State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

Okay, I'm trying really hard here, but perhaps you can send me a decoder ring, or some other method of code-cracking, please. I am having troubling deciphering your hieroglyphics. Thanks for your cooperation.

Try to be more specific. copy and paste statements in my posts that you do
not understand----I will be glad to explain them to you. Did you pass high
school geometry?
Pennywise's claims regarding Israel and the Jews have proven to be dollar stupid. LOL
Try to be more specific. copy and paste statements in my posts that you do
not understand----I will be glad to explain them to you. Did you pass high
school geometry?
Pennywise's claims regarding Israel and the Jews have proven to be dollar stupid. LOL

The correct claim would have been "pound foolish", but the only proof is in your feeble mind.

And I'd still like irosie91 to explain the codes he/she is sending. It's like I have crickets in the back of my eyes.
Pennywise's claims regarding Israel and the Jews have proven to be dollar stupid. LOL

The correct claim would have been "pound foolish", but the only proof is in your feeble mind.

And I'd still like irosie91 to explain the codes he/she is sending. It's like I have crickets in the back of my eyes.
Did you get hit by a parked car? Keep barking, maybe someday you'll say something intelligent.
Interesting: I thought the l'il sherriliar was against racism? Yet there she was, cheering on the clown with its nonsense about the SPLC......the ONLY people who pretend the SPLC is 'Zionist' are right-wing Nazi-sucking scum.

The SPLC bankrupted the 'Klan' of at least one Southern state: I can't imagine any decent person being against the SPLC.

I've mentioned before that the cause of the Palestinians is very ill served by its advocates snuggling up to Nazis and other racists. If racism is so very evil, as the pious pro-Palestinians proclaim - why do they not chase the Nazi racists from their midst?

The persistent refusal to even notice the Nazis are there is hypocrisy enough to impel many people to distrust EVERY word in support of the Palestinian cause. I think it's very sad indeed......
Fact is, this "aid" is merely symbolic and has little effect on the welfare of Israel. As we can see.

If that's true,then Israel should not accept "AID" from the US taxpayers or anyone else for that matter?????steve
I'd be all fine with that one, in fact I think its a great idea. But that won't close the matter will it?

Next we'll hear whining about "why is the USA allies with Israel anyhow?" So you see, it never ends. Behind this transparent guise, it boils down to one thing...ANTI SEMETISM.

This whole "anti Zionism" is just a big charade for Jew haters to vent their hate, which is why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. correctly said it many years ago, "when people speak of being anti Zionism, you're talking anti Semetism". :clap:

Which is why the US aid to Israel won't stop, ever.

Well Roudy,I certainly am not ANTI SEMETIC in any way,what American tax payers/Government do with their money is up to's their Money.

But I would point out a few truths....since 1949 the American Tax Payer has given over $14 Trillion(close to the US current deficit) in "AID" to Israel!!!!!!!!!!!! and rising,this is an enormous amount of money to a country with a population of appox 12 million today,obviously a much smaller population during the interceding years.

Today the American Tax Payer is giving Israel over $8.5 Million per day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!much of it for Arms (of which 25% is for Israeli manufactures,of which the Israelis export world wide)

The American public are generally ignorant of the enormity of the money given to Israel.....but Israel have gotten much more that the $14 Trillion from countries like Germany(Who are still paying Israel War Reparation after 60 years!!!!!)

As I have clearly stated I believe in a free and peaceful Palestine and of the very few on here I may add.

It would after all this time be more prudent,to bring a negotiated settlement to the Pal/Is schism and move forward to a happier time for both these Traumatized peoples.

I really dislike this Anti Semetic one liner which a lot of Pro Israeli folk seem to enjoy using...but the most Anti Semetic prose on here is blatently used against the Semetic Palestinians.

Anti-Semitism(A Nasty Form of Racism) in all it's forms is BOLLOCKS.steve:cool:

By the way Anti Zionism is Not Anti Jew/Semetic at all......Dr King(Wonderful Man he was..RIP)was not correct in everything he said.
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"The American public are generally ignorant of the enormity of the money given to Israel.....but Israel have gotten much more that the $14 Trillion from countries like Germany(Who are still paying Israel War Reparation after 60 years!!!!!)"

