Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

What? You cannot conclusively prove that? Are not these your very words?

"As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me."

This is what it's like trying to have a rational discussion with you. You keep changing what you're saying to the point of absurdity.

I keep changing the subject? Maybe it would help if you explained what you think the subject is? How is stating that homosexuality is not genetic conflating two different things? Is the problem here really that you are stupid beyond words?

Nope, and that's completely irrelevant to what I stated.

You stated that me saying that the choice is between genetic science and magic is a false dilemma, now you are stating that is not what you said. Want to explain how that works?

No, it does not 'conclusively prove' that whatsoever and it doesn't debunk any study that came before that. You are reading into that information what you so desperately want to be there, and again you're presenting everything in a binary context w/zero justification for doing so.

It doesn't? What theory of genetics allows people with identical genetic material to have different genetic material? Is the problem that you think genetics is something that changes to fit your theory?

** Facepalm x1000 **

There are not only two choices, scientifically illiterate child.

Your inability to remain consistent with what you say and you intellectual dishonesty precludes the chance of any meaningful exchange.

Go ahead and have the last word. I'll let your nonsensical babbling speak for itself.

Lets see, I can chose between accepting our current understanding of genetics, dismissing it, or...

What exactly is the other choice?
There is a simple test to see if sexuality is a choice and those who think it is a choice can confirm their beliefs easily. The test is to switch hit. Very simple test, there is no need to go all the way but simply to choose to be gay or transgender or whatever. In order to take the challenge, prove you are right, and still believe orientation is a choice, simply switch hit for a week. During this week you must stop looking a men's or women's asses and instead admire and desire women's and men's asses. See just switch. If you want a real challenge google porn sites that are opposite of your assumptions. Every town has a gay or lesbian bar or meeting place and if you really want to prove it choice go there and mingle. Again there is no choice to hug or kiss but prove to yourself what you belief. Don't forget you must stick to your choice for the week. You may even learn something about yourself that you were unaware of. Good luck and report back next week, let us how you made out. And please do not blame me if you find you really were someone you thought you weren't. Best of luck.

I have a better idea. Make them change their sexuality permanently, then attend gay conversion therapy to find out if it actually works. I am sure they'd be willing to become gay if they could prove that its possible to convert into a straight person!
There is a simple test to see if sexuality is a choice and those who think it is a choice can confirm their beliefs easily. The test is to switch hit. Very simple test, there is no need to go all the way but simply to choose to be gay or transgender or whatever. In order to take the challenge, prove you are right, and still believe orientation is a choice, simply switch hit for a week. During this week you must stop looking a men's or women's asses and instead admire and desire women's and men's asses. See just switch. If you want a real challenge google porn sites that are opposite of your assumptions. Every town has a gay or lesbian bar or meeting place and if you really want to prove it choice go there and mingle. Again there is no choice to hug or kiss but prove to yourself what you belief. Don't forget you must stick to your choice for the week. You may even learn something about yourself that you were unaware of. Good luck and report back next week, let us how you made out. And please do not blame me if you find you really were someone you thought you weren't. Best of luck.

Let me get this straight, if I can find one person that swith hits that proves that sexual orientation is a choice. In that case, David Bowie proves that sexual preference is a choice.

David Bowie is bisexual.
There is a simple test to see if sexuality is a choice and those who think it is a choice can confirm their beliefs easily. The test is to switch hit. Very simple test, there is no need to go all the way but simply to choose to be gay or transgender or whatever. In order to take the challenge, prove you are right, and still believe orientation is a choice, simply switch hit for a week. During this week you must stop looking a men's or women's asses and instead admire and desire women's and men's asses. See just switch. If you want a real challenge google porn sites that are opposite of your assumptions. Every town has a gay or lesbian bar or meeting place and if you really want to prove it choice go there and mingle. Again there is no choice to hug or kiss but prove to yourself what you belief. Don't forget you must stick to your choice for the week. You may even learn something about yourself that you were unaware of. Good luck and report back next week, let us how you made out. And please do not blame me if you find you really were someone you thought you weren't. Best of luck.

Let me get this straight, if I can find one person that swith hits that proves that sexual orientation is a choice. In that case, David Bowie proves that sexual preference is a choice.

David Bowie is bisexual.

Which, by midcan's parameters, proves that sexual preference is a choice.
There is a simple test to see if sexuality is a choice and those who think it is a choice can confirm their beliefs easily. The test is to switch hit. Very simple test, there is no need to go all the way but simply to choose to be gay or transgender or whatever. In order to take the challenge, prove you are right, and still believe orientation is a choice, simply switch hit for a week. During this week you must stop looking a men's or women's asses and instead admire and desire women's and men's asses. See just switch. If you want a real challenge google porn sites that are opposite of your assumptions. Every town has a gay or lesbian bar or meeting place and if you really want to prove it choice go there and mingle. Again there is no choice to hug or kiss but prove to yourself what you belief. Don't forget you must stick to your choice for the week. You may even learn something about yourself that you were unaware of. Good luck and report back next week, let us how you made out. And please do not blame me if you find you really were someone you thought you weren't. Best of luck.

