Star Wars, the culture wars, and the New Star Wars, the Left Strikes Back...

Yes- Stars Wars embodies liberalism.

Which is why it is such a financial and cultural success.

Nope...the First Star wars was a conservative movie.......and people keep going back on that feeling.
Hollywood had gotten way too artsy in the late 70's add that to all you die she dies everybody dies disaster movies , people were tired of end of the world epics and there was a recession and the gas crisis
Star wars was the wizard of oz of its day .
It took people away from their own troubles for awhile.
That's all.
Any political connections made are the delusions of people who can't get laid.
Yes- Stars Wars embodies liberalism.

Which is why it is such a financial and cultural success.

Nope...the First Star wars was a conservative movie.......and people keep going back on that feeling.

LOL......the only thing 'conservative' about the first star war movie is that conservatives were jealous that a liberal like George Lucas could make such a successful movie.
Yes- Stars Wars embodies liberalism.

Which is why it is such a financial and cultural success.

Nope...the First Star wars was a conservative movie.......and people keep going back on that feeling.

LOL......the only thing 'conservative' about the first star war movie is that conservatives were jealous that a liberal like George Lucas could make such a successful movie.

Star Wars was one of the most conservative movies out at time, that and Rocky. That is why they were so successful.....the other science fiction at the time was all left wing doom and gloom crap. And then Star Wars, with it's conservative messages came out....self sacrifice, standing up to the collective, resisting tyranny rather than sucking up to it for the goodies......The article I posted points out many of these things.....
Yes- Stars Wars embodies liberalism.

Which is why it is such a financial and cultural success.

Nope...the First Star wars was a conservative movie.......and people keep going back on that feeling.

LOL......the only thing 'conservative' about the first star war movie is that conservatives were jealous that a liberal like George Lucas could make such a successful movie.

So George Lucas, liberal extraordinaire, misled by his sheer love of nostalgic film, and without the least notion of what he was doing, decide to remake FLASH ROGERS CONQUERS MARS, and make a pure schoolboy action-adventure film supercharged with the sheer love of escapist film for the sake of film, with some chop-socky samurai sword-fighting thrown in for good measure.

And he accidently brought the whole 1940s back into the soul of the filmgoing public with him, complete with all its conservative values, can-do Yankee optimism, and sassy dames.

The Farm boy is from Tantooine, but could be from Kansas, the lovable rogue could be a hot rodder from Route 66, or any number of other cowboys, rumrunners, or tough guys, and the Princess is a sassy but straight-shooting dame straight out of any number of 1940s adventure serials, comedies, or action flicks.

We have seen so many sassy heroines made directly in the mold of Leia that we tend to forget what decade she is from: she is more like Ginger Rogers or Virginia Mayo playing a gun moll or a girl reporter with moxie than she is like any 1970s actress. What she was not was an icon of feminism, or an ad for female equality with men: she was a princess, that is, she outranked all the male characters.

Leia spoke not just with sass, but with authority, and the script did not have, nor did it need, any embarrassingly unrealistic scenes of her wrestling apes or using wire-fu on hulking thugees twice her size. American gals from the 1940s did not need to wear men’s clothing and false moustaches and speak in a forced low pitched voice to be strong: they were strong and female, not weakminded females playacting at being strong men.

Above all, STAR WARS was pure Americana, as immediately part of our American cult and culture as Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer or the Lone Ranger.

Long, Long ago was 1940. The Galaxy Far, Far Away was the USA.
And here you go...


In the decade before STAR WARS, flicks were a drag. They were filled with gloom, doom, grit, and anxiety, the kind of fretful worry-wart frenzies about non-issues in which Leftwingers love in indulge. It was the time of SOYLENT GREEN and EASY RIDER. They were made when America was at an apex of wealth and liberty. Meanwhile, back in the 1940s, we had polio, the Dustbowl, and Pearl Harbor, three of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, namely Plague, Famine, and War, were riding the land. And folks made Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon serials that were fun escapism telling simple stories about larger-than-life good underdogs fighting larger-than-life evil overlords like Killer Kane or Ming the Merciless. And so we were inspired to storm Normandy Beach and topple the Evil Empire of the Soviets.

And then came Star Wars......

It was a looking glass that, for once, by accident, showed our good features, and was not the funhouse mirror of Howard Zinn style America-bashing.

And it had light saber duels, running gunbattles with blasters, and biplane dogfights in space.
If Star Wars had been left wing, Leia would have been working with the Empire to bring the gun owning, independent minded Jedi and Han solo into the warm embrace of the empire for their own good.....
Today being a mother and raising children is seen as evil. Somehow killing and beating the shit out of everything is somehow more awarding.

Liberals really have gone nutz. We don't need more fucking violence on this planet, while we do need more serious parents.
Before feminism, women who made it in a man's world were tough and independent-minded. They never asked to be hired based on a quota, or for the sake of "diversity". They knew that they had to be three times as tough, and four times as competent, to succeed. And if they got married and had children, they would do all that too with little help from their husband. My grandmother on my father's side was a woman like that. She was a very successful real estate agent, who raised five children, and somehow found time to travel all over the world.

Princess Leia was that kind of woman. Queen Amidala was too, but more feminine. Rae dressed and acted like a lesbian. When bombs were going off behind her, what pissed her off was that Finn had the nerve to grab her hand and pull her to safety. We shall see if that changes in upcoming Star Wars movies.
Does the OP's doctor know he is off his medication.

So to bottom line it, I'm guessing, because it's a largely incoherent rant, is that he doesn't like the Force Awakens because instead of nice white male heroes, the protagonists are a woman and a black dude.

