Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

How is it not?

A special co-ed restroom for those that don't know what gender they want to be from day to day?

Mind you we're talking about children and school restrooms.

Does your home have a a few urinals and a couple of stalls in the restroom?

I didn't think so.

Do you know how rare these so-called transgendered children are?

But you want to build a special restroom to cater to a couple of confused kids whose parents are too ate up with liberalism to teach the child that he has a penis, he is a male and to knock off the dressing up and the barbie doll playing bullshit.

Parents need to grow the fuck up and start being parents instead of finding excuses why their kids are so fucked up.

Build a special restroom??? Where'd I say that??

Make one restroom in the school non-specific so whoever wants to use it can. It solves the problem of parents screaming about a boy using the girls room/girl using the boys room and shuts up the parents of the 'confused' kid.

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

Except that then these kids have to go out of their way to go to the restroom, which only makes things worse.

Then they go out of their way. So?

It doesn't make anything worse it keeps the confused kids out of the opposite sex bathroom. Those parents are the ones complaining (I would be one of them), it solves the problem.
How is providing a multi-use restroom catering to anyone? Boys and girls can both use it -- you know, just like home or family restrooms. That way whoever wants to use it can and whoever doesn't want to use it can just use the girls only or boys only restroom.

How is it not?

A special co-ed restroom for those that don't know what gender they want to be from day to day?

Mind you we're talking about children and school restrooms.

Does your home have a a few urinals and a couple of stalls in the restroom?

I didn't think so.

Do you know how rare these so-called transgendered children are?

But you want to build a special restroom to cater to a couple of confused kids whose parents are too ate up with liberalism to teach the child that he has a penis, he is a male and to knock off the dressing up and the barbie doll playing bullshit.

Parents need to grow the fuck up and start being parents instead of finding excuses why their kids are so fucked up.

Build a special restroom??? Where'd I say that??

Make one restroom in the school non-specific so whoever wants to use it can. It solves the problem of parents screaming about a boy using the girls room/girl using the boys room and shuts up the parents of the 'confused' kid.

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

It's catering to the whims of children. Period.

A trangender child not a special needs child. It's a child whose parents are the ones with a mental illness.

And comparing a so-called transgender child to a child with autism is ludicrous.
How is providing a multi-use restroom catering to anyone? Boys and girls can both use it -- you know, just like home or family restrooms. That way whoever wants to use it can and whoever doesn't want to use it can just use the girls only or boys only restroom.

Excuse me, how is it not? There are, with a few very rare exceptions, two sexes among humans. Providing a separate bathroom for the occasional hermaphrodite, who are only 0.05% of the population, doesn't make any sense economically, especially when you consider the fact that most of them receive surgery after birth to assign their gender.

See my post to LL. Not talking building anything new for anyone, simply make the bathroom on the first floor (or wherever) so that either boys or girls can use it. Problem solved.

You are still catering to people who refuse to use the bathroom that society has designated for them. That social contract thing that progressives are so proud of comes with a few things that are going to upset some people. The ones who are free know this, and break the rules at their discretion. You want to rewrite the contract for the people that are afraid to break the rules and accept the consequences.

I used to work at Texas Stadium, and went to everything that happened there for years. During games and concerts the lines outside the woman's restrooms were ridiculous, while the lines outside the men's restrooms usually moved fairly quickly. A few women took advantage of this by using the men's room, always without incident. They also lobbied the state to require that facilities that hold large events have twice as many toilets for women as they do for men. Adding in a requirement that these facilites provide gender neutral facilities would add to the expense without returning a measurable benefit to the facility, or to 99% or more of the people that use it.
Build a special restroom??? Where'd I say that??

Make one restroom in the school non-specific so whoever wants to use it can. It solves the problem of parents screaming about a boy using the girls room/girl using the boys room and shuts up the parents of the 'confused' kid.

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

Except that then these kids have to go out of their way to go to the restroom, which only makes things worse.

Then they go out of their way. So?

It doesn't make anything worse it keeps the confused kids out of the opposite sex bathroom. Those parents are the ones complaining (I would be one of them), it solves the problem.

They complain about that. There was a story about a college that decided to provide gender neutral facilities, and it got in trouble because it only provided them in one building, and even then the one person that demanded them had to go downstairs when the class was upstairs.

