Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!


It was thrown out because the union thugs get an exemption from the law that they probably got by paying off some corrupt political puppet.

Intimidation tactics are an established M.O. of unions and is well documented.

And that's a bad thing, why?

Or is intimidation only okay when the 1%ers do it.

"Hey, Bob, we need you to come in this weekend!"

"But I have my kid's soccer game!"

"Well, your kid won't be able to play soccer if his dad loses his job!"

Yeah that's the same as threatening physical violence or stalking someone's kids.

And the kid will be just fine if daddy misses an occasional soccer game.

Yeah, keep laughing. But fewer and fewer people these days are sympathetic to thugs and bullies. Look at union membership numbers. They have been falling steadily. Look at the places that had workers vote NOT to bring in the unions. Those have been rising steadily.

More and more people are fed up with the bullies. Oh, and the 10 union thugs were indicted in the Quaker Meetinghouse terrorism. At least some of them will do time.

They've been falling because big corporations have been making war on them.

Of course, what these dumbasses fail to realize is that the lack of union won't stop the abuses, just make them worse.

I doubt a one of those guys will do time.

Yeah, keep laughing. But fewer and fewer people these days are sympathetic to thugs and bullies. Look at union membership numbers. They have been falling steadily. Look at the places that had workers vote NOT to bring in the unions. Those have been rising steadily.

More and more people are fed up with the bullies. Oh, and the 10 union thugs were indicted in the Quaker Meetinghouse terrorism. At least some of them will do time.

They've been falling because big corporations have been making war on them.

Of course, what these dumbasses fail to realize is that the lack of union won't stop the abuses, just make them worse.

I doubt a one of those guys will do time.

I understand that they are your heros, and that you don't mind that they are violent criminals. But the laws should be the same for everyone. Giving anyone exceptions makes the laws weaker.

I understand that they are your heros, and that you don't mind that they are violent criminals. But the laws should be the same for everyone. Giving anyone exceptions makes the laws weaker.

George Washington was a "violent criminal" by the definition you've just given...

Don't even attempt to make that comparison.

The guys indicted in PA threatened workers, slashed tires, burned an entire building, and destroyed work.

And they did not do it for freedom. They did it to intimidate or punish those who would not fall in line and do what they were told.

The work site in the OP has a mix of both union and non-union workers. But that isn't good enough for these thugs. Either everybody is paying union dues or people get hurt.

Yeah, keep laughing. But fewer and fewer people these days are sympathetic to thugs and bullies. Look at union membership numbers. They have been falling steadily. Look at the places that had workers vote NOT to bring in the unions. Those have been rising steadily.

More and more people are fed up with the bullies. Oh, and the 10 union thugs were indicted in the Quaker Meetinghouse terrorism. At least some of them will do time.

They've been falling because big corporations have been making war on them.

Of course, what these dumbasses fail to realize is that the lack of union won't stop the abuses, just make them worse.

I doubt a one of those guys will do time.

You have said you would condemn the union thugs if they crossed the line. But considering the actions you have defended, I have to ask you where you think the line is?
2 years with no raises at all, then about a 6-7% raise in year 3. Profit sharing had averaged $2200/year (paid quarterly)...and it's gone. The union I'm in redefines "useless"...basically, all the ones running the local are ex-UPS. Since we're not UPS, they flat don't give a shit!

But I thought Joe said the unions exist to help the workers, and without a union they will be victimized by the 1%ers!!!

sounds to me like he is being victimized by the 1%ers...

But he likes to blamet he union, I guess. Right after he starts smoking the ditch weed.

Frankly, a 7% raise in year 3 sounds pretty good. certainly above where inflation was.

But Wrenchy, he ain't so good at the math.

Pot, meet kettle.

I guess I need to use smaller words for the slow kid: I had gotten a raise (4-5%) every year since starting. I got NOTHING for two, 6.4% (I checked my pay stubs) in year three...and at the same time, LOST $6600 in profit sharing in those three years! (I also lost the payout for unused sick time, which I only got back last year.) The union is as useful as teats on a bull...making it almost as useless as you, Joey!

