Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

You, lacking any decency or morals like 99.9% of the liberal scum in this nation, may not have a problem with your grade school girl being exposed to boy's penises, and the perversion associated with boys who pretend to be girls, and vice versa, but decent people would like to protect their kids from that sort of thing for as long as possible.

First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names. No, you don't have morals, you practice what is called moral relativism, as for you being neither liberal nor conservative, you may not identify yourself as either, but your words and beliefs identlfy you as a leftist thinker at least as far as moral beliefs go.

Second, I have two daughters of my own, although they are now in Middle and High School, I still would not have had any issues what so ever with allowing a transgendered child use the same restroom as either of them, because the chances of them seeing his penis would have been tremendously slim, almost null...why? Think about that for a both girls and womens rooms we have ALL stalls with DOORS to close behind us when we have to pull our britches and panties down to sit on the toilet and pee...that's a little thing called PRIVACY. Not all schools have doors on the stalls, so I'm not interested in your school. Secondly, where do you draw the line? If they are treated as boys for bathroom purposes, what about the locker room? What about the showers? I don't much give a crap what a person "thinks" they are, the FACT is that if they have a penis they ARE a male and belong in the male's restroom, locker room, shower, etc, and if they have a vagina they ARE a female and belong in the female's restroom, shower, locker room, etc.

Now, how do you figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathoom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him? Like I said, not all PS restrooms have stalls on their doors so your personal experiance in the school your daughters go to is not my concern. Lol Jt, us girls don't have x-ray vision...

If the schools my daughters go to aren't your 'concern' then the one(s) in question shouldn't be as well.
First of all Jt, you do not know me well enough to make the assumption that I am a Lib and have no morals...I am neither liberal nor conservative, and I most certainly have morals and my own set of values...until you spend an entire day with me living my life in RL to judge me and form that opinion, then you can call me names. No, you don't have morals, you practice what is called moral relativism, as for you being neither liberal nor conservative, you may not identify yourself as either, but your words and beliefs identlfy you as a leftist thinker at least as far as moral beliefs go.

Second, I have two daughters of my own, although they are now in Middle and High School, I still would not have had any issues what so ever with allowing a transgendered child use the same restroom as either of them, because the chances of them seeing his penis would have been tremendously slim, almost null...why? Think about that for a both girls and womens rooms we have ALL stalls with DOORS to close behind us when we have to pull our britches and panties down to sit on the toilet and pee...that's a little thing called PRIVACY. Not all schools have doors on the stalls, so I'm not interested in your school. Secondly, where do you draw the line? If they are treated as boys for bathroom purposes, what about the locker room? What about the showers? I don't much give a crap what a person "thinks" they are, the FACT is that if they have a penis they ARE a male and belong in the male's restroom, locker room, shower, etc, and if they have a vagina they ARE a female and belong in the female's restroom, shower, locker room, etc.

Now, how do you figure any girl would be exposed to a penis of a transgendered child in the same bathoom as her when he is in that very same bathroom for the same reasons the other girls go PEE in a toilet that is in a stall with a door that closes and can be locked behind him? Like I said, not all PS restrooms have stalls on their doors so your personal experiance in the school your daughters go to is not my concern. Lol Jt, us girls don't have x-ray vision...

If the schools my daughters go to aren't your 'concern' then the one(s) in question shouldn't be as well.

Boys restroom have urinals.

You do know what that is right?

You sound like an unfit mother to me. Allowing your daughter to use the same facility as boys AND men. Oh and yes, grown men also use the boy's restroom in schools and grown women uses the girls.

If the schools my daughters go to aren't your 'concern' then the one(s) in question shouldn't be as well.

Boys restroom have urinals.

You do know what that is right?

You sound like an unfit mother to me. Allowing your daughter to use the same facility as boys AND men. Oh and yes, grown men also use the boy's restroom in schools and grown women uses the girls.

lmao have absolutely no clue as to what kind of mother I girls are doing just fine...I suggest you take a step back and take a nice long look into your own being before you concern yourself with something that really is not your problem. ;)
If the schools my daughters go to aren't your 'concern' then the one(s) in question shouldn't be as well.

Boys restroom have urinals.

You do know what that is right?

You sound like an unfit mother to me. Allowing your daughter to use the same facility as boys AND men. Oh and yes, grown men also use the boy's restroom in schools and grown women uses the girls.

lmao have absolutely no clue as to what kind of mother I girls are doing just fine...I suggest you take a step back and take a nice long look into your own being before you concern yourself with something that really is not your problem. ;)

Yes I do have a clue. You're the type of mother that would allow your daughters to use the same restrooms as boys and men.

All my children are grown the youngest (twin girls) being 21 the oldest daughter is 31 with a 25 year old daughter and 23 year old son in between. My wife died during child birth with the twins and I raised them by myself from that moment on. All my children were honor roll students and all achieved full college scholarships.

