State Department Office Removed Benghazi Files After Congressional Subpoena

It was my experience over the years that one of the biggest misimpressions held by the public has been that our military is always straining at the leash, wanting to use force in any situation. The reality is just the opposite. In more than twenty years attending meetings in the Situation Room, my experience was that the biggest doves in Washington wear uniforms. Our military leaders have seen too many half-baked ideas for the use of military force advanced in the Situation Room by hairy-chested civilians who have never seen combat or fired a gun in anger.

Gates is hinting here at two things: both at a popular misunderstanding of how top military leaders think (if you've ever watched TV shows such as "24" or "The West Wing," you might perceive generals as the hawks in the room) and at the dynamic between military and civilian leaders. Just because military leaders believe one policy is preferable does not make it so. But it is revealing that those who are least familiar with the use of military force in complicated and difficult situations -- say, an ongoing firefight in the middle of the night in a Middle Eastern city -- seem to often hold far more confidence in the abilities of military tools than do people like Gates, who have more experience applying them.'

"I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances," he said.

Another suggestion posed by some critics of the administration, to, as Gates said, "send some small number of special forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, would have been very dangerous."

"It's sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces," he said. "The one thing that our forces are noted for is planning and preparation before we send people in harm's way, and there just wasn't time to do that."


or should I say Goofy and Mickey ?

I do not doubt that after the attack started there was much to be done.

But this whole situation speaks of prior incompetence. Sending men into a country without proper protection? Who does that? We just bombed the crap out of the country leading to the murder of their leader. While many, if not most, of the Liybians would be happy, I assume not all.

There is also the aspect of lying about what and why it happened. Why do people lie? Because they don't want the truth known. We will never know the truth, never. The establishment protects itself.
Come down to earth for one second and just think about it... Do you really think Hillary went on record with the premeditated intention of lying and telling a story that she knew the facts did not support? Any politician with a brain would know that if they did that, should the facts come to light, it would blow up in their face.
Doesn't it seem more likely that it was a chaotic time, there was a lot of information coming in and much information yet to be discovered, and they stated what they knew and believed to the best of their ability with the information that they had?? It's not a hard narrative to believe. Why are you all so hung up on the video thing? It makes you look desperate, The record was corrected once more information came in. It isn't this big Governemnt conspiracy and lie, like you try to paint and only fringe whacko's truly believe that.

Your excuse would hold for most pyscopathic liars. Most know how to lie but apparently Mrs. Tuzla Clinton never learned.

So you say what she said was just wrong, done in the fog of war?

OK, it was chaotic. It was confusing. given. So what honest person does is NOT make definitive statements as SHE, OBAMA and Rice did. There was prior to that day no protests over the movie and there was ONE on that day. We are not dealing with people on the message board we are dealing with the most powerful man in the world who has all the intelligence community at his disposal. They lied for a reason.

As for this statement:
"Come down to earth for one second and just think about it... Do you really think Hillary went on record with the premeditated intention of lying and telling a story that she knew the facts did not support?"

I have provided you links in my signature line. One deals with her Tuzla lie. A lie so blatant it is hard to believe anyone would make up such a lie.

I provided a link to her NAFTA lie. Again, who lies about something so provable wrong?

How after those two examples can ever be trusted with anything she says takes a whole lot of partisanship. But that isn't even true. What she will say will be accepted by the left only because they want to believe what she says.

She is a liar, nothing more needs said.

and you're a partisan hack.

The End

Can an independent be partisan? Just another example of how your talking points make you look the fool.

Now, tell me, did or did she not lie about sniper fire a Tuzla?

Did she or did she not lie about support for NAFTA?

You won't answer but for both, the answer is YES.
It was my experience over the years that one of the biggest misimpressions held by the public has been that our military is always straining at the leash, wanting to use force in any situation. The reality is just the opposite. In more than twenty years attending meetings in the Situation Room, my experience was that the biggest doves in Washington wear uniforms. Our military leaders have seen too many half-baked ideas for the use of military force advanced in the Situation Room by hairy-chested civilians who have never seen combat or fired a gun in anger.

