Stand for liberty rallies...


Wow wouldja look at these crazy extremists?? These are family and friends of the men and women imprisoned right now for daring to speak out.
View attachment 66076

Wow wouldja look at these crazy extremists?? These are family and friends of the men and women imprisoned right now for daring to speak out.

What political prisoner?

I don't believe anyone was arrested for 'speaking out'. It was the threatening law enforcement officers, pointing guns at them, and preventing federal employees from doing their jobs.
In Oregon and across the nation.
The counter protesters, punk statists showed up to stand against liberty. BUT they covered their faces, attempted to instigate violence, and the cops dealt with them.

Anarchists disrupt LaVoy Finecum rally try to fight Portland Police !!

How is LaVoy Finecum doing? :eusa_whistle:

He's not in a concrete cell, just like he promised.

Plenty of the wanna be revolutionaries are willing to 'die' for their 'revolution'.

But how many are willing to live for a concrete box....for decades?

Fuckhead Finnicum wasn't, instead trying to pull a gun to murder a cop. We'll see if Cliven and his ilk do any better.
Trolls show up as these events, representing anti American trolls everywhere....Guano, is that you? And Midcan? Like you, these punks are cowards, and hide their faces.

There were rules established by law enforcement....counter protestors had to stay on their side. Of course they didn't, because they are the actual criminals.

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