Let me get this straight, if I can find one person that swith hits that proves that sexual orientation is a choice. In that case, David Bowie proves that sexual preference is a choice.

David Bowie is bisexual.

No..Bisexuals are the encyclopedia definition of "if it feels good do it. Don't ever be concerned with the consequences of one's behavior"..
This is made acceptable by the lib mind set.
How's the choice going? Let us know.

Let me get this straight, if I can find one person that swith hits that proves that sexual orientation is a choice. In that case, David Bowie proves that sexual preference is a choice.

David Bowie is bisexual.

Which, by midcan's parameters, proves that sexual preference is a choice.

I personally do not believe bi-sexuality is an orientation. Everyone I have ever known who claims that is gay, but like the agnostic who can't really say atheist, they say they are bi. Think about that for a moment it would really mean you were pan-sexual or asexual for either-or would appeal to you. I doubt anyone stops right in the middle of that continuum. Sex is a powerful psychological and biologic force and bi sexual relations do make sense. But that would still not prove it is a choice for if that were true it would not be a choice, it would be who you were. Think for a moment, it sometimes helps.
How's the choice going? Let us know.

David Bowie is bisexual.

Which, by midcan's parameters, proves that sexual preference is a choice.

I personally do not believe bi-sexuality is an orientation. Everyone I have ever known who claims that is gay, but like the agnostic who can't really say atheist, they say they are bi. Think about that for a moment it would really mean you were pan-sexual or asexual for either-or would appeal to you. I doubt anyone stops right in the middle of that continuum. Sex is a powerful psychological and biologic force and bi sexual relations do make sense. But that would still not prove it is a choice for if that were true it would not be a choice, it would be who you were. Think for a moment, it sometimes helps.

I get it now, the fact that you reject some people's sexual choice proves you are right. Must be nice to be you and never be wrong.
How's the choice going? Let us know.

Which, by midcan's parameters, proves that sexual preference is a choice.

I personally do not believe bi-sexuality is an orientation. Everyone I have ever known who claims that is gay, but like the agnostic who can't really say atheist, they say they are bi. Think about that for a moment it would really mean you were pan-sexual or asexual for either-or would appeal to you. I doubt anyone stops right in the middle of that continuum. Sex is a powerful psychological and biologic force and bi sexual relations do make sense. But that would still not prove it is a choice for if that were true it would not be a choice, it would be who you were. Think for a moment, it sometimes helps.

I get it now, the fact that you reject some people's sexual choice proves you are right. Must be nice to be you and never be wrong.

I think I qualified that enough that even a bigot like you would understand. But bigots rarely do, the debate is for others who still have an open mind. Consider only how people have changed regarding gay marriage and you realize time works magic.

But I have to ask how is the test going, were you able to switch? If you found it easy do you plan to stay there? Come on folks anty up, we wanna know. Tell us how it went?
How's the choice going? Let us know.

I personally do not believe bi-sexuality is an orientation. Everyone I have ever known who claims that is gay, but like the agnostic who can't really say atheist, they say they are bi. Think about that for a moment it would really mean you were pan-sexual or asexual for either-or would appeal to you. I doubt anyone stops right in the middle of that continuum. Sex is a powerful psychological and biologic force and bi sexual relations do make sense. But that would still not prove it is a choice for if that were true it would not be a choice, it would be who you were. Think for a moment, it sometimes helps.

I get it now, the fact that you reject some people's sexual choice proves you are right. Must be nice to be you and never be wrong.

I think I qualified that enough that even a bigot like you would understand. But bigots rarely do, the debate is for others who still have an open mind. Consider only how people have changed regarding gay marriage and you realize time works magic.

But I have to ask how is the test going, were you able to switch? If you found it easy do you plan to stay there? Come on folks anty up, we wanna know. Tell us how it went?

You believe wrong, as usual. A bigot is a person a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. I insist that my personal experience is not proof of anything, and use science to support my position. You insist that even the people you know who are bisexual really aren't, and that everyone is either gay or straight, with occasional dabbling that is nothing more than an attempt to portray themselves as something they cannot possibly be.

Which of us actually comes across as the bigot here?
I get it now, the fact that you reject some people's sexual choice proves you are right. Must be nice to be you and never be wrong.

I think I qualified that enough that even a bigot like you would understand. But bigots rarely do, the debate is for others who still have an open mind. Consider only how people have changed regarding gay marriage and you realize time works magic.

But I have to ask how is the test going, were you able to switch? If you found it easy do you plan to stay there? Come on folks anty up, we wanna know. Tell us how it went?

