Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!


The government collects billions of dollars a year for roads. States collect billions more where has all that money gone that our roads are in such bad shape?

We have been throwing money at schools for years and yet our education system was best before the DOE when the states had control.

Letting people keep more of their own money is not a problem except for people like you who can't stand the fact that other people have more than you.

If you wanted your family to be wealthy you could do it. In fact a small family working together for just 2 generations could amass a substantial fortune even on modest means.

You take the fact that people won't do it as that it can't be done.

You of course are wrong.

We aren't spending nearly enough on roads, guy. That's the problem.

U.S. infrastructure spending has plummeted since 2008

Man, you are one stupid fuck. I mean, seriously, how do you go through life being this stupid?

"I got mine, fuck you!" The attitude of the modern GOP, and they wonder why they get knifed by some kid who turned to crime because no one taught him how to read!

"But at least I gots my gun! ANd we ain't a bunch of Socialists like them Europeans!"
2 years with no raises at all, then about a 6-7% raise in year 3. Profit sharing had averaged $2200/year (paid quarterly)...and it's gone. The union I'm in redefines "useless"...basically, all the ones running the local are ex-UPS. Since we're not UPS, they flat don't give a shit!

But I thought Joe said the unions exist to help the workers, and without a union they will be victimized by the 1%ers!!!

sounds to me like he is being victimized by the 1%ers...

But he likes to blamet he union, I guess. Right after he starts smoking the ditch weed.

Frankly, a 7% raise in year 3 sounds pretty good. certainly above where inflation was.

But Wrenchy, he ain't so good at the math.

Sounds to me like the collective bargaining cost him $2,200 year. It also sounds like it destroyed a great incentive to work harder & smarter.

The government collects billions of dollars a year for roads. States collect billions more where has all that money gone that our roads are in such bad shape?

We have been throwing money at schools for years and yet our education system was best before the DOE when the states had control.

Letting people keep more of their own money is not a problem except for people like you who can't stand the fact that other people have more than you.

If you wanted your family to be wealthy you could do it. In fact a small family working together for just 2 generations could amass a substantial fortune even on modest means.

You take the fact that people won't do it as that it can't be done.

You of course are wrong.

We aren't spending nearly enough on roads, guy. That's the problem.

U.S. infrastructure spending has plummeted since 2008

Man, you are one stupid fuck. I mean, seriously, how do you go through life being this stupid?

"I got mine, fuck you!" The attitude of the modern GOP, and they wonder why they get knifed by some kid who turned to crime because no one taught him how to read!

"But at least I gots my gun! ANd we ain't a bunch of Socialists like them Europeans!"

Jeez, and you have the gall to accuse others of parroting talking points.

How did the kid not learn to read? Did he not want to learn to read? Did his parents not instill any drive to learn in him? All 3 of my kids were reading before kindergarten. But you want to blame someone else for it because they kept their nose to the grindstone and worked? lol

The infrastructure is in the shape its in for one main reason. The politicians want something they can point at and claim credit for. There is no glory in maintaining an infrastructure. In fact, it often takes longer to complete than the politician will be in office.

Also, at one time there were various civilian corps workers who did major public works projects. Knw who throws a fit if we try that now?? Unions.

The government collects billions of dollars a year for roads. States collect billions more where has all that money gone that our roads are in such bad shape?

We have been throwing money at schools for years and yet our education system was best before the DOE when the states had control.

Letting people keep more of their own money is not a problem except for people like you who can't stand the fact that other people have more than you.

If you wanted your family to be wealthy you could do it. In fact a small family working together for just 2 generations could amass a substantial fortune even on modest means.

You take the fact that people won't do it as that it can't be done.

You of course are wrong.

We aren't spending nearly enough on roads, guy. That's the problem.

U.S. infrastructure spending has plummeted since 2008

Man, you are one stupid fuck. I mean, seriously, how do you go through life being this stupid?

"I got mine, fuck you!" The attitude of the modern GOP, and they wonder why they get knifed by some kid who turned to crime because no one taught him how to read!

"But at least I gots my gun! ANd we ain't a bunch of Socialists like them Europeans!"

We collect billions in gas taxes. We don't need more taxes we need to know where all that money goes.

Only a moron like you would say we have to let the government and the puppets take more of our money when we have no accounting of where the billions in gas taxes are going.

And this has nothing to do with guns. I never mentioned socialism or Europe so quit with the histrionics.

