Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

Really stupid post. Really stupid.
Had a customer of yours defaulted and you found he was given the loan based on lies you would not sue?
Of course you would have.

No one would ever tell the truth if their were never any consequences. Your customers had to sign that the info they supplied you was honest.
You did not verify THEIR BOOKS. You used their swore statements to make your determination of their loan worthiness. A very differant thing.

What is with you people?
How can their be so many conspiracies all against the same person?
From every, dem or rep charged with dealing with facts.

Good God.
Get out of that cult.
It like a stupid pill they make you swallow daily.
Supposedly you are not a Democrat. However your claim seems invalid. Why, due to posts like the above.

I said we verified every facet on their applications. Yet you talk as if this is not true. We did not trust any of them. If you have a mortgage as old as you say you are, you were totally checked out. Trump filled out correct papers. And he complied with all of them.
Supposedly you are not a Democrat. However your claim seems invalid. Why, due to posts like the above.

I said we verified every facet on their applications. Yet you talk as if this is not true. We did not trust any of them. If you have a mortgage as old as you say you are, you were totally checked out. Trump filled out correct papers. And he complied with all of them.
And lied on every one. He kept 3 sets of books. This was established in court.

How do you dissuade others from fraud if you don't punish the kings of fraud?

Also, the judge made clear his fine was in no small part dictated by his lack of contrition.
This is common in sentencing.
Does the term Caveat Emptor" mean anything to you?
Banks who lend money know what collateral is worth.
No one lost money, there was no fraud, there was NEVER a $400,000,000 penalty when no one lost a dime.
Banks made $millions, walked away happy.

Letitia James ran on "getting Trump". This is a political hit job, aka "Lawfare".

Lying in financial documents for financial advantage to the tune of hundreds of millions of not fraud?

You've lost your damn fucking mind.

Maybe you want companies operating like that in YOUR state, but here in NY I want the justice system to do it's job and hold companies to account.
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Lying in financial documents for financial advantage to the tune of hundreds of millions of not fraud?
You've lost your damn fucking mind.
Maybe you want companies operating like that in YOUR state, but here in NY I want the justice system to do it's job and hold companies to account.
1. Prove with links that any bank(s) lost hundreds of millions of dollars.
2. The banks swore in court that they all made money. There was no fraud.
3. Banks also testified that they make adjustments to client provided information. Its their job.
But, testifying for the defense, managing director David Williams said the bankers viewed clients’ reports of their net worth as “subjective or subject to estimates” and took its own view of such financial statements.
“I think we expect clients-provided information to be accurate. At the same time, it’s not an industry standard that these statements be audited. They’re largely reliant on the use of estimates,” Williams said, so bankers routinely “make some adjustments.”
At times, the bank pegged Trump’s wealth at several billion dollars lower than he did, according to documents and testimony.
In 2019, for example, Trump’s financial statement listed his net worth at $5.8 billion, which the bank adjusted down to $2.5 billion.
But Williams said such differences weren’t necessarily unusual or alarming.
1. Prove with links that any bank(s) lost hundreds of millions of dollars.
2. The banks swore in court that they all made money. There was no fraud.
3. Banks also testified that they make adjustments to client provided information. Its their job.
But, testifying for the defense, managing director David Williams said the bankers viewed clients’ reports of their net worth as “subjective or subject to estimates” and took its own view of such financial statements.
“I think we expect clients-provided information to be accurate. At the same time, it’s not an industry standard that these statements be audited. They’re largely reliant on the use of estimates,” Williams said, so bankers routinely “make some adjustments.”
At times, the bank pegged Trump’s wealth at several billion dollars lower than he did, according to documents and testimony.
In 2019, for example, Trump’s financial statement listed his net worth at $5.8 billion, which the bank adjusted down to $2.5 billion.
But Williams said such differences weren’t necessarily unusual or alarming.
Enough above why Trump was guilty of fraud. You don't have to lose money. You have to lie, and that's what Trump did.
Does the term Caveat Emptor" mean anything to you?
Banks who lend money know what collateral is worth.
No one lost money, there was no fraud, there was NEVER a $400,000,000 penalty when no one lost a dime.
Banks made $millions, walked away happy.

Letitia James ran on "getting Trump". This is a political hit job, aka "Lawfare".
Remember, this is kyzr. Fraud is in the attempt, not whether it was successful. A good trial, a fair outcome.
And lied on every one. He kept 3 sets of books. This was established in court.

How do you dissuade others from fraud if you don't punish the kings of fraud?

Also, the judge made clear his fine was in no small part dictated by his lack of contrition.
This is common in sentencing.
It does not matter if Trump had 100s of books. I told you, lenders do not trust borrowers at all. All we had available was government schemes allowed for us. We could not for instance tell your family or neighbors if you really lied about your income. But borrowers must sign forms telling us we get to have their tax returns. And we know about tax fraud so we have other ways to verify it to catch you lying. This Judge hates Trump. End of this story.

Say, come to think of it, you like Biden a lot yet you hate Trump a hell of a lot. But you said you are a Republican. Does something not match in your remarks?
Remember, this is kyzr. Fraud is in the attempt, not whether it was successful. A good trial, a fair outcome.
There is me, another poster and perhaps others who actually understand this entire topic. And what happened to Trump is the fraud.
Does the relevant statute come into play with this in any way, poster kyzr?
How does it apply? Or not apply?

Thanx in advance.
There are so many laws that are only in particular states, that when they get so important, the Supreme Court does look at them and declare them not to be legal. NY state prosecutes for what 49 states do not.
No. They won't. Again, this case won't see the light of day there.
He's gonna pay. One way or the other.

Must be nice to have the commie fortune teller gene. LMAO Oh BTW there is precedent for SCOTUS intervening when a State court goes nuts like this one. I would venture to say this non-fraud fraud law may be in jeopardy. It all remains to be seen.


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