Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

And you advocate for bringing even more mental illness, perversity, unnatural inventions of the PC crowd into our schools. You would force our children to live with another's sickness, real or feigned.

I think this is up to the parents at the school, but your faux outrage is over thinking that a transgender grade school kid is going to molest another kid in the bathroom?

Yeah, that is who you have to be worried about when sending the child to school. :lol:

OH! and I don't see it as a sickness. I do see bigoted assholes who don't accept different people as sick. But that is just me.

I understand people are different. I actually celebrate the fact that some people are born with a penis and others are born with a vagina. I still see no reason to shove that difference into people's faces.
And you advocate for bringing even more mental illness, perversity, unnatural inventions of the PC crowd into our schools. You would force our children to live with another's sickness, real or feigned.

I think this is up to the parents at the school, but your faux outrage is over thinking that a transgender grade school kid is going to molest another kid in the bathroom?

Yeah, that is who you have to be worried about when sending the child to school. :lol:

OH! and I don't see it as a sickness. I do see bigoted assholes who don't accept different people as sick. But that is just me.

I understand people are different. I actually celebrate the fact that some people are born with a penis and others are born with a vagina. I still see no reason to shove that difference into people's faces.

Why do you guys always say they are shoving it in your face?
Why do you have to shove your opinions in their face?
I have a transgender friend, he just wants to live his life. Why do people feel the need to push their morals on him and others?
Can you explain to me how a female can have a penis? Her penis????

She is female on the inside and pre-surgical on the outside. She doesn't WANT that junk and doesn't want man characteristics.

Hormones can delay puberty. Around age 16 the teen can decide whether to take female hormones and begin to transition or not and develop as a male.

Surgery cannot happen until age 18. The person must be an adult and the decision must be 100% theirs with their parents having no say.

Regards from Rosie
I have a transgender friend, he just wants to live his life. Why do people feel the need to push their morals on him and others?

For some I think it is cultural chauvinism. For others it is Christian teaching. Demonizing the 'other' fills pews.

Regards from Rosie
Can you explain to me how a female can have a penis? Her penis????

She is female on the inside and pre-surgical on the outside. She doesn't WANT that junk and doesn't want man characteristics.

Hormones can delay puberty. Around age 16 the teen can decide whether to take female hormones and begin to transition or not and develop as a male.

Surgery cannot happen until age 18. The person must be an adult and the decision must be 100% theirs with their parents having no say.

Regards from Rosie

Sure. After a lifetime of parents telling this person what they are, or are not, after being pushed and paraded as some kind of avant guarde, new age hominid, sure they'll make an informed and mature decision.
Just more "better living through chemicals", and then you hack off what Nature provided.
You know liberals will just fix the penis / vaginitis issue by mandating 'free' gender reassignment surgery
If your friend has a vagina it's a female

She is what she says she is. She is definitely not an 'it'. You are not a gender assigner. Neither am I.. It is an individual essential state of being.

Regards from Rosie

Just checked my old biology text. Mammals are either he or she. I'm willing to grant a third designation of "it" for those who don't like the truth of their biology.
Can you explain to me how a female can have a penis? Her penis????

She is female on the inside and pre-surgical on the outside. She doesn't WANT that junk and doesn't want man characteristics.

Hormones can delay puberty. Around age 16 the teen can decide whether to take female hormones and begin to transition or not and develop as a male.

Surgery cannot happen until age 18. The person must be an adult and the decision must be 100% theirs with their parents having no say.

Regards from Rosie

Sure. After a lifetime of parents telling this person what they are, or are not, after being pushed and paraded as some kind of avant guarde, new age hominid, sure they'll make an informed and mature decision.
Just more "better living through chemicals", and then you hack off what Nature provided.

No one decides to "hack off what nature provided" except she who wants to be rid of it.

If some magic fairy attached junk to me I'd run to get it removed like a tumor, too. I want to borrow, not own.

Regards from. Rosie
If your friend has a vagina it's a female

She is what she says she is. She is definitely not an 'it'. You are not a gender assigner. Neither am I.. It is an individual essential state of being.

Regards from Rosie

Just checked my old biology text. Mammals are either he or she. I'm willing to grant a third designation of "it" for those who don't like the truth of their biology.

What about the ones who have both sex organs?
Or women like this?

She was fifteen when she found out. What if she decided to be a man? She technically part male, but has a vagina. And someone like you would have a problem with her deciding to be a man because she has a vagina.
So if I say I'm a black Hispanic I get to get scholarships and affirmative action?

You could claim to be a Cherokee and get elected to office by libtards.

Yeah, that's why she was elected.

And why do any of you give a shit what gender someone thinks they are? Live your own life, worry about yourself.

Really, I could care less. But I do worry about my grandchildren and the sick PC indoctrination they receive at the hands of self-proclaimed "educators". Let your little "transgendered" children dress and act however they want, but when it comes to certain issues, like bathrooms and changing rooms, they get to go to the biologically appropriate venue. It is that simple. Who are you to force your views on everyone else?

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