Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

What's to stop a man who dresses as a man and has short hair from using the women's room? Do all women have long hair and wear dresses?whata to say a tranny has to meet your stereotype of one?

So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

lol...that makes absolutely no sense. :rolleyes:
What's to stop a man who dresses as a man and has short hair from using the women's room? Do all women have long hair and wear dresses?whata to say a tranny has to meet your stereotype of one?

So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

And what if you get laid one day.
Lets stay with the issue, instead of going off the rails with what ifs.
No. I meant like accepting of pedophiles, pcp users, rapists, etc. you said accepting and didn't provide limitations. Should your child be accepting of bulemics and schizophrenics or people with personality disorders?
What's to stop a man who dresses as a man and has short hair from using the women's room? Do all women have long hair and wear dresses?whata to say a tranny has to meet your stereotype of one?

So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

Iff he doesn't try to steal my purse, shoot up drugs or flash me I probably would not notice.

Regards from Rosie
No. I meant like accepting of pedophiles, pcp users, rapists, etc. you said accepting and didn't provide limitations. Should your child be accepting of bulemics and schizophrenics or people with personality disorders?
You are an idiot.
So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

lol...that makes absolutely no sense. :rolleyes:

He has nothing else, so he grasping at straws now.
Why do they have no reason to be taught these things?
I could argue the same thing about many things I was taught in school.

And ten bucks none of the kids at the school care what bathroom they use. Kids are better at adapting than their close minded parents.
And I more worried about an adult hurting my child at school than some girl who wants to be a boy going to the bathroom with my son.
For one he would probably never know the difference. He is more worried about what car he wants.

That's how it should be.
And if it's really not that important which bathroom a child uses, why is it so imperative that the "transgender" children are pushed into bathrooms of the opposite biological gender?

And as for my son, he will never care. I have been indoctrinating him with my liberal beliefs since he was child.
My best friend is also gay, and when I explained he had a boyfriend and not a girlfriend he just said " oh". Kids don't care, it's becoming an adult that turns them judgmental

Most children will play almost exclusively with same gender children. It's pretty normal that they clique boys with boys and girls with girls. So it shouldn't surprise anyone if they accept it as normal that adults would also group themselves that way.

Indoctrinating your child with your beliefs is a privilege, if not an obligation, of being a parent. Just as I have that obligation to inculcate my children and grandchildren with the values I cherish. But in public venues where both groups of children are required to gather for a defined purpose, i.e. schools for education, the environment should be neutral. We need to excise the social engineering out of school curricula and reinstate basics.
So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

Iff he doesn't try to steal my purse, shoot up drugs or flash me I probably would not notice.

Regards from Rosie

I was cleaning the bathroom at a city park and guy came in and proceeded to shoot up heroin. Lol
So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

Iff he doesn't try to steal my purse, shoot up drugs or flash me I probably would not notice.

Regards from Rosie

I meant rapist.
That's how it should be.
And if it's really not that important which bathroom a child uses, why is it so imperative that the "transgender" children are pushed into bathrooms of the opposite biological gender?

And as for my son, he will never care. I have been indoctrinating him with my liberal beliefs since he was child.
My best friend is also gay, and when I explained he had a boyfriend and not a girlfriend he just said " oh". Kids don't care, it's becoming an adult that turns them judgmental

Most children will play almost exclusively with same gender children. It's pretty normal that they clique boys with boys and girls with girls. So it shouldn't surprise anyone if they accept it as normal that adults would also group themselves that way.

Indoctrinating your child with your beliefs is a privilege, if not an obligation, of being a parent. Just as I have that obligation to inculcate my children and grandchildren with the values I cherish. But in public venues where both groups of children are required to gather for a defined purpose, i.e. schools for education, the environment should be neutral. We need to excise the social engineering out of school curricula and reinstate basics.

Everything is not black and white, people like you need to realize that.
And your beliefs are not worth making a child's life hell becAuse you can accept they are different.
If that's the Baltimore county story the media buried it until they realized a tranny was involved . But that tyranny had long hair and was dressed like a chick. In talking about having short hair jeans and shirt in and walking into the women's room
What's to stop a man who dresses as a man and has short hair from using the women's room? Do all women have long hair and wear dresses?whata to say a tranny has to meet your stereotype of one?

Oh, I don't know, this might deter some:
'Transgender' girl beaten to seizure in McDonald's attack was a victim of hate crime? | Mail Online

It says in the article it wasn't over the bathroom and it started after one accused of her of looking at her man.
Do you read your links?
If that's the Baltimore county story the media buried it until they realized a tranny was involved . But that tyranny had long hair and was dressed like a chick. In talking about having short hair jeans and shirt in and walking into the women's room

And as for my son, he will never care. I have been indoctrinating him with my liberal beliefs since he was child.
My best friend is also gay, and when I explained he had a boyfriend and not a girlfriend he just said " oh". Kids don't care, it's becoming an adult that turns them judgmental

Most children will play almost exclusively with same gender children. It's pretty normal that they clique boys with boys and girls with girls. So it shouldn't surprise anyone if they accept it as normal that adults would also group themselves that way.

Indoctrinating your child with your beliefs is a privilege, if not an obligation, of being a parent. Just as I have that obligation to inculcate my children and grandchildren with the values I cherish. But in public venues where both groups of children are required to gather for a defined purpose, i.e. schools for education, the environment should be neutral. We need to excise the social engineering out of school curricula and reinstate basics.

Everything is not black and white, people like you need to realize that.
And your beliefs are not worth making a child's life hell becAuse you can accept they are different.

You know, I've always found it interesting that people who have sons have a completely different take on some issues than people with daughters. You could care less if a little girl walks into the boys room at your son's school. Personally, parents of girls might just not be as accepting of the opposite scenario.
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

Iff he doesn't try to steal my purse, shoot up drugs or flash me I probably would not notice.

Regards from Rosie

I was cleaning the bathroom at a city park and guy came in and proceeded to shoot up heroin. Lol

Woman came off the street into one of the school's girls bathrooms and started to shoot up. Puzzled my girls and freaked me out. I was around the corner in the hall collecting the boys.

She chose the correct gender bathroom so it must be ok with the righties in this thread.

Regards from Rosie

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