Get over yourself.

My problem with TFA is that it was largely derivative. We move the few surviving older characters into roles formerly occupied by characters who got snuffed in the first films, but generally, Rae is Luke, Fin is Han, and Han is now Obi-Wan. And we get a new Vader and a New Emperor, (Ren and Snoke) but there's nothing new about these characters.

Before feminism, women who made it in a man's world were tough and independent-minded. They never asked to be hired based on a quota, or for the sake of "diversity". They knew that they had to be three times as tough, and four times as competent, to succeed. And if they got married and had children, they would do all that too with little help from their husband. My grandmother on my father's side was a woman like that. She was a very successful real estate agent, who raised five children, and somehow found time to travel all over the world.

But why should a woman be three times as tough or four times as competent to get the same respect as a White Male?

It seems to me your real objection to affirmative action is that it gives women and minorities the same opportunities YOU have by virtue of being in the old boys club.
Does the OP's doctor know he is off his medication.

So to bottom line it, I'm guessing, because it's a largely incoherent rant, is that he doesn't like the Force Awakens because instead of nice white male heroes, the protagonists are a woman and a black dude.

Get over yourself.

My problem with TFA is that it was largely derivative. We move the few surviving older characters into roles formerly occupied by characters who got snuffed in the first films, but generally, Rae is Luke, Fin is Han, and Han is now Obi-Wan. And we get a new Vader and a New Emperor, (Ren and Snoke) but there's nothing new about these characters.

And you didn't get the point of the authors article. You know…where he talks about women who were actually strong but still women…..and not men with vaginas……that whole part of his article. And how Rae is Han Solo, Luke, Princess Leia, and Obi Wan all in one character and Finn is essentially comic relief…wow…the black guy as comic relief……the left never gets too far away from marginalizing minorities do they.
And you didn't get the point of the authors article. You know…where he talks about women who were actually strong but still women…..and not men with vaginas……that whole part of his article. And how Rae is Han Solo, Luke, Princess Leia, and Obi Wan all in one character and Finn is essentially comic relief…wow…the black guy as comic relief……the left never gets too far away from marginalizing minorities do they.

I got his point. It was just retarded.

Let's talk about Fin. FIn was more than "comic relief". I found his character to actually be nuanced. He wants to get away from this craziness, but also wants people to respect him. The scene where he picks up a light saber and defends a knocked out Rae, knowing he will probably get killed. Where he wants to finish the pilot guy's mission (Sorry, don't remember his name, and he wasn't developed enough).

Rae is more than just "luke and leia" rolled up into one. She lives on a world that was no doubt devastated in the Star Wars, judging by the amount of discarded hardware lying about. One where she has to scrape together a lot of junk just to eat for another day. But she's not "girly" enough for the Author, that's kind of his problem. I enjoyed watching her character.

Now, all of that said, I don't think this was a great movie. I think it was an okay movie. I hope they do more with Chapters 8 and 9.
Does the OP's doctor know he is off his medication.

So to bottom line it, I'm guessing, because it's a largely incoherent rant, is that he doesn't like the Force Awakens because instead of nice white male heroes, the protagonists are a woman and a black dude.

Get over yourself.

My problem with TFA is that it was largely derivative. We move the few surviving older characters into roles formerly occupied by characters who got snuffed in the first films, but generally, Rae is Luke, Fin is Han, and Han is now Obi-Wan. And we get a new Vader and a New Emperor, (Ren and Snoke) but there's nothing new about these characters.

And you didn't get the point of the authors article. You know…where he talks about women who were actually strong but still women…..and not men with vaginas……that whole part of his article. And how Rae is Han Solo, Luke, Princess Leia, and Obi Wan all in one character and Finn is essentially comic relief…wow…the black guy as comic relief……the left never gets too far away from marginalizing minorities do they.

The Finn character was so out of place. A storm trooper that suddenly has a conscience? And yes, he was comic relief although not as bad as Jar-Jar was, but that's not saying much. He certainly isn't a Lando, he's another example of affirmative action.

It was also stupid to have Rae so powerful, even if she turns out to be the offspring of Luke and another Jedi. JJ Abrams has ruined another franchise like he did with Star Trek. He's just as bad as Michael Bay now.
The Finn character was so out of place. A storm trooper that suddenly has a conscience? And yes, he was comic relief although not as bad as Jar-Jar was, but that's not saying much. He certainly isn't a Lando, he's another example of affirmative action.

why can't a Stormtrooper have a crisis of conscience? some time between the Prequels and the Sequels, they stopped using clones, obviously, and started using real people.

It was also stupid to have Rae so powerful, even if she turns out to be the offspring of Luke and another Jedi. JJ Abrams has ruined another franchise like he did with Star Trek. He's just as bad as Michael Bay now.

Again, why not?
Man make a black guy and a woman hero's in the Star Wars universe, and conservatives lose their minds


But it isn't just so-called conservatives who are up in arms. Feminists are pissed because Captain Phasma, this feminist icon for some reason, is completely incompetent as a Stormtrooper Commander. They're also miffed because Rey ends up as a damsel-in-distress at one point and because Princess Leia really has no role except to stand on the sidelines.

There's just no pleasing some people. They can't just sit back and enjoy the movies without being offended by something. Like we say in my part of the country, they'd complain if you hung them with a new rope.
why can't a Stormtrooper have a crisis of conscience? some time between the Prequels and the Sequels, they stopped using clones, obviously, and started using real people.

Again, why not?
Clones ARE real people, you - you CLONEAPHOBE!!!

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