Gates is hinting here at two things: both at a popular misunderstanding of how top military leaders think (if you've ever watched TV shows such as "24" or "The West Wing," you might perceive generals as the hawks in the room) and at the dynamic between military and civilian leaders. Just because military leaders believe one policy is preferable does not make it so. But it is revealing that those who are least familiar with the use of military force in complicated and difficult situations -- say, an ongoing firefight in the middle of the night in a Middle Eastern city -- seem to often hold far more confidence in the abilities of military tools than do people like Gates, who have more experience applying them.'

"I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances," he said.

Another suggestion posed by some critics of the administration, to, as Gates said, "send some small number of special forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, would have been very dangerous."

"It's sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces," he said. "The one thing that our forces are noted for is planning and preparation before we send people in harm's way, and there just wasn't time to do that."


or should I say Goofy and Mickey ?

I do not doubt that after the attack started there was much to be done.

But this whole situation speaks of prior incompetence. Sending men into a country without proper protection? Who does that? We just bombed the crap out of the country leading to the murder of their leader. While many, if not most, of the Liybians would be happy, I assume not all.

There is also the aspect of lying about what and why it happened. Why do people lie? Because they don't want the truth known. We will never know the truth, never. The establishment protects itself.
Come down to earth for one second and just think about it... Do you really think Hillary went on record with the premeditated intention of lying and telling a story that she knew the facts did not support? Any politician with a brain would know that if they did that, should the facts come to light, it would blow up in their face.
Doesn't it seem more likely that it was a chaotic time, there was a lot of information coming in and much information yet to be discovered, and they stated what they knew and believed to the best of their ability with the information that they had?? It's not a hard narrative to believe. Why are you all so hung up on the video thing? It makes you look desperate, The record was corrected once more information came in. It isn't this big Governemnt conspiracy and lie, like you try to paint and only fringe whacko's truly believe that.

Your excuse would hold for most pyscopathic liars. Most know how to lie but apparently Mrs. Tuzla Clinton never learned.

So you say what she said was just wrong, done in the fog of war?

OK, it was chaotic. It was confusing. given. So what honest person does is NOT make definitive statements as SHE, OBAMA and Rice did. There was prior to that day no protests over the movie and there was ONE on that day. We are not dealing with people on the message board we are dealing with the most powerful man in the world who has all the intelligence community at his disposal. They lied for a reason.

As for this statement:
"Come down to earth for one second and just think about it... Do you really think Hillary went on record with the premeditated intention of lying and telling a story that she knew the facts did not support?"

I have provided you links in my signature line. One deals with her Tuzla lie. A lie so blatant it is hard to believe anyone would make up such a lie.

I provided a link to her NAFTA lie. Again, who lies about something so provable wrong?

How after those two examples can ever be trusted with anything she says takes a whole lot of partisanship. But that isn't even true. What she will say will be accepted by the left only because they want to believe what she says.

She is a liar, nothing more needs said.

and you're a partisan hack.

The End

Can an independent be partisan? Just another example of how your talking points make you look the fool.

Now, tell me, did or did she not lie about sniper fire a Tuzla?

Did she or did she not lie about support for NAFTA?

You won't answer but for both, the answer is YES.
my parents lied to me about Santa Claus for years.... Amazing they weren't thrown in jail
I do not doubt that after the attack started there was much to be done.

But this whole situation speaks of prior incompetence. Sending men into a country without proper protection? Who does that? We just bombed the crap out of the country leading to the murder of their leader. While many, if not most, of the Liybians would be happy, I assume not all.

There is also the aspect of lying about what and why it happened. Why do people lie? Because they don't want the truth known. We will never know the truth, never. The establishment protects itself.
Come down to earth for one second and just think about it... Do you really think Hillary went on record with the premeditated intention of lying and telling a story that she knew the facts did not support? Any politician with a brain would know that if they did that, should the facts come to light, it would blow up in their face.
Doesn't it seem more likely that it was a chaotic time, there was a lot of information coming in and much information yet to be discovered, and they stated what they knew and believed to the best of their ability with the information that they had?? It's not a hard narrative to believe. Why are you all so hung up on the video thing? It makes you look desperate, The record was corrected once more information came in. It isn't this big Governemnt conspiracy and lie, like you try to paint and only fringe whacko's truly believe that.

Your excuse would hold for most pyscopathic liars. Most know how to lie but apparently Mrs. Tuzla Clinton never learned.

So you say what she said was just wrong, done in the fog of war?

