Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

If your friend has a vagina it's a female

She is what she says she is. She is definitely not an 'it'. You are not a gender assigner. Neither am I.. It is an individual essential state of being.

Regards from Rosie

God, or for a Godless heathen like you you may substitute "nature" detemines gender and if IT was born with a penis IT is a male, and if IT was born with a vagine IT is a female. If IT is confused after looking at it's gentalia as to what IT is, It should seek psychiatric help or maybe an ophthalmologist.

Do you blame Gawd for the mangled mess you have or do the shrink's drugs make it not matter any more? Bitter, much?

Regards from Rosie
The left's lie about woman dying from abortions prior to Roe vs Wade.

One of the most common arguments abortion advocates make in defense of legal abortion is that making abortion illegal will cause women to go to the "back alleys" and obtain unsafe abortions. They cite how thousands of women died as a result of unsafe abortions before abortion was legalized through the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.

We already know legal abortions are not safe - they can and do cause women to lose their lives and harm women physically and emotionally. So let's address some other issues.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League, admits his group lied about the number of women who died from illegal abortions when testifying before the Supreme Court in 1972. "We spoke of 5,000 - 10,000 deaths a year.... I confess that I knew the figures were totally false ... it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics?"

That claim of thousands of maternal deaths due to illegal abortion doesn't measure up when compared with other statistics. About 50,000 women of child-bearing age die each year -- from all causes combined. To suggest that 10,000 of these deaths were from illegal abortion would make that the cause of one out of every five deaths, or twenty percent. This would have made illegal abortion the leading cause of death among women in that age group.

What, then, did cause abortion-related deaths due to illegal abortions? According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics, the legalization of abortion was not responsible for reducing abortion-related deaths. This discovery of antibiotics in the 1940's did that by providing effective treatment for infections.

The National Center for Heath Statistics reveals that before 1941, there were over 1,400 abortion-related deaths. Yet after Penicillin became available to control infections, the number of deaths was reduced in the 1950's to approximately 250 per year. By 1966, with abortion still illegal in all states, the number of deaths had dropped steadily to 120. The reason? New and better antibiotics, better surgery and the establishment of intensive care units in hospitals. This was in the face of a rising population.

Between 1967 and 1970 sixteen states legalized abortion. In most it was limited, only for rape, incest and severe fetal handicaps or deformities, and when the pregnancy jeopardized the life of the mother (all of which constitute only 5% of the abortion cases today). There were two notable exceptions - California in 1967 and New York in 1970 legalized abortion on demand.

Legalizing abortion should have eliminated some deaths related to illegal abortions. That is not the case. In the years from 1963-1969, there were an average of approximately 55 deaths per year due to illegal abortions. In 1970, after this initial wave of laws legalizing abortions, there were 109. Deaths from illegal abortions increased.

By the year before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision allowing legal abortion on demand in all fifty states, the death rate for illegal abortions had fallen to 24 in 1972 (with 25 additional deaths as a result of legal abortions). Now abortion was legal in all fifty states and back alley abortions eliminated with their alleged total of maternal deaths. In 1973 there should have been a sharp drop in abortion-related deaths if abortion advocates were right that legalizing abortion would make abortion safe.

Yet abortion-related deaths increased again with 25 deaths resulting from legal abortion in 1973, 26 in 1974 and 29 in 1975.

Some have claimed that the number of illegal abortion-related deaths were not reported accurately or underreported. Yet, when a woman was seriously injured by an abortion, she went to another doctor for care. The abortion practitioner was rarely involved at that point. The new doctor in many cases had to attempt to save the mother's life. In cases of maternal death, this new doctor was required to report, and falsification of the death certificate was a felony. Therefore, prior to legalization of abortion, it's safe to say deaths from illegal abortions were rarely covered up.