So, Steve - how much would 6 million dead Aussies be? Attempting to redress a grievous wrong is not 'foreign aid'. In fact, it smacks of Jew-hatred to even bring up the topic of reparations in the context of such a discussion.

The German people CHOSE to make reparations - nobody forced 'em to. And that is NOT at all anything to do with 'foreign aid'.

The fact is, both the Koreas and China *should* be getting reparations from Japan for the wanton destruction and the slavery inflicted upon thousands of their citizens. And yes, the Aussies might be owed some 'reps' as well since I think some Aussies had property confiscated by the invading Japanese?

Why the US hasn't suggested to the Japanese that they try to 'settle up' with our other ally S Korea, I don't know. There were over 50,000 Korean women kidnapped from their homes and subjected to years of rape by Japanese troops - that is a disgrace which Japan has not chosen to admit, let alone seek to address.
"The American public are generally ignorant of the enormity of the money given to Israel.....but Israel have gotten much more that the $14 Trillion from countries like Germany(Who are still paying Israel War Reparation after 60 years!!!!!)"

So, Steve - how much would 6 million dead Aussies be? Attempting to redress a grievous wrong is not 'foreign aid'. In fact, it smacks of Jew-hatred to even bring up the topic of reparations in the context of such a discussion.

The German people CHOSE to make reparations - nobody forced 'em to. And that is NOT at all anything to do with 'foreign aid'.

The fact is, both the Koreas and China *should* be getting reparations from Japan for the wanton destruction and the slavery inflicted upon thousands of their citizens. And yes, the Aussies might be owed some 'reps' as well since I think some Aussies had property confiscated by the invading Japanese?

Why the US hasn't suggested to the Japanese that they try to 'settle up' with our other ally S Korea, I don't know. There were over 50,000 Korean women kidnapped from their homes and subjected to years of rape by Japanese troops - that is a disgrace which Japan has not chosen to admit, let alone seek to address.
We have heard others just like Stevie talking about the "trillions" Israel got from the U.S. I think they all read that from the same site. Meanwhile, previously on another forum someone had figured out that the American taxpayers only pays $3 a year for Israel. I doubt that most people would complain about that $3. The U.S. has given so much money to people who hate us, but some posters are so obsessed with Israel that they overlook that. I wonder if Stevie can tell us what it is costing his country for all the Shiites who are emigrating there from Pakistan because they are tired of all the car and suicide bombings by the Sunnis.
If that's true,then Israel should not accept "AID" from the US taxpayers or anyone else for that matter?????steve
I'd be all fine with that one, in fact I think its a great idea. But that won't close the matter will it?

Next we'll hear whining about "why is the USA allies with Israel anyhow?" So you see, it never ends. Behind this transparent guise, it boils down to one thing...ANTI SEMETISM.

This whole "anti Zionism" is just a big charade for Jew haters to vent their hate, which is why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. correctly said it many years ago, "when people speak of being anti Zionism, you're talking anti Semetism". :clap:

Which is why the US aid to Israel won't stop, ever.

Well Roudy,I certainly am not ANTI SEMETIC in any way,what American tax payers/Government do with their money is up to's their Money.

But I would point out a few truths....since 1949 the American Tax Payer has given over $14 Trillion(close to the US current deficit) in "AID" to Israel!!!!!!!!!!!! and rising,this is an enormous amount of money to a country with a population of appox 12 million today,obviously a much smaller population during the interceding years.

Today the American Tax Payer is giving Israel over $8.5 Million per day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!much of it for Arms (of which 25% is for Israeli manufactures,of which the Israelis export world wide)

The American public are generally ignorant of the enormity of the money given to Israel.....but Israel have gotten much more that the $14 Trillion from countries like Germany(Who are still paying Israel War Reparation after 60 years!!!!!)

As I have clearly stated I believe in a free and peaceful Palestine and of the very few on here I may add.

It would after all this time be more prudent,to bring a negotiated settlement to the Pal/Is schism and move forward to a happier time for both these Traumatized peoples.

