Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

Iff he doesn't try to steal my purse, shoot up drugs or flash me I probably would not notice.

Regards from Rosie

If that's the Baltimore county story the media buried it until they realized a tranny was involved . But that tyranny had long hair and was dressed like a chick. In talking about having short hair jeans and shirt in and walking into the women's room

Because no women have short hair and wear jeans, right?
Most children will play almost exclusively with same gender children. It's pretty normal that they clique boys with boys and girls with girls. So it shouldn't surprise anyone if they accept it as normal that adults would also group themselves that way.

Indoctrinating your child with your beliefs is a privilege, if not an obligation, of being a parent. Just as I have that obligation to inculcate my children and grandchildren with the values I cherish. But in public venues where both groups of children are required to gather for a defined purpose, i.e. schools for education, the environment should be neutral. We need to excise the social engineering out of school curricula and reinstate basics.

Everything is not black and white, people like you need to realize that.
And your beliefs are not worth making a child's life hell becAuse you can accept they are different.

You know, I've always found it interesting that people who have sons have a completely different take on some issues than people with daughters. You could care less if a little girl walks into the boys room at your son's school. Personally, parents of girls might just not be as accepting of the opposite scenario.

I wouldnt care if I had a daughter, because I am a female and know that most females could care less about this stuff. I am also smart ebough to the chances of a transgender child hurting my child are very very very slim.
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian

Iff he doesn't try to steal my purse, shoot up drugs or flash me I probably would not notice.

Regards from Rosie

If that's the Baltimore county story the media buried it until they realized a tranny was involved . But that tyranny had long hair and was dressed like a chick. In talking about having short hair jeans and shirt in and walking into the women's room

Because no women have short hair and wear jeans, right?

Yes, no women have short hair and they never wear jeans.
Normal grade school kids are not having sex. No transgendered child wants a penis anywhere near your girl. It is 2012. Grow the helll up already.

Regards from Rosie

Like I said you're an idiot bloviating on a topic you have absolutely ZERO knowledge on.
A study in TX found 1 out of 10 6th graders have had sex, and similiar national studies run around the same with some even higher than 1 in 10 depending on the locations of the schools.


And unless you're EVERY mentally ill kid, you have no idea what they would try to do to my daughter, especially being so young and unsure of their sexuality, and I also would not want my grade school daughter going into the restroom and seeing some BOY"S penis. As for me growing up, how do you correlate growing up with having a lack of
morals and decency and a desire to protect my children from the perverse? Just curious as to how you make these two fit.

6th grade is middle school. Girls' bathrooms only have your daughter would have to break school rules by sharing a stall and actively seeking out a penis on another kid. Would they?
Where I come from, NYC, 6th grade is still elementary school, and I'm sure that's not the only place like that, so once again you're speaking on a subject you're ignorant on. As for the rest of your crap, that's all it is, crap. Many schools DO NOT have doors on the stalls so once again, you're full of crap. Here's some advice my daddy gave me when I was a child. I'm giving it to you because you seem to need it extremely badly. Here it goes; "Better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you're a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."

Kids who at hypersexual learned it by being molestation victims. Protect your children from perversion by knowing where all sex offenders kn your area live. Also know all adults that have alone time with your children very well. No, you're wrong here also. Though that is the case in SOME instances, it is not the case in ALL instances which you would know if you had tried to educate yourself by reading at least ONE of the studies I provided you. Are you really that ignorant or is this some type of board persona or character you're playing?

Your child is in more danger from the church youth group pedophile than a same age transgendered child. I don't allow my child to be alone with other adults period, and I don't want my young daughter around boys whether they percieve themselves to be girls or not. What part of "If you have a freaking penis you are a male don't you understand? It's a simple concept really. I can percieve myself to be a 57 chevy, but that sure as hell don't make me one now does it?
Regards from Rosie
Normal grade school kids are not having sex. No transgendered child wants a penis anywhere near your girl. It is 2012. Grow the helll up already.

Regards from Rosie

Like I said you're an idiot bloviating on a topic you have absolutely ZERO knowledge on.
A study in TX found 1 out of 10 6th graders have had sex, and similiar national studies run around the same with some even higher than 1 in 10 depending on the locations of the schools.


And unless you're EVERY mentally ill kid, you have no idea what they would try to do to my daughter, especially being so young and unsure of their sexuality, and I also would not want my grade school daughter going into the restroom and seeing some BOY"S penis. As for me growing up, how do you correlate growing up with having a lack of morals and decency and a desire to protect my children from the perverse? Just curious as to how you make these two fit.

When an individual accepts perversity as normal, it is becomes increasingly difficult to find things that would shock, disgust, or dismay them. At some point, disagreeing with their support of perversity that offends what most others consider normal is designated by them as "perverse". Hence, the concept that "girls are born with penises and boys are born with vaginas" is completely normal for that individual. Your contention that the equipment determines a child's gender is harmful to children, and therefore "perverse".

