Star Wars was an inside job

Cute parody.

Too bad it's not analogous to any real world truth movement. I mean, it's not like the rebels blew up 3 Death Stars with only 2 X-wings and then claimed that the third was completely incinerated due to office fires.
agent troll Rightwingers handlers are obviously getting worried that there is so much information being put out on the boards that 9/11 was an inside job that this is their newest attempt to try and derail these 9/11 truth discussions sending him to post and troll the boards with threads like usual,agent rightwinger gets his ass handed to him on a platter with his OWN trolling.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
Back with more stale ridicule ay? How bout another one of your tired & predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults? You never get enough of those huh? ;)

thats agent rightwinger for you.when he is cornered and cant refute facts,he always changes the subject and can only fling childish insults in defeat.thats how all these agent trolls operate.:lol::lol::lol:

This troll STILL defends the government that oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy.:lmao:

Notice how when cornered with facts and evidence he cant refute here again,that he retreats and doesnt even TRY to counter the facts I posted here of overwheling proof there was at LEAST a second gunman involved?:D:lol::lmao:

Watch how just like in this thread,he dodged my facts I brought up that prove there was at least a second shooter involved in his second post on this thread here.:lmao:

great rebutall to the facts isnt it?:lol:
Cute parody.

Too bad it's not analogous to any real world truth movement. I mean, it's not like the rebels blew up 3 Death Stars with only 2 X-wings and then claimed that the third was completely incinerated due to office fires.
agent troll Rightwingers handlers are obviously getting worried that there is so much information being put out on the boards that 9/11 was an inside job that this is their newest attempt to try and derail these 9/11 truth discussions sending him to post and troll the boards with threads like usual,agent rightwinger gets his ass handed to him on a platter with his OWN trolling.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
man if we thought it was an inside job we would grab our guns [you know one of the things we cling to] and storm the gates of power !! the truth is we think truthers are hilarious idiots !!:cuckoo:
Cute parody.

Too bad it's not analogous to any real world truth movement. I mean, it's not like the rebels blew up 3 Death Stars with only 2 X-wings and then claimed that the third was completely incinerated due to office fires.
agent troll Rightwingers handlers are obviously getting worried that there is so much information being put out on the boards that 9/11 was an inside job that this is their newest attempt to try and derail these 9/11 truth discussions sending him to post and troll the boards with threads like usual,agent rightwinger gets his ass handed to him on a platter with his OWN trolling.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
man if we thought it was an inside job we would grab our guns [you know one of the things we cling to] and storm the gates of power !! the truth is we think truthers are hilarious idiots !!:cuckoo:

let me guess,you are like agent rightwinger and think oswald was the lone assassin as well right?:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you need to look in the mirror when calling someone an idiot,cause you obviously ditched juniour high school science classes and dont know anything about the witness testiomnys given of people hearing explosions and then just like in the kennedy assassination,people giving versions of events that did not go along with the governments version of events,end up dying in mysterious deaths.yep no conspiracy there.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:
agent troll Rightwingers handlers are obviously getting worried that there is so much information being put out on the boards that 9/11 was an inside job that this is their newest attempt to try and derail these 9/11 truth discussions sending him to post and troll the boards with threads like usual,agent rightwinger gets his ass handed to him on a platter with his OWN trolling.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
man if we thought it was an inside job we would grab our guns [you know one of the things we cling to] and storm the gates of power !! the truth is we think truthers are hilarious idiots !!:cuckoo:

let me guess,you are like agent rightwinger and think oswald was the lone assassin as well right?:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you need to look in the mirror when calling someone an idiot,cause you obviously ditched juniour high school science classes and dont know anything about the witness testiomnys given of people hearing explosions and then just like in the kennedy assassination,people giving versions of events that did not go along with the governments version of events,end up dying in mysterious deaths.yep no conspiracy there.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:
the Kennedy assassination is a whole different mater !!but 911 was not an inside job !!
Clues that prove the official version of Star Wars is wrong:

Why didn't Luke who had the force with him, not instinctively know that Leia was his sister?

If C3PO was made by Anakin on Tatooine, how come he didn't recognise it when he went there in episode 4?

It's a conspiracy I tell ya!
Clues that prove the official version of Star Wars is wrong:

Why didn't Luke who had the force with him, not instinctively know that Leia was his sister?

If C3PO was made by Anakin on Tatooine, how come he didn't recognise it when he went there in episode 4?

It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Luke hadn't mastered his force abilities yet.

Anakin/Vader didn't encounter C3PO until Episode V. And then, he probably didn't think much about it, since C3PO seems to be the same design of protocol android everyone uses.

I get the feeling that by and large, Droids are an invisible underclass in the Star Wars universe.
Clues that prove the official version of Star Wars is wrong:

Why didn't Luke who had the force with him, not instinctively know that Leia was his sister?

If C3PO was made by Anakin on Tatooine, how come he didn't recognise it when he went there in episode 4?

It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Luke hadn't mastered his force abilities yet.

Anakin/Vader didn't encounter C3PO until Episode V. And then, he probably didn't think much about it, since C3PO seems to be the same design of protocol android everyone uses.

I get the feeling that by and large, Droids are an invisible underclass in the Star Wars universe.

Nah, it's a coverup of galactic proportions!
Back with more stale ridicule ay? How bout another one of your tired & predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults? You never get enough of those huh? ;)

thats agent rightwinger for you.when he is cornered and cant refute facts,he always changes the subject and can only fling childish insults in defeat.thats how all these agent trolls operate.:lol::lol::lol:

This troll STILL defends the government that oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy.:lmao:

Notice how when cornered with facts and evidence he cant refute here again,that he retreats and doesnt even TRY to counter the facts I posted here of overwheling proof there was at LEAST a second gunman involved?:D:lol::lmao:

Watch how just like in this thread,he dodged my facts I brought up that prove there was at least a second shooter involved in his second post on this thread here.:lmao:

great rebutall to the facts isnt it?:lol:

Ah yes.....the grassy knoll

Oswald read in the paper that the Kennedy motorcade would pass by the building he worked so he brought his rifle to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

And yes, Darth Vader is Lukes father
Back with more stale ridicule ay? How bout another one of your tired & predictable 'Tinfoil Hat' insults? You never get enough of those huh? ;)

thats agent rightwinger for you.when he is cornered and cant refute facts,he always changes the subject and can only fling childish insults in defeat.thats how all these agent trolls operate.:lol::lol::lol:

This troll STILL defends the government that oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy.:lmao:

Notice how when cornered with facts and evidence he cant refute here again,that he retreats and doesnt even TRY to counter the facts I posted here of overwheling proof there was at LEAST a second gunman involved?:D:lol::lmao:

Watch how just like in this thread,he dodged my facts I brought up that prove there was at least a second shooter involved in his second post on this thread here.:lmao:

great rebutall to the facts isnt it?:lol:

yeah rightwinger!

just watch those 347 youtube videos and you'll see, dupe Bush troll!
Y9ou know how I know STAR WARS was fantasy?

Because the MASTERS don't control both sides in that movie

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