I really dislike this Anti Semetic one liner which a lot of Pro Israeli folk seem to enjoy using...but the most Anti Semetic prose on here is blatently used against the Semetic Palestinians.

Anti-Semitism(A Nasty Form of Racism) in all it's forms is BOLLOCKS.steve:cool:

By the way Anti Zionism is Not Anti Jew/Semetic at all......Dr King(Wonderful Man he was..RIP)was not correct in everything he said.
No you're not anti semetic. You just posted lie after lie, focusing mainly on Israel and the Jews, while totally ignoring the money we send to Arabs and Muslims who do nothing but spit in our faces and plot to kill Americans.

Anti Zionism simply means that Jews should not be allowed to have their own Jewish state in the homeland of their ancestors. And Dr. King was spot on with that one.
"The American public are generally ignorant of the enormity of the money given to Israel.....but Israel have gotten much more that the $14 Trillion from countries like Germany(Who are still paying Israel War Reparation after 60 years!!!!!)"

So, Steve - how much would 6 million dead Aussies be? Attempting to redress a grievous wrong is not 'foreign aid'. In fact, it smacks of Jew-hatred to even bring up the topic of reparations in the context of such a discussion.

The German people CHOSE to make reparations - nobody forced 'em to. And that is NOT at all anything to do with 'foreign aid'.

The fact is, both the Koreas and China *should* be getting reparations from Japan for the wanton destruction and the slavery inflicted upon thousands of their citizens. And yes, the Aussies might be owed some 'reps' as well since I think some Aussies had property confiscated by the invading Japanese?

Why the US hasn't suggested to the Japanese that they try to 'settle up' with our other ally S Korea, I don't know. There were over 50,000 Korean women kidnapped from their homes and subjected to years of rape by Japanese troops - that is a disgrace which Japan has not chosen to admit, let alone seek to address.
We have heard others just like Stevie talking about the "trillions" Israel got from the U.S. I think they all read that from the same site. Meanwhile, previously on another forum someone had figured out that the American taxpayers only pays $3 a year for Israel. I doubt that most people would complain about that $3. The U.S. has given so much money to people who hate us, but some posters are so obsessed with Israel that they overlook that. I wonder if Stevie can tell us what it is costing his country for all the Shiites who are emigrating there from Pakistan because they are tired of all the car and suicide bombings by the Sunnis.
Yup, they make the most asinine, idiotic, ignorant claims.
"The American public are generally ignorant of the enormity of the money given to Israel.....but Israel have gotten much more that the $14 Trillion from countries like Germany(Who are still paying Israel War Reparation after 60 years!!!!!)"

So, Steve - how much would 6 million dead Aussies be? Attempting to redress a grievous wrong is not 'foreign aid'. In fact, it smacks of Jew-hatred to even bring up the topic of reparations in the context of such a discussion.

The German people CHOSE to make reparations - nobody forced 'em to. And that is NOT at all anything to do with 'foreign aid'.

The fact is, both the Koreas and China *should* be getting reparations from Japan for the wanton destruction and the slavery inflicted upon thousands of their citizens. And yes, the Aussies might be owed some 'reps' as well since I think some Aussies had property confiscated by the invading Japanese?

Why the US hasn't suggested to the Japanese that they try to 'settle up' with our other ally S Korea, I don't know. There were over 50,000 Korean women kidnapped from their homes and subjected to years of rape by Japanese troops - that is a disgrace which Japan has not chosen to admit, let alone seek to address.
We have heard others just like Stevie talking about the "trillions" Israel got from the U.S. I think they all read that from the same site. Meanwhile, previously on another forum someone had figured out that the American taxpayers only pays $3 a year for Israel. I doubt that most people would complain about that $3. The U.S. has given so much money to people who hate us, but some posters are so obsessed with Israel that they overlook that. I wonder if Stevie can tell us what it is costing his country for all the Shiites who are emigrating there from Pakistan because they are tired of all the car and suicide bombings by the Sunnis.
Yup, they make the most asinine, idiotic, ignorant claims.

Look Roudy,this thread is about US ceasing payments to Israel...everything I wrote is factual that you wish not to accept the facts is up to you but facts they are.