It doesn't make sense to do it.
The few transgender people I have met were usually some of the nicest and most considerate people you'd ever meet. When you are locked in a body that doesn't fit I guess maybe you come to realize life is complex and tolerance essential. The narrow minded will always be squeamish about things that extend beyond their small mindedness and inexperience. I remember talking with others about this years ago and bathrooms in our corporate setting bothered some. One solution where possible was to have a gender neutral facility. When we were in Paris years ago they had a few of these open bathrooms. Men peeing on floors as we always do and woman waiting for an opening. For those who served remember the open bathrooms and showers. Defecating with fellow soldiers. haha Get over it, there are important things in life.

Oh blow it out your ass.
First, there is no such thing as "transgender".
This is another group of people who think they can shove their weird behavior in every else's face and make them accept it.
And of course now we suddenly have another politically correct protected class who the far left has bestowed special rights and privileges.
Excuse me, how is it not? There are, with a few very rare exceptions, two sexes among humans. Providing a separate bathroom for the occasional hermaphrodite, who are only 0.05% of the population, doesn't make any sense economically, especially when you consider the fact that most of them receive surgery after birth to assign their gender.

See my post to LL. Not talking building anything new for anyone, simply make the bathroom on the first floor (or wherever) so that either boys or girls can use it. Problem solved.

You are still catering to people who refuse to use the bathroom that society has designated for them. That social contract thing that progressives are so proud of comes with a few things that are going to upset some people. The ones who are free know this, and break the rules at their discretion. You want to rewrite the contract for the people that are afraid to break the rules and accept the consequences.

I used to work at Texas Stadium, and went to everything that happened there for years. During games and concerts the lines outside the woman's restrooms were ridiculous, while the lines outside the men's restrooms usually moved fairly quickly. A few women took advantage of this by using the men's room, always without incident. They also lobbied the state to require that facilities that hold large events have twice as many toilets for women as they do for men. Adding in a requirement that these facilites provide gender neutral facilities would add to the expense without returning a measurable benefit to the facility, or to 99% or more of the people that use it.

They call this "potty parity"..And guess what? It doesn't work. There are just more restrooms for women to comb their hair and fix their makeup.
So more of them go to use the restrooms...
If stadium builders were smart, they'd build restrooms that have no mirrors.
The few transgender people I have met were usually some of the nicest and most considerate people you'd ever meet. When you are locked in a body that doesn't fit I guess maybe you come to realize life is complex and tolerance essential. The narrow minded will always be squeamish about things that extend beyond their small mindedness and inexperience. I remember talking with others about this years ago and bathrooms in our corporate setting bothered some. One solution where possible was to have a gender neutral facility. When we were in Paris years ago they had a few of these open bathrooms. Men peeing on floors as we always do and woman waiting for an opening. For those who served remember the open bathrooms and showers. Defecating with fellow soldiers. haha Get over it, there are important things in life.

Oh blow it out your ass.
First, there is no such thing as "transgender".
This is another group of people who think they can shove their weird behavior in every else's face and make them accept it.
And of course now we suddenly have another politically correct protected class who the far left has bestowed special rights and privileges.

Funny that you reject the reality of a recognised medical condition.
How is it not?

A special co-ed restroom for those that don't know what gender they want to be from day to day?

Mind you we're talking about children and school restrooms.

Does your home have a a few urinals and a couple of stalls in the restroom?

I didn't think so.

Do you know how rare these so-called transgendered children are?

But you want to build a special restroom to cater to a couple of confused kids whose parents are too ate up with liberalism to teach the child that he has a penis, he is a male and to knock off the dressing up and the barbie doll playing bullshit.

Parents need to grow the fuck up and start being parents instead of finding excuses why their kids are so fucked up.

Build a special restroom??? Where'd I say that??

Make one restroom in the school non-specific so whoever wants to use it can. It solves the problem of parents screaming about a boy using the girls room/girl using the boys room and shuts up the parents of the 'confused' kid.

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

It's catering to the whims of children. Period.

A trangender child not a special needs child. It's a child whose parents are the ones with a mental illness.

