Stalking is legal? If you're in a union, sure!


Yeah all we have is your dubious word on that.

But your questionable veracity aside you can't see that you are projecting your perception of this one guy onto everyone because you're an idiot.

No, I j ust point out that we need unions and strong worker protections because douchebags like this become managers and no one wants to admit they made a mistake by promoting him to start with.

And this wasn't even the worst manager I worked for.

Why do we need unions? The thuggery aside, what do they do now that cannot be done in different ways?

And what worker protections do you want?? Should an employer not be able to fire a worker? Most of the protections that the unions wanted back in the day have become laws. OSHA and the Labor Depts protect workers from safety problems and from being ripped off.

I can tell you what one issue you have that may have been a root cause of some of your employment problems.

If you see the employer as the enemy, that will show. You don't have to say it. But your hatred of the 1%ers and your willingness to lump everyone together would mean your attitude would show how you feel. I doubt any employer wants to cultivate an employee that hates him. It is counterproductive. Also, the attitude can poison the workplace. It doesn't take many people with that sort of attitude to ruin it for everyone. I have seen it happen.

So take at least a little responsibility for what happened in your life. After all, it IS your life.

Actually, I've worked for the current company for six years. Worked for the Douchebag for six years before that. 12 years and two employers. Trust me, I have a side business where I write resumes for people, most folks have up to four employers in that same time period.

No, guy, I don't have an employment problem.

And, sorry, most of my co-workers think i'm pretty awesome, mostly because no matter how busy I am, I will always take the time to help them resolve a problem. In fact, I am still very good friends with most of the people I worked with when I worked with the Douchebag.

Even had his immediate subordinate, the Office Manager, up to my place in Wisconsin as a guest.

SO how about this as a novel idea.

Instead of making a bunch of assumptions, just take it as a given that I saw things in my working life that have LEGITIMATELY given me the view points I have and leave it at that.

Here is the difference between you and me (among many). You want to claim that every employer is like the douchebag. I let each employer show me who they are.

Yeah, the bosses I have had, for the most part, have been great guys. We have not always seen eye to eye and I have argued with most of them at one time or another. But I argued specific points. I didn't pretend they were the enemy.

Um, guy, the difference between you and me is I don't let people piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

I used to argue points with these idiots, now I don't even bother to do that. Just get the job done.

But I don't pretend they are brilliant, and I don't pretend they are my friend.

Nobody pisses on my leg either. Neither employer nor union does it.

I haven't said anything about the owners being brilliant. You wanted to inject that to try and make some point. It failed.

I have not pretended that they are my friend either. But they are certainly not my enemy. I respect them and they respect me. THAT is what is needed in a work relationship.

I can tell you what one issue you have that may have been a root cause of some of your employment problems.

If you see the employer as the enemy, that will show. You don't have to say it. But your hatred of the 1%ers and your willingness to lump everyone together would mean your attitude would show how you feel. I doubt any employer wants to cultivate an employee that hates him. It is counterproductive. Also, the attitude can poison the workplace. It doesn't take many people with that sort of attitude to ruin it for everyone. I have seen it happen.

So take at least a little responsibility for what happened in your life. After all, it IS your life.

Actually, I've worked for the current company for six years. Worked for the Douchebag for six years before that. 12 years and two employers. Trust me, I have a side business where I write resumes for people, most folks have up to four employers in that same time period.

No, guy, I don't have an employment problem.

And, sorry, most of my co-workers think i'm pretty awesome, mostly because no matter how busy I am, I will always take the time to help them resolve a problem. In fact, I am still very good friends with most of the people I worked with when I worked with the Douchebag.

Even had his immediate subordinate, the Office Manager, up to my place in Wisconsin as a guest.

SO how about this as a novel idea.

Instead of making a bunch of assumptions, just take it as a given that I saw things in my working life that have LEGITIMATELY given me the view points I have and leave it at that.

You are lecturing me on making assumptions??? LMAO!!! Oh that is hilarious!!!

You have had 2 employers in 12 years, and yet you have spent page after page after page on this thread lecturing about how all employers are the enemy and how the 1%ers are out to get us and the unions are saints here to save the day???

Your entire premise has been your hatred of the enemy (employers). And you based that on 2 employers?

And you assumed I am a right-winger.
And you assumed I am anti-worker.
And you assumed that being southern means you are retarded.
And you assumed that having a solid work relationship with your employer meant brown-nosing.

Try getting your own assumptions under control before you try to lecture someone else about it, ok Sparky?

Why do we need unions? The thuggery aside, what do they do now that cannot be done in different ways?

And what worker protections do you want?? Should an employer not be able to fire a worker? Most of the protections that the unions wanted back in the day have become laws. OSHA and the Labor Depts protect workers from safety problems and from being ripped off.

Wait a minute, are you actually arguing government is good? Seriously?

I think an employer should not be able to fire an employee without cause. Especially if that employee has seniority.

"That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

One sentence that changed my life.

You have had 2 employers in 12 years, and yet you have spent page after page after page on this thread lecturing about how all employers are the enemy and how the 1%ers are out to get us and the unions are saints here to save the day???

Your entire premise has been your hatred of the enemy (employers). And you based that on 2 employers?


Actually I base it on one employer.

Not that I need more than that. I only need to find one cockroach in my salad before I decide the resturant is unsanity. I'm like that.