Yet, even if the case can be made that deaths resulting from illegal abortions were underreported, it is equally safe to say that deaths resulting from legal abortions are underreported. In Maryland in 1991, there were four women who died from legal abortions that year. None of the four were reported to the Federal Centers for Disease Control for its statistics. Whereas prior to the legalization of abortion a second doctor, with little or no reason to cover up a death for which he or she was not responsible, was involved in an attempt to save the mother's life; with legalized abortion the abortion practitioner is usually the one attempting to save the mother's life when the abortion threatens her life.

Other specific instances help us see how reporting for the number of deaths related to illegal abortions may be low: In 1977 an Ohio doctor noted that while the official statistics showed no abortion-related deaths in Ohio that year, he personally knew of two. If one doctor knew of two cases, how many were there really?

Abortion was legalized in California in 1967. According to an article in the Los Angeles Times in 1972, official records showed four legal abortion-related deaths in the entire country from 1967 to 1972. Yet a reporter for that paper uncovered three deaths only in Los Angeles in just one month in 1972.

A reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times uncovered 12 legal abortion-related deaths in that city in 1978. The government statistics show only 16 deaths for the entire country in that year.

Another important point is that many of the abortion practitioners performing abortions after Roe v. Wade were the same people performing illegal abortions. In the July 1960 edition of the American Journal of Public Health, an article by Dr. Mary Calderon, then medical director of Planned Parenthood, which stated:

"90% of illegal abortions are being done by physicians. Call them what you will, abortionists, or anything else, they are still physicians, trained as such; ... They must do a pretty good job if the death rate is as low as it is... Abortion, whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians."

Here is a candid admission that not only are illegal abortions not being done by quack doctors but that the death rate from illegal abortions was "low." This flies in the face of claims of several thousand women losing their lives to illegal abortions and the claim that illegal abortions were performed by quack doctors and not by physicians.

As we can see, "Never again" never was. There were not several thousand women losing their lives due to illegal abortions performed by quack doctors. Effective medical treatments helped reduce abortion related deaths and the legalization of abortion never played a significant role (and never will) in affecting the numbers of women who died from legal or illegal abortion-related deaths. That women continue to die from so-called "safe, legal" abortions (perhaps in greater numbers than we know) is a clear indication that abortion is unsafe and hurts women - legal or otherwise.
I think this is up to the parents at the school, but your faux outrage is over thinking that a transgender grade school kid is going to molest another kid in the bathroom?

Yeah, that is who you have to be worried about when sending the child to school. :lol:

OH! and I don't see it as a sickness. I do see bigoted assholes who don't accept different people as sick. But that is just me.

I understand people are different. I actually celebrate the fact that some people are born with a penis and others are born with a vagina. I still see no reason to shove that difference into people's faces.

Why do you guys always say they are shoving it in your face?
Why do you have to shove your opinions in their face?

You don't think it is rude to put your crotch in another person's face without permission?
I have a transgender friend, he just wants to live his life. Why do people feel the need to push their morals on him and others?

This thread is about bathrooms at schools, why do you keep talking about adults?

For obvious reasons, and why libs at the schools are doing what they do. To indoctrinate kids so they grow up used to denying reality.
Why restrict rest rooms to the whims of confused kids? Open them up to everyone regardless of hormone balance. Does anyone in their right mind think kids in High School wouldn't be aware of fellow students with penis's sitting on a girls toilet? Do the fools who make the rules think that allowing sissy boys in the girls locker room is going to quell a bullying problem? The world is upside down and back-assward to liberals.
You know, I've always found it interesting that people who have sons have a completely different take on some issues than people with daughters. You could care less if a little girl walks into the boys room at your son's school. Personally, parents of girls might just not be as accepting of the opposite scenario.

I wouldnt care if I had a daughter, because I am a female and know that most females could care less about this stuff. I am also smart ebough to the chances of a transgender child hurting my child are very very very slim.

Because, mercifully, these poor, misguided children are rare. Even less reason to force the desires of one on the rights of the many to have privacy.