We don't have many Pakistanis coming here,Iraqis yes,Sri Lankans yes,Iranians some,plus many other war torn places.I will try to check out the cost but remembering most of the Iraqis coming here,like those going to the US,put their lives on the line to help Australia(and the US during the Gulf and Iraqi Wars,we are not a country that turn our backs on people that have helped our Military at great cost to themselves,and neither do the US).

I take exception to being called Asinine,Idiotic or Ignorant...I may have a view point different to you but we can be civil.

Stop being so sensitive,we are just talking to each other.steve and I don't lie,I have NO need to
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"The American public are generally ignorant of the enormity of the money given to Israel.....but Israel have gotten much more that the $14 Trillion from countries like Germany(Who are still paying Israel War Reparation after 60 years!!!!!)"

So, Steve - how much would 6 million dead Aussies be? Attempting to redress a grievous wrong is not 'foreign aid'. In fact, it smacks of Jew-hatred to even bring up the topic of reparations in the context of such a discussion.

The German people CHOSE to make reparations - nobody forced 'em to. And that is NOT at all anything to do with 'foreign aid'.

The fact is, both the Koreas and China *should* be getting reparations from Japan for the wanton destruction and the slavery inflicted upon thousands of their citizens. And yes, the Aussies might be owed some 'reps' as well since I think some Aussies had property confiscated by the invading Japanese?

Why the US hasn't suggested to the Japanese that they try to 'settle up' with our other ally S Korea, I don't know. There were over 50,000 Korean women kidnapped from their homes and subjected to years of rape by Japanese troops - that is a disgrace which Japan has not chosen to admit, let alone seek to address.

Marg you know I had no intent to infer ANY DISRESPECT to the horrendous deaths of Jews at the hands of the Beastful Nazis,and you know it.

I will make note here Marg,that almost 10 Million Russians were killed and murdered by the Germans,plus Gays,the Mentally Ill,Communists,Poles ect which amounted to 3 Million appox.....This in NO WAY diminishes the systematic slaughter of the Jewish peoples.

But I am entitled to mention where Israel receives money from

The use of Comfort Korean (now North and South)Women and the hatred driven murdering of the Chinese by Japan is yet another outrageous chapter of this era.

You laid a tray of Red Herrings against me Marg and for that you should be ashamed.

You are angry with me because I like Jews but have a very low opinion of the Zionist Organization you belong to......I have probably been to Israel more time than you and I have no problems there.

I will always defend your right to say what you like but will not always agree with you full well know.Yeah I am disappointed in what you said...I assumed you knew me better than that,obviously I was mistaken..steven
We have heard others just like Stevie talking about the "trillions" Israel got from the U.S. I think they all read that from the same site. Meanwhile, previously on another forum someone had figured out that the American taxpayers only pays $3 a year for Israel. I doubt that most people would complain about that $3. The U.S. has given so much money to people who hate us, but some posters are so obsessed with Israel that they overlook that. I wonder if Stevie can tell us what it is costing his country for all the Shiites who are emigrating there from Pakistan because they are tired of all the car and suicide bombings by the Sunnis.
Yup, they make the most asinine, idiotic, ignorant claims.

Look Roudy,this thread is about US ceasing payments to Israel...everything I wrote is factual that you wish not to accept the facts is up to you but facts they are.

We don't have many Pakistanis coming here,Iraqis yes,Sri Lankans yes,Iranians some,plus many other war torn places.I will try to check out the cost but remembering most of the Iraqis coming here,like those going to the US,put their lives on the line to help Australia(and the US during the Gulf and Iraqi Wars,we are not a country that turn our backs on people that have helped our Military at great cost to themselves,and neither do the US).

I take exception to being called Asinine,Idiotic or Ignorant...I may have a view point different to you but we can be civil.

Stop being so sensitive,we are just talking to each other.steve and I don't lie,I have NO need to
Well, now that you made an effort to be so respectful and civil, let me rephrase it then. Your numbers are wrong, if not outlandish. At this time the US is giving about 2.5 billion in aid to Israel, which is the cost of about one apartment building in Tel Aviv. That's why I said its symbolic.