Why do we need unions? The thuggery aside, what do they do now that cannot be done in different ways?

And what worker protections do you want?? Should an employer not be able to fire a worker? Most of the protections that the unions wanted back in the day have become laws. OSHA and the Labor Depts protect workers from safety problems and from being ripped off.

Wait a minute, are you actually arguing government is good? Seriously?

I think an employer should not be able to fire an employee without cause. Especially if that employee has seniority.

"That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

One sentence that changed my life.

I have always maintained that gov't has its place.

As for seniority, I think that should be one of several things an employer looks at. Just being there does not make you more valuable.

I am grateful I don't have to deal with a union too. There have been times they have been a huge pain in my ass. And usually for no reason or to cover for their member.

OH BOO fucking HOO.

For all we know you're the one who didn't hold up his end and you're blaming everyone else as usual.

FOr all we know you weigh 400 lbs and are collecting a disability check.

What's your point?

Funny how you get all pissy when someone questions your integrity yet you cal everyone else a liar.

More projection on your part I think.

Seriously Boy you have a persecution complex. There are meds for that you should try

You have had 2 employers in 12 years, and yet you have spent page after page after page on this thread lecturing about how all employers are the enemy and how the 1%ers are out to get us and the unions are saints here to save the day???

Your entire premise has been your hatred of the enemy (employers). And you based that on 2 employers?


Actually I base it on one employer.

Not that I need more than that. I only need to find one cockroach in my salad before I decide the resturant is unsanity. I'm like that.

I have no problem with you labeling a restaurant as unsanitary when you find a cockroach in your salad. But that is not all you did.

You found one restaurant employee with dirty hands, and you now claim that all restaurants everywhere are unsanitary. And you further claim that the owners KNOW their restaurants are unsanitary and do not care. You think that a union is the ONLY sanitary facility and that they are the only ones who can make a restaurant clean.

Not only do you make blanket claims about all companies, for one who claims to be so independent, your blind devotion to unions is amusing as hell.

OH BOO fucking HOO.

For all we know you're the one who didn't hold up his end and you're blaming everyone else as usual.

FOr all we know you weigh 400 lbs and are collecting a disability check.

What's your point?

Funny how you get all pissy when someone questions your integrity yet you cal everyone else a liar.

More projection on your part I think.

Seriously Boy you have a persecution complex. There are meds for that you should try

This is exactly why I laughed at him trying to correct me about making assumptions. lol

OH BOO fucking HOO.

For all we know you're the one who didn't hold up his end and you're blaming everyone else as usual.

FOr all we know you weigh 400 lbs and are collecting a disability check.

What's your point?

Funny how you get all pissy when someone questions your integrity yet you cal everyone else a liar.

More projection on your part I think.

Seriously Boy you have a persecution complex. There are meds for that you should try

Well, the fact you are here all day, every day kind of confirms my theory.

While it's clear that I go out and work for a living.

This is exactly why I laughed at him trying to correct me about making assumptions. lol

Well, yeah, actually, I see a whole bunch of "self-made" men onthe internet, and I find it about as credible as claims about 12 inch penises...

So you have no problems believing that every employer is evil, based on your two jobs. But you have trouble believing men who have made their living without needing the protections of a union?

lol Selective belief?
FOr all we know you weigh 400 lbs and are collecting a disability check.

What's your point?

Funny how you get all pissy when someone questions your integrity yet you cal everyone else a liar.

More projection on your part I think.

Seriously Boy you have a persecution complex. There are meds for that you should try

Well, the fact you are here all day, every day kind of confirms my theory.

While it's clear that I go out and work for a living.

What makes you think we cannot be here AND be making a living at the same time? I have a mount for my laptop in my truck, and an aircard.

This is exactly why I laughed at him trying to correct me about making assumptions. lol

Well, yeah, actually, I see a whole bunch of "self-made" men onthe internet, and I find it about as credible as claims about 12 inch penises...

So you have no problems believing that every employer is evil, based on your two jobs. But you have trouble believing men who have made their living without needing the protections of a union?

lol Selective belief?

I think that guys who are the real go-getters don't spend their life on internet message boards trying to convince people they have 12 inch dicks.
Well, yeah, actually, I see a whole bunch of "self-made" men onthe internet, and I find it about as credible as claims about 12 inch penises...

So you have no problems believing that every employer is evil, based on your two jobs. But you have trouble believing men who have made their living without needing the protections of a union?

lol Selective belief?

I think that guys who are the real go-getters don't spend their life on internet message boards trying to convince people they have 12 inch dicks.

Yeah, those guys just want unions to threaten women and children, right?

I spend time on jobsites. Once the initial setup has been approved, I am there for whatever info they may need.
Seriously, it took you less than 10 minutes to respond to my posts. Like you are actually LIVING to respond to them.

Black holes of emotional need, you and SPider Troll.

One time I happened to check in just after you posted and you think it means something? lol

Sometimes I see your posts right away and sometimes I don't. Why not stick to the topic and leave time analysis to someone with more skill.
Seriously, it took you less than 10 minutes to respond to my posts. Like you are actually LIVING to respond to them.

Black holes of emotional need, you and SPider Troll.

One time I happened to check in just after you posted and you think it means something? lol

Sometimes I see your posts right away and sometimes I don't. Why not stick to the topic and leave time analysis to someone with more skill.

Black HOle of Emotional Need.

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