Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

Then they go out of their way. So?

It doesn't make anything worse it keeps the confused kids out of the opposite sex bathroom. Those parents are the ones complaining (I would be one of them), it solves the problem.

They complain about that. There was a story about a college that decided to provide gender neutral facilities, and it got in trouble because it only provided them in one building, and even then the one person that demanded them had to go downstairs when the class was upstairs.

It doesn't make sense to do it.

If the college kid wants to continue complaining after the school accommodated them, then they can continue complaining. Were I running the college I'd do nothing else other than providing that one gender neutral bathroom.

The story was about grade school kids not college kids. For that instance? The kid can either use the bathroom of their physical gender or the one bathroom that either gender can use but they are not using the bathroom of the gender they think they are and if the parents want to continue to complain then let them.

Which is my point. Grade schools would be harder to accommodate because students are more restricted than college students. They are expected to use the restroom closest to the classroom, not wander around the school in search of the one restroom they feel comfortable in. You would be catering to the child by building a third restroom based on where their class is.
The idea that one is taught to be transgender is absurd. Slippery slope nonsense is just that nonsense. This video covers a few conditions that demonstrate the complexity of the mind. Does one learn Capgras?

TED Talk – Ramachandran on Capgras syndrome, Phantom Limb Pain and Synesthesia

The idea that a person is born that way is even more absurd.

So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me.
The idea that a person is born that way is even more absurd.

So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me.
I already provided a link that shows that there can be a genetic reason why some are transgendered.
Plus why does it matter?
The idea that a person is born that way is even more absurd.

So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me.

Plus you couldn't have conclusively proven genetics doesn't play a role, because the science community isn't conclusive.
Plus I know a few moms who would disagree with the argument they aren't born that way. Three of my gay friend's moms knew they were gay from childhood.
So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me.
I already provided a link that shows that there can be a genetic reason why some are transgendered.
Plus why does it matter?

It is not genetic.
So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me.

Plus you couldn't have conclusively proven genetics doesn't play a role, because the science community isn't conclusive.
Plus I know a few moms who would disagree with the argument they aren't born that way. Three of my gay friend's moms knew they were gay from childhood.

Doesn't matter if every scientist agrees or not, facts prove it is not genetic.
The idea that a person is born that way is even more absurd.

So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me.

No, you have not 'conclusively proven that'. Nice delusion you've got there.
As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me.

Plus you couldn't have conclusively proven genetics doesn't play a role, because the science community isn't conclusive.
Plus I know a few moms who would disagree with the argument they aren't born that way. Three of my gay friend's moms knew they were gay from childhood.

Doesn't matter if every scientist agrees or not, facts prove it is not genetic.

Can we apply that theory to evolution?
And there isn't enough facts on the subject to prove anything.
So how does it happen? And when was it you decided on your sexuality? decided on your sexual preference? Was it recently? Did you puzzle over the many choices and then decide? Please let us know in detail if it was a difficult choice. Did you experiment much? Since you are so sure it is not genetic you need to be more specific. Science would like to know.

As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me.

No, you have not 'conclusively proven that'. Nice delusion you've got there.

QW is well known for declaring himself right without little proof.
People are not born gay anymore than they are born necrophiliacs or pedophiles. Sexuality is a development not a preset.
The hell you didn't. I bolded what you wrote.

The discussion was about transgendered children and you wrote, "Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child?". Why asked a question about a special needs child in a discussion about transgendered kids and then go on about autism if you wasn't making a comparison?

Go ahead and walk it back. But I understand and comprehend the english language quite well and it makes no logical sense you would bring up special needs kids in a discussion about transgendered kids if you wasn't, A) saying that transgendered children were special needs children and/or B) if you weren't making a comparison.

No need to walk anything back.

What I wrote:

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

Read the bolded. What I said was that because I have a special needs child I have learned not to be so quick to judge someone whose shoes I have never walked in. I wasn't comparing a special needs child to a transgender child or calling a transgender child special needs.

