Star Wars, the culture wars, and the New Star Wars, the Left Strikes Back...

My neighbors - who are very nice people - won't let their kids watch Star Wars because they think The Force is anti-Christian.

And I live in a nice middle-class neighborhood.

That's just stupid. That's a perfect way to drive your child away from Christ.
From what I can see no one is complaining about Rae being a woman or Fin being black…..we are complaining about giving Rae so much talent and so much power that she can't really grow as a character…….and the reason they gave her so much power is because of whacked out leftist crap. And Fin, they made him comic relief, helpless in almost all situations and as a storm trooper completely incompetent.

This is just because it's already been done. We already saw a slowly developed force user that took 3 movies to amount to little more than being able to move his X-wing and swing a light saber around and do a cool jump.

People don't want to wait 3 movies and 8 years to see that all over again.

So naturally they are just going to jump into it faster, have force users develop faster, and explain it away so they can get on with the STORY.
As she leads into the review of The Force Awakens...he has to go back and look at the first three.....and he does well too....

STAR WARS and EMPIRE STRIKES BACK were basically healthy, that is, conservative in moral outlook, as are all dramatic dramas, even the simplest. Conservatism is about taking responsibility for actions, earning, working, fighting, and doing. Conservatives believe in free will.

Leftism is about evading responsibility. It is unhealthy. It is about blaming someone else, the Capitalist conspiracy, the Jewish conspiracy, the Patriarchal conspiracy, for any shortcomings. It is about worrying about things where no one has any control, like the weather, and ignoring things where something needs to and can be done, like a war. Leftism believes in free emotions, but not free will.

Hence in RETURN, we had the absurdity of being told that anger, and anger alone, regardless of the provocation or object, was the definition of evil. If Luke has lost his temper even for one second, so the plot told us, he would suddenly change from good to evil like flipping a lightswitch. And he would be Lawful Evil, too, immediately vowing eternal fealty to the Emperor.

It was supposed to be a scene where Luke was tempted by the Dark Side, but at no point was there any temptation involved: the Emperor did not offer anything whatsoever that Luke wanted, not even “I will spare your friends and let them escape if you bow and serve me.”

The scene was painfully shallow and painful to watch, written by someone who had correctly and accurately boiled Leftism down to its clearest expression: a world where results mean nothing, and only intentions matter. It was a scene written by someone who has no idea what prompts men either to resist or to surrender to temptation, someone who does not know the difference between good and evil. There is more to moral righteousness than keeping one’s temper.
I think you're twisting the story to fit your political perceptions. I found the movie entertaining and never noticed any political agenda. However, I don't see the world in terms of Liberal and Conservative conspiracies.

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