Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

She is what she says she is. She is definitely not an 'it'. You are not a gender assigner. Neither am I.. It is an individual essential state of being.

Regards from Rosie

Just checked my old biology text. Mammals are either he or she. I'm willing to grant a third designation of "it" for those who don't like the truth of their biology.

What about the ones who have both sex organs?
Or women like this?
Women With Male DNA All Female - ABC News

She was fifteen when she found out. What if she decided to be a man? She technically part male, but has a vagina. And someone like you would have a problem with her deciding to be a man because she has a vagina. again. The person is who they say they are. No one knows the mind. the heart, -the orientation but the person. It is not an outsider decision.

Regards from Rosie
You could claim to be a Cherokee and get elected to office by libtards.

Yeah, that's why she was elected.

And why do any of you give a shit what gender someone thinks they are? Live your own life, worry about yourself.

Really, I could care less. But I do worry about my grandchildren and the sick PC indoctrination they receive at the hands of self-proclaimed "educators". Let your little "transgendered" children dress and act however they want, but when it comes to certain issues, like bathrooms and changing rooms, they get to go to the biologically appropriate venue. It is that simple. Who are you to force your views on everyone else?
I already said it was up to the parents bright one. ;)
And I am not the one up in arms over someone who might want to change genders.
She is what she says she is. She is definitely not an 'it'. You are not a gender assigner. Neither am I.. It is an individual essential state of being.

Regards from Rosie

Just checked my old biology text. Mammals are either he or she. I'm willing to grant a third designation of "it" for those who don't like the truth of their biology.

What about the ones who have both sex organs?
Or women like this?
Women With Male DNA All Female - ABC News

She was fifteen when she found out. What if she decided to be a man? She technically part male, but has a vagina. And someone like you would have a problem with her deciding to be a man because she has a vagina.

aaannndddd, here it is, that one-in-a-million, actual biological anomaly that justifies all kinds of abberant and perverse regulation of the rest of the population. I could care less about this unfortunate person, she (nominally) has that choice to make. Her condition is 100% verifiable as a medical condition. Your "transgendered" children have no such verifiable medical condition. They have "feelings", and they "want" to be whatever.
Yeah, that's why she was elected.

And why do any of you give a shit what gender someone thinks they are? Live your own life, worry about yourself.

Really, I could care less. But I do worry about my grandchildren and the sick PC indoctrination they receive at the hands of self-proclaimed "educators". Let your little "transgendered" children dress and act however they want, but when it comes to certain issues, like bathrooms and changing rooms, they get to go to the biologically appropriate venue. It is that simple. Who are you to force your views on everyone else?
I already said it was up to the parents bright one. ;)
And I am not the one up in arms over someone who might want to change genders.

Let's take it back to the OP, we're talking about grade school children. What adults do is up to them. You could cut off you dick and sew it to your forehead, for all I care. What I dislike is pushing this transgender bull on kids who have no reason to be taught such things. It's as simple as assigning bathrooms based on the basic issue the child was born with.
Just checked my old biology text. Mammals are either he or she. I'm willing to grant a third designation of "it" for those who don't like the truth of their biology.

What about the ones who have both sex organs?
Or women like this?
Women With Male DNA All Female - ABC News

She was fifteen when she found out. What if she decided to be a man? She technically part male, but has a vagina. And someone like you would have a problem with her deciding to be a man because she has a vagina.

aaannndddd, here it is, that one-in-a-million, actual biological anomaly that justifies all kinds of abberant and perverse regulation of the rest of the population. I could care less about this unfortunate person, she (nominally) has that choice to make. Her condition is 100% verifiable as a medical condition. Your "transgendered" children have no such verifiable medical condition. They have "feelings", and they "want" to be whatever.

And you need to get the hell outta the way. The little girl with the unwanted penis in the girl's bathroom is no threat to you or yours. The child is not an 'it', is not 'a perversion'. Her teachers probably don't know- upper elementary kids need no bathroom help.

It is 2012. Grow the heck up.