Sounds to me like the collective bargaining cost him $2,200 year. It also sounds like it destroyed a great incentive to work harder & smarter.

Frankly, reading Wrenchy's Posts, he sounds like 'Employee most likely to go on a shooting rampage".

Frankly, if I got a 7% raise, it would be more than $2200, and I'm woefully underpaid at my current job.

We collect billions in gas taxes. We don't need more taxes we need to know where all that money goes.

Only a moron like you would say we have to let the government and the puppets take more of our money when we have no accounting of where the billions in gas taxes are going.

And this has nothing to do with guns. I never mentioned socialism or Europe so quit with the histrionics.

Again, Check out the link. As a percentage of GDP, infrastructure spending has dropped.

And, no, I don't want them to take more of "Our" money.

I want the 1%ers to pay their fair share. I'd get rid of gasoline taxes because frankly, that's a regressive tax on working people.

But dumbasses like you support tax cuts for the wealthy and wonder why you are paying more fora gallon of gas.

You just aren't very bright, are you?
On gasoline alone the government collects 7.56 in taxes on each of the 8.71 million barrels of gasoline used in the US every day

That's 65.85 million dollars EVERY DAY collected for roads.

On diesel the tax collected is 9.40 per barrel on each of the 3 million barrels used daily

That's another 28.2 million collected EVERY DAY

Now add in state taxes, tolls, excise taxes and every other tax that is supposed to be for roads and tell me we need to collect more.

The government collects billions of dollars a year for roads. States collect billions more where has all that money gone that our roads are in such bad shape?

We have been throwing money at schools for years and yet our education system was best before the DOE when the states had control.

Letting people keep more of their own money is not a problem except for people like you who can't stand the fact that other people have more than you.

If you wanted your family to be wealthy you could do it. In fact a small family working together for just 2 generations could amass a substantial fortune even on modest means.

You take the fact that people won't do it as that it can't be done.

You of course are wrong.

We aren't spending nearly enough on roads, guy. That's the problem.

U.S. infrastructure spending has plummeted since 2008

Man, you are one stupid fuck. I mean, seriously, how do you go through life being this stupid?

"I got mine, fuck you!" The attitude of the modern GOP, and they wonder why they get knifed by some kid who turned to crime because no one taught him how to read!

"But at least I gots my gun! ANd we ain't a bunch of Socialists like them Europeans!"

You have mentioned guns on several occasions in this thread, despite the fact that they have nothing to do with this topic? Why is that? Is this just more of your parroting certain talking points?

We collect billions in gas taxes. We don't need more taxes we need to know where all that money goes.

Only a moron like you would say we have to let the government and the puppets take more of our money when we have no accounting of where the billions in gas taxes are going.

And this has nothing to do with guns. I never mentioned socialism or Europe so quit with the histrionics.

Again, Check out the link. As a percentage of GDP, infrastructure spending has dropped.

And, no, I don't want them to take more of "Our" money.

I want the 1%ers to pay their fair share. I'd get rid of gasoline taxes because frankly, that's a regressive tax on working people.

But dumbasses like you support tax cuts for the wealthy and wonder why you are paying more fora gallon of gas.

You just aren't very bright, are you?

First Idiot, tell me where all the money collected for roads is being spent before you ask for more.

You really are a moron when it comes to money so I will not take advice from you. Shit you're stupid enough to think that a CD is a good retirement savings vehicle.

Sounds to me like the collective bargaining cost him $2,200 year. It also sounds like it destroyed a great incentive to work harder & smarter.

Frankly, reading Wrenchy's Posts, he sounds like 'Employee most likely to go on a shooting rampage".

Frankly, if I got a 7% raise, it would be more than $2200, and I'm woefully underpaid at my current job.

I am not simply talking about dollar value. I am talking about incentives to create a better business. I am talking about taking responsibility for the production.
On gasoline alone the government collects 7.56 in taxes on each of the 8.71 million barrels of gasoline used in the US every day

That's 65.85 million dollars EVERY DAY collected for roads.

On diesel the tax collected is 9.40 per barrel on each of the 3 million barrels used daily

That's another 28.2 million collected EVERY DAY

Now add in state taxes, tolls, excise taxes and every other tax that is supposed to be for roads and tell me we need to collect more.

Okay, 66 million a day. times 365 days- that's 24 billion.

That really isn't all that much for all the roads we have- including bridges and stuff.

