modern day Belarus and North Korea to consider.

What is your opinion of these regimes, and what differences do you see between them?

Does anyone see anything at all positive in left-wing extremism?
"fascinating" is not a term I'd use for this thread.
Left Wing = Maximum Government, minimum individual liberty
Minimum liberty is not necessary the best choice because men are not perfect and tend to harm each other
Oh, i've mistaken( not minimum, but maximum.

But history shows us that the Progressives governments inflict the most damage on unarmed citizens; they murder in the hundreds of millions
Of course, maybe these governments grew up from the too free societies? With a wrong regulation?..
The fact that they had "voting" is cute but immaterial. When there is only one choice is it really voting?

Well they probably had more than one choice, though everyone would have been from the same party but might have been from different factions.

However in the US how much choice is there? Everyone votes for two parties, who appear almost the same but spend their whole time making themselves look really different with issues that are of a lower level than the bread and butter of daily life.

I'm finding more similarities than I would like between the voting in the USSR and the USA.

There is more than a smidgen of truth to this statement. Slowly but surely the US is becoming a progressive nightmare. They have been working on dismantling this country for decades now. There is no doubt of that.

Problem is you seem to be blaming the wrong people.

You're actually supporting the people who are causing all the problems by playing the partisan game.
Keep this handy, show it to a Progressive

Right Wing = minimum government, maximum individual Liberty

Left Wing = Maximum Government, minimum individual liberty

Maximum liberty = no abortions, no alcohol, no drugs, no jay-walking, no sex, no decent education, however there are lots of wars to scare you into accepting draconian measures with lots of spying, lots of controls on what you can and can't do.

Yeah right.
Keep this handy, show it to a Progressive

Right Wing = minimum government, maximum individual Liberty

Left Wing = Maximum Government, minimum individual liberty

Maximum liberty = no abortions, no alcohol, no drugs, no jay-walking, no sex, no decent education, however there are lots of wars to scare you into accepting draconian measures with lots of spying, lots of controls on what you can and can't do.

Yeah right.

I'm sorry, what were you saying. Your post reads like jibberish totally unrelated to what I wrote, care to try again?
Keep this handy, show it to a Progressive

Right Wing = minimum government, maximum individual Liberty

Left Wing = Maximum Government, minimum individual liberty

Maximum liberty = no abortions, no alcohol, no drugs, no jay-walking, no sex, no decent education, however there are lots of wars to scare you into accepting draconian measures with lots of spying, lots of controls on what you can and can't do.

Yeah right.

I'm sorry, what were you saying. Your post reads like jibberish totally unrelated to what I wrote, care to try again?

No, if you can't read what's the point?

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