Star Wars was an inside job

...Vader wasn't in command of the Death Star, Grand Moff Tarkin was. ...


GMT was nothing more than an Imperial puppet.

The Emperor was in charge of everything, at least until Vader showed him who really was boss.
If this were a real scenario, like Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega, and others, Darth Vader would likely be working for the CIA. Most evil in the world emanates from the CIA. So there's your Conspiracy. You're welcome. :)
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...Vader wasn't in command of the Death Star, Grand Moff Tarkin was. ...


GMT was nothing more than an Imperial puppet.

The Emperor was in charge of everything, at least until Vader showed him who really was boss.

Please don't try to make excuses for the bad writing in the original trilogy. I know the Prequel Trilogy gets rapped for bad writing and acting (as it should), but frankly, the writing in "A New Hope" was really slightly above Porn Movies.

You know why Tarkin was in charge? Because he was played by a name actor! Vader was played by an extra whose line delivery was so bad they had to re-edit it in post.

Now, yeah, Vader became a bigger deal and they made his part bigger, but here's the ugly truth.

In a New Hope, Darth Vader has less than 16 minutes of screen time.
Capt Kirk did it right in the "Voyage Home". He went back in time, kidnapped a couple of whales and saved mankind.
I guess we are supposed to believe that not only was 1 WTC but 2WTC and 7 WTC all infiltrated by Ninja warriors loading up 3 buildings not only with explosives but with what was it thermite charges.The taking over of 4 airliners....

How many people are supposed to be involved to accomplish such a huge undertaking.
All this done with precision timing....and no one saw anything out of the ordinary.

And a few kids in their mom's basement figured all this out on their gameboy and made a movie about it.

And people fell for it....

Maybe the Cylons were involved.I hear they look like us now.
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I guess we are supposed to believe that not only was 1 WTC but 2WTC and 7 WTC all infiltrated by Ninja warriors loading up 3 buildings not only with explosives but with what was it thermite charges.The taking over of 4 airliners....

How many people are supposed to be involved to accomplish such a huge undertaking.
All this done with precision timing....and no one saw anything out of the ordinary.

And a few kids in their mom's basement figured all this out on their gameboy and made a movie about it.

And people fell for it....

Maybe the Ceylons were involved.I hear they look like us now.

In order to make a case that 9-11 was an inside job you have to implicate Clinton in the conspiracy. Clinton was guilty of a lot of things but I don't think 9-11 is one of them.
Vader was a puppet of the Light side of the force. Funny how Yoda just HAPPENED to be the only remaining Jedi Master and just HAPPENED to have perfect excuses to be absent from both death star battles. Yet the Light side never gets criticized.

Also if you look at the death star explode in slow motion you can clearly see hundreds of smaller explosions occurring all throughout the interior and perimeter. It was obviously an imperial conspiracy to bring disaster upon itself in order to... um... hold on that makes no sense. Give me a second I have to go watch "Zeitgeist" again real quick.

If this were a real scenario, like Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega, and others, Darth Vader would likely be working for the CIA. Most evil in the world emanates from the CIA. So there's your Conspiracy. You're welcome. :)

Dude. You Paulbots don't even realized when you are being OPENLY MOCKED!

Shhh. Watching the (ID)eots chime in is just too funny. They have no idea just how stupid they really are. :eusa_silenced:
I guess we are supposed to believe that not only was 1 WTC but 2WTC and 7 WTC all infiltrated by Ninja warriors loading up 3 buildings not only with explosives but with what was it thermite charges.The taking over of 4 airliners....

How many people are supposed to be involved to accomplish such a huge undertaking.
All this done with precision timing....and no one saw anything out of the ordinary.

And a few kids in their mom's basement figured all this out on their gameboy and made a movie about it.

And people fell for it...

Maybe the Cylons were involved.I hear they look like us now.

It only took GWB and a Girl Scout troop a long weekend to rig all 3. The Scouts have since been eliminated at one or another of the tragic school shootings we've suffered since. I take it you didn't get the memo?
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  • $darth vader tutu.jpg
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Star Wars is predicting the future in a few ways. How about Luke's bionic hand? How about lazers and drones and death stars?
If this were a real scenario, like Bin Laden, Hussein, Noriega, and others, Darth Vader would likely be working for the CIA. Most evil in the world emanates from the CIA. So there's your Conspiracy. You're welcome. :)

Dude. You Paulbots don't even realized when you are being OPENLY MOCKED!

Oh, we do. Just thought i would present you with a more plausible Conspiracy Theory. After all, the OP said it was a Conspiracy. So I was just correcting him or her. A more likely scenario would be that Darth Vader is working for the CIA. Because most evil in the World does emanate from the CIA. A mere CIA puppet.
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