Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

This is excuse making and nothing more. Further, you are not stupid, you know you are making excuses for him.
His entire life has been a fraud. Why are you so devoted to him?

As to me approving of Biden and not Trump, that should not seem out of sync if you consider i have always been a moderate republican? Before Biden Bush sr i though our best post WW2 president.
Biden's policies are right center.
He has repelled the far left which is why they are angry.
Trump has no policies. None. He is simply an ignorant bull in a China shop
(Get it? Lol).
Honest, no president has made us less safe or placed a more bleak outlook 9n our country than Trump post WW2.
If this was about Biden, on his loans, and the same things were told about him, I would quickly step forward to defend Biden. It does not matter to me about politics when all I deal with is lying by posters. At first my instinct is to correct them and explain why. But if they refuse to stop lying, to hell with politics, they will be corrected. I am an expert in this field and hate seeing lying.

Biden is not slightly right. Biden proved it when he cleared the decks of all that Trump has when he governed, about taxes, about revenues and about immigration. Biden opened the flood gates to hell. These illegals will force law enforcement into drastic action. Bank on it.

America already admits a million legal migrants who had to wait their turn. To allow illegals to pass them is wrong. Trump could have involved us into wars as has Biden.
This is excuse making and nothing more. Further, you are not stupid, you know you are making excuses for him.
His entire life has been a fraud. Why are you so devoted to him?

As to me approving of Biden and not Trump, that should not seem out of sync if you consider i have always been a moderate republican? Before Biden Bush sr i though our best post WW2 president.
Biden's policies are right center.
He has repelled the far left which is why they are angry.
Trump has no policies. None. He is simply an ignorant bull in a China shop
(Get it? Lol).
Honest, no president has made us less safe or placed a more bleak outlook 9n our country than Trump post WW2.
Trump did not involve us in wars. Biden has us assholes to elbows involved in two wars today. When will it be 3 wars?

I voted for both Reagan and Bush Sr, and I am pleased I voted for Bush the son.
I recall all of the thousands of lies the Democrats told about Reagan. And they did it again to Bush the father. And they did it also to the son.
I puke to think of all the lies the Democrats tell about the Republicans.

Bush the Father had an approval rating of over 80 percent I believe then the Democrats media went after him.

Don't you understand it is deeper than the politicians, it is this nations media. Why do Democrats pick on FOX news? Do you see them picking on ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN or on MSNBC? We are in the throws of being ruled by our own media.
Yet you couldn't argue why, if your life depended on it.
There’s no merit to this ruling, how do you convict someone for meeting their obligations? You obviously have no understanding of how banks loan for real estate, based on this court’s decision every homeowner in America is guilty if they paid their mortgages on time and in full.
What was he involving us in Afghanistan?
We can argue that issue all day long. I have the advantage of having two powerful books that i have read both that explain it and Iraq.
Trump was wrong to try to pull us out of Afghanistan. We had good reasons to help them survive. Biden took a shit on Afghanistan.
Later Judges will correct what was done to Trump. I have seen it happen previously.

One thing that pisses me off is the way Trump is shit on and yet Biden has yet to suffer. And Biden will face what Trump has.
No, they won't. No appeal will be granted, though I do think that the fine will be reduced by a $100mm.
Was Biden right to consistently advocate Afghanistan withdrawal for a decade and finally withdrawing us out of it in 2021?
Where are the quotes by Biden making such statements for a decade?
I served in our Army. I was in a HQ/HQ company where the top brass was assigned.
So it does not make me any expert on such wars. But I was assigned in 1962 to Germany despite the war having ended against them. 17 years prior. And today we are in Korea. We are in Japan that we defeated.

Afghanistan has major problems. Trouble for them was they had problems with Osama Bin Laden being there. Obama stayed there. Biden worked for him.

It will take a long analysis to clearly say what you ask of me.

As I gave you examples where we were for so long it is not thought of now by Americans, this is my personal assessment.
Defined by experts.
Bush defined it as helping the citizens of Afghanistan getting rid of the Taliban. And did a marvelous job.

Mission creep
This issue is pretty complex. What I know is that it was decided to add troops there to support the government of Afghanistan. We can try to debate if this was smart but we have to include Obama in the argument. He thought it was so smart he had Osama killed there. Obama decided to stay as well to help Afghanistan survive.

Ask questions.
Why did Trump Org lie on the government form required to give to the banks on assets and CERTIFIED, stating assets are true estimated values, with over valued properties, to the tune of 400% to 2000% higher than their appraisal and fair market values, (this was not over valuing by 10% or 20% which could be normal for most businesses required to present their CERTIFIED assets)

every year for over a decade to the banks when negotiating loan terms when considering his assets and risk.

Why did trump fraudulently submit the false but alleged CERTIFIED to be true financial assets Form, year after year after year...

IF THIS ASSET FORM was never used by the banks, and banks needed to do their own separate assessment for each property the business owned, and not trust the CERTIFIED assets form?

Why was this CERTIFIED form required when looking for a loan, if it is never used, and why would trump lie on all of them to colossally over evaluate his assets, if it did not benefit him??? WHY OH WHY, OH WHY?
He didn't himself pull us out of Afghanistan. He was too worried about his election. Hmmm doesn't that sound familiar?

But lets just note that you WANTED Trump to continue to involve us when it came to Afghanistan.
Anti-Trump protester cries and screams Nooo at the Trump inauguration  (01/20/2017) on Make a GIF
Why did Trump Org lie on the government form required to give to the banks on assets and CERTIFIED, stating assets are true estimated values, with over valued properties, to the tune of 400% to 2000% higher than their appraisal and fair market values, (this was not over valuing by 10% or 20% which could be normal for most businesses required to present their CERTIFIED assets)

every year for over a decade to the banks when negotiating loan terms when considering his assets and risk.

Why did trump fraudulently submit the false but alleged CERTIFIED to be true financial assets Form, year after year after year...

IF THIS ASSET FORM was never used by the banks, and banks needed to do their own separate assessment for each property the business owned, and not trust the CERTIFIED assets form?

Why was this CERTIFIED form required when looking for a loan, if it is never used, and why would trump lie on all of them to colossally over evaluate his assets, if it did not benefit him???
Anti-Trump protester cries and screams Nooo at the Trump inauguration  (01/20/2017) on Make a GIF
What are you willing to wager?

On what grounds will the case be overturned? Each and everytime we've heard that a case involving P01135809 'Will Be Overturned On Appeal", it has never happened. Even in those cases involving Election Fraud heard before a judge appointed by P01135809. You tak big, but you also lose.
Trump is responsible for setting up the pullout from Afghanistan. Or did Biden sign that agreement, Robert W.?
What do you think the Taliban believed about such an agreement? Biden had choices. HE pulled out and essentially lost the war. By himself.

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