Regards from Rosie
Just checked my old biology text. Mammals are either he or she. I'm willing to grant a third designation of "it" for those who don't like the truth of their biology.

What about the ones who have both sex organs?
Or women like this?
Women With Male DNA All Female - ABC News

She was fifteen when she found out. What if she decided to be a man? She technically part male, but has a vagina. And someone like you would have a problem with her deciding to be a man because she has a vagina.

aaannndddd, here it is, that one-in-a-million, actual biological anomaly that justifies all kinds of abberant and perverse regulation of the rest of the population. I could care less about this unfortunate person, she (nominally) has that choice to make. Her condition is 100% verifiable as a medical condition. Your "transgendered" children have no such verifiable medical condition. They have "feelings", and they "want" to be whatever.

How do you know that?
Some studies say the fact that they "want" to be a different sex could be linked to biological reasons.

"Co-author Professor Vincent Harley added: "There is a social stigma that transsexualism is simply a lifestyle choice, however our findings support a biological basis of how gender identity develops."

"DNA analysis from 112 male-to-female transsexual volunteers showed they were more likely to have a longer version of the androgen receptor gene.
The genetic difference may cause weaker testosterone signals, the team reported in Biological Psychiatry."

So how about we stop the argument that these children just wake up one day and feel like changing their sex. That they choose to go down a path where they will be constantly attacked by dipshits like ones posting in this thread.
It pretty much sounds like there is biological reasons why a 9 year old would want to do this. This study might not be completely proven but it shows that your argument that is just something they want is bullshit.
Really, I could care less. But I do worry about my grandchildren and the sick PC indoctrination they receive at the hands of self-proclaimed "educators". Let your little "transgendered" children dress and act however they want, but when it comes to certain issues, like bathrooms and changing rooms, they get to go to the biologically appropriate venue. It is that simple. Who are you to force your views on everyone else?
I already said it was up to the parents bright one. ;)
And I am not the one up in arms over someone who might want to change genders.

Let's take it back to the OP, we're talking about grade school children. What adults do is up to them. You could cut off you dick and sew it to your forehead, for all I care. What I dislike is pushing this transgender bull on kids who have no reason to be taught such things. It's as simple as assigning bathrooms based on the basic issue the child was born with.

Why do they have no reason to be taught these things?
I could argue the same thing about many things I was taught in school.

And ten bucks none of the kids at the school care what bathroom they use. Kids are better at adapting than their close minded parents.
And I more worried about an adult hurting my child at school than some girl who wants to be a boy going to the bathroom with my son.
For one he would probably never know the difference. He is more worried about what car he wants.
I already said it was up to the parents bright one. ;)
And I am not the one up in arms over someone who might want to change genders.

Let's take it back to the OP, we're talking about grade school children. What adults do is up to them. You could cut off you dick and sew it to your forehead, for all I care. What I dislike is pushing this transgender bull on kids who have no reason to be taught such things. It's as simple as assigning bathrooms based on the basic issue the child was born with.

Why do they have no reason to be taught these things?
I could argue the same thing about many things I was taught in school.

And ten bucks none of the kids at the school care what bathroom they use. Kids are better at adapting than their close minded parents.
And I more worried about an adult hurting my child at school than some girl who wants to be a boy going to the bathroom with my son.
For one he would probably never know the difference. He is more worried about what car he wants.

That's how it should be.
And if it's really not that important which bathroom a child uses, why is it so imperative that the "transgender" children are pushed into bathrooms of the opposite biological gender?
Let's take it back to the OP, we're talking about grade school children. What adults do is up to them. You could cut off you dick and sew it to your forehead, for all I care. What I dislike is pushing this transgender bull on kids who have no reason to be taught such things. It's as simple as assigning bathrooms based on the basic issue the child was born with.

Why do they have no reason to be taught these things?
I could argue the same thing about many things I was taught in school.

And ten bucks none of the kids at the school care what bathroom they use. Kids are better at adapting than their close minded parents.
And I more worried about an adult hurting my child at school than some girl who wants to be a boy going to the bathroom with my son.
For one he would probably never know the difference. He is more worried about what car he wants.