It has nothing to do with them being rare.
I have a transgender friend, he just wants to live his life. Why do people feel the need to push their morals on him and others?

This thread is about bathrooms at schools, why do you keep talking about adults?

For obvious reasons, and why libs at the schools are doing what they do. To indoctrinate kids so they grow up used to denying reality.

Why are you talking About cross dressing rapists in this thread?
I understand people are different. I actually celebrate the fact that some people are born with a penis and others are born with a vagina. I still see no reason to shove that difference into people's faces.

Why do you guys always say they are shoving it in your face?
Why do you have to shove your opinions in their face?

You don't think it is rude to put your crotch in another person's face without permission?

What are you even talking about?
I have a transgender friend, he just wants to live his life. Why do people feel the need to push their morals on him and others?

This thread is about bathrooms at schools, why do you keep talking about adults?

Did you ask the right wingers that question?
And you should never call out someone for derailing a thread. :lol:

Are they insisting this is about the right of adults to make their own choices? Didn't think so.
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.

Sounds like separate but equal. That has been tried...
I've never met a drag queen I wouldn't share a public restroom with. I am sure I have shared public restrooms with transgendered people and not much noticed. It is not a place for hanging out and recreating.

Poor little children more worried about bathrooms than their schoolwork? Nice job freaking your kid the hell out, parents.

Is any of this really important? I think not.

Regards from Rosie

It is about basic human dignity and decency.
It appears you have neither.
look, whether you like it or not. Vaginas go in this room.. penises go in that room.
The left's lie about woman dying from abortions prior to Roe vs Wade.

One of the most common arguments abortion advocates make in defense of legal abortion is that making abortion illegal will cause women to go to the "back alleys" and obtain unsafe abortions. They cite how thousands of women died as a result of unsafe abortions before abortion was legalized through the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.

We already know legal abortions are not safe - they can and do cause women to lose their lives and harm women physically and emotionally. So let's address some other issues.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League, admits his group lied about the number of women who died from illegal abortions when testifying before the Supreme Court in 1972. "We spoke of 5,000 - 10,000 deaths a year.... I confess that I knew the figures were totally false ... it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics?"

That claim of thousands of maternal deaths due to illegal abortion doesn't measure up when compared with other statistics. About 50,000 women of child-bearing age die each year -- from all causes combined. To suggest that 10,000 of these deaths were from illegal abortion would make that the cause of one out of every five deaths, or twenty percent. This would have made illegal abortion the leading cause of death among women in that age group.

What, then, did cause abortion-related deaths due to illegal abortions? According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics, the legalization of abortion was not responsible for reducing abortion-related deaths. This discovery of antibiotics in the 1940's did that by providing effective treatment for infections.

The National Center for Heath Statistics reveals that before 1941, there were over 1,400 abortion-related deaths. Yet after Penicillin became available to control infections, the number of deaths was reduced in the 1950's to approximately 250 per year. By 1966, with abortion still illegal in all states, the number of deaths had dropped steadily to 120. The reason? New and better antibiotics, better surgery and the establishment of intensive care units in hospitals. This was in the face of a rising population.

Between 1967 and 1970 sixteen states legalized abortion. In most it was limited, only for rape, incest and severe fetal handicaps or deformities, and when the pregnancy jeopardized the life of the mother (all of which constitute only 5% of the abortion cases today). There were two notable exceptions - California in 1967 and New York in 1970 legalized abortion on demand.

Legalizing abortion should have eliminated some deaths related to illegal abortions. That is not the case. In the years from 1963-1969, there were an average of approximately 55 deaths per year due to illegal abortions. In 1970, after this initial wave of laws legalizing abortions, there were 109. Deaths from illegal abortions increased.

By the year before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision allowing legal abortion on demand in all fifty states, the death rate for illegal abortions had fallen to 24 in 1972 (with 25 additional deaths as a result of legal abortions). Now abortion was legal in all fifty states and back alley abortions eliminated with their alleged total of maternal deaths. In 1973 there should have been a sharp drop in abortion-related deaths if abortion advocates were right that legalizing abortion would make abortion safe.

