Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

There's evidence that it isn't genetic. That meme has been flattened.

No, nothing has been 'flattened', you scientifically illiterate dunce, and the case that it is genetic is not a 'meme'.

Yet again you try and utilize words you clearly do not understand.
You made the comparison with special needs children to transgendered children when you brought special needs kids into the discussion. If you now say there is no comparison then there was no need to mention special needs at all. So either you were making a comparison or simply pettifogging the issue. My opinion is the former.

Wow, obtuse much?

I did not compare special needs to transgender yet you are reading and insisting as if I did. I bought up having raised a special needs child to share what that has taught me about judging those who fall outside of what is considered 'normal', as you have judged people who fall outside of what is considered 'normal' throughout this thread.

When you bolded this
Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child?
you completely disregarded everything that came after it, including the point I was making. Context is your friend.

I'm sure you'll reply with some more comparison nonsense. I've heard that quick to judge people are stubborn like that.

No I 'll not dare an attempt to compare nonsense with you. You win on that front.

Whether it was intentional or not, I don't know But you brought up special needs kids in a thread about transgendered kids and it resulted in what was perceived to be an implication linking the two.

And I have pointed out to you numerous times that your perception of that is wrong. Yet you stubbornly insist that I bought up special needs as a comparison.

I still do not understand what one has to do with the other. I mean hell if you're not making comparisons then why even mention it at all. It added nothing to the conversation. The two are about as different as night and day.

You are dense. I explained why I bought it up numerous times. Here I'll make it bigger for you because obviously you missed it.

I bought up having raised a special needs child to share what that has taught me about judging those who fall outside of what is considered 'normal', as you have judged people who fall outside of what is considered 'normal' throughout this thread.

If you still don't get it and still insist that I said/implied something that I repeatedly have told you I didn't, then that's your problem.

Again, try reading what I said rather than what you believe I said.
The few transgender people I have met were usually some of the nicest and most considerate people you'd ever meet. When you are locked in a body that doesn't fit I guess maybe you come to realize life is complex and tolerance essential. The narrow minded will always be squeamish about things that extend beyond their small mindedness and inexperience. I remember talking with others about this years ago and bathrooms in our corporate setting bothered some. One solution where possible was to have a gender neutral facility. When we were in Paris years ago they had a few of these open bathrooms. Men peeing on floors as we always do and woman waiting for an opening. For those who served remember the open bathrooms and showers. Defecating with fellow soldiers. haha Get over it, there are important things in life.

Oh blow it out your ass.
First, there is no such thing as "transgender".
This is another group of people who think they can shove their weird behavior in every else's face and make them accept it.
And of course now we suddenly have another politically correct protected class who the far left has bestowed special rights and privileges.

Funny that you reject the reality of a recognised medical condition.

Oh now it's a "medical condition"...Great. Gee let's create another entitlement benefit program!
Recognized by WHOM?
^psychiatrists and psychologists. I don't believe you are one?

The Journal recognizes Transgender as a disease called GID.
Diseases are treatable with medication and therapy. And as such GID does not qualify as a "condition".
It is not genetic. Nor is GID a permanent disorder. Nor is it a "handicap".

All legally irrelevant, fortunately.

The right to privacy and individual liberty, the right to realize self-determination, isn’t predicated on ‘genetics’ or that it be ‘permanent’:

Their right to liberty under the Due Process Clause gives them the full right to engage in their conduct without intervention of the government. “It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.”

Consequently the perception of oneself as tansgender is as legitimate as any other designated sexual orientation, and just as entitled to protection.
^psychiatrists and psychologists. I don't believe you are one?

The Journal recognizes Transgender as a disease called GID.
Diseases are treatable with medication and therapy. And as such GID does not qualify as a "condition".
It is not genetic. Nor is GID a permanent disorder. Nor is it a "handicap".

No, GID isn't a permanent disorder - because it can be cured with surgery.

It cannot be cured with surgery, anymore than Body Integrity Identity disorder can.
The Journal recognizes Transgender as a disease called GID.
Diseases are treatable with medication and therapy. And as such GID does not qualify as a "condition".
It is not genetic. Nor is GID a permanent disorder. Nor is it a "handicap".

No, GID isn't a permanent disorder - because it can be cured with surgery.

It cannot be cured with surgery, anymore than Body Integrity Identity disorder can.

People who change gender often lead happier lives than if they stayed the gender they were born. Its as much of a cure as they can possibly get.
^psychiatrists and psychologists. I don't believe you are one?

The Journal recognizes Transgender as a disease called GID.
Diseases are treatable with medication and therapy. And as such GID does not qualify as a "condition".
It is not genetic. Nor is GID a permanent disorder. Nor is it a "handicap".

No, GID isn't a permanent disorder - because it can be cured with surgery.

It is a permanent disorder. The will always have the same X and Y chromosomes no matter what their outsides look like.

No, it cant be cured with cosmetic surgery.
No, GID isn't a permanent disorder - because it can be cured with surgery.

It cannot be cured with surgery, anymore than Body Integrity Identity disorder can.