That's how it should be.
And if it's really not that important which bathroom a child uses, why is it so imperative that the "transgender" children are pushed into bathrooms of the opposite biological gender?

Because I am sure it is real fun for a boy who thinks he is female and dresses like he is female to go the bathroom with a bunch of boys who probably stare at him.
You and others are more worried about yourself, than you are about what it is like for the confused child that probably has no clue why they want to be a different gender.
Let's take it back to the OP, we're talking about grade school children. What adults do is up to them. You could cut off you dick and sew it to your forehead, for all I care. What I dislike is pushing this transgender bull on kids who have no reason to be taught such things. It's as simple as assigning bathrooms based on the basic issue the child was born with.

Why do they have no reason to be taught these things?
I could argue the same thing about many things I was taught in school.

And ten bucks none of the kids at the school care what bathroom they use. Kids are better at adapting than their close minded parents.
And I more worried about an adult hurting my child at school than some girl who wants to be a boy going to the bathroom with my son.
For one he would probably never know the difference. He is more worried about what car he wants.

That's how it should be.
And if it's really not that important which bathroom a child uses, why is it so imperative that the "transgender" children are pushed into bathrooms of the opposite biological gender?

And as for my son, he will never care. I have been indoctrinating him with my liberal beliefs since he was child.
My best friend is also gay, and when I explained he had a boyfriend and not a girlfriend he just said " oh". Kids don't care, it's becoming an adult that turns them judgmental
What's to stop a man who dresses as a man and has short hair from using the women's room? Do all women have long hair and wear dresses?whata to say a tranny has to meet your stereotype of one?
Why do they have no reason to be taught these things?
I could argue the same thing about many things I was taught in school.

And ten bucks none of the kids at the school care what bathroom they use. Kids are better at adapting than their close minded parents.
And I more worried about an adult hurting my child at school than some girl who wants to be a boy going to the bathroom with my son.
For one he would probably never know the difference. He is more worried about what car he wants.

That's how it should be.
And if it's really not that important which bathroom a child uses, why is it so imperative that the "transgender" children are pushed into bathrooms of the opposite biological gender?

And as for my son, he will never care. I have been indoctrinating him with my liberal beliefs since he was child.
My best friend is also gay, and when I explained he had a boyfriend and not a girlfriend he just said " oh". Kids don't care, it's becoming an adult that turns them judgmental
Kids are impressionable and you are indoctrinating them. When they get older they can figure things out for themselves
That's how it should be.
And if it's really not that important which bathroom a child uses, why is it so imperative that the "transgender" children are pushed into bathrooms of the opposite biological gender?

And as for my son, he will never care. I have been indoctrinating him with my liberal beliefs since he was child.
My best friend is also gay, and when I explained he had a boyfriend and not a girlfriend he just said " oh". Kids don't care, it's becoming an adult that turns them judgmental
Kids are impressionable and you are indoctrinating them. When they get older they can figure things out for themselves

The indoctrinating part was a joke. ;)
And all I am doing is teaching my child to be accepting of other people.
What's to stop a man who dresses as a man and has short hair from using the women's room? Do all women have long hair and wear dresses?whata to say a tranny has to meet your stereotype of one?

So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
What's to stop a man who dresses as a man and has short hair from using the women's room? Do all women have long hair and wear dresses?whata to say a tranny has to meet your stereotype of one?

So? Let him.
I used to have one who looked like a man mostly buy tampons from me at Kmart. I would care less if he is in the bathroom with me.
What are you worried about exactly?
So that means a racist could just walk into a woman's bathroom by just claiming he's transgender but dresses like a lesbian
What's to stop a man who dresses as a man and has short hair from using the women's room? Do all women have long hair and wear dresses?whata to say a tranny has to meet your stereotype of one?

I bet it has happened a lot. I didn't notice because I was too busy seeking relief to care what other people did.

Since girls rooms don't have urinals there is nothing to see. The secondary main concern is not forgetting your purse or gettting it stolen.

Women's facilities are not cathedrals.

Regards from Rosie

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