Other numbers you should be aware of: Egypt and Jordan get about 4 billion, the US is the biggest contributor to the Palestinians by a whopping 800 million, and for what and why nobody knows. Pakistan has gotten about 20 billion since 2001 (for hiding Bin Laden, aiding the Taliban, and fostering anti Americanism and Islamic extremism, what else?) and continues to get a billion a year. And the list goes on and on.

So as you can see, it's kind of ridiculous to point fingers at aid to an ally, when we are sending money to so many that we clearly shouldn't. That is, if one truly has America's best interests at heart.
Yup, they make the most asinine, idiotic, ignorant claims.

Look Roudy,this thread is about US ceasing payments to Israel...everything I wrote is factual that you wish not to accept the facts is up to you but facts they are.

We don't have many Pakistanis coming here,Iraqis yes,Sri Lankans yes,Iranians some,plus many other war torn places.I will try to check out the cost but remembering most of the Iraqis coming here,like those going to the US,put their lives on the line to help Australia(and the US during the Gulf and Iraqi Wars,we are not a country that turn our backs on people that have helped our Military at great cost to themselves,and neither do the US).

I take exception to being called Asinine,Idiotic or Ignorant...I may have a view point different to you but we can be civil.

Stop being so sensitive,we are just talking to each other.steve and I don't lie,I have NO need to
Well, now that you made an effort to be so respectful and civil, let me rephrase it then. Your numbers are wrong, if not outlandish. At this time the US is giving about 2.5 billion in aid to Israel, which is the cost of about one apartment building in Tel Aviv. That's why I said its symbolic.

Other numbers you should be aware of: Egypt and Jordan get about 4 billion, the US is the biggest contributor to the Palestinians by a whopping 800 million, and for what and why nobody knows. Pakistan has gotten about 20 billion since 2001 (for hiding Bin Laden, aiding the Taliban, and fostering anti Americanism and Islamic extremism, what else?) and continues to get a billion a year. And the list goes on and on.

So as you can see, it's kind of ridiculous to point fingers at aid to an ally, when we are sending money to so many that we clearly shouldn't. That is, if one truly has America's best interests at heart.
AT THIS TIME IS RIGHT($8.5 Million per day)
Roudy you know full well,that Egypt,Jordan have been given money to keep on side with the US/Israel(no trouble).....American policy under Mubarak was thus so......likewise the Jordanians ......... the Pakis in my opinion and maybe yours took money from the US whilst playing a two edged sword....I personally could never understand why the US put up with it for so long.

As for Palestine....the EU and UNRWA are by far the largest donors,followed by the US,Japan,Canada and other Arabic States infact nearly every country worldwide give the Palestinians Aid.

So it's not finger pointing at anyone......I was responding to your and the original thread...which was US stops Aid to Israel(or words to that effect)

So I am not disagreeing just keeping within the thread frame work. Roudy if an Apartment Building in Tele Aviv is worth $2.5 Billion ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm in the wrong Industry..steve
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"The American public are generally ignorant of the enormity of the money given to Israel.....but Israel have gotten much more that the $14 Trillion from countries like Germany(Who are still paying Israel War Reparation after 60 years!!!!!)"

So, Steve - how much would 6 million dead Aussies be? Attempting to redress a grievous wrong is not 'foreign aid'. In fact, it smacks of Jew-hatred to even bring up the topic of reparations in the context of such a discussion.

The German people CHOSE to make reparations - nobody forced 'em to. And that is NOT at all anything to do with 'foreign aid'.

The fact is, both the Koreas and China *should* be getting reparations from Japan for the wanton destruction and the slavery inflicted upon thousands of their citizens. And yes, the Aussies might be owed some 'reps' as well since I think some Aussies had property confiscated by the invading Japanese?