And comparing a so-called transgender child to a child with autism is ludicrous.

Allowing a child to use the bathroom they feel they should be using would be catering to the child. If a boy who thinks he is a girl needs to pee? Use the boys room or use the one bathroom that allows either boys or girls to use it but that kid needs to stay out of the girls room. Problem solved.

I never said a transgender child is a special needs child nor did I compare a special needs child to a transgender child. Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.
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Except that then these kids have to go out of their way to go to the restroom, which only makes things worse.

Then they go out of their way. So?

It doesn't make anything worse it keeps the confused kids out of the opposite sex bathroom. Those parents are the ones complaining (I would be one of them), it solves the problem.

They complain about that. There was a story about a college that decided to provide gender neutral facilities, and it got in trouble because it only provided them in one building, and even then the one person that demanded them had to go downstairs when the class was upstairs.

It doesn't make sense to do it.

If the college kid wants to continue complaining after the school accommodated them, then they can continue complaining. Were I running the college I'd do nothing else other than providing that one gender neutral bathroom.

The story was about grade school kids not college kids. For that instance? The kid can either use the bathroom of their physical gender or the one bathroom that either gender can use but they are not using the bathroom of the gender they think they are and if the parents want to continue to complain then let them.
Build a special restroom??? Where'd I say that??

Make one restroom in the school non-specific so whoever wants to use it can. It solves the problem of parents screaming about a boy using the girls room/girl using the boys room and shuts up the parents of the 'confused' kid.

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

It's catering to the whims of children. Period.

A trangender child not a special needs child. It's a child whose parents are the ones with a mental illness.

And comparing a so-called transgender child to a child with autism is ludicrous.

Allowing a child to use the bathroom they feel they should be using would be catering to the child. If a boy who thinks he is a girl needs to pee? Use the boys room or use the one bathroom that allows either boys or girls to use it but that kid needs to stay out of the girls room. Problem solved.

I never said a transgender child is a special needs child nor did I compare a special needs child to a transgender child. Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.

You implied it.
It's catering to the whims of children. Period.

A trangender child not a special needs child. It's a child whose parents are the ones with a mental illness.

And comparing a so-called transgender child to a child with autism is ludicrous.

Allowing a child to use the bathroom they feel they should be using would be catering to the child. If a boy who thinks he is a girl needs to pee? Use the boys room or use the one bathroom that allows either boys or girls to use it but that kid needs to stay out of the girls room. Problem solved.

I never said a transgender child is a special needs child nor did I compare a special needs child to a transgender child. Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.

You implied it.

:lol: No, I didn't.

Go back and read what I wrote.
Allowing a child to use the bathroom they feel they should be using would be catering to the child. If a boy who thinks he is a girl needs to pee? Use the boys room or use the one bathroom that allows either boys or girls to use it but that kid needs to stay out of the girls room. Problem solved.

I never said a transgender child is a special needs child nor did I compare a special needs child to a transgender child. Try reading what I actually wrote instead of what you think I wrote.

You implied it.

:lol: No, I didn't.

Go back and read what I wrote.

The hell you didn't. I bolded what you wrote.

The discussion was about transgendered children and you wrote, "Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child?". Why asked a question about a special needs child in a discussion about transgendered kids and then go on about autism if you wasn't making a comparison?

Go ahead and walk it back. But I understand and comprehend the english language quite well and it makes no logical sense you would bring up special needs kids in a discussion about transgendered kids if you wasn't, A) saying that transgendered children were special needs children and/or B) if you weren't making a comparison.
You implied it.

:lol: No, I didn't.

Go back and read what I wrote.

The hell you didn't. I bolded what you wrote.

The discussion was about transgendered children and you wrote, "Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child?". Why asked a question about a special needs child in a discussion about transgendered kids and then go on about autism if you wasn't making a comparison?

Go ahead and walk it back. But I understand and comprehend the english language quite well and it makes no logical sense you would bring up special needs kids in a discussion about transgendered kids if you wasn't, A) saying that transgendered children were special needs children and/or B) if you weren't making a comparison.

No need to walk anything back.

What I wrote:

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

Read the bolded. What I said was that because I have a special needs child I have learned not to be so quick to judge someone whose shoes I have never walked in. I wasn't comparing a special needs child to a transgender child or calling a transgender child special needs.