People who change gender often lead happier lives than if they stayed the gender they were born. Its as much of a cure as they can possibly get.

they will always be the gender they were born...there is no changing their DNA.
The Journal recognizes Transgender as a disease called GID.
Diseases are treatable with medication and therapy. And as such GID does not qualify as a "condition".
It is not genetic. Nor is GID a permanent disorder. Nor is it a "handicap".

No, GID isn't a permanent disorder - because it can be cured with surgery.

It is a permanent disorder. The will always have the same X and Y chromosomes no matter what their outsides look like.

No, it cant be cured with cosmetic surgery.

But the brain will believe that it is the 'correct' sex and that is the point. Its not a cure, as such, but its the closest thing to a cure as they are going to get.
It cannot be cured with surgery, anymore than Body Integrity Identity disorder can.

People who change gender often lead happier lives than if they stayed the gender they were born. Its as much of a cure as they can possibly get.

they will always be the gender they were born...there is no changing their DNA.

Someday in the future I am sure it will be possible to change your DNA - but regardless, they can change their birth certificates, which I guess is good enough.
No, GID isn't a permanent disorder - because it can be cured with surgery.

It is a permanent disorder. The will always have the same X and Y chromosomes no matter what their outsides look like.

No, it cant be cured with cosmetic surgery.

But the brain will believe that it is the 'correct' sex and that is the point. Its not a cure, as such, but its the closest thing to a cure as they are going to get.

the closest thing to a cure.... is NOT a cure..

it has nothing to do with their "brain" believing anything..... they want the rest of the world to believe....

cosmetic surgery is cosmetics surgery..... it is not necessary to life is a want and not a need..

I would hope you would understand the difference.
People who change gender often lead happier lives than if they stayed the gender they were born. Its as much of a cure as they can possibly get.

they will always be the gender they were born...there is no changing their DNA.

Someday in the future I am sure it will be possible to change your DNA - but regardless, they can change their birth certificates, which I guess is good enough.

if that is possible... there there will be a cure for being gay.... and parents can fix their children before it becomes and adult issue. There will be a cure for the transgendered thing.... you can make the DNA brain malfunction match the body it already has.
No, GID isn't a permanent disorder - because it can be cured with surgery.

It cannot be cured with surgery, anymore than Body Integrity Identity disorder can.

People who change gender often lead happier lives than if they stayed the gender they were born. Its as much of a cure as they can possibly get.

People with BIID often lead happier lives if they get perfectly healthy limbs amputated, until they don't. That does not make cutting off the limbs a cure.
No, GID isn't a permanent disorder - because it can be cured with surgery.

It is a permanent disorder. The will always have the same X and Y chromosomes no matter what their outsides look like.

No, it cant be cured with cosmetic surgery.

But the brain will believe that it is the 'correct' sex and that is the point. Its not a cure, as such, but its the closest thing to a cure as they are going to get.

If that is all it takes I can cure them with hypnotism.
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The idea that a person is born that way is even more absurd.

So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

Believe what you want. But there is no "gay gene".

So you really don't know and you didn't make complex choices or puzzle over it in your teen years. Do you not wonder why? In the end you stick to your bigoted, unscientific point of view - as does Quantum Windbag.

When I was young mom was always concerned we boys, and there were lots of us, were having too many sexual thoughts and may even be doing that act that made you crazy. See progress has happened for at least now we know you won't go crazy. Mom was always looking for my girly magazines, being a dumb kid it took me a while before I found a safe hiding place. But my gay brother, I had no idea at the time he was gay, we were kinda dumb forty years ago, took no interest in my youthful perversions. It took me many years to realize why and also to know that was who he was and is. If gay were learned my brother would not be gay our family life was large, religious and very poor.

Is that proof, it is if you know and talk to gay people and you ask the hard questions. Just as some people are born with personalities that puzzle. Ask any teacher who the gays children are and they will know quite early. Did these children at this age make that decision. No, they did not nor could not. My wife has taught for over thirty years and will confirm that as will many other teachers. I know lots of gays today and I'm sure there are gay members in every family.

[ame=]Bryan's Coming Out Story - YouTube[/ame]
So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

Believe what you want. But there is no "gay gene".

So you really don't know and you didn't make complex choices or puzzle over it in your teen years. Do you not wonder why? In the end you stick to your bigoted, unscientific point of view - as does Quantum Windbag.

When I was young mom was always concerned we boys, and there were lots of us, were having too many sexual thoughts and may even be doing that act that made you crazy. See progress has happened for at least now we know you won't go crazy. Mom was always looking for my girly magazines, being a dumb kid it took me a while before I found a safe hiding place. But my gay brother, I had no idea at the time he was gay, we were kinda dumb forty years ago, took no interest in my youthful perversions. It took me many years to realize why and also to know that was who he was and is. If gay were learned my brother would not be gay our family life was large, religious and very poor.

Is that proof, it is if you know and talk to gay people and you ask the hard questions. Just as some people are born with personalities that puzzle. Ask any teacher who the gays children are and they will know quite early. Did these children at this age make that decision. No, they did not nor could not. My wife has taught for over thirty years and will confirm that as will many other teachers. I know lots of gays today and I'm sure there are gay members in every family.

[ame=]Bryan's Coming Out Story - YouTube[/ame]

Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.
If you are "born" something then aren't you a "victim" and pedophiles should get "help" and not prison?

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