State Department Office Removed Benghazi Files After Congressional Subpoena


So it doesn't bother you that she will lie about american deaths for political reasons?
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense

OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.
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What does this remind you of? It should remind you of the billing records that were "lost" until after the stay of execution. The Clinton regime must go, just like the Bush regime. Now you know why the investigation is taking so long.

State Department Office Removed Benghazi Files After Congressional Subpoena

State Department officials removed files from the secretary’s office related to the Benghazi attack in Libya and transferred them to another department after receiving a congressional subpoena last spring, delaying the release of the records to Congress for over a year.

Attorneys for the State Department said the electronic folders, which contain hundreds of documents related to the Benghazi attack and Libya, were belatedly rediscovered at the end of last year.
What difference does it make, no one is going to bring anyone to justice. Not the courts, not the pansy ass republican congress, not a chicken hearted mainstream media, and surely not a single soul on the left.
It's amazing how far people will go to hold on to their delusions. I don't care how you spin it, hiding files AFTER you receive a subpoena ordering you to hand them over is a CRIME -obstruction of justice, impeding an investigation. Much like Hilder was caught peroetrating 3 feliny counts of perjury in trying to keep Fast & Furious covered up, the State Dept just got busted breaking the law in an attempt to cover Hillary's failures / crimes...and liberals still want this criminal bitch to be our next President.... Amazing
It's amazing how far people will go to hold on to their delusions. I don't care how you spin it, hiding files AFTER you receive a subpoena ordering you to hand them over is a CRIME -obstruction of justice, impeding an investigation. Much like Hilder was caught peroetrating 3 feliny counts of perjury in trying to keep Fast & Furious covered up, the State Dept just got busted breaking the law in an attempt to cover Hillary's failures / crimes...and liberals still want this criminal bitch to be our next President.... Amazing
Is anybody in jail? Being arrested?
So it doesn't bother you that she will lie about american deaths for political reasons?
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense

OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.
The British and goodwill got their people out of their because they knew something was fixing to go down. Hillary did nothing, then when it did happen lied about it. Then Obama lied about it, then flew to Vegas to campaign and golf.
It's amazing how far people will go to hold on to their delusions. I don't care how you spin it, hiding files AFTER you receive a subpoena ordering you to hand them over is a CRIME -obstruction of justice, impeding an investigation. Much like Hilder was caught peroetrating 3 feliny counts of perjury in trying to keep Fast & Furious covered up, the State Dept just got busted breaking the law in an attempt to cover Hillary's failures / crimes...and liberals still want this criminal bitch to be our next President.... Amazing
Is anybody in jail? Being arrested?

Did Nixon go to jail for Watergate?
So it doesn't bother you that she will lie about american deaths for political reasons?
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense

OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.

Since they had real time information just the fact that there was a mortar used in the attack should tell anyone that it wasn't just a protest. The CIA has not admitted to telling them it was a video and as I remember they deny telling them at all. Not that we can trust their word any more than Obama's or Clinton's.

I am not sure that Steven's parents and friends will agree with you that their lives are not important. But certainly Mrs. Tuzla Clinton agrees.
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense

OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.
The British and goodwill got their people out of their because they knew something was fixing to go down. Hillary did nothing, then when it did happen lied about it. Then Obama lied about it, then flew to Vegas to campaign and golf.
Sure buddy, you keep believing that if it helps you sleep and night. I'm gonna go with the more logical option which says there a little more to the story that we don't know.

I see this need for people on the right to fuel a hatred for the left and its quite sickening. Same Goes for the other side, but regardless, it's a pretty immature and pathetic game the wing nuts play.
It's amazing how far people will go to hold on to their delusions. I don't care how you spin it, hiding files AFTER you receive a subpoena ordering you to hand them over is a CRIME -obstruction of justice, impeding an investigation. Much like Hilder was caught peroetrating 3 feliny counts of perjury in trying to keep Fast & Furious covered up, the State Dept just got busted breaking the law in an attempt to cover Hillary's failures / crimes...and liberals still want this criminal bitch to be our next President.... Amazing
Is anybody in jail? Being arrested?

Did Nixon go to jail for Watergate?
You mean the guy that had to resign the presidency before getting impeached? I'd call that a pretty good punishment
What were her reasons for lying?
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense

OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.

Since they had real time information just the fact that there was a mortar used in the attack should tell anyone that it wasn't just a protest. The CIA has not admitted to telling them it was a video and as I remember they deny telling them at all. Not that we can trust their word any more than Obama's or Clinton's.