OK, it was chaotic. It was confusing. given. So what honest person does is NOT make definitive statements as SHE, OBAMA and Rice did. There was prior to that day no protests over the movie and there was ONE on that day. We are not dealing with people on the message board we are dealing with the most powerful man in the world who has all the intelligence community at his disposal. They lied for a reason.

As for this statement:
"Come down to earth for one second and just think about it... Do you really think Hillary went on record with the premeditated intention of lying and telling a story that she knew the facts did not support?"

I have provided you links in my signature line. One deals with her Tuzla lie. A lie so blatant it is hard to believe anyone would make up such a lie.

I provided a link to her NAFTA lie. Again, who lies about something so provable wrong?

How after those two examples can ever be trusted with anything she says takes a whole lot of partisanship. But that isn't even true. What she will say will be accepted by the left only because they want to believe what she says.

She is a liar, nothing more needs said.

and you're a partisan hack.

The End

Can an independent be partisan? Just another example of how your talking points make you look the fool.

Now, tell me, did or did she not lie about sniper fire a Tuzla?

Did she or did she not lie about support for NAFTA?

You won't answer but for both, the answer is YES.
my parents lied to me about Santa Claus for years.... Amazing they weren't thrown in jail

they probably also told you that you were cute.
Come down to earth for one second and just think about it... Do you really think Hillary went on record with the premeditated intention of lying and telling a story that she knew the facts did not support? Any politician with a brain would know that if they did that, should the facts come to light, it would blow up in their face.
Doesn't it seem more likely that it was a chaotic time, there was a lot of information coming in and much information yet to be discovered, and they stated what they knew and believed to the best of their ability with the information that they had?? It's not a hard narrative to believe. Why are you all so hung up on the video thing? It makes you look desperate, The record was corrected once more information came in. It isn't this big Governemnt conspiracy and lie, like you try to paint and only fringe whacko's truly believe that.

Your excuse would hold for most pyscopathic liars. Most know how to lie but apparently Mrs. Tuzla Clinton never learned.

So you say what she said was just wrong, done in the fog of war?

OK, it was chaotic. It was confusing. given. So what honest person does is NOT make definitive statements as SHE, OBAMA and Rice did. There was prior to that day no protests over the movie and there was ONE on that day. We are not dealing with people on the message board we are dealing with the most powerful man in the world who has all the intelligence community at his disposal. They lied for a reason.

As for this statement:
"Come down to earth for one second and just think about it... Do you really think Hillary went on record with the premeditated intention of lying and telling a story that she knew the facts did not support?"

I have provided you links in my signature line. One deals with her Tuzla lie. A lie so blatant it is hard to believe anyone would make up such a lie.

I provided a link to her NAFTA lie. Again, who lies about something so provable wrong?

How after those two examples can ever be trusted with anything she says takes a whole lot of partisanship. But that isn't even true. What she will say will be accepted by the left only because they want to believe what she says.

She is a liar, nothing more needs said.

and you're a partisan hack.

The End

Can an independent be partisan? Just another example of how your talking points make you look the fool.

Now, tell me, did or did she not lie about sniper fire a Tuzla?

Did she or did she not lie about support for NAFTA?

You won't answer but for both, the answer is YES.
my parents lied to me about Santa Claus for years.... Amazing they weren't thrown in jail

they probably also told you that you were cute.
I wasn't that lucky
Slade, to you your parents telling you there was a Santa really equates to the State Department illegally, criminally violating a subpoena by hiding documents from an invetigation to protect Hillary and Obama?

Slade, to you your parents telling you there was a Santa really equates to the State Department illegally, criminally violating a subpoena by hiding documents from an invetigation to protect Hillary and Obama?


Absolutely the same. If you are a Clinton.

Elusive Papers of Law Firm Are Found at White House

WASHINGTON, Jan. 5— After nearly two years of searches and subpoenas, the White House said this evening that it had unexpectedly discovered copies of missing documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's law firm that describe her work for a failing savings and loan association in the 1980's.

Federal and Congressional investigators have issued subpoenas for the documents since 1994, and the White House has said it did not have them. The originals disappeared from the Rose Law Firm, in which Mrs. Clinton was a partner, shortly before Mr. Clinton took office.
Slade, to you your parents telling you there was a Santa really equates to the State Department illegally, criminally violating a subpoena by hiding documents from an invetigation to protect Hillary and Obama?