Why the US hasn't suggested to the Japanese that they try to 'settle up' with our other ally S Korea, I don't know. There were over 50,000 Korean women kidnapped from their homes and subjected to years of rape by Japanese troops - that is a disgrace which Japan has not chosen to admit, let alone seek to address.
We have heard others just like Stevie talking about the "trillions" Israel got from the U.S. I think they all read that from the same site. Meanwhile, previously on another forum someone had figured out that the American taxpayers only pays $3 a year for Israel. I doubt that most people would complain about that $3. The U.S. has given so much money to people who hate us, but some posters are so obsessed with Israel that they overlook that. I wonder if Stevie can tell us what it is costing his country for all the Shiites who are emigrating there from Pakistan because they are tired of all the car and suicide bombings by the Sunnis.

Give me back the bottle of Gin Hoss,after reading that I need IT...:lol::lol::lol:steve:cool:
Look Roudy,this thread is about US ceasing payments to Israel...everything I wrote is factual that you wish not to accept the facts is up to you but facts they are.

We don't have many Pakistanis coming here,Iraqis yes,Sri Lankans yes,Iranians some,plus many other war torn places.I will try to check out the cost but remembering most of the Iraqis coming here,like those going to the US,put their lives on the line to help Australia(and the US during the Gulf and Iraqi Wars,we are not a country that turn our backs on people that have helped our Military at great cost to themselves,and neither do the US).

I take exception to being called Asinine,Idiotic or Ignorant...I may have a view point different to you but we can be civil.

Stop being so sensitive,we are just talking to each other.steve and I don't lie,I have NO need to
Well, now that you made an effort to be so respectful and civil, let me rephrase it then. Your numbers are wrong, if not outlandish. At this time the US is giving about 2.5 billion in aid to Israel, which is the cost of about one apartment building in Tel Aviv. That's why I said its symbolic.

Other numbers you should be aware of: Egypt and Jordan get about 4 billion, the US is the biggest contributor to the Palestinians by a whopping 800 million, and for what and why nobody knows. Pakistan has gotten about 20 billion since 2001 (for hiding Bin Laden, aiding the Taliban, and fostering anti Americanism and Islamic extremism, what else?) and continues to get a billion a year. And the list goes on and on.

So as you can see, it's kind of ridiculous to point fingers at aid to an ally, when we are sending money to so many that we clearly shouldn't. That is, if one truly has America's best interests at heart.
AT THIS TIME IS RIGHT($8.5 Million per day)
Roudy you know full well,that Egypt,Jordan have been given money to keep on side with the US/Israel(no trouble).....American policy under Mubarak was thus so......likewise the Jordanians ......... the Pakis in my opinion and maybe yours took money from the US whilst playing a two edged sword....I personally could never understand why the US put up with it for so long.

Indeed, the US does Pay Egypt and Jordan good money to side with Israel. Also, money goes to Lebanon to counter Hezbollah. Again to benefit Israel.

As for Palestine....the EU and UNRWA are by far the largest donors,followed by the US,Japan,Canada and other Arabic States infact nearly every country worldwide give the Palestinians Aid.

Of course none of that would be necessary if it was not for Israel.

So it's not finger pointing at anyone......I was responding to your and the original thread...which was US stops Aid to Israel(or words to that effect)

So I am not disagreeing just keeping within the thread frame work. Roudy if an Apartment Building in Tele Aviv is worth $2.5 Billion ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm in the wrong Industry..steve

So, virtually all of the money going to the region is because of Israel.
Look Roudy,this thread is about US ceasing payments to Israel...everything I wrote is factual that you wish not to accept the facts is up to you but facts they are.

We don't have many Pakistanis coming here,Iraqis yes,Sri Lankans yes,Iranians some,plus many other war torn places.I will try to check out the cost but remembering most of the Iraqis coming here,like those going to the US,put their lives on the line to help Australia(and the US during the Gulf and Iraqi Wars,we are not a country that turn our backs on people that have helped our Military at great cost to themselves,and neither do the US).

I take exception to being called Asinine,Idiotic or Ignorant...I may have a view point different to you but we can be civil.

Stop being so sensitive,we are just talking to each other.steve and I don't lie,I have NO need to
Well, now that you made an effort to be so respectful and civil, let me rephrase it then. Your numbers are wrong, if not outlandish. At this time the US is giving about 2.5 billion in aid to Israel, which is the cost of about one apartment building in Tel Aviv. That's why I said its symbolic.