I am not sure that Steven's parents and friends will agree with you that their lives are not important. But certainly Mrs. Tuzla Clinton agrees.
Did I say their lives weren't important you dipshit? Stop putting words in my mouth. How about you focus on the ones that actually killed them. Accountability is important for our officials but they are supposed to be the good guys. We are all on the same team working for the same cause, to make our country strong and safe. To use this tragedy as a platform to degrade the other side is sad and pathetic and I promise it makes the families of the victims cringe every time they hear it brought up.
Sure buddy, you keep believing that if it helps you sleep and night. I'm gonna go with the more logical option which says there a little more to the story that we don't know.
Good idea... that is, if it is for the sake of helping you sleep at night.

I see this need for people on the right to fuel a hatred for the left and its quite sickening. Same Goes for the other side, but regardless, it's a pretty immature and pathetic game the wing nuts play.
I am curious just how much you think about eternal matters, God and the devil, and so on? What I mean is, you kind of give the impression everything is Ok with the world and we all just keep thinking that no real evil is so threatening that need we address. Plus so trusting that you think it out of place to come down hard on those of authority --- because they are all like George Washington apparently?
As for me, life scares me to death and the thoughts and actions of the vast majority of people I can recognize only bolsters my fears.
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Sure buddy, you keep believing that if it helps you sleep and night. I'm gonna go with the more logical option which says there a little more to the story that we don't know.
Good idea... that is, if it is for the sake of helping you sleep at night.

I see this need for people on the right to fuel a hatred for the left and its quite sickening. Same Goes for the other side, but regardless, it's a pretty immature and pathetic game the wing nuts play.
I am curious just how much you think about eternal matters, God and the devil, and so on? What I mean is, you kind of give the impression everything is Ok with the world and we all just keep thinking that no real evil is so threatening that need we address. Plus so trusting that you think it out of place to come down hard on those of authority --- because they are all like George Washington apparently?
As for me, life scares me to death and the thoughts and actions of the vast majority of people I can recognize only bolsters my fears.
I think accountability is a very important and necessary thing. I think one of the greatest things about our government is that the voices and opinions of many get an opportunity to be heard. What disappoints me is the hatred and obstructionism that the partisan die hards have thrown into the conversation. It has gotten to the point where respect is completely out the door and "shock factor" statements seem to be driving the conversation. I look at our governemnt like a business and if any group of executives treated the CEO like our congress treats our president, they would all be fired. I am mostly frustrated because I see virtue in both liberal and conservative agendas and I wish each side was better at collaborating to find the best solutions to our current problems and not each side fighting to progress only their agenda and degrade the other. To work together we need to be honest about our side and about the other sides ideas, accomplishments, and agendas. Very few are doing this in today's climate. The over exaggerated hate speech has to stop... It is tired, old, and unproductive.

As far as God and the Devil, I don't see how that plays into the conversation...
Obama had just stated he eradicated terrorism for the up coming election. It wouldn't look good for Obama to say Benghazi was a terrorist attack. So they came up with it was a demonstration started by a movie that went wrong.
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense

OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.

Since they had real time information just the fact that there was a mortar used in the attack should tell anyone that it wasn't just a protest. The CIA has not admitted to telling them it was a video and as I remember they deny telling them at all. Not that we can trust their word any more than Obama's or Clinton's.

I am not sure that Steven's parents and friends will agree with you that their lives are not important. But certainly Mrs. Tuzla Clinton agrees.
Did I say their lives weren't important you dipshit? Stop putting words in my mouth. How about you focus on the ones that actually killed them. Accountability is important for our officials but they are supposed to be the good guys. We are all on the same team working for the same cause, to make our country strong and safe. To use this tragedy as a platform to degrade the other side is sad and pathetic and I promise it makes the families of the victims cringe every time they hear it brought up.

What say you? "I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues."

Cut it any way you want. Insult any way you want, your words condemn you.

Let us focus on why this happened and why they were in Benghazi in the first place. The only answer I can think of, is gun running.

Don't you think that knowing that as a fact is important? But not to worry, nothing will happen they are all covering each other asses. A bunch of blubber but nothing will come of it.

Intel expert: New docs confirm Hillary gun-running op
And you honestly think they knowingly just lied about it and didn't think that the situation would be investigated or the facts would come out??? That's a pretty large assumption and makes no sense

OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.

Since they had real time information just the fact that there was a mortar used in the attack should tell anyone that it wasn't just a protest. The CIA has not admitted to telling them it was a video and as I remember they deny telling them at all. Not that we can trust their word any more than Obama's or Clinton's.