I am only responsible for what I write not for what you understand.

You made the comparison with special needs children to transgendered children when you brought special needs kids into the discussion. If you now say there is no comparison then there was no need to mention special needs at all. So either you were making a comparison or simply pettifogging the issue. My opinion is the former.

Wow, obtuse much?

I did not compare special needs to transgender yet you are reading and insisting as if I did. I bought up having raised a special needs child to share what that has taught me about judging those who fall outside of what is considered 'normal', as you have judged people who fall outside of what is considered 'normal' throughout this thread.

When you bolded this
Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child?
you completely disregarded everything that came after it, including the point I was making. Context is your friend.

I'm sure you'll reply with some more comparison nonsense. I've heard that quick to judge people are stubborn like that.
They complain about that. There was a story about a college that decided to provide gender neutral facilities, and it got in trouble because it only provided them in one building, and even then the one person that demanded them had to go downstairs when the class was upstairs.

It doesn't make sense to do it.

If the college kid wants to continue complaining after the school accommodated them, then they can continue complaining. Were I running the college I'd do nothing else other than providing that one gender neutral bathroom.

The story was about grade school kids not college kids. For that instance? The kid can either use the bathroom of their physical gender or the one bathroom that either gender can use but they are not using the bathroom of the gender they think they are and if the parents want to continue to complain then let them.

Which is my point. Grade schools would be harder to accommodate because students are more restricted than college students. They are expected to use the restroom closest to the classroom, not wander around the school in search of the one restroom they feel comfortable in. You would be catering to the child by building a third restroom based on where their class is.

The child would learn to navigate the building in no time if they wanted to use the either-gender restroom or they could use the closest restroom of their physical gender. Again, nothing would be built as schools are full of restrooms and an either-gender restroom can be used by anyone.
No need to walk anything back.

What I wrote:

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

Read the bolded. What I said was that because I have a special needs child I have learned not to be so quick to judge someone whose shoes I have never walked in. I wasn't comparing a special needs child to a transgender child or calling a transgender child special needs.

I am only responsible for what I write not for what you understand.

You made the comparison with special needs children to transgendered children when you brought special needs kids into the discussion. If you now say there is no comparison then there was no need to mention special needs at all. So either you were making a comparison or simply pettifogging the issue. My opinion is the former.

Wow, obtuse much?

I did not compare special needs to transgender yet you are reading and insisting as if I did. I bought up having raised a special needs child to share what that has taught me about judging those who fall outside of what is considered 'normal', as you have judged people who fall outside of what is considered 'normal' throughout this thread.

When you bolded this
Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child?
you completely disregarded everything that came after it, including the point I was making. Context is your friend.

I'm sure you'll reply with some more comparison nonsense. I've heard that quick to judge people are stubborn like that.

No I 'll not dare an attempt to compare nonsense with you. You win on that front.

Whether it was intentional or not, I don't know But you brought up special needs kids in a thread about transgendered kids and it resulted in what was perceived to be an implication linking the two. I still do not understand what one has to do with the other. I mean hell if you're not making comparisons then why even mention it at all. It added nothing to the conversation. The two are about as different as night and day.
People are not born gay anymore than they are born necrophiliacs or pedophiles. Sexuality is a development not a preset.

You know that for a fact? Doubt it.

It hasn't been proven to be genetic. And the research I've done on it says it's not genetic. So yes, I believe it to be fact.

Homosexuals will just have to find another way to justify their abominable lifestyle.
People are not born gay anymore than they are born necrophiliacs or pedophiles. Sexuality is a development not a preset.

You know that for a fact? Doubt it.

It hasn't been proven to be genetic. And the research I've done on it says it's not genetic. So yes, I believe it to be fact.

Homosexuals will just have to find another way to justify their abominable lifestyle.

Your 'research'? LOL!

Yeah, I'll bet your cocksucking has turned a LOT of straight guys gay.

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