You believe wrong, as usual. A bigot is a person a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. I insist that my personal experience is not proof of anything, and use science to support my position. You insist that even the people you know who are bisexual really aren't, and that everyone is either gay or straight, with occasional dabbling that is nothing more than an attempt to portray themselves as something they cannot possibly be.

Which of us actually comes across as the bigot here?

I think the question we all must have the answer to is how far up Obama's ass is midcan's nose.
I get it now, the fact that you reject some people's sexual choice proves you are right. Must be nice to be you and never be wrong.

I think I qualified that enough that even a bigot like you would understand. But bigots rarely do, the debate is for others who still have an open mind. Consider only how people have changed regarding gay marriage and you realize time works magic.

But I have to ask how is the test going, were you able to switch? If you found it easy do you plan to stay there? Come on folks anty up, we wanna know. Tell us how it went?

You believe wrong, as usual. A bigot is a person a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. I insist that my personal experience is not proof of anything, and use science to support my position. You insist that even the people you know who are bisexual really aren't, and that everyone is either gay or straight, with occasional dabbling that is nothing more than an attempt to portray themselves as something they cannot possibly be.

Which of us actually comes across as the bigot here?

First how did you do with switch hitting? Since you assume choice determined sexual identity, how did it go? Please let us know.

Second, I insist on nothing sexual as far as behavior, it is too powerful an evolutionary and biological given; prisoners and others demonstrate that as well as transvestites, transgender, pedophiles, and some people who seem almost sexless. I've never met a bi person thus my personal view. I've met or know most of the others. But again if bi exists it too would not be a choice but an orientation. You seem to miss that part. But then again maybe after you have taken my test you can confirm choice is a simple process. Maybe you are bi? Still waiting.
I get it now, the fact that you reject some people's sexual choice proves you are right. Must be nice to be you and never be wrong.

I think I qualified that enough that even a bigot like you would understand. But bigots rarely do, the debate is for others who still have an open mind. Consider only how people have changed regarding gay marriage and you realize time works magic.

But I have to ask how is the test going, were you able to switch? If you found it easy do you plan to stay there? Come on folks anty up, we wanna know. Tell us how it went?

You believe wrong, as usual. A bigot is a person a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. I insist that my personal experience is not proof of anything, and use science to support my position. You insist that even the people you know who are bisexual really aren't, and that everyone is either gay or straight, with occasional dabbling that is nothing more than an attempt to portray themselves as something they cannot possibly be.

Which of us actually comes across as the bigot here?

as usual, your "definition" is incorrect since it leaves out the most significant aspect of prejudice. THIS is the complete definition (to which in any event, you're supposed to include a LINK so we know when you're intentionally omitting things):


a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

and in answer to your question... YOU do.
I think I qualified that enough that even a bigot like you would understand. But bigots rarely do, the debate is for others who still have an open mind. Consider only how people have changed regarding gay marriage and you realize time works magic.

But I have to ask how is the test going, were you able to switch? If you found it easy do you plan to stay there? Come on folks anty up, we wanna know. Tell us how it went?

You believe wrong, as usual. A bigot is a person a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. I insist that my personal experience is not proof of anything, and use science to support my position. You insist that even the people you know who are bisexual really aren't, and that everyone is either gay or straight, with occasional dabbling that is nothing more than an attempt to portray themselves as something they cannot possibly be.

Which of us actually comes across as the bigot here?

First how did you do with switch hitting? Since you assume choice determined sexual identity, how did it go? Please let us know.

Second, I insist on nothing sexual as far as behavior, it is too powerful an evolutionary and biological given; prisoners and others demonstrate that as well as transvestites, transgender, pedophiles, and some people who seem almost sexless. I've never met a bi person thus my personal view. I've met or know most of the others. But again if bi exists it too would not be a choice but an orientation. You seem to miss that part. But then again maybe after you have taken my test you can confirm choice is a simple process. Maybe you are bi? Still waiting.

Do I ask you how often you cheat on your wife? Why are you asking about my sex life? Have I ever expressed anything you might think makes me heterophobic? Homophobic? Biphobic?

Do I have to go back and requite the post where you said that all bi people are gay? Or the one where you said that, if anyone can be attracted to both sexes that would prove that it is a choice? Are you incapable of admitting you fucked up?
I think I qualified that enough that even a bigot like you would understand. But bigots rarely do, the debate is for others who still have an open mind. Consider only how people have changed regarding gay marriage and you realize time works magic.

But I have to ask how is the test going, were you able to switch? If you found it easy do you plan to stay there? Come on folks anty up, we wanna know. Tell us how it went?

You believe wrong, as usual. A bigot is a person a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. I insist that my personal experience is not proof of anything, and use science to support my position. You insist that even the people you know who are bisexual really aren't, and that everyone is either gay or straight, with occasional dabbling that is nothing more than an attempt to portray themselves as something they cannot possibly be.