Yet abortion-related deaths increased again with 25 deaths resulting from legal abortion in 1973, 26 in 1974 and 29 in 1975.

Some have claimed that the number of illegal abortion-related deaths were not reported accurately or underreported. Yet, when a woman was seriously injured by an abortion, she went to another doctor for care. The abortion practitioner was rarely involved at that point. The new doctor in many cases had to attempt to save the mother's life. In cases of maternal death, this new doctor was required to report, and falsification of the death certificate was a felony. Therefore, prior to legalization of abortion, it's safe to say deaths from illegal abortions were rarely covered up.

Yet, even if the case can be made that deaths resulting from illegal abortions were underreported, it is equally safe to say that deaths resulting from legal abortions are underreported. In Maryland in 1991, there were four women who died from legal abortions that year. None of the four were reported to the Federal Centers for Disease Control for its statistics. Whereas prior to the legalization of abortion a second doctor, with little or no reason to cover up a death for which he or she was not responsible, was involved in an attempt to save the mother's life; with legalized abortion the abortion practitioner is usually the one attempting to save the mother's life when the abortion threatens her life.

Other specific instances help us see how reporting for the number of deaths related to illegal abortions may be low: In 1977 an Ohio doctor noted that while the official statistics showed no abortion-related deaths in Ohio that year, he personally knew of two. If one doctor knew of two cases, how many were there really?

Abortion was legalized in California in 1967. According to an article in the Los Angeles Times in 1972, official records showed four legal abortion-related deaths in the entire country from 1967 to 1972. Yet a reporter for that paper uncovered three deaths only in Los Angeles in just one month in 1972.

A reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times uncovered 12 legal abortion-related deaths in that city in 1978. The government statistics show only 16 deaths for the entire country in that year.

Another important point is that many of the abortion practitioners performing abortions after Roe v. Wade were the same people performing illegal abortions. In the July 1960 edition of the American Journal of Public Health, an article by Dr. Mary Calderon, then medical director of Planned Parenthood, which stated:

"90% of illegal abortions are being done by physicians. Call them what you will, abortionists, or anything else, they are still physicians, trained as such; ... They must do a pretty good job if the death rate is as low as it is... Abortion, whether therapeutic or illegal, is in the main no longer dangerous, because it is being done well by physicians."

Here is a candid admission that not only are illegal abortions not being done by quack doctors but that the death rate from illegal abortions was "low." This flies in the face of claims of several thousand women losing their lives to illegal abortions and the claim that illegal abortions were performed by quack doctors and not by physicians.

As we can see, "Never again" never was. There were not several thousand women losing their lives due to illegal abortions performed by quack doctors. Effective medical treatments helped reduce abortion related deaths and the legalization of abortion never played a significant role (and never will) in affecting the numbers of women who died from legal or illegal abortion-related deaths. That women continue to die from so-called "safe, legal" abortions (perhaps in greater numbers than we know) is a clear indication that abortion is unsafe and hurts women - legal or otherwise.

Hey, you plagiarize really, really well.

Abortion Myths | Texas Right to Life

So not only can you not make your own arguments, you try and take others bullshit as your own.

Tell me, does it hurt?
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.

Sounds like separate but equal. That has been tried...

Sounds like segregation.
Is this a big issue there? Lots of transgender kids? :confused:

Story says 2 out of 15k. It is the County School Board which made it a big deal by passing such a controversial and stupid rule.
This is another example of a body of people kowtowing to the lowest common denominator in order to protect itself against the threat of litigation.
Another reason why there should be in all civil cases, a "loser pays" prerequisite.
In other words, sue at your own risk. If you lose, you pay the legal fees of the defendant. So you had better make sure you have a solid case BEFORE you file.

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