Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment

It does not matter if Trump had 100s of books. I told you, lenders do not trust borrowers at all. All we had available was government schemes allowed for us. We could not for instance tell your family or neighbors if you really lied about your income. But borrowers must sign forms telling us we get to have their tax returns. And we know about tax fraud so we have other ways to verify it to catch you lying. This Judge hates Trump. End of this story.

Say, come to think of it, you like Biden a lot yet you hate Trump a hell of a lot. But you said you are a Republican. Does something not match in your remarks?
You are no defender of truth and the law. If you had been T's lawyer, Robert W., your nonsense would have him buried under the jail.
IF you face a trial with the similar circumstances, you will yell the court is wrong. I guarantee you will.
He committed fraud, repeatedly over the decade. Guilty!

What to me is unjust is the amount he is libel.

I understand how the judge got to the was solely the ill gotten gain over the period.


It's just too damn much.....$355 million!! Holy cow!

I think it should and will be reduced by an appeals court...maybe $50- $100 million max....
If you can show me where that unruly avatar of mine has called you a "Nazi"....well, would you do so?
I will re-habilitate his sorry attitude in a New York minute.

However.....before I lays some lumber on him, woodja please show me where he called you a "Nazi"...whether you deserved it or not.
where? you very much are dumb

you did it, I pointed it out, now swallow it, everyone who cares, can find it, I am happy with your idiotic denial, you are not so smart as you think
Show me someone who believes Trump's a billionaire and I'll show you a sucker who will buy a bridge on Brooklyn.
"Trump didn't create the divide. The democrat party did."
Notably, that is the anonymous opinion of a social media habitué who opines while using a fake name.

On the other hand......

We have a highly regarded American Marine general who was chosen (by Trump) to be America's Secretary of Defense.

To wit:

"Former Defense Secretary James Mattis denounces Trump for dividing country"
June 4, 2020 / 10:11 AM EDT / CBS News

Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis denounced President Trump, the "militarization" of Washington, D.C., and the "abuse of executive authority" in a stunning statement that made the case that the country is witnessing the consequences of a president who has sought to "divide" the nation for three years.

"Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us," Mattis said in his lengthy statement titled, "In union there is strength." "We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society."
and again "Former Defense Secretary James Mattis denounces Trump for dividing country"
June 4, 2020 / 10:11 AM EDT / CBS News
" did it, I pointed it out, now swallow it, everyone who cares, can find it..."

Just to bring the forum up to speed on what poor poster 'elektra' is referring to above it is this: Elektra asserted my own poor avatar called him(her?) a "Nazi".

Now, I'm old and have 'senior moments', (my avatar has the same issue ;)); however, we do not recall using such an epithet and....crowning poor Elektra with it. (Whether he deserves it or not -- is not the issue of this post.)

So, we requested that poor Elektra provide us with proof of his assertion.
And he then, informs us he wants us to prove it for him.

Ummm, no.
It don' work that way.
If Elektra asserts it.....Elektra backs himself up.

Otherwise, we do not believe his tale.

So, do this Skippy, saddle up your 'Truth Pony' and gallop on over here with the proof that shows you are a contributor with gravitas and sincerity.

Lest posters, mods, and lurkers here will think you are a.........

Just to bring the forum up to speed on what poor poster 'elektra' is referring to above it is this: Elektra asserted my own poor avatar called him(her?) a "Nazi".

Now, I'm old and have 'senior moments', (my avatar has the same issue ;)); however, we do not recall using such an epithet and....crowning poor Elektra with it. (Whether he deserves it or not -- is not the issue of this post.)

So, we requested that poor Elektra provide us with proof of his assertion.
And he then, informs us he wants us to prove it for him.

Ummm, no.
It don' work that way.
If Elektra asserts it.....Elektra backs himself up.

Otherwise, we do not believe his tale.

So, do this Skippy, saddle up your 'Truth Pony' and gallop on over here with the proof that shows you are a contributor with gravitas and sincerity.

Lest posters, mods, and lurkers here will think you are a.........
we? the only person who cares is you, and you can not play coy with me

you did it, I called you out, now you deny, it is as simple as that,

In a thread about the courts and trump, chillicothe is out trolling.
" did it, I called you out, now you deny, it is as simple as that..."

If an assertion is unproveable, or the source refuses to prove it...well, can we classify it as merely a "mystery", or can we classify it as a "lie" (or rather, a 'fib')?

We'll let the forum judge poor 'elektra'.
NOT me and my poor avatar.

So, 'elektra' which is it?
A mystery?
Or a lie? (or rather, a fib?)
" is simply you, the fool, troll on, moron..."
Ummm, can't make your little Truth Pony come out of the barn this morning, eh, poster Elektra?

Now, I want to be clear, my avatar would not call your avatar a "liar", but.....
......but could understand how others might.
I've never heard of the Cardones before. They are evidently wealthy venture capitalists and mega Trump supporters. The wife has started a Go Fund Me to help pay Trump's judgement and so far almost $50k has been raised in less than 24 hours. Quite a ways to go.

Can you imagine middle class people throwing their money away at a legal fund for a billionaire who was just caught engaging in fraud and still wanting him to be president, not to mention all of his legal issues and indiscretions he's facing. This is simply sad. It's like blue collar workers pitching in to bail Bernie Madoff out of jail. I imagine there will be a new set of Trump collectors cards or coins coming out any day now as well.

Yes, I can easily imagine middle-class people donating to a fund such as this.

For most of the donations that Trump has asked for, I would actually agree that it seems strange for a middle-class person to donate to such a wealthy person.

But this judgment is different. This judgment clearly has no purpose other than to prevent Trump from being able to run his campaign. It’s a bogus case attempting to punish Trump for a very common business practice that not a single person or entity has claimed to have been the victim of and that no one else has been prosecuted for.

At the very least its purpose is to force him to go to the same big donors that own his opponents.

As my avatar states, the courts are not only going after Trump by trying to prevent him from being elected. The courts are going after me and any other voter that would like to have a free choice in their selection for president.

Would Stopping them from doing that be worth say 100 bucks of my hard earned money? Absolutely!

my hundred bucks will make little difference to the fund itself which will doubt reach the 350 million very quickly, With or without me. But, as with any small contribution to a large effort, my reward is knowing that I did what I could to prevent another stolen election and the end of democracy in America.
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Remember, this is kyzr. Fraud is in the attempt, not whether it was successful. A good trial, a fair outcome.
LOL!! That's "Attempted Fraud" not FRAUD. (stop making shit up, if just proves you're stupid)
The law says that victims need to testify how much money they were defrauded out of.
None testified. Trump wins on appeal.

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