State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

Oh, some guy telling a story that may or may not be true......... Yeah, reputable....... :lmao:

Amnesty International Report

Sabah Abu Halima, a mother of 10, was gravely injured and lost her husband, four of her
children and her daughter-in-law as a result of a devastating white phosphorus artillery attack on her family home. In the afternoon of 4 January 2009 she and her family were at home in the Sayafa area, in the north-west of Gaza, when three white phosphorus artillery shells crashed through the roof into her home. She told Amnesty International: “Everything caught fire.

My husband and four of my children burned alive in front of my eyes; my baby girl,
Shahed, my only girl, melted in my arms. How can a mother have to see her children burn
alive? I couldn’t save them, I couldn’t help them. I was on fire. Now I am still burning all
over, I am in pain day and night; I am suffering terribly.”

There is a photo of Sabah in Amnesty Report, with the burns from white phosphorous on her hands.

Sabah is the mother of the man speaking in the video. She is the grandmother of 3 year old Farah, the little girl with the horrible burns on her abdomen shown in the video.

Oh, some guy telling a story that may or may not be true......... Yeah, reputable....... :lmao:

Amnesty International Report

Sabah Abu Halima, a mother of 10, was gravely injured and lost her husband, four of her
children and her daughter-in-law as a result of a devastating white phosphorus artillery attack on her family home. In the afternoon of 4 January 2009 she and her family were at home in the Sayafa area, in the north-west of Gaza, when three white phosphorus artillery shells crashed through the roof into her home. She told Amnesty International: “Everything caught fire.

My husband and four of my children burned alive in front of my eyes; my baby girl,
Shahed, my only girl, melted in my arms. How can a mother have to see her children burn
alive? I couldn’t save them, I couldn’t help them. I was on fire. Now I am still burning all
over, I am in pain day and night; I am suffering terribly.”

There is a photo of Sabah in Amnesty Report, with the burns from white phosphorous on her hands.

Sabah is the mother of the man speaking in the video. She is the grandmother of 3 year old Farah, the little girl with the horrible burns on her abdomen shown in the video.

No mention of the fact that Hamas was using their building to launch rocket attacks.......... :eusa_whistle:
Evidence to support Israel burned to death children with White Phosphorous has been presented. I WILL go find the link and post it. I will tell you sources documenting it, Amnesty and Btselem and HRW and The Goldstone Report.

Yet nothing from you about the civil rights abuses in all the Islamic countries we give money to. You know the abuses that are very well documented almost daily by the world's news agencies.......... The abuses that make anything the Israels might have done or might do do pale in comparison........ :cool:

I am not aware of other countries we give 3 billion dollars a year in aid to and provide white phosphourous weapons to, who use these chemical weapons to burn to death civilians with.

You show me the US doing this somewhere else, and I promise you I will oppose it and condemn it.
Oh, some guy telling a story that may or may not be true......... Yeah, reputable....... :lmao:

Amnesty International Report

Sabah Abu Halima, a mother of 10, was gravely injured and lost her husband, four of her
children and her daughter-in-law as a result of a devastating white phosphorus artillery attack on her family home. In the afternoon of 4 January 2009 she and her family were at home in the Sayafa area, in the north-west of Gaza, when three white phosphorus artillery shells crashed through the roof into her home. She told Amnesty International: “Everything caught fire.

My husband and four of my children burned alive in front of my eyes; my baby girl,
Shahed, my only girl, melted in my arms. How can a mother have to see her children burn
alive? I couldn’t save them, I couldn’t help them. I was on fire. Now I am still burning all
over, I am in pain day and night; I am suffering terribly.”

There is a photo of Sabah in Amnesty Report, with the burns from white phosphorous on her hands.

Sabah is the mother of the man speaking in the video. She is the grandmother of 3 year old Farah, the little girl with the horrible burns on her abdomen shown in the video.

No mention of the fact that Hamas was using their building to launch rocket attacks.......... :eusa_whistle:

They were not.

Stop lying.

The story of exactly what happened is set out in Amnestys Report.

Why are you defending Israel's use of chemical weapons to burn to death civilians with?

Why do you support the US funding this?
Evidence to support Israel burned to death children with White Phosphorous has been presented. I WILL go find the link and post it. I will tell you sources documenting it, Amnesty and Btselem and HRW and The Goldstone Report.

Yet nothing from you about the civil rights abuses in all the Islamic countries we give money to. You know the abuses that are very well documented almost daily by the world's news agencies.......... The abuses that make anything the Israels might have done or might do do pale in comparison........ :cool:

I am not aware of other countries we give 3 billion dollars a year in aid to and provide white phosphourous weapons to, who use these chemical weapons to burn to death civilians with.

You show me the US doing this somewhere else, and I promise you I will oppose it and condemn it.

Had to specifically qualify it based on your bias didn'tcha. God are you predictable. :lol:
Obviously you're so focused you don't watch the news or ignore that which doesn't fit or contradicts your personal crusade. Mengele would be proud. :thup:
There are stories of other attacks, to include an attack on a school in Gaza with chemical weapons, white phosphorous weapons.

"White phosphorus continued to be used until the last day of Operation “Cast Lead”, on 17
January 2009. On that day a white phosphorus artillery shell exploded at about 6am in an
UNRWA primary school in Beit Lahia, where more than 1,500 people were sheltering. Two
children, Muhammad al-Ashqar and his brother Bilal, aged five and seven respectively, were killed in the classroom where they were sleeping with their parents, siblings and some 30 other relatives, several of whom were injured. The children’s mother, 28-year-old Anjud, sustained serious injuries to the head and other parts of the body. Her right hand had to be amputated. The children’s 18-year-old cousin Mona lost her left leg in the attack."