I am not sure that Steven's parents and friends will agree with you that their lives are not important. But certainly Mrs. Tuzla Clinton agrees.
Did I say their lives weren't important you dipshit? Stop putting words in my mouth. How about you focus on the ones that actually killed them. Accountability is important for our officials but they are supposed to be the good guys. We are all on the same team working for the same cause, to make our country strong and safe. To use this tragedy as a platform to degrade the other side is sad and pathetic and I promise it makes the families of the victims cringe every time they hear it brought up.

What say you? "I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues."

Cut it any way you want. Insult any way you want, your words condemn you.

Let us focus on why this happened and why they were in Benghazi in the first place. The only answer I can think of, is gun running.

Don't you think that knowing that as a fact is important? But not to worry, nothing will happen they are all covering each other asses. A bunch of blubber but nothing will come of it.

Intel expert: New docs confirm Hillary gun-running op
If only they would hold a hearing of some sort and allow a committee to question Clinton... Maybe then we could get to the bottom of this.
OK, what is worse? Lying outright or telling the American people something that you don't know as fact? What was the point telling us it was a video right out of the gate? Why not say they were not sure of the cause?

You know why. Because it was an election year and being attacked in an election year was perceived as looking bad for Obama. So they float the story they wanted people to believe. Then they had their hoard believers repeat the made up story. After the election "what difference at that point did it make?"
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.

Since they had real time information just the fact that there was a mortar used in the attack should tell anyone that it wasn't just a protest. The CIA has not admitted to telling them it was a video and as I remember they deny telling them at all. Not that we can trust their word any more than Obama's or Clinton's.

I am not sure that Steven's parents and friends will agree with you that their lives are not important. But certainly Mrs. Tuzla Clinton agrees.
Did I say their lives weren't important you dipshit? Stop putting words in my mouth. How about you focus on the ones that actually killed them. Accountability is important for our officials but they are supposed to be the good guys. We are all on the same team working for the same cause, to make our country strong and safe. To use this tragedy as a platform to degrade the other side is sad and pathetic and I promise it makes the families of the victims cringe every time they hear it brought up.

What say you? "I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues."

Cut it any way you want. Insult any way you want, your words condemn you.

Let us focus on why this happened and why they were in Benghazi in the first place. The only answer I can think of, is gun running.

Don't you think that knowing that as a fact is important? But not to worry, nothing will happen they are all covering each other asses. A bunch of blubber but nothing will come of it.

Intel expert: New docs confirm Hillary gun-running op
If only they would hold a hearing of some sort and allow a committee to question Clinton... Maybe then we could get to the bottom of this.

What I am saying is, they are not going to do anything. They protect their own. That is a given. But that does not make it less important. We the people have to stop the Clinton Regime not reward it for incompetence and outright lying. And if that means putting Trump in as president I can't see a more fitting end to the Clinton regime.
To be honest I really don't care whether it was a video or a planned attack, makes no difference to me. Whether the administration knew and lied seems like a long shot, I just don't see the upside given the enormous downside. It just makes sense they they thought the video instigated the attack and the story they told was the story they believed at the time. They learned more as info came in and they changed their story. I think the fact we are still talking about it is a joke. If it is super important to you, like the emails, then keep talking about it... I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues.

Since they had real time information just the fact that there was a mortar used in the attack should tell anyone that it wasn't just a protest. The CIA has not admitted to telling them it was a video and as I remember they deny telling them at all. Not that we can trust their word any more than Obama's or Clinton's.

I am not sure that Steven's parents and friends will agree with you that their lives are not important. But certainly Mrs. Tuzla Clinton agrees.
Did I say their lives weren't important you dipshit? Stop putting words in my mouth. How about you focus on the ones that actually killed them. Accountability is important for our officials but they are supposed to be the good guys. We are all on the same team working for the same cause, to make our country strong and safe. To use this tragedy as a platform to degrade the other side is sad and pathetic and I promise it makes the families of the victims cringe every time they hear it brought up.

What say you? "I'll chuckle and shake my head.. I prefer to focus on real, more important issues."

Cut it any way you want. Insult any way you want, your words condemn you.

Let us focus on why this happened and why they were in Benghazi in the first place. The only answer I can think of, is gun running.

Don't you think that knowing that as a fact is important? But not to worry, nothing will happen they are all covering each other asses. A bunch of blubber but nothing will come of it.

Intel expert: New docs confirm Hillary gun-running op
If only they would hold a hearing of some sort and allow a committee to question Clinton... Maybe then we could get to the bottom of this.

What I am saying is, they are not going to do anything. They protect their own. That is a given. But that does not make it less important. We the people have to stop the Clinton Regime not reward it for incompetence and outright lying. And if that means putting Trump in as president I can't see a more fitting end to the Clinton regime.
That's your right... Vote for Trump if you think he will do a better job. I have a feeling you are going to be very disappointed come November

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