The bible puts it thusly; Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!
Everything is not black and white, people like you need to realize that.
And your beliefs are not worth making a child's life hell becAuse you can accept they are different.

You know, I've always found it interesting that people who have sons have a completely different take on some issues than people with daughters. You could care less if a little girl walks into the boys room at your son's school. Personally, parents of girls might just not be as accepting of the opposite scenario.

I wouldnt care if I had a daughter, because I am a female and know that most females could care less about this stuff. I am also smart ebough to the chances of a transgender child hurting my child are very very very slim.

Because, mercifully, these poor, misguided children are rare. Even less reason to force the desires of one on the rights of the many to have privacy.

And you advocate for bringing even more mental illness, perversity, unnatural inventions of the PC crowd into our schools. You would force our children to live with another's sickness, real or feigned.


We should just ban all children who aren't normal from attending school. Get those crippled, blind, transgender, cancer riddled, retarded kids away from the normals! They may taint the whole bunch!

Spoken like a true dumbass.
Nobody is saying ban the kids from school, we are saying ban boys from the GIRL'S RESTROOMS and vice versa.

And you advocate for bringing even more mental illness, perversity, unnatural inventions of the PC crowd into our schools. You would force our children to live with another's sickness, real or feigned.

I think this is up to the parents at the school, but your faux outrage is over thinking that a transgender grade school kid is going to molest another kid in the bathroom?

Yeah, that is who you have to be worried about when sending the child to school. :lol:

OH! and I don't see it as a sickness. I do see bigoted assholes who don't accept different people as sick. But that is just me.

Another dumbass gives us their opinion.
Like I said you're an idiot bloviating on a topic you have absolutely ZERO knowledge on.
A study in TX found 1 out of 10 6th graders have had sex, and similiar national studies run around the same with some even higher than 1 in 10 depending on the locations of the schools.


And unless you're EVERY mentally ill kid, you have no idea what they would try to do to my daughter, especially being so young and unsure of their sexuality, and I also would not want my grade school daughter going into the restroom and seeing some BOY"S penis. As for me growing up, how do you correlate growing up with having a lack of morals and decency and a desire to protect my children from the perverse? Just curious as to how you make these two fit.

When an individual accepts perversity as normal, it is becomes increasingly difficult to find things that would shock, disgust, or dismay them. At some point, disagreeing with their support of perversity that offends what most others consider normal is designated by them as "perverse". Hence, the concept that "girls are born with penises and boys are born with vaginas" is completely normal for that individual. Your contention that the equipment determines a child's gender is harmful to children, and therefore "perverse".

The bible puts it thusly; Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!

What disturbs me is that they insist on pushing their woe onto me and mine.
I have a transgender friend, he just wants to live his life. Why do people feel the need to push their morals on him and others?

Becuse he, and leftists a-holes like you, have no morals at all and your lack of morals detrmimentally effects our society as a whole.
And you advocate for bringing even more mental illness, perversity, unnatural inventions of the PC crowd into our schools. You would force our children to live with another's sickness, real or feigned.


We should just ban all children who aren't normal from attending school. Get those crippled, blind, transgender, cancer riddled, retarded kids away from the normals! They may taint the whole bunch!

Spoken like a true dumbass.
Nobody is saying ban the kids from school, we are saying ban boys from the GIRL'S RESTROOMS and vice versa.

I believe we've been told in this very thread that it isn't all black and white. Hhmm, really? The highlighted text is a pretty "black and white" strawman, too.
If your friend has a vagina it's a female

She is what she says she is. She is definitely not an 'it'. You are not a gender assigner. Neither am I.. It is an individual essential state of being.

Regards from Rosie

God, or for a Godless heathen like you you may substitute "nature" detemines gender and if IT was born with a penis IT is a male, and if IT was born with a vagine IT is a female. If IT is confused after looking at it's gentalia as to what IT is, It should seek psychiatric help or maybe an ophthalmologist.
So if I say I'm a black Hispanic I get to get scholarships and affirmative action?

You could claim to be a Cherokee and get elected to office by libtards.

Yeah, that's why she was elected.

And why do any of you give a shit what gender someone thinks they are? Live your own life, worry about yourself.

Nobody does, until these freaks with penises decide they want to use the girl's/ladies room with our daughters.
You liberals are a bunch of perverse, twisted, sick sob's that's for sure.

what is perverse is allowing women to die because the radical religious right thinks they should die rather than have an abortion.

now THAT is perverse.

That's a crock of crap as the number of woman who died from abortions was not effected at all by the passage of Roe vs Wade. Myth, just like the myth of the "back alley" abortion being something dangerous. The very same doctors and offices that did abortions prior to Roe vs Wade, did them AFTER Roe vs Wade, the ONLY difference being the woman used the front door of the office during regular business hours rather than the "back alley" door after hours. Sell your liberal bs somewhere else I ain't buying, and unlike you, I ain't stupid enough to believe the crap you've swallowed hook line and sinker like the gullible, liberal, moron you are.

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