Star Trek Continues!

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This is a "fan" production and it's really quite good. It mimics the old Television show to a "T".

Check it out.

Star Trek Continues E02 "Lolani" - YouTube

You should post the 1st episode, then the second.

That was excellent. And they got Michael Forrest, the original actor that did the role in the first place. :thup:

Michael Forrest has aged well.

I watched the first two episodes of Star Trek Continues last night. Pretty good stuff.
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This is a "fan" production and it's really quite good. It mimics the old Television show to a "T".

Check it out.

Star Trek Continues E02 "Lolani" - YouTube

You should post the 1st episode, then the second.

[ame=""]Star Trek Continues E01 "Pilgrim of Eternity"[/ame]

That was excellent. And they got Michael Forrest, the original actor that did the role in the first place. :thup:

Yeah, I thought that was a nice touch.

If you want a real treat, and have a spare 90 minutes, watch this.

[ame=""]Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (Official Complete Film)[/ame]
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You should post the 1st episode, then the second.

Star Trek Continues E01 "Pilgrim of Eternity"

That was excellent. And they got Michael Forrest, the original actor that did the role in the first place. :thup:

Yeah, I thought that was a nice touch.

If you want a real treat, and have a spare 90 minutes, watch this.

[ame=""]Star Trek: Of Gods and Men (Official Complete Film)[/ame]


Very nice.
I've watched these on YouTube. There seems to be two separate groups of these.

ONe is called "Star Trek Continues" and the other "Star Trek Phase 2".

I think the production values are pretty good for YouTube and a lot better than what you see on SyFy.

The actors are imitating the mannerisms of the original cast with varying levels of success. For instance, they have James Doohan's son playing Scotty, but i'm not sure he captures the character.
This makes me happy.

There are all kinds of these on the internet. They always make me laugh. Some hysterically.

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