None of them have been pregnant or in the case of my son gotten anyone pregnant. None have ever been in jail or kicked out of school. They do not do drugs or drink alcohol.

My oldest is a physical therapist, the next one is a polysomnographer, my son finished his final year in college with a degree in criminal justice and is currently at DPS school on his way in becoming a state trooper and finally the twins are in their third year of college.
Boys restroom have urinals.

You do know what that is right?

You sound like an unfit mother to me. Allowing your daughter to use the same facility as boys AND men. Oh and yes, grown men also use the boy's restroom in schools and grown women uses the girls.

lmao have absolutely no clue as to what kind of mother I girls are doing just fine...I suggest you take a step back and take a nice long look into your own being before you concern yourself with something that really is not your problem. ;)

Yes I do have a clue. You're the type of mother that would allow your daughters to use the same restrooms as boys and men.

All my children are grown the youngest (twin girls) being 21 the oldest daughter is 31 with a 25 year old daughter and 23 year old son in between. My wife died during child birth with the twins and I raised them by myself from that moment on. All my children were honor roll students and all achieved full college scholarships.

None of them have been pregnant or in the case of my son gotten anyone pregnant. None have ever been in jail or kicked out of school. They do not do drugs or drink alcohol.

My oldest is a physical therapist, the next one is a polysomnographer, my son finished his final year in college with a degree in criminal justice and is currently at DPS school on his way in becoming a state trooper and finally the twins are in their third year of college.

No, my girls use the same restroom as girls do...they use a little thing called 'common sense' when it comes to seeing the restroom signs 'Mens/Boys' and 'Womens/Girls'.
Which is not the topic at hand...we are talking about a transgendered male to female child who should have the right to be who she is...not girls going to the mens room and vice versa.
BTW, I respectively commend you for doing such a superb job raising your children. I would be proud and would brag too.
Oh, and for the record, I was widowed as husband died from malignant melanoma June of '06... my children are all three still under the age of eighteen, and I am about to turn 39...I am not done yet.
lmao have absolutely no clue as to what kind of mother I girls are doing just fine...I suggest you take a step back and take a nice long look into your own being before you concern yourself with something that really is not your problem. ;)

Yes I do have a clue. You're the type of mother that would allow your daughters to use the same restrooms as boys and men.

All my children are grown the youngest (twin girls) being 21 the oldest daughter is 31 with a 25 year old daughter and 23 year old son in between. My wife died during child birth with the twins and I raised them by myself from that moment on. All my children were honor roll students and all achieved full college scholarships.

None of them have been pregnant or in the case of my son gotten anyone pregnant. None have ever been in jail or kicked out of school. They do not do drugs or drink alcohol.

My oldest is a physical therapist, the next one is a polysomnographer, my son finished his final year in college with a degree in criminal justice and is currently at DPS school on his way in becoming a state trooper and finally the twins are in their third year of college.

No, my girls use the same restroom as girls do...they use a little thing called 'common sense' when it comes to seeing the restroom signs 'Mens/Boys' and 'Womens/Girls'.
Which is not the topic at hand...we are talking about a transgendered male to female child who should have the right to be who she is...not girls going to the mens room and vice versa.
BTW, I respectively commend you for doing such a superb job raising your children. I would be proud and would brag too.
Oh, and for the record, I was widowed as husband died from malignant melanoma June of '06... my children are all three still under the age of eighteen, and I am about to turn 39...I am not done yet.

You call him a her but that doesn't make it so. He has male plumbing and therefore he is a male and should use the boys/mens restroom.

I think part of society's problem and the problem with kids today is parents catering to their whims. Something I have never done nor will ever do.
The few transgender people I have met were usually some of the nicest and most considerate people you'd ever meet. When you are locked in a body that doesn't fit I guess maybe you come to realize life is complex and tolerance essential. The narrow minded will always be squeamish about things that extend beyond their small mindedness and inexperience. I remember talking with others about this years ago and bathrooms in our corporate setting bothered some. One solution where possible was to have a gender neutral facility. When we were in Paris years ago they had a few of these open bathrooms. Men peeing on floors as we always do and woman waiting for an opening. For those who served remember the open bathrooms and showers. Defecating with fellow soldiers. haha Get over it, there are important things in life.

Does that mean you think people who believe they are Napoleon should be allowed to invade Russia? What about people that believe they are from Myxlplyx, should they be allowed to walk up to people and kick them in the balls? Does your exceptional tolerance for insanity only extend to people who think they are another gender?

On top of that, this thread is about restrooms at public schools, so all of you blathering about how wonderful the adult transgenders you know are is entirely irrelevant.
Designate one restroom as gender neutral, meaning either sex can use it. Problem solved.

That would be far, far too rational and deprive people of arguing purely based on emotional drivel.

