Stand Up and Be Thankful!


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
If your American citizenship means anything to you, and you are truly grateful for it, you stand for the National Anthem and you pledge your allegiance to the country that flag represents.

This is the only country in the world that allows you to express a contrary opinion without experiencing any retribution. If you are thankful for your freedom to express yourself, you stand for that National Anthem and pledge allegiance to the country that flag represents.

Millions of men and women in uniform died on the battlefield bearing the flag of the United States, and for your right to have an opinion, regardless of how much I disapprove of it.

The freedom you have came at great cost to others, and I'll be damned before I condone this type of disrespect to the land of my birth and to the men and women who died for it. I don't care who you are, you are an American, so act like one. I am proud of where I come from, and will be through the good times and bad.

Now I understand why my father is not a big fan of sports. He served in the military, and this kind of "protest the anthem" stuff is essentially a slap in the face to the sacrifices he made on the field of battle.
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If your American citizenship means anything to you, and you are truly grateful for it, you stand for the National Anthem and you pledge you allegiance to the country that flag represents.

Sounds like idol worship. Christians especially should oppose it.

This is the only country in the world that allows you to express a contrary opinion without experiencing any retribution.

Say what? You're actually claiming no other nation on earth has free speech? Who feeds you this nonsense? And given you said something that crazy, why should anyone take you seriously?

If you are thankful for your freedom to express yourself, you stand for that National Anthem and pledge allegiance to the country that flag represents.

Your conclusion in no way follows from your premise. You seem to be contradicting yourself, in that you're very angry over how others are expressing themselves freely.

Millions of men and women in uniform died on the battlefield bearing the flag of the United States, and for your right to have an opinion, regardless of how much I disapprove of it.

That's not relevant in any way to peaceful protest against police brutality. It's just a pathetic attempt to steal valor from the military.

The freedom you have came at great cost to others, and I'll be damned before I condone this type of disrespect to the land of my birth and to the men and women who died for it. I don't care who you are, you are an American, so act like one. I am proud of where I come from, and will be through the good times and bad.

That's nice. You are certainly free to not condone anything you don't want to condone, no matter how imaginary. Note how nobody else is demanding you restrict your free speech.

Now I understand why my father is not a big fan of sports. He served in the military, and this kind of "protest the anthem" stuff is essentially a slap in the face to the sacrifices he made on the field of battle.

I served in the military, and I think you're disrespecting the Constitution through your condemnation of free speech.
I don't need to avow myself to a damn flag to be grateful...Not do I like nationalistic symbolism of the empire...
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The two posters above should seriously consider packing their shit and getting the FO since this is such a miserable place to them and they loathe it so much.

Good riddance.
The two posters above should seriously consider packing their shit and getting the FO since this is such a miserable place to them and they loathe it so much.

Good riddance.
I will stay where I like and there is nothing you can do about it....I have a right to my opinion whether you can take it or not...So piss off wanker....
Why don't more Americans consider reading the Constitution as important as standing during the SSB, and saluting the flag?
Say what? You're actually claiming no other nation on earth has free speech? Who feeds you this nonsense? And given you said something that crazy, why should anyone take you seriously?

Ad hominem is for the weak. Why should I take you seriously when you're bent on insulting me?
Sounds like idol worship. Christians especially should oppose it.

Hmm, no. Because the book of Romans speaks of respecting the governing authorities. So, much to your dismay, I'm well within the teachings and precepts of my religion.

Your conclusion in no way follows from your premise. You seem to be contradicting yourself, in that you're very angry over how others are expressing themselves freely.

Simple. Anyone has the right to have an opinion. I have a right to like or dislike it. Does that mean I'm going to be some snowflake about it? No. Does it mean I want to stop them from expressing their opinions? Not at all. But the very fact they have their rights at all is because of their citizenship in America. There is no contradiction to my argument. Unlike you, I strive to think before I speak.

That's not relevant in any way to peaceful protest against police brutality. It's just a pathetic attempt to steal valor from the military.

Aaaand here we go with the "stolen valor" argument. Why do you think our soldiers wear that flag on their uniforms? It tells any foe unfortunate enough to cross them or their comrades that they fight for the United States of America, and are willing to die for it if necessary.

Oh, and by all means, try that argument on this guy:

Is he stealing valor?

That's nice. You are certainly free to not condone anything you don't want to condone, no matter how imaginary. Note how nobody else is demanding you restrict your free speech.

Hmm... the language of your post suggests to me you don't think I am free to condone or not condone anything. Hence the very first sentence of your post.

I served in the military, and I think you're disrespecting the Constitution through your condemnation of free speech.

There's a big difference between condemning an opinion and condemning a right. I condemn the opinion, not the right for a person to have it.

Goodness gracious. Just what were you trying to accomplish with this ham fisted argument of yours anyway?
Even if they hate the greatest Country in the world that offered crazy salaries to play a kid's game, the NFL should respect what is important to the rest of the Country and get on their feet when the Anthem plays. The funny thing is that lefties think the 1st Amendment only applies to disrespect. Law abiding citizens have a 1st Amendment right to disrespect the players who disrespect the Flag.
I don't need to avow myself to a damn flag to be grateful...Not do I like nationalistic symbolism of the empire...

Then feel free to leave. That is all I have to say.
The neat thing is I don't have to...Unless you want to buy 43 acres..

Yeah that is the neat thing. That you can be an ingrate and an American citizen at the same time.
And a veteran who's already shown his pride by doing time...I don't need the continuous hoopla about how you must emote or else...
I don't need to avow myself to a damn flag to be grateful...Not do I like nationalistic symbolism of the empire...

Then feel free to leave. That is all I have to say.
The neat thing is I don't have to...Unless you want to buy 43 acres..

Yeah that is the neat thing. That you can be an ingrate and an American citizen at the same time.
We are all free to say as we please, and whether or not we stand for a song or a flag is no indication as to how much we love our country.

You are free to criticize others about personal responsibility while living in your grandmothers basement, and others are free to believe in the American way without standing for a flag.
The Pledge says...

'one nation...indivisible'?

Tell that to the RWnuts who yak about the legality of secession, who advocate it, who praise the states of the South who attempted it, and demonize those who thwarted it.
The two posters above should seriously consider packing their shit and getting the FO since this is such a miserable place to them and they loathe it so much.

Good riddance.

You gonna make us leave, sweet little pajama boy?

What, you snowflakes think your can cry at me until I leave?

Not how it works. When you bitches cry at me, that makes me happy. Your tears are like a bitter yet delectable nectar.

Seriously, what do you conservative wusses hope to accomplish by openly weeping about free speech? Everyone gets it already. You don't have the balls or brains to leave your Constitution-hating cult.

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