Yeah, keep laughing. But fewer and fewer people these days are sympathetic to thugs and bullies. Look at union membership numbers. They have been falling steadily. Look at the places that had workers vote NOT to bring in the unions. Those have been rising steadily.

More and more people are fed up with the bullies. Oh, and the 10 union thugs were indicted in the Quaker Meetinghouse terrorism. At least some of them will do time.

They've been falling because big corporations have been making war on them.

Of course, what these dumbasses fail to realize is that the lack of union won't stop the abuses, just make them worse.

I doubt a one of those guys will do time.

You have said you would condemn the union thugs if they crossed the line. But considering the actions you have defended, I have to ask you where you think the line is?

Criticizing Obama.
Don't even attempt to make that comparison.

The guys indicted in PA threatened workers, slashed tires, burned an entire building, and destroyed work.

And they did not do it for freedom. They did it to intimidate or punish those who would not fall in line and do what they were told.

The work site in the OP has a mix of both union and non-union workers. But that isn't good enough for these thugs. Either everybody is paying union dues or people get hurt.

George Washington killed soldiers doing their bit for King and Country because he wanted to keep his slaves and not pay his taxes.

And frankly, 2 million Tories fled to Canada after the Revolution.

Again- One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

It's why Bin Laden was a Freedom Fighter when he was killing Russians before they did something radical like teach girls to read, but a Terrorist when he was knocking down skyscrapers.

So let's fold up the pomposity and stow it.

I frankly think the dignity of the working man and the American Middle Class is still something worth fighting for. I'm sorry you don't, but hey, you're from the South, so it must be a learning disability.

"yup, yup, CLeetus, I'm fighting to work harder for less money!"
Don't even attempt to make that comparison.

The guys indicted in PA threatened workers, slashed tires, burned an entire building, and destroyed work.

And they did not do it for freedom. They did it to intimidate or punish those who would not fall in line and do what they were told.

The work site in the OP has a mix of both union and non-union workers. But that isn't good enough for these thugs. Either everybody is paying union dues or people get hurt.

George Washington killed soldiers doing their bit for King and Country because he wanted to keep his slaves and not pay his taxes.

And frankly, 2 million Tories fled to Canada after the Revolution.

Again- One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

It's why Bin Laden was a Freedom Fighter when he was killing Russians before they did something radical like teach girls to read, but a Terrorist when he was knocking down skyscrapers.

So let's fold up the pomposity and stow it.

I frankly think the dignity of the working man and the American Middle Class is still something worth fighting for. I'm sorry you don't, but hey, you're from the South, so it must be a learning disability.

"yup, yup, CLeetus, I'm fighting to work harder for less money!"

Yeah, tell us all about how you want to save the working man.

Funny, but it doesn't seem to be every working man. It is only the working man with a union card. The guys who worked on that apartment job were threatened and some got beaten. You don't seem worried about them. I grew up middle class. I'd say I'm going to die middle class. But I can make my own living without having some thug threaten, stalk, or beat someone up to get me a few dollars more an hour.

Washington fought to build a free country. He didn't fight to avoid paying taxes. He fought to have representation along with taxation. The taxes were higher AFTER the war.

And the southern thing, you might want to try a new tack. I have pointed out so many errors in your logic or argument, that calling me learning disabled is insulting yourself.
Just Google Union intimidation and see what these thugs are like.

It's time we applied the law equally to these assholes.

Just as soon as we apply the law equally to Plutocrats and business owners.

If the 1% want a pissing contest with the rest of us, we'll see who gets wet.

So are your kids fair game too? How about your wife? Can a business owner follow you around all day and shout obscenities at you?


Yeah, they are usually called your boss......

Yeah, tell us all about how you want to save the working man.

Funny, but it doesn't seem to be every working man. It is only the working man with a union card. The guys who worked on that apartment job were threatened and some got beaten. You don't seem worried about them. I grew up middle class. I'd say I'm going to die middle class. But I can make my own living without having some thug threaten, stalk, or beat someone up to get me a few dollars more an hour.