We need to collect more. Again, I'd be happy to get rid of the gasoline taxes and tolls (which are very inefficient ways of collecting revenue) and just go to straight up collecting them in income taxes. I've explained this to you twice now, but you seem a tad dense.
On gasoline alone the government collects 7.56 in taxes on each of the 8.71 million barrels of gasoline used in the US every day

That's 65.85 million dollars EVERY DAY collected for roads.

On diesel the tax collected is 9.40 per barrel on each of the 3 million barrels used daily

That's another 28.2 million collected EVERY DAY

Now add in state taxes, tolls, excise taxes and every other tax that is supposed to be for roads and tell me we need to collect more.

Okay, 66 million a day. times 365 days- that's 24 billion.

That really isn't all that much for all the roads we have- including bridges and stuff.

We need to collect more. Again, I'd be happy to get rid of the gasoline taxes and tolls (which are very inefficient ways of collecting revenue) and just go to straight up collecting them in income taxes. I've explained this to you twice now, but you seem a tad dense.

How many years has that money been collected? And do not forget about the states. Most states have higher gas taxes than the fed.

We do not need more taxes for roads. We need to know where all this money is going.

And a thick asshole like you calling anyone else dense is hilarious.
On gasoline alone the government collects 7.56 in taxes on each of the 8.71 million barrels of gasoline used in the US every day

That's 65.85 million dollars EVERY DAY collected for roads.

On diesel the tax collected is 9.40 per barrel on each of the 3 million barrels used daily

That's another 28.2 million collected EVERY DAY

Now add in state taxes, tolls, excise taxes and every other tax that is supposed to be for roads and tell me we need to collect more.

Okay, 66 million a day. times 365 days- that's 24 billion.

That really isn't all that much for all the roads we have- including bridges and stuff.

We need to collect more. Again, I'd be happy to get rid of the gasoline taxes and tolls (which are very inefficient ways of collecting revenue) and just go to straight up collecting them in income taxes. I've explained this to you twice now, but you seem a tad dense.

No, that would be a little over $34 billion in federal taxes. But feel free to critique his math skills again. lol
On gasoline alone the government collects 7.56 in taxes on each of the 8.71 million barrels of gasoline used in the US every day

That's 65.85 million dollars EVERY DAY collected for roads.

On diesel the tax collected is 9.40 per barrel on each of the 3 million barrels used daily

That's another 28.2 million collected EVERY DAY

Now add in state taxes, tolls, excise taxes and every other tax that is supposed to be for roads and tell me we need to collect more.

Okay, 66 million a day. times 365 days- that's 24 billion.

That really isn't all that much for all the roads we have- including bridges and stuff.

We need to collect more. Again, I'd be happy to get rid of the gasoline taxes and tolls (which are very inefficient ways of collecting revenue) and just go to straight up collecting them in income taxes. I've explained this to you twice now, but you seem a tad dense.

Ok, so the federal gov't collects $94 million per day in fuel taxes to pay for roadways. That comes to $34.3 billion per year.

There are 47,714 miles in the federal interstate system. That means they collect $136 per foot of interstate.

The entire interstate system is estimated to have cost $425 billion to build. The federal gov't collects that much every 12.4 years. In other words, they collect enough money to completely build the entire interstate system every 12.4 years.

The entire federal highway system (including state roads that are a critical part of the roadway system) totals 160,000 miles. The federal taxes collected for roadways comes to around $40 per foot of road.
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But we have digressed, yet again, from the topic of whether or not a union should be exempt from laws against stalking & harassment?

Are the laws not serious? Are they not designed to protect people? Is there some idea that people never need protection from unions? Of course, if this were the case, why would they want the exemption?
But we have digressed, yet again, from the topic of whether or not a union should be exempt from laws against stalking & harassment?

Are the laws not serious? Are they not designed to protect people? Is there some idea that people never need protection from unions? Of course, if this were the case, why would they want the exemption?

Gee, maybe they'd want an exemption because Ms. Kneepads might provoke an incident in a resturant and then claim she was being "stalked"...

Oh, wait, she totally did that.
I think corporate executives should be exempt from the laws everyone else follows. The economy would be much better if they were.

They also should pay a lower tax rate because they're job creators, and generally superior to other people, especially workers.
I think corporate executives should be exempt from the laws everyone else follows. The economy would be much better if they were.

They also should pay a lower tax rate because they're job creators, and generally superior to other people, especially workers.

That's fine. As long as we can mass imprison them when there's an economic crash...

Works for me.

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