State brings back electric chair

as a pagan...i never rejoice in death but i do realize some people earn the right to die at the hands of the community....once you take another human's forfeit your life....i have no problem with mercy but i think we have allowed the gray areas to grown way too much
be nice sunni......jer do you realize there is a school of thought that the head can live on...after being separated from the body....and in reality....organ harvesters prefer...brain dead...body alive how can one induced brain death without harming the organs? one would need to stop the blood/oxygen flow to the brain while keeping the body alive...

it is said that the head may live for 12 to 15 sec after being separated from the body....there is enough blood in the brain to keep it going for that long.....that is said due to some guy in france who supposedly blinked so many times after his head was cut off...

This is what is most disturbing about the concept of consciousness remaining after decapitation; we may feel pain and experience fear in those few moments before death. This has been reported in a number of cases where consciousness appeared to remain following decapitation. Most recently, in 1989, an Army veteran reported that following a car accident that he was in with a friend, the decapitated head of his friend changed facial expressions: "First of shock or confusion then to terror or grief," [source: Bellows].

Both King Charles I and Queen Anne Boleyn are reported to both have showed signs of trying to speak following their beheadings (by executioners' swords, rather than by guillotine) [source: Maslin]. When he spoke out against the use of the guillotine in 1795, German researcher S.T. Sommering cited reports of decapitated heads that have ground their teeth and that the face of one decapitated person "grimaced horribly" when a physician inspecting the head poked the spinal canal with his finger [source: Sommering].

Perhaps most famously was the study conducted by a Dr. Beaurieux in 1905 of the head of executed criminal Henri Languille. Over the course of 25 to 30 seconds of observation, the physician recorded managing to get Languille to open his eyes and "undeniably" focus them on the doctor's twice by calling the executed man's name [source: Bellows].

HowStuffWorks "Do you really stay conscious after being decapitated?"

Let juries know they are frying people and not painlessly "putting them to sleep"

They won't be so quick to pull the trigger
I seriously doubt a Jury who just found some guy guilty and gave him the death penalty is really concerned about how painless his execution will be.

Especially after spending several days in the Jury box listening to how he raped, strangled, stabbed, and mutilated his victim before he murdered them. ... :doubt:

Let it weigh on a juries mind that the guy is going to fry

Let the courts decide on the death penalty based on the chair instead of a quiet, put the guy to sleep

I've always preferred hanging. Its seems to be the least dignified way to go, and for criminals bad enough to be given the death penalty, that's good enough for me.

Tod durch den Strang had a nice ring to it when we hung those Nazi assholes after Nuremburg, its a shame we don't do it to current criminals.

Firing squads impart a sense of honor on the criminal.
the body temps go way up after the chair...but a few experts have said that the chair is more humane than injections....but the chair has to be maintained and serviced...if someone wants to die in a method that allows organ harvest be it...but that should still be up to the person being killed

I was told about this some years ago and the plan was to harvest the organs with or without the prisoners permission - that was something people in Georgia were objecting to. I believe the future execution method for the entire USA will become guillotine. Because this country is going the way of China which is heavily involved in organ harvesting. If we are servant to the lender we'll find ourselves doing things "their way" more and more.....

Alot of criminals have so much junk and disease in their systems that I'm not sure if their organs would be usable.
good point.....but if we could they sure would be needed...and i will admit if my son needed a transplant i wouldnt care who it came from or how i got long as it was healthy.....i will admit to being that shallow...
ahhh come on marty the south...we want the momma to be able to have an open coffin.....and the dangle/strangle is hard on the witnesses ....surely after centuries of killing one another we can at least come up with a decent plan of how to do it.....and make it as beneficial as the would have been much more humane to have take dahmer out and shot him in the head than to have locked him up with his own madness....he opt for gen pop so he could die...
hanging if done correctly are quick and said to be painless....if miscalculated.....the head will snap off or worse they just dangle and strangle....

Official Table of Drops - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see the downside to any of those options.
Except that you'll have dozens of ankle-biters nipping at you for even suggesting Variation A or B or C...
good point.....but if we could they sure would be needed...and i will admit if my son needed a transplant i wouldnt care who it came from or how i got long as it was healthy.....i will admit to being that shallow...

The healthy part is the issue. Remember a lot of donors are young people killed in accidents, they haven't had the chance or never took the chance to ravage their bodies with drugs, disease and all other bad stuff.

Still given the choice between death and murderer body parts, I'd go with murderer body parts.
i have given you the downside of think about it....quick and painless all the focus on the dude or dudette being executed or perhaps a method that allows harvesting...and i hate to say this but if we want to harvest......all you have to do is put them under and harvest....oddly they will die without those that inhumane?
i have given you the downside of think about it....quick and painless all the focus on the dude or dudette being executed or perhaps a method that allows harvesting...and i hate to say this but if we want to harvest......all you have to do is put them under and harvest....oddly they will die without those that inhumane?

I'm less about pain during execution (don't care if it happens though) and more about general indignity leading up to it. hanging to me is the least honorable method of being killed, with being allowed suppuku first, then firing squad, the guillontine/beheading, then single shooter, then chair/gas chamber, then injection, and finally hanging.

The problem with death from harvesting is you are asking a doctor to kill a "patient"
i have given you the downside of think about it....quick and painless all the focus on the dude or dudette being executed or perhaps a method that allows harvesting...and i hate to say this but if we want to harvest......all you have to do is put them under and harvest....oddly they will die without those that inhumane?

Shades of the medical students and doctors at the Museum at Alexandria, about 2,000 years ago.

Or the Imperial Japanese, or Nazi Germans, about 70 years ago.

I think we put those guys on trial for War Crimes, if I recall correctly.

It wouldn't play well on the Evening News.
i have given you the downside of think about it....quick and painless all the focus on the dude or dudette being executed or perhaps a method that allows harvesting...and i hate to say this but if we want to harvest......all you have to do is put them under and harvest....oddly they will die without those that inhumane?

I'm less about pain during execution (don't care if it happens though) and more about general indignity leading up to it. hanging to me is the least honorable method of being killed, with being allowed suppuku first, then firing squad, the guillontine/beheading, then single shooter, then chair/gas chamber, then injection, and finally hanging.

The problem with death from harvesting is you are asking a doctor to kill a "patient"

marty i got one word for ya here.....mengele.....

i dont see a problem at them enough money and they will line up to break that hippocratic oath
i dont get that....why skull? i am for the firing squad if we have to kill them that way....i still say do realize that was part of dr kevorkian go to the later stages of his plan included voluntary organs donors being harvested just after they died.....but that would be in a controlled environment not in a coyote hotel room.....

"We wantonly squander priceless opportunities to study ourselves and our living brains, as well as new ways to make us wiser, healthier and happier. We snuff out lives of criminals eager to make amends by donating their organs and helping science unlock some of nature's deepest secrets." 6

Euthanasia and Jack Kevorkian | The Life Resources Charitable Trust

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