Of course they are not the same... I gave up on trusting the media a long time ago... For every article or report you find exposing some crazy conspiracy or cover up, there is a flip side and people testifying to the opposite. Clinton testified about Benghazi for a full day and she is not behind bars... Yall need to know when to say when. It wasn't handled perfectly but they did the best they could and I can only hope they learn from their mistakes. It is easy to criticize from the sidelines.

I don't think the President nor Hillary Clinton are bad people. They are dedicating their lives to trying to help this country. Just like my parents and the Santa Claus thing, they do not tell the American people 100% of the truth all the time. They tell what they can and spin situations as they deem necessary. I'm ok with this. If they told everything how it was it would be nonstop partisan slander and lawsuits and we would be in even bigger gridlock. We don't deserve to know everything that is going on all the time, especially when it comes to national security stuff. We have proven to be grossly irresponsible with information as we manipulate and slander and spread BS like wildfire.

You all can keep on bitching about Benghazi and Emails and im sure you will continue to find plenty of reports that support your claim that Obama is a muslim devil and Hillary is the ice queen trying to destroy America... It just makes you look foolish to the sane folk.

If you disagree with policy decisions and agendas then stick to that stuff, but WE the people and our media are just as guilty and responsible as the politicians for turning our political system into the circus act that it has become. If you analyze any one of these Candidates giving a speech you will find multiple lies, manipulations, and exaggerations of the truth that they use to support their agenda. It's sad that this is the culture we are cultivating.
Slade, to you your parents telling you there was a Santa really equates to the State Department illegally, criminally violating a subpoena by hiding documents from an invetigation to protect Hillary and Obama?

Of course they are not the same... I gave up on trusting the media a long time ago... For every article or report you find exposing some crazy conspiracy or cover up, there is a flip side and people testifying to the opposite. Clinton testified about Benghazi for a full day and she is not behind bars... Yall need to know when to say when. It wasn't handled perfectly but they did the best they could and I can only hope they learn from their mistakes. It is easy to criticize from the sidelines.

I don't think the President nor Hillary Clinton are bad people. They are dedicating their lives to trying to help this country. Just like my parents and the Santa Claus thing, they do not tell the American people 100% of the truth all the time. They tell what they can and spin situations as they deem necessary. I'm ok with this. If they told everything how it was it would be nonstop partisan slander and lawsuits and we would be in even bigger gridlock. We don't deserve to know everything that is going on all the time, especially when it comes to national security stuff. We have proven to be grossly irresponsible with information as we manipulate and slander and spread BS like wildfire.

You all can keep on bitching about Benghazi and Emails and im sure you will continue to find plenty of reports that support your claim that Obama is a muslim devil and Hillary is the ice queen trying to destroy America... It just makes you look foolish to the sane folk.

If you disagree with policy decisions and agendas then stick to that stuff, but WE the people and our media are just as guilty and responsible as the politicians for turning our political system into the circus act that it has become. If you analyze any one of these Candidates giving a speech you will find multiple lies, manipulations, and exaggerations of the truth that they use to support their agenda. It's sad that this is the culture we are cultivating.

Incompetence does not normally rise to the level of putting someone in jail. Since at least Bill Clinton lying has not risen to the level of putting someone in jail. With Benghazi we know both were true. First incompetence in having the men in a country that we just bombed the crap out of without adequate protections. Then after the disaster, the lies start. Lies about the video. Lies about the Republicans being responsible because of funding cutbacks. Lies to the parents of those poor men.

None of that rises to the level of putting them in jail, in my opinion. But it certainly rises to the point where they are held accountable. Obama never will be, Mrs. Tuzla Clinton needs to be.
What does this remind you of? It should remind you of the billing records that were "lost" until after the stay of execution. The Clinton regime must go, just like the Bush regime. Now you know why the investigation is taking so long.

State Department Office Removed Benghazi Files After Congressional Subpoena

State Department officials removed files from the secretary’s office related to the Benghazi attack in Libya and transferred them to another department after receiving a congressional subpoena last spring, delaying the release of the records to Congress for over a year.

Attorneys for the State Department said the electronic folders, which contain hundreds of documents related to the Benghazi attack and Libya, were belatedly rediscovered at the end of last year.

what a corrupt administration
Slade, to you your parents telling you there was a Santa really equates to the State Department illegally, criminally violating a subpoena by hiding documents from an invetigation to protect Hillary and Obama?