Stop injecting common sense into this!
Designate one restroom as gender neutral, meaning either sex can use it. Problem solved.

So you have no problem with catering to your childrens whims?

How is providing a multi-use restroom catering to anyone? Boys and girls can both use it -- you know, just like home or family restrooms. That way whoever wants to use it can and whoever doesn't want to use it can just use the girls only or boys only restroom.
Designate one restroom as gender neutral, meaning either sex can use it. Problem solved.

So you have no problem with catering to your childrens whims?

How is providing a multi-use restroom catering to anyone? Boys and girls can both use it -- you know, just like home or family restrooms. That way whoever wants to use it can and whoever doesn't want to use it can just use the girls only or boys only restroom.

How is it not?

A special co-ed restroom for those that don't know what gender they want to be from day to day?

Mind you we're talking about children and school restrooms.

Does your home have a a few urinals and a couple of stalls in the restroom?

I didn't think so.

Do you know how rare these so-called transgendered children are?

But you want to build a special restroom to cater to a couple of confused kids whose parents are too ate up with liberalism to teach the child that he has a penis, he is a male and to knock off the dressing up and the barbie doll playing bullshit.

Parents need to grow the fuck up and start being parents instead of finding excuses why their kids are so fucked up.
So you have no problem with catering to your childrens whims?

How is providing a multi-use restroom catering to anyone? Boys and girls can both use it -- you know, just like home or family restrooms. That way whoever wants to use it can and whoever doesn't want to use it can just use the girls only or boys only restroom.

How is it not?

A special co-ed restroom for those that don't know what gender they want to be from day to day?

Mind you we're talking about children and school restrooms.

Does your home have a a few urinals and a couple of stalls in the restroom?

I didn't think so.

Do you know how rare these so-called transgendered children are?

But you want to build a special restroom to cater to a couple of confused kids whose parents are too ate up with liberalism to teach the child that he has a penis, he is a male and to knock off the dressing up and the barbie doll playing bullshit.

Parents need to grow the fuck up and start being parents instead of finding excuses why their kids are so fucked up.

Build a special restroom??? Where'd I say that??

Make one restroom in the school non-specific so whoever wants to use it can. It solves the problem of parents screaming about a boy using the girls room/girl using the boys room and shuts up the parents of the 'confused' kid.

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.
Designate one restroom as gender neutral, meaning either sex can use it. Problem solved.

So you have no problem with catering to your childrens whims?

How is providing a multi-use restroom catering to anyone? Boys and girls can both use it -- you know, just like home or family restrooms. That way whoever wants to use it can and whoever doesn't want to use it can just use the girls only or boys only restroom.

Excuse me, how is it not? There are, with a few very rare exceptions, two sexes among humans. Providing a separate bathroom for the occasional hermaphrodite, who are only 0.05% of the population, doesn't make any sense economically, especially when you consider the fact that most of them receive surgery after birth to assign their gender.
How is providing a multi-use restroom catering to anyone? Boys and girls can both use it -- you know, just like home or family restrooms. That way whoever wants to use it can and whoever doesn't want to use it can just use the girls only or boys only restroom.

How is it not?

A special co-ed restroom for those that don't know what gender they want to be from day to day?

Mind you we're talking about children and school restrooms.

Does your home have a a few urinals and a couple of stalls in the restroom?

I didn't think so.

Do you know how rare these so-called transgendered children are?

But you want to build a special restroom to cater to a couple of confused kids whose parents are too ate up with liberalism to teach the child that he has a penis, he is a male and to knock off the dressing up and the barbie doll playing bullshit.

Parents need to grow the fuck up and start being parents instead of finding excuses why their kids are so fucked up.

Build a special restroom??? Where'd I say that??

Make one restroom in the school non-specific so whoever wants to use it can. It solves the problem of parents screaming about a boy using the girls room/girl using the boys room and shuts up the parents of the 'confused' kid.

Do you know what it's like to have a special needs child? I do because my son is in the autistic spectrum. However, I don't know what it's like to have a kid who feels they were born into the wrong body, but because of my son I now know better than to judge someone when I have no idea what it's like to walk in their shoes.

Except that then these kids have to go out of their way to go to the restroom, which only makes things worse.
So you have no problem with catering to your childrens whims?

How is providing a multi-use restroom catering to anyone? Boys and girls can both use it -- you know, just like home or family restrooms. That way whoever wants to use it can and whoever doesn't want to use it can just use the girls only or boys only restroom.

Excuse me, how is it not? There are, with a few very rare exceptions, two sexes among humans. Providing a separate bathroom for the occasional hermaphrodite, who are only 0.05% of the population, doesn't make any sense economically, especially when you consider the fact that most of them receive surgery after birth to assign their gender.

See my post to LL. Not talking building anything new for anyone, simply make the bathroom on the first floor (or wherever) so that either boys or girls can use it. Problem solved.

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