I am only responsible for what I write not for what you understand.
:lol: No, I didn't.

Go back and read what I wrote.

The hell you didn't. I bolded what you wrote.

The discussion was about transgendered children and you wrote, "Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child?". Why asked a question about a special needs child in a discussion about transgendered kids and then go on about autism if you wasn't making a comparison?

Go ahead and walk it back. But I understand and comprehend the english language quite well and it makes no logical sense you would bring up special needs kids in a discussion about transgendered kids if you wasn't, A) saying that transgendered children were special needs children and/or B) if you weren't making a comparison.

No need to walk anything back.

What I wrote:

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

Read the bolded. What I said was that because I have a special needs child I have learned not to be so quick to judge someone whose shoes I have never walked in. I wasn't comparing a special needs child to a transgender child or calling a transgender child special needs.

I am only responsible for what I write not for what you understand.

You made the comparison with special needs children to transgendered children when you brought special needs kids into the discussion. If you now say there is no comparison then there was no need to mention special needs at all. So either you were making a comparison or simply pettifogging the issue. My opinion is the former.
OK gays are one thing. I think people are born that way and the exception is made for them. But transsexuals? Sorry they are sick and should have help.

The liberal will say they are born that way and they must be accepted no matter how antisocial or bizarre their behavior is.

If you want to keep the argument "they were born that way," then it could be extended to get rid of statutory rape laws. I mean an adult who has a fondest for under-aged women, is he not born that way also? Is a 40 year old who dates and has "consensual" sexual relations with say a 13 yr old not sick?

The line has to be drawn somewhere! Gay marriage and gay rights and acceptance should be protected and the law of the land, but transsexuals must be treated as the mental illness it is!
The idea that one is taught to be transgender is absurd. Slippery slope nonsense is just that nonsense. This video covers a few conditions that demonstrate the complexity of the mind. Does one learn Capgras?

TED Talk – Ramachandran on Capgras syndrome, Phantom Limb Pain and Synesthesia

The idea that a person is born that way is even more absurd.

So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.
OK gays are one thing. I think people are born that way and the exception is made for them. But transsexuals? Sorry they are sick and should have help.

The liberal will say they are born that way and they must be accepted no matter how antisocial or bizarre their behavior is.

If you want to keep the argument "they were born that way," then it could be extended to get rid of statutory rape laws. I mean an adult who has a fondest for under-aged women, is he not born that way also? Is a 40 year old who dates and has "consensual" sexual relations with say a 13 yr old not sick?

The line has to be drawn somewhere! Gay marriage and gay rights and acceptance should be protected and the law of the land, but transsexuals must be treated as the mental illness it is!

Don't forget those that are born with the propensity for violence. They shouldn't be blamed for their crimes.
The idea that one is taught to be transgender is absurd. Slippery slope nonsense is just that nonsense. This video covers a few conditions that demonstrate the complexity of the mind. Does one learn Capgras?

TED Talk – Ramachandran on Capgras syndrome, Phantom Limb Pain and Synesthesia

The idea that a person is born that way is even more absurd.

So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

Believe what you want. But there is no "gay gene".
The few transgender people I have met were usually some of the nicest and most considerate people you'd ever meet. When you are locked in a body that doesn't fit I guess maybe you come to realize life is complex and tolerance essential. The narrow minded will always be squeamish about things that extend beyond their small mindedness and inexperience. I remember talking with others about this years ago and bathrooms in our corporate setting bothered some. One solution where possible was to have a gender neutral facility. When we were in Paris years ago they had a few of these open bathrooms. Men peeing on floors as we always do and woman waiting for an opening. For those who served remember the open bathrooms and showers. Defecating with fellow soldiers. haha Get over it, there are important things in life.

Oh blow it out your ass.
First, there is no such thing as "transgender".
This is another group of people who think they can shove their weird behavior in every else's face and make them accept it.
And of course now we suddenly have another politically correct protected class who the far left has bestowed special rights and privileges.

Funny that you reject the reality of a recognised medical condition.

Psychiatry also recognizes paranoid schizophrenia, does that mean we should change reality to accommodate their delusions?

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