Which of us actually comes across as the bigot here?

as usual, your "definition" is incorrect since it leaves out the most significant aspect of prejudice. THIS is the complete definition (to which in any event, you're supposed to include a LINK so we know when you're intentionally omitting things):


a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

and in answer to your question... YOU do.

I was making a specific point about Midcan insisting that no one is actually bisexual, something I accept. Yet, somehow, that makes me a bigot, even to you.

I bet you can't explain that in a way that actually makes sense outside your head.
You believe wrong, as usual. A bigot is a person a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. I insist that my personal experience is not proof of anything, and use science to support my position. You insist that even the people you know who are bisexual really aren't, and that everyone is either gay or straight, with occasional dabbling that is nothing more than an attempt to portray themselves as something they cannot possibly be.

Which of us actually comes across as the bigot here?

as usual, your "definition" is incorrect since it leaves out the most significant aspect of prejudice. THIS is the complete definition (to which in any event, you're supposed to include a LINK so we know when you're intentionally omitting things):


a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Bigot - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

and in answer to your question... YOU do.

I was making a specific point about Midcan insisting that no one is actually bisexual, something I accept. Yet, somehow, that makes me a bigot, even to you.

I bet you can't explain that in a way that actually makes sense outside your head.

Jillian feels compelled, most likely due to ideology, to defend a position rather than accept the facts.
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Ore., Calif., require transgender health coverage - Yahoo! News

Fascinating how the mentally defective liberals say it's not a mental illness, but then force insurers to cover it. So no medical problem, but insurers must cover it. Got it.

Libbies and their special priviliges for their darlings. This time mutants that are the most fucked up people on earth, someone who cannot accept what they are. Someone so mentally defective they want their genitalia removed to become something they aren't. What m utants. Only a liberal could enable someone so fucked in the head.
Ore., Calif., require transgender health coverage - Yahoo! News

Fascinating how the mentally defective liberals say it's not a mental illness, but then force insurers to cover it. So no medical problem, but insurers must cover it. Got it.

Libbies and their special priviliges for their darlings. This time mutants that are the most fucked up people on earth, someone who cannot accept what they are. Someone so mentally defective they want their genitalia removed to become something they aren't. What m utants. Only a liberal could enable someone so fucked in the head.

It is not a mental illness. The brain is simply wired differently, and you cannot cure that.

You are yet to explain how a 'mentally ill' person can be 'cured' (lead a happy life) after the surgery to change their gender.
Ore., Calif., require transgender health coverage - Yahoo! News

Fascinating how the mentally defective liberals say it's not a mental illness, but then force insurers to cover it. So no medical problem, but insurers must cover it. Got it.

Libbies and their special priviliges for their darlings. This time mutants that are the most fucked up people on earth, someone who cannot accept what they are. Someone so mentally defective they want their genitalia removed to become something they aren't. What m utants. Only a liberal could enable someone so fucked in the head.

It is not a mental illness. The brain is simply wired differently, and you cannot cure that.

You are yet to explain how a 'mentally ill' person can be 'cured' (lead a happy life) after the surgery to change their gender.

Only a mutant, freak of nature could be "happy" about having their dick cut off. I'm sorry they are so fucked in the head, but they shouldn't be enabled.

Would you give a bulemic vomiting techniques and laxatives? No you'd be jailed. Stop en abling these people. Stop forcing society to deny reality so liberal sissies can have a feel good moment.

Liberalism fucks people and society over.
Ore., Calif., require transgender health coverage - Yahoo! News

Fascinating how the mentally defective liberals say it's not a mental illness, but then force insurers to cover it. So no medical problem, but insurers must cover it. Got it.

Libbies and their special priviliges for their darlings. This time mutants that are the most fucked up people on earth, someone who cannot accept what they are. Someone so mentally defective they want their genitalia removed to become something they aren't. What m utants. Only a liberal could enable someone so fucked in the head.

It is not a mental illness. The brain is simply wired differently, and you cannot cure that.

You are yet to explain how a 'mentally ill' person can be 'cured' (lead a happy life) after the surgery to change their gender.

Only a mutant, freak of nature could be "happy" about having their dick cut off. I'm sorry they are so fucked in the head, but they shouldn't be enabled.

Would you give a bulemic vomiting techniques and laxatives? No you'd be jailed. Stop en abling these people. Stop forcing society to deny reality so liberal sissies can have a feel good moment.

Liberalism fucks people and society over.

You didn't answer my question. There are people who have been suicidal because they are desperate to change sex, they have been on medication and in therapy for years, yet when they have the surgery, they become happy, and lead normal lives, are no longer suicidal and are in no need of therapy.

How can a mental illness be 'cured' by a few hours of surgery?

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