There is a photo of the UN school that was attacked in the Amnesty Report.

Why is the US giving Israel 3 billion dollars in aid a year to attack children and civilians in schools with chemical weapons?

Why is the US giving Israel chemical weapons to attack civilians with?
Yet nothing from you about the civil rights abuses in all the Islamic countries we give money to. You know the abuses that are very well documented almost daily by the world's news agencies.......... The abuses that make anything the Israels might have done or might do do pale in comparison........ :cool:

I am not aware of other countries we give 3 billion dollars a year in aid to and provide white phosphourous weapons to, who use these chemical weapons to burn to death civilians with.

You show me the US doing this somewhere else, and I promise you I will oppose it and condemn it.

Had to specifically qualify it based on your bias didn'tcha. God are you predictable. :lol:
Obviously you're so focused you don't watch the news or ignore that which doesn't fit or contradicts your personal crusade. Mengele would be proud. :thup:

I oppose killing children with chemical weapons and US taxpayers funding this and you compare me to a war criminal..

You are certainly some pathetic excuse for a human being.

I hope the government shutdown never ends and we never send another penny to Israel for them to attack and kill more innocent civilians and children with.

I do not support targeting children and civilians with chemical weapons or my government funding this and providing the chemical weapons to Israel to target the civilians with.
I am not aware of other countries we give 3 billion dollars a year in aid to and provide white phosphourous weapons to, who use these chemical weapons to burn to death civilians with.

You show me the US doing this somewhere else, and I promise you I will oppose it and condemn it.

Had to specifically qualify it based on your bias didn'tcha. God are you predictable. :lol:
Obviously you're so focused you don't watch the news or ignore that which doesn't fit or contradicts your personal crusade. Mengele would be proud. :thup:

I oppose killing children with chemical weapons and US taxpayers funding this and you compare me to a war criminal..

You are certainly some pathetic excuse for a human being.

I hope the government shutdown never ends and we never send another penny to Israel for them to attack and kill more innocent civilians and children with.

I do not support targeting children and civilians with chemical weapons or my government funding this and providing the chemical weapons to Israel to target the civilians with.

Actually if you want to see pathetic all you have to do is look in the mirror, it never lies. It's your focus to the exclusion of all the evil done to people by non-jews (islamists) around the world that make what you concentrate on pale in comparison. Many of those countries are supported by us with financial and military aid.
Your narrow minded hatred of Jews is evident and duly noted.
Had to specifically qualify it based on your bias didn'tcha. God are you predictable. :lol:
Obviously you're so focused you don't watch the news or ignore that which doesn't fit or contradicts your personal crusade. Mengele would be proud. :thup:

I oppose killing children with chemical weapons and US taxpayers funding this and you compare me to a war criminal..

You are certainly some pathetic excuse for a human being.

I hope the government shutdown never ends and we never send another penny to Israel for them to attack and kill more innocent civilians and children with.

I do not support targeting children and civilians with chemical weapons or my government funding this and providing the chemical weapons to Israel to target the civilians with.

Actually if you want to see pathetic all you have to do is look in the mirror, it never lies. It's your focus to the exclusion of all the evil done to people by non-jews (islamists) around the world that make what you concentrate on pale in comparison. Many of those countries are supported by us with financial and military aid.
Your narrow minded hatred of Jews is evident and duly noted.

My focus is my country giving 3 billion dollars a year to Israel that is used to fund an Occupation and Apartheid and the use of chemical weapons against civilians and to commit war crimes against children with.

Your lack of concern says all we need to know about your morality or lack thereof.
We all do not support Israels human rights abuses.
But Frau Sherri believes in her Muslim friends' human rights issues. She has no problem which innocent people they kill, even Christians, but is right there if some Israelis gives one of her friends a harmless slap. Since Frau Sherri spends her entire life in front of her computer, has anyone ever seen her condemn on any forum what her friends are doing. So, Frau Sherri, since you are on a Middle East Forum, can you give us a rundown of what your friends are doing to innocent others in the Middle East?

That is not true. Because I oppose us funding Israels human rights abuses, it does not mean I support others human rights abuses. I do not.

The fact is God gives us our burdens and passions, we go where He takes us and care about the matters and people He places in our Hearts or we run from his callings to us.

That's right ! Frau Sheri does care about other things that are going on in the ME such as Christian persecution by Muslims. She shows her"concern" every time she acknowledges it !:lol: :eusa_drool:
I oppose killing children with chemical weapons and US taxpayers funding this and you compare me to a war criminal..

You are certainly some pathetic excuse for a human being.

I hope the government shutdown never ends and we never send another penny to Israel for them to attack and kill more innocent civilians and children with.

I do not support targeting children and civilians with chemical weapons or my government funding this and providing the chemical weapons to Israel to target the civilians with.

Actually if you want to see pathetic all you have to do is look in the mirror, it never lies. It's your focus to the exclusion of all the evil done to people by non-jews (islamists) around the world that make what you concentrate on pale in comparison. Many of those countries are supported by us with financial and military aid.
Your narrow minded hatred of Jews is evident and duly noted.

My focus is my country giving 3 billion dollars a year to Israel that is used to fund an Occupation and Apartheid and the use of chemical weapons against civilians and to commit war crimes against children with.

Your lack of concern says all we need to know about your morality or lack thereof.

Sure thing there Sparkett. Your hatred is plainly evident to all who have open eyes yet you know nothing of my concern or my morality only that you have to protect your illusion of morality by attacking mine.
You choose to see only one side of the situation in the ME