Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

Does the relevant statute come into play with this in any way, poster kyzr?
How does it apply? Or not apply?
Thanx in advance.
This morning one legal "expert" said that the Law requires testimony from a victim that they were defrauded, none testified.
Deutsche Bank testified they made $millions.
Better hurry. He only has thirty days to put the cash or get a bond to appeal. I don't know of any nongovernment actor who has the ability or inclination to issue a bond for him.

Trump denied any wrongdoing throughout the trial and his lawyers have vowed to appeal the ruling. They have 30 days to find the money or secure a bond.
LOL!! That's "Attempted Fraud" not FRAUD. (stop making shit up, if just proves you're stupid)
The law says that victims need to testify how much money they were defrauded out of.
None testified. Trump wins on appeal.

When a bank robbery is foiled does a bank need to testify how much money they lost for people to get convicted?

Of course not, stop making up bullshit.

Just because Trump managed to keep lying and meeting some debt obligations doesn’t mean the state should look the other way at fraudulent, corrupt ways Trump Co. conducts bussiness.
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Show me someone who believes Trump's a billionaire and I'll show you a sucker who will buy a bridge on Brooklyn.
I can post links all day. Stop proving you have a low-IQ.

When a bank robbery is foiled does a bank need to testify how much money they lost for people to get convicted?
No dumbass, stop making up bullshit.
LOL!! You need to face reality. Trump is innocent of any fraud. Read the fucking LAW as written.
LOL!! You need to face reality. Trump is innocent of any fraud. Read the fucking LAW as written.

No dummy, you need to face reality that Trump his sons were found guilty in a court of law of running their bussiness fraudulently.

Your suggestion that prosecutors and judges who put their professional careers on the line in these cases don’t know the law is LAUGHABLE bullshit.
No dummy, you need to face reality that Trump his sons were found guilty in a court of law of running their business fraudulently.
Your suggestion that prosecutors and judges who put their professional careers on the line in these cases don’t know the law is LAUGHABLE bullshit.
Even if NY made an anti-Trump Law in "Banana Republic" style, and found Trump guilty of stealing a paper clip, they can legally fine Trump $1,000,000,000, but in reality the courts of appeal should find that the punishment is excessive. We'll see.

The damages in my view are excessive and absurd after the court acknowledged that no one lost a dime in these exchanges. Indeed, the “victims” wanted to do more business with Trump and made handsome profits.
In laying the foundation for his sweeping decision against former President Donald Trump, Judge Arthur Engoron observed that “this is a venial sin, not a mortal sin.” Yet, at $355 million, one would think that Engoron had found Trump to be the source of Original Sin.
Or maybe he should stop doing stupid shit, and maybe you people should stop donating money to him by purchasing Trump trading cards.

You’d realize this if you weren’t so emotionally attached to him.
Can they buy their tRump sneakers with their tRump bucks?
The damages in my view are excessive

First you say Trump didn't break the law, because supposedly you know the law required a lender to testify to having lost money.

Now you say Trump IS liable for fraud, but that the fines imposed are too excessive.

Which one is it? Because it sure does seem that you are just jumping from one argument of convinience to the next and don't have a coherent view.
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"...but in reality the courts of appeal should find that the punishment is excessive. We'll see.
The damages in my view are excessive and absurd..."
OK, we hear you.
So what, in your judgement would be the appropriate amount?
And what about the barring from being an officer?
What about the required in-house monitor?
Fair for the sons to be barred too?

Yet, at $355 million, one would think that Engoron had found Trump to be the source of Original Sin
Another view is that it is pocket-change. Pennies to a rich man.
After all, it was Trump himself who has asserted he is worth in excess of "$10,000,000,000, (that's with a 'b').
So, a fine of $355,000,000 is just a mere 3.55% of his worth.

Big friggin' deal....IMHO
I can post links all day. Stop proving you have a low-IQ.

It does not matter if Trump had 100s of books. I told you, lenders do not trust borrowers at all. All we had available was government schemes allowed for us. We could not for instance tell your family or neighbors if you really lied about your income. But borrowers must sign forms telling us we get to have their tax returns. And we know about tax fraud so we have other ways to verify it to catch you lying. This Judge hates Trump. End of this story.

Say, come to think of it, you like Biden a lot yet you hate Trump a hell of a lot. But you said you are a Republican. Does something not match in your remarks?
This is excuse making and nothing more. Further, you are not stupid, you know you are making excuses for him.
His entire life has been a fraud. Why are you so devoted to him?

As to me approving of Biden and not Trump, that should not seem out of sync if you consider i have always been a moderate republican? Before Biden Bush sr i though our best post WW2 president.
Biden's policies are right center.
He has repelled the far left which is why they are angry.
Trump has no policies. None. He is simply an ignorant bull in a China shop
(Get it? Lol).
Honest, no president has made us less safe or placed a more bleak outlook 9n our country than Trump post WW2.
It says you can't fund a legal defense. Judgement has already been rendered in the Trump case. The wording of the TOS does not prohibit funding to pay the fine after judgment and the case have concluded.

Why are people so bad at reading?

Using campaign money to pay this judgement is against Federal Election did know that......I know that....did you know that..
You’re right, it won’t have to for this idiotic ruling to be overturned, that’s obvious…

We keep that whatever the judgement or verdict againist P01135809, it will be "Overturned on appeal" and to date that shit ain't happened.

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