Of course they are not the same... I gave up on trusting the media a long time ago... For every article or report you find exposing some crazy conspiracy or cover up, there is a flip side and people testifying to the opposite. Clinton testified about Benghazi for a full day and she is not behind bars... Yall need to know when to say when. It wasn't handled perfectly but they did the best they could and I can only hope they learn from their mistakes. It is easy to criticize from the sidelines.

I don't think the President nor Hillary Clinton are bad people. They are dedicating their lives to trying to help this country. Just like my parents and the Santa Claus thing, they do not tell the American people 100% of the truth all the time. They tell what they can and spin situations as they deem necessary. I'm ok with this. If they told everything how it was it would be nonstop partisan slander and lawsuits and we would be in even bigger gridlock. We don't deserve to know everything that is going on all the time, especially when it comes to national security stuff. We have proven to be grossly irresponsible with information as we manipulate and slander and spread BS like wildfire.

You all can keep on bitching about Benghazi and Emails and im sure you will continue to find plenty of reports that support your claim that Obama is a muslim devil and Hillary is the ice queen trying to destroy America... It just makes you look foolish to the sane folk.

If you disagree with policy decisions and agendas then stick to that stuff, but WE the people and our media are just as guilty and responsible as the politicians for turning our political system into the circus act that it has become. If you analyze any one of these Candidates giving a speech you will find multiple lies, manipulations, and exaggerations of the truth that they use to support their agenda. It's sad that this is the culture we are cultivating.

Incompetence does not normally rise to the level of putting someone in jail. Since at least Bill Clinton lying has not risen to the level of putting someone in jail. With Benghazi we know both were true. First incompetence in having the men in a country that we just bombed the crap out of without adequate protections. Then after the disaster, the lies start. Lies about the video. Lies about the Republicans being responsible because of funding cutbacks. Lies to the parents of those poor men.

None of that rises to the level of putting them in jail, in my opinion. But it certainly rises to the point where they are held accountable. Obama never will be, Mrs. Tuzla Clinton needs to be.
That's fair, you can have that opinion. I choose to believe that there's more to it and we don't have all the facts not do we deserve all the facts. You can find data to fit your narrative and I can find data to fit mine. That's the nature of the game. I think things could have been done better, I also think the lessons to be learned have been learned, most by Clinton. That's how wisdom is gained.

So it doesn't bother you that she will lie about american deaths for political reasons?
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.

So it doesn't bother you that she will lie about american deaths for political reasons?
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense
Any one of the scandals associated with the Hussein administration could have had him laughed out of town. If it was the Nixon administration the "investigative" reporters would be all over him like flies on a corpse.

So it doesn't bother you that she will lie about american deaths for political reasons?
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense
The media was in the tank for Obama of course he thought he could get away with it. I mean hell liberals on here still say Benghazi was because of a movie or he really didn't blame it on the movie. Some liberals say Obama did call it terrorism, when actually he was talking about 9/11/2001.
Still talking about Benghazi are we? :bang3:

Sure why not discuss corruption as it surfaces? It is not like the left isn't still blaming Bush or hilariously enough Reagan.
The bush and Regan bashes are a bit tiresome as well but at least they are about real stuff, wars, deregulation, tax cuts, and their effects on our economy. Y'all keep talking about blaming a video in a time of chaos and an old lady using the wrong email server... Time to let it go, you are grasping at straws and nobody cares or is buying the BS

I see you, like Mrs. Tuzla Clinton, have forgotten about the four men that needlessly died at Benghazi. How many have to needlessly die for you to be concerned? How many lies about those men need told until you show some concern?
I'm not a big Clinton fan but I do have a low tolerance for BS. Of course I care about the men that died. I'm angry at the group that killed them, not our leaders that spend their lives trying to promote peace and protect us. They aren't perfect and shit is always going to happen, but I'm not presumptive enough to know what it's like in the hot seat... What information they get, when they get it, what their military advisors are telling them, etc etc etc. With all this politicized partisan hyped up BS it's no wonder our politicians need to sensor and sugarcoat what they tells us. Time to grow up

Turning Libya into a shitstain was a huge foreign policy blunder on the part of the Obama administration.

So it doesn't bother you that she will lie about american deaths for political reasons?
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense

OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"

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