Other numbers you should be aware of: Egypt and Jordan get about 4 billion, the US is the biggest contributor to the Palestinians by a whopping 800 million, and for what and why nobody knows. Pakistan has gotten about 20 billion since 2001 (for hiding Bin Laden, aiding the Taliban, and fostering anti Americanism and Islamic extremism, what else?) and continues to get a billion a year. And the list goes on and on.

So as you can see, it's kind of ridiculous to point fingers at aid to an ally, when we are sending money to so many that we clearly shouldn't. That is, if one truly has America's best interests at heart.
AT THIS TIME IS RIGHT($8.5 Million per day)
Roudy you know full well,that Egypt,Jordan have been given money to keep on side with the US/Israel(no trouble).....American policy under Mubarak was thus so......likewise the Jordanians ......... the Pakis in my opinion and maybe yours took money from the US whilst playing a two edged sword....I personally could never understand why the US put up with it for so long.

As for Palestine....the EU and UNRWA are by far the largest donors,followed by the US,Japan,Canada and other Arabic States infact nearly every country worldwide give the Palestinians Aid.

So it's not finger pointing at anyone......I was responding to your and the original thread...which was US stops Aid to Israel(or words to that effect)

So I am not disagreeing just keeping within the thread frame work. Roudy if an Apartment Building in Tele Aviv is worth $2.5 Billion ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm in the wrong Industry..steve
Israel is a very small country. Real estate is like gold in Israel. Average Vegas Hotel in the middle of the desert is worth about two billion today.
Well, now that you made an effort to be so respectful and civil, let me rephrase it then. Your numbers are wrong, if not outlandish. At this time the US is giving about 2.5 billion in aid to Israel, which is the cost of about one apartment building in Tel Aviv. That's why I said its symbolic.

Other numbers you should be aware of: Egypt and Jordan get about 4 billion, the US is the biggest contributor to the Palestinians by a whopping 800 million, and for what and why nobody knows. Pakistan has gotten about 20 billion since 2001 (for hiding Bin Laden, aiding the Taliban, and fostering anti Americanism and Islamic extremism, what else?) and continues to get a billion a year. And the list goes on and on.

So as you can see, it's kind of ridiculous to point fingers at aid to an ally, when we are sending money to so many that we clearly shouldn't. That is, if one truly has America's best interests at heart.
AT THIS TIME IS RIGHT($8.5 Million per day)
Roudy you know full well,that Egypt,Jordan have been given money to keep on side with the US/Israel(no trouble).....American policy under Mubarak was thus so......likewise the Jordanians ......... the Pakis in my opinion and maybe yours took money from the US whilst playing a two edged sword....I personally could never understand why the US put up with it for so long.

Indeed, the US does Pay Egypt and Jordan good money to side with Israel. Also, money goes to Lebanon to counter Hezbollah. Again to benefit Israel.

As for Palestine....the EU and UNRWA are by far the largest donors,followed by the US,Japan,Canada and other Arabic States infact nearly every country worldwide give the Palestinians Aid.

Of course none of that would be necessary if it was not for Israel.

So it's not finger pointing at anyone......I was responding to your and the original thread...which was US stops Aid to Israel(or words to that effect)

So I am not disagreeing just keeping within the thread frame work. Roudy if an Apartment Building in Tele Aviv is worth $2.5 Billion ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm in the wrong Industry..steve

So, virtually all of the money going to the region is because of Israel.
Money goes to Egypt and Jordan as aid for ailing economies because the people are worthless and can't produce anything the world wants. With unemployment that high, without u aid money, we will have collapsed states where Islamists can take over, and then then truly destroy them. Aid is also sent as part of a peace deal. Why can't Muslims be civilized, handle their own affairs, and honor peace deals without bribe money? It's not Israel's fault they're savages. They're savages because of their mentality, culture, religion, leaders, corrupt govt and political systems, and lack of ambition to make something of themselves.
I'm sure AIPAC is demanding that Congress pass a bill to fund aid to Israel while continuing the rest of the shutdown.

They have to have their priorities, don't ja know?

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