State brings back electric chair

There are alot of questionable things doctors do, but they all can be considered doing something "positive" for the patient, i.e. "do no harm"

Harvesting organs as a form of execution does not pass the "do no harm" test, not even close.

Only if the "patient" is still alive......... Uuummmm........

The concept from Strolling as I understood it would be to anesthetize the person, remove said organs, and then let them expire while under.

They would be "alive" during the extraction and then left to die.

Never heard that one before but considering what some of these animals have done to other people....... Not sure I have a problem with it in those specific cases. But that's just righteous outrage speaking.
I'll be surprised if it actually get's used.
If anyone actually get's scheduled for it, there will be last minute appeals based on cruel and unusual punishment.

I hear some other states are asking to bring back the firing squad. :Boom2:

Well, if I were to be killed I would want firing squad. Electrocution is just scarey. Then again, if I were a murderer, I have no rights since I took a life.
I'll be surprised if it actually get's used.
If anyone actually get's scheduled for it, there will be last minute appeals based on cruel and unusual punishment.

I hear some other states are asking to bring back the firing squad. :Boom2:

Well, if I were to be killed I would want firing squad. Electrocution is just scarey. Then again, if I were a murderer, I have no rights since I took a life.
The max the law allows.

The more scared they are, within the framework of the law, the more justice is dispensed.

TRUE justice would be putting them through the exact same Hell that they put their victims through.

But utilizing any of a half-dozen 'acceptable' methods will have to do.
What about if the punishment fits the crime? Someone that murdered someone during a robbery for example. Fast end? Or, someone who is just flat out evil and enjoyed murdering multiple people..or children....slow end? Not sure what I think about that.
Organ harvest should be the norm for all executed prisoners, medical conditions permitting.
These people have damaged society in some way so they should have to pay something back.
I see no better way for a murderer to pay a debt than to save a life.

The execution method may cause problems, so I propose decapitation as the only acceptable method to take out the trash.
This ensures no damage to the commonly used parts, kidneys, liver, eyes and so on.
It's fast, cheap and as humane as an execution can get.

France was still executing criminals this was when star wars was released.

I'll be surprised if it actually get's used.
If anyone actually get's scheduled for it, there will be last minute appeals based on cruel and unusual punishment.

I hear some other states are asking to bring back the firing squad. :Boom2:

Well, if I were to be killed I would want firing squad. Electrocution is just scarey. Then again, if I were a murderer, I have no rights since I took a life.
asphyxiation by a specially trained big naked woman sitting on my face is more my cup of tea.
ah and the sadists roll out to want this and that......(of course i am the one for organ harvest hardly making me a saint) but to want to kill them as the did they victims? really is that the state of any civilized society.....i am for clean and quick and humane....make it beneficial to society

but marty is right most will be unfit for donors due to medical conditions....but use the ones that arent and yes i think it is still necessary to have permission to harvest.....

as for booze and pills being the just cant rely on that...some will just go into a coma then what?
I'll be surprised if it actually get's used.
If anyone actually get's scheduled for it, there will be last minute appeals based on cruel and unusual punishment.

I hear some other states are asking to bring back the firing squad. :Boom2:

Well, if I were to be killed I would want firing squad. Electrocution is just scarey. Then again, if I were a murderer, I have no rights since I took a life.
The max the law allows.

The more scared they are, within the framework of the law, the more justice is dispensed.

TRUE justice would be putting them through the exact same Hell that they put their victims through.

But utilizing any of a half-dozen 'acceptable' methods will have to do.

What if the survivors of the crimes do not WANT revenge or torture inflicted?
what if they prefer more meaningful longterm restitution?

For rape, can you imagine if every rape victim received lifetime restitution from their attackers? If they had to work the rest of their lives and pay half to the victims?

What if there were PROPORTIONAL punishment and restitution for crimes?
So if you kill 3 people you support 3 families for the rest of your life,
and if you kill 10 that's even more. Then set up work programs where people manage their debts as they work them off.

So you can either work that hard to support yourself and your family, up front,
or if you want to try to "take shortcuts" by robbing others, then it will cost you even more!
(and if you or someone you know is criminally sick, then you are legally required
to get help, or else those people with "knowledge of the danger" are held legally and financially liable for damages)

how many sick people would run around free if there was financial and legal liability for failure to report or take action to detain dangerous people?
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i have given you the downside of think about it....quick and painless all the focus on the dude or dudette being executed or perhaps a method that allows harvesting...and i hate to say this but if we want to harvest......all you have to do is put them under and harvest....oddly they will die without those that inhumane?

I'm less about pain during execution (don't care if it happens though) and more about general indignity leading up to it. hanging to me is the least honorable method of being killed, with being allowed suppuku first, then firing squad, the guillontine/beheading, then single shooter, then chair/gas chamber, then injection, and finally hanging.

The problem with death from harvesting is you are asking a doctor to kill a "patient"

marty i got one word for ya here.....mengele.....

i dont see a problem at them enough money and they will line up to break that hippocratic oath

Just outsource it to China...

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