Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

I would be interested in knowing how many of these "trans-gender" children have the normal parental contingent of one mother (biological female) and one father (biological male). Or how many have any of the newly fashionable pairings, two daddies, two mommies, etc.

Why does it matter?

It just does. When adults think with their private parts, the kids are usually the ones that are fucked up.
But none of you anything goes if it feels good ,do it liberals cares about that.
I would be interested in knowing how many of these "trans-gender" children have the normal parental contingent of one mother (biological female) and one father (biological male). Or how many have any of the newly fashionable pairings, two daddies, two mommies, etc.

Why does it matter?

It just does. When adults think with their private parts, the kids are usually the ones that are fucked up.
But none of you anything goes if it feels good ,do it liberals cares about that.
your last sentence is gibberish. ;)
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.

Usually one's opinion is their own for obvious reasons. The main reason is everyone is entitled to their opinion.
However, there are opinions so over the top, so deviant, they are deemed unacceptable.
Such is the case with yours.
You eschew the reality of acceptable norms.
Laws may exist. Laws may protect from government. However, there is the concept of contemporary community standards. In this, the people of a community have the full right to find certain actions so repulsive, they reject them and those who hold them.
This is one of those cases. The people of the county in question petitioned their elected officials with their outright rejection of a policy. The elected officials rescinded the policy.
Case closed.
I would be interested in knowing how many of these "trans-gender" children have the normal parental contingent of one mother (biological female) and one father (biological male). Or how many have any of the newly fashionable pairings, two daddies, two mommies, etc.

Why does it matter?

because he's a bigot and a homophobe?
Since when does this notion of trans gender have anything to do with homosexuality?
Be careful how you word your posts.
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.

You, lacking any decency or morals like 99.9% of the liberal scum in this nation, may not have a problem with your grade school girl being exposed to boy's penises, and the perversion associated with boys who pretend to be girls, and vice versa, but decent people would like to protect their kids from that sort of thing for as long as possible.

First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names.

Second, I have two daughters of my own, although they are now in Middle and High School, I still would not have had any issues what so ever with allowing a transgendered child use the same restroom as either of them, because the chances of them seeing his penis would have been tremendously slim, almost null...why? Think about that for a both girls and womens rooms we have ALL stalls with DOORS to close behind us when we have to pull our britches and panties down to sit on the toilet and pee...that's a little thing called PRIVACY.
Now, how do you figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathoom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him?
Lol Jt, us girls don't have x-ray vision...
When going to gay bars women go to the bathroom with drag queens all the time, I sure didn't care. When in public I could careless too. Men would probably have more of a problem with transgender male or drag queen in their bathroom anyways.

Hey rocket scientist. Nobody cares if you lived in the world of seedy bars and other places where deviants gather.
These are not consenting adults. They are KIDS...Get it?

I do love retards like you and QW who can't follow threads and posts.
And the fact you call them deviants says a lot.
Right wingers have proven to be quite the morons in this thread. The only non fuck up I think was Si Modo.

Seriously, is this a left-winger giving sermons over who is and who isn't morons? That's hilarious.
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.

You, lacking any decency or morals like 99.9% of the liberal scum in this nation, may not have a problem with your grade school girl being exposed to boy's penises, and the perversion associated with boys who pretend to be girls, and vice versa, but decent people would like to protect their kids from that sort of thing for as long as possible.

First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names.

Sure you're either liberal or conservative. If your political philosophy favors the left by 51%, you're a leftist/liberal. If you're political philosophy favors the right by 51%, you're a righty/conservative. It isn't that complicated. And, sorry, there's no such thing as 50/50 or, "in the middle". The only thing "in the middle" is your butthole, "in the middle" between two cheeks. You aren't a butthole...are you?
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.

You, lacking any decency or morals like 99.9% of the liberal scum in this nation, may not have a problem with your grade school girl being exposed to boy's penises, and the perversion associated with boys who pretend to be girls, and vice versa, but decent people would like to protect their kids from that sort of thing for as long as possible.

First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names.

