State audit slams San Diego response to hepatitis A outbreak


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

SAN DIEGO (AP) — The city and county of San Diego failed to quickly recognize and control a Hepatitis A outbreak that grew into one of the largest in recent history, killing 20 and sending nearly 400 to hospitals, according to a state audit released Thursday.

State audit slams San Diego response to hepatitis A outbreak - Breitbart
MSM hasn't told you a thing about this little problem now have they, just a tad here and there lmfao.
Oh you see it's not like this trash stays trapped in one state either dumbasses.
Another result from the same morons who chanted " LET THEM IN" . they were and are willing to risk the lives of their kids/families to prove some love affair to those who can't stand you, hate America to begin with and you idiots still make up reasons/excuses as to letting them your idiots what part do you not get about " VIRUSES GERMS CAN TRANSFER FROM person to person, state to state, country to country .........
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. We need to send all of the illegals there. Then build a wall between us and them. Since the media is silent on this. Maybe we should start a go fund me page for tv time to let all of america know. This is what happens when you have open boarders and no wall.
When the illegals were allowed medical care they were vaccinated but because of the repukes mission to make them as miserable as possible we now have the side effects of their stupidity.
Why dew wee have illegals at all? And tax man wants the 50% of Americans who pay federal taxes to give illegals free shots! How fucking fucked up is that?

SAN DIEGO (AP) — The city and county of San Diego failed to quickly recognize and control a Hepatitis A outbreak that grew into one of the largest in recent history, killing 20 and sending nearly 400 to hospitals, according to a state audit released Thursday.

State audit slams San Diego response to hepatitis A outbreak - Breitbart
MSM hasn't told you a thing about this little problem now have they, just a tad here and there lmfao.
Oh you see it's not like this trash stays trapped in one state either dumbasses.
Another result from the same morons who chanted " LET THEM IN" . they were and are willing to risk the lives of their kids/families to prove some love affair to those who can't stand you, hate America to begin with and you idiots still make up reasons/excuses as to letting them your idiots what part do you not get about " VIRUSES GERMS CAN TRANSFER FROM person to person, state to state, country to country .........
The State was informed of the Medical problems that traveled with the Mob. It seems no one took the time to check the information out. Now death shadows the Citizens of the State and City. I feel sorry for them, but it not my problem yet. They need to handle the problem there.


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