You cross a picket line, you deserve whatever happens to you. sorry, that's just the way it is. And I've never belonged to a union. Certainly wish I did after dealing with "adventures in bad management".

The picket line is clearly marked, you don't cross it. If you do, you're a scab, and frankly, should be treated the same way as if you broke into someone's house and tried to help yourself to his TV set.


Washington fought to build a free country. He didn't fight to avoid paying taxes. He fought to have representation along with taxation. The taxes were higher AFTER the war.

Washington and the rest of the FOunding Fathers were assholes. Rich assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share. But you are right. Taxes did go up on working folks, and folks who fought in the war and found the land they were promised sold to land speculators. Suckers!!!

Thank God Washington saved us from being Canadians! THen we'd have universal health care! And we'd like Hockey!

And the southern thing, you might want to try a new tack. I have pointed out so many errors in your logic or argument, that calling me learning disabled is insulting yourself.

You come from a part of the country that fought a futile war so a few rich assholes could keep raping their slaves. And you still act like that's something to be proud of.

Fuck, man, Germans are STILL apologizing for the whole Nazi thing. Smart people know when to apologize for something stupid. Southerners. "Well, Gee, Cleetus, let's fly dat der Confederate Flag!"

Yeah, tell us all about how you want to save the working man.

Funny, but it doesn't seem to be every working man. It is only the working man with a union card. The guys who worked on that apartment job were threatened and some got beaten. You don't seem worried about them. I grew up middle class. I'd say I'm going to die middle class. But I can make my own living without having some thug threaten, stalk, or beat someone up to get me a few dollars more an hour.

You cross a picket line, you deserve whatever happens to you. sorry, that's just the way it is. And I've never belonged to a union. Certainly wish I did after dealing with "adventures in bad management".

The picket line is clearly marked, you don't cross it. If you do, you're a scab, and frankly, should be treated the same way as if you broke into someone's house and tried to help yourself to his TV set.


Back in the day unions were all about making sure the workers were paid decently, weren't cheated, and that the safety was observed.

What do they do now? They got the laws changed, and I applaud them for that. But now the best they can hope to do is cause trouble to get a worker a couple of dollars an hour more pay. They are notthe noble cause anymore. In fact, I have had them fight me on safety issues because they want control, not because they want workers safe.

Those guys were picketing because they wanted every worker to be a union man. So what they were doing was trying to take work away from honest, hard working, middle class guys and give the jobs to their union cronies. They were the ones breaking in and trying to steal.

If the picket line is legit, I will honor it. But it damn sure has to be something more than wanting all the workers to be union. I have crossed those picket lines before and I will do it again. I did it in 2012 when a local union tried to shut down powerline work. The company started splitting the work between union and non-union crews after the union was caught falsifying safety training records. The union pitched a fit and called for a strike. They lost.

Washington fought to build a free country. He didn't fight to avoid paying taxes. He fought to have representation along with taxation. The taxes were higher AFTER the war.

Washington and the rest of the FOunding Fathers were assholes. Rich assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share. But you are right. Taxes did go up on working folks, and folks who fought in the war and found the land they were promised sold to land speculators. Suckers!!!

Thank God Washington saved us from being Canadians! THen we'd have universal health care! And we'd like Hockey!

The founding fathers wanted representation for their taxation. They were willing to pay the taxes, and they did.

Feel free to go be a canadian. Perhaps you will find out why the rich ones come here for their medical care.
And the southern thing, you might want to try a new tack. I have pointed out so many errors in your logic or argument, that calling me learning disabled is insulting yourself.

You come from a part of the country that fought a futile war so a few rich assholes could keep raping their slaves. And you still act like that's something to be proud of.

Fuck, man, Germans are STILL apologizing for the whole Nazi thing. Smart people know when to apologize for something stupid. Southerners. "Well, Gee, Cleetus, let's fly dat der Confederate Flag!"