Second, I have two daughters of my own, although they are now in Middle and High School, I still would not have had any issues what so ever with allowing a transgendered child use the same restroom as either of them, because the chances of them seeing his penis would have been tremendously slim, almost null...why? Think about that for a both girls and womens rooms we have ALL stalls with DOORS to close behind us when we have to pull our britches and panties down to sit on the toilet and pee...that's a little thing called PRIVACY.
Now, how do you figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathoom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him?
Lol Jt, us girls don't have x-ray vision...

How does one figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathroom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him? Well, this depends on whether or not "he" sits down to "PEE" or, stands up. If "he" stands up and one of the girls in the bathroom notices "he" is standing up? Well, they're likely going to scream bloody murder and, "he's" going to come running out of "his" stall, with his tallywacker flopping all over the place trying to get the fuck out of there, knowing "he's" likely about to be whacked by a bunch of freaked out girls. And, I don't mean "whacked" in a sexual context...either.
What paranoia? Where liberals run the show, they pass laws where if I owned a business and tried to remove someone with a penis from the women's bathroom by force, I will be in violation of those laws and probably guilty of a "hate crime".


Only a liberal could be so mentally ill that they could think a woman can have a penis.

And only someone so hateful and ignorant would believe gender is determined by anatomy alone.

Holy shit...I suppose you believe that regardless of biology a person should have the right to name themselves what they wish and then have the right tofoist that belief on everyone else. That with no regard to the comfort or sensibility of another or a group...
In other words, if one is a weirdo, they have the exclusive right to make everyone else feel uncomfortable?..
Look pal, in normal society, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...or the individual.
We cannot function as a society if we have 320 million people( is it ok to use that term, or are we going to start allowing people to classify themselves as "meat popsicles) each wanting to be their own species of one.

Indeed comrade...the needs of the many

[ame=]Chinese Army Remix.[/ame]
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.

You, lacking any decency or morals like 99.9% of the liberal scum in this nation, may not have a problem with your grade school girl being exposed to boy's penises, and the perversion associated with boys who pretend to be girls, and vice versa, but decent people would like to protect their kids from that sort of thing for as long as possible.

First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names. No, you don't have morals, you practice what is called moral relativism, as for you being neither liberal nor conservative, you may not identify yourself as either, but your words and beliefs identlfy you as a leftist thinker at least as far as moral beliefs go.

Second, I have two daughters of my own, although they are now in Middle and High School, I still would not have had any issues what so ever with allowing a transgendered child use the same restroom as either of them, because the chances of them seeing his penis would have been tremendously slim, almost null...why? Think about that for a both girls and womens rooms we have ALL stalls with DOORS to close behind us when we have to pull our britches and panties down to sit on the toilet and pee...that's a little thing called PRIVACY. Not all schools have doors on the stalls, so I'm not interested in your school. Secondly, where do you draw the line? If they are treated as boys for bathroom purposes, what about the locker room? What about the showers? I don't much give a crap what a person "thinks" they are, the FACT is that if they have a penis they ARE a male and belong in the male's restroom, locker room, shower, etc, and if they have a vagina they ARE a female and belong in the female's restroom, shower, locker room, etc.

Now, how do you figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathoom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him? Like I said, not all PS restrooms have stalls on their doors so your personal experiance in the school your daughters go to is not my concern. Lol Jt, us girls don't have x-ray vision...
You know, I don't know why this whole bathroom thing is even an issue, considering that these children are in the bathroom with gay children every day...both boys and girls are using the same restroom as their gay and lesbian classmates are...why is a transgendered child any different from that? I don't hear the all American macho male crying about that?
Should bathrooms be built exclusively for gay/transgendered boys and girls???
Which would be quite expensive BTW. YOUR tax dollars will go to, would actually be supporting them. And by 'YOU' I mean all the men on this thread getting their boxers in a bunch over a frickin' CHILD.

You, lacking any decency or morals like 99.9% of the liberal scum in this nation, may not have a problem with your grade school girl being exposed to boy's penises, and the perversion associated with boys who pretend to be girls, and vice versa, but decent people would like to protect their kids from that sort of thing for as long as possible.

