Stand your ground will protect shooter

Investigators found no threat. You can not assault someone for words. Its what every kindergartner knows.

Legally, yes you can.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

"threat by word or act"

I don't see any indication it was true in this particular case, but an assault does not have to be physical. I believe that most, if not all, states have similar assault definitions, in that assault can be without physical contact.
Why a trial? The video clearly shows the guy assaulting the shooter. The guy had every right to properly ventilate the guy.

BS, the shooter had no reason to assault the woman. He is a wimp though, big man with a gun. Men who carry guns think they are tuff and really they are wimps.
What woman was assaulted, do have a video link or witnesses, or is this just more you trying to spin off something that never happened?

Don't know what assault is I see:

Assault definition is - a violent physical or verbal attack.

Does verbal come to mind?

Vigilante? He had no business trying to enforce the law.
I didn't hear any "verbal" in the video. do you? But there was indeed a violent physical attack, and we all saw that. Criminal got killed over it. It's ok, the good guy got away and you should now stop all your lying.
The video wouldn't start. Did NYPost stop it?
If this is the case, the law needs to be changed and taken on a separate base of the incidence. One size should not fit all.
Yes. Different laws for different people... What could possibly go wrong? After all one law to govern them all by would be way too American, and quite possibly racist...
The dead goon shouldn't have assaulted the guy.

This is known as a fatal mistake

He was protecting his wife and kid who were being attacked by a crazy person... for that he should be shot.

Okay, let's reverse it. Black guy ranting at a white lady over a parking spot, the husband comes out, shove him away from her, and he guns him down in front of his wife and kids.

you guys would be screaming for this guy's scalp!
If this is the case, the law needs to be changed and taken on a separate base of the incidence. One size should not fit all.
Yes. Different laws for different people... What could possibly go wrong? After all one law to govern them all by would be way too American, and quite possibly racist...

Florida failed to carry out background checks on gun buyers for over a year

I find this is a lie, the employee couldn't log in (I doubt it) , they just didn't do background checks and the Republican probably got kickback from the NRA.
BS, the shooter had no reason to assault the woman. He is a wimp though, big man with a gun. Men who carry guns think they are tuff and really they are wimps.
Na, He had every right to shoot that motherfucker.
“Stand your ground” is a great thing...

No he didn't. Stand you ground is stupid, you don't go looking for a fight. You would not say that if the victim was white.

Annnnnd there goes the race card.

You darn right its about race. I know whites like you , I see them all the time, I come from areas like that , the white man is so right all the time. My husband comes from a white area, those people are sick and many of them are freeloaders on welfare and the ACA and Medicaid.

I never seen so many fat white cows in the Texas church shooting, done by a white man. I mean they were all overweight and white.

You are an ignorant RACIST!

Its true. While many will be heavy due to physical illness, not everyone, esp the younger people. They need to watch what they eat. Obesity leads to many illnesses.
Why a trial? The video clearly shows the guy assaulting the shooter. The guy had every right to properly ventilate the guy.

BS, the shooter had no reason to assault the woman. He is a wimp though, big man with a gun. Men who carry guns think they are tuff and really they are wimps.
What woman was assaulted, do have a video link or witnesses, or is this just more you trying to spin off something that never happened?

Don't know what assault is I see:

Assault definition is - a violent physical or verbal attack.

Does verbal come to mind?

Vigilante? He had no business trying to enforce the law.
I didn't hear any "verbal" in the video. do you? But there was indeed a violent physical attack, and we all saw that. Criminal got killed over it. It's ok, the good guy got away and you should now stop all your lying.
The video wouldn't start. Did NYPost stop it?
It still worked when I did it a moment ago.
That actually shocked me so badly my eyebrows ran up into my hairline.
They (9th circuit) know who the Supreme court is now. They no longer have the convenience or confidence that their wacky decisions will be upheld.
Don't know what assault is I see:

Assault definition is - a violent physical or verbal attack.

Does verbal come to mind?

Vigilante? He had no business trying to enforce the law.
It could be argued that his "business" as that of free speech. The thug had no right to attack him. If he really felt strongly about Drejka jawing his girlfriend, he could have jawed Drejka as well. He didn't have to shove him and knock him to the ground.

The guy (McGlockton) was just a violent thug, and after the knockdown, he was advancing toward D, and only stepped backward, when he saw the gun. An interesting question might be what if there was no gun ? I'd say McGlockton would have continued his attack, and it would've gotten a lot worse.
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A person that has some sense would know that instigating arguments with strangers the way that kook did will eventually lead to an assault like what happened in the video. Yes, the black guy was in the wrong for pushing the kook; however, the kook needs to stop confronting strangers about parking violations the way he did. A person can in some circumstances behave within the limits of the law and still be wrong.

Just a thought, the white kook might better keep a low profile if this never goes to trial. I would not be surprised if some vigilantes find him and apply some street justice.
Exercising the right to free speech is not being a "kook". And in the case of talking to someone about parking in a handicapped spot without a sticker, I'd say that's a good use of free speech. More people ought to do that more often.

Whether Drejka's shot was not timed right is questionable, but there's no question that what McGlockton did was not just a violent crime, it was also incredibly STUPID.
The solution to stuff like this >> don't be STUPID.
I don't see this as a stand your ground case. Stand your ground cases involve shootings where the attacker is coming at the victim. Then the victim is not obligated to flee, but can shoot the attacker to defend himself.

In this case, McGlockton was stepping backward. It looks like a simple self-defense (or not) case, not SYG. It's not a matter of whether Drejka should have fled or not, it's a matter of whether he should have fired his gun.

Also, there is the question of inertia mixed with heat of passion. This all happened in the space of a few seconds, and when Drejka shot, he could have still been in a self-defense consciousness, carrying over. Who (that has not been in this situation) is really to say what the shooter might have felt ?

Also, when the gun was fired, McGlockton was still very close to Drejka - well within the standard 21 foot zone for self-defense shooting. Is Drejka under an obligation to automatically assume that he is no longer threatened ? In a blink of an eye (with how close McGlockton was) he still could have bolted toward Drejka, to finish his attack.

I'm not necessarily defending Drejka, but just trying to illuminate some factors not seeming to be discussed too much, which could be relevant.
A person that has some sense would know that instigating arguments with strangers the way that kook did will eventually lead to an assault like what happened in the video. Yes, the black guy was in the wrong for pushing the kook; however, the kook needs to stop confronting strangers about parking violations the way he did. A person can in some circumstances behave within the limits of the law and still be wrong.

Just a thought, the white kook might better keep a low profile if this never goes to trial. I would not be surprised if some vigilantes find him and apply some street justice.
Exercising the right to free speech is not being a "kook". And in the case of talking to someone about parking in a handicapped spot without a sticker, I'd say that's a good use of free speech. More people ought to do that more often.

Whether Drejka's shot was not timed right is questionable, but there's no question that what McGlockton did was not just a violent crime, it was also incredibly STUPID.
The solution to stuff like this >> don't be STUPID.
The way that dude did it was being a kook. He probably should been arrested for disorderly public conduct.
The way that dude did it was being a kook. He probably should been arrested for disorderly public conduct.
How do YOU know how he "did it" ?

You got an audio of him talking to that woman ?
You are right. I watched the video again and I can't tell whether he was loudly cussing the woman out or calmly and sternly explaining why she should not be parking in handicap parking.
Cops interviewed witnesses - no yelling no threats.

No charges,no arrest. Here is your gun you may go home.

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