Yep, there are still some rednecks that talk about the civil war and wave the flag. Have you seen me do that? Or have you seen me condemn the confederacy on these forums?

You really are an obstinate dumbass. But if it makes you feel better to pretend superiority via geography, you go right ahead. Intellectually I have whipped you like a redheaded step-child.

Washington fought to build a free country. He didn't fight to avoid paying taxes. He fought to have representation along with taxation. The taxes were higher AFTER the war.

Washington and the rest of the FOunding Fathers were assholes. Rich assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share. But you are right. Taxes did go up on working folks, and folks who fought in the war and found the land they were promised sold to land speculators. Suckers!!!

Thank God Washington saved us from being Canadians! THen we'd have universal health care! And we'd like Hockey!

The founding fathers wanted representation for their taxation. They were willing to pay the taxes, and they did.

Feel free to go be a canadian. Perhaps you will find out why the rich ones come here for their medical care.

The rich ones come here. Meanwhile, Poor Americans sneak into Canada to get prescription drugs.

And there are fare more of the latter than the former.

"Oh my Gosh, these socialists want me to share a hospital room with a poor person! How Crude!!!"

Yep, there are still some rednecks that talk about the civil war and wave the flag. Have you seen me do that? Or have you seen me condemn the confederacy on these forums?

You really are an obstinate dumbass. But if it makes you feel better to pretend superiority via geography, you go right ahead. Intellectually I have whipped you like a redheaded step-child.

No, CLeetus, you really didn't. And sorry, there are a lot of you dumbasses who fly the confederate flag like that's something to be proud of. And, no, I've never seen you on one of htese threads where the rednecks are being proud of themselves.


Back in the day unions were all about making sure the workers were paid decently, weren't cheated, and that the safety was observed.

What do they do now? They got the laws changed, and I applaud them for that. But now the best they can hope to do is cause trouble to get a worker a couple of dollars an hour more pay. They are notthe noble cause anymore. In fact, I have had them fight me on safety issues because they want control, not because they want workers safe.

Those guys were picketing because they wanted every worker to be a union man. So what they were doing was trying to take work away from honest, hard working, middle class guys and give the jobs to their union cronies. They were the ones breaking in and trying to steal.

If the picket line is legit, I will honor it. But it damn sure has to be something more than wanting all the workers to be union. I have crossed those picket lines before and I will do it again. I did it in 2012 when a local union tried to shut down powerline work. The company started splitting the work between union and non-union crews after the union was caught falsifying safety training records. The union pitched a fit and called for a strike. They lost.

Right. Because the Company wouldn't try to claim they were "falsifying" documentation in order to hire scab outfits, would they. Companies being ethical paragons and all that.

You cross a picket line, you deserve a beating. Period. Because again, this is the chart.


You can slit your own throat, but when you try to slit mine, I'm going to object.

Yep, there are still some rednecks that talk about the civil war and wave the flag. Have you seen me do that? Or have you seen me condemn the confederacy on these forums?

You really are an obstinate dumbass. But if it makes you feel better to pretend superiority via geography, you go right ahead. Intellectually I have whipped you like a redheaded step-child.

No, CLeetus, you really didn't. And sorry, there are a lot of you dumbasses who fly the confederate flag like that's something to be proud of. And, no, I've never seen you on one of htese threads where the rednecks are being proud of themselves.

But you have no problem lumping me in with them. Just like you had no problem lumping me in with the rightwingers. Or just like you had no problem lumping me in with whatever group you thought you could insult. YOu have ofered very little in the way of argument or debate, and plenty of attempted insults. I find it amusing that you think that counts for something.

But you have no problem lumping me in with them. Just like you had no problem lumping me in with the rightwingers. Or just like you had no problem lumping me in with whatever group you thought you could insult. YOu have ofered very little in the way of argument or debate, and plenty of attempted insults. I find it amusing that you think that counts for something.

Frankly, as long as you take the side of the enemy, that's how I'll treat you.

Working folks/ 1%ers.

Either your with us, or you're against us.

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