First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names.

Second, I have two daughters of my own, although they are now in Middle and High School, I still would not have had any issues what so ever with allowing a transgendered child use the same restroom as either of them, because the chances of them seeing his penis would have been tremendously slim, almost null...why? Think about that for a both girls and womens rooms we have ALL stalls with DOORS to close behind us when we have to pull our britches and panties down to sit on the toilet and pee...that's a little thing called PRIVACY.
Now, how do you figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathoom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him?
Lol Jt, us girls don't have x-ray vision...

Try again....Your opinion is outrageous and is rejected.
The point is moot. The School Board rescinded the policy. Case closed.
You, lacking any decency or morals like 99.9% of the liberal scum in this nation, may not have a problem with your grade school girl being exposed to boy's penises, and the perversion associated with boys who pretend to be girls, and vice versa, but decent people would like to protect their kids from that sort of thing for as long as possible.

First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names.

Second, I have two daughters of my own, although they are now in Middle and High School, I still would not have had any issues what so ever with allowing a transgendered child use the same restroom as either of them, because the chances of them seeing his penis would have been tremendously slim, almost null...why? Think about that for a both girls and womens rooms we have ALL stalls with DOORS to close behind us when we have to pull our britches and panties down to sit on the toilet and pee...that's a little thing called PRIVACY.
Now, how do you figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathoom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him?
Lol Jt, us girls don't have x-ray vision...

Try again....Your opinion is outrageous and is rejected.
The point is moot. The School Board rescinded the policy. Case closed.

It appears that the majority of parents carried the day on this.:clap2::clap2:

Imagine that!
If trannies aren't mentally ill why do they and their enablers expect I durance to cover them?
First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names.

Second, I have two daughters of my own, although they are now in Middle and High School, I still would not have had any issues what so ever with allowing a transgendered child use the same restroom as either of them, because the chances of them seeing his penis would have been tremendously slim, almost null...why? Think about that for a both girls and womens rooms we have ALL stalls with DOORS to close behind us when we have to pull our britches and panties down to sit on the toilet and pee...that's a little thing called PRIVACY.
Now, how do you figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathoom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him?
Lol Jt, us girls don't have x-ray vision...

Try again....Your opinion is outrageous and is rejected.
The point is moot. The School Board rescinded the policy. Case closed.

It appears that the majority of parents carried the day on this.:clap2::clap2:

Imagine that!
This is liberals arguing ideology while ignoring reality and logic.
I've never met a drag queen I wouldn't share a public restroom with. I am sure I have shared public restrooms with transgendered people and not much noticed. It is not a place for hanging out and recreating.

Poor little children more worried about bathrooms than their schoolwork? Nice job freaking your kid the hell out, parents.

Is any of this really important? I think not.

Regards from Rosie

We are not talking about public restrooms here, we are talking about grade school restrooms. There is a difference.

You seriously think the party that has fought long and hard for the sexualization of children and to kill children in utero gives a shit about whether they get raped in the bathroom?
The few transgender people I have met were usually some of the nicest and most considerate people you'd ever meet. When you are locked in a body that doesn't fit I guess maybe you come to realize life is complex and tolerance essential. The narrow minded will always be squeamish about things that extend beyond their small mindedness and inexperience. I remember talking with others about this years ago and bathrooms in our corporate setting bothered some. One solution where possible was to have a gender neutral facility. When we were in Paris years ago they had a few of these open bathrooms. Men peeing on floors as we always do and woman waiting for an opening. For those who served remember the open bathrooms and showers. Defecating with fellow soldiers. haha Get over it, there are important things in life.
So? That's true of all boys.

Most of them are great.

It's the ones that aren't that are the reason that we separate boys and girls bathrooms. It isn't that transgenders are a particular threat (though what the fuck is your motivation in teaching little kids to be a different sex? You fucking weirdoes)'s that boys and girls don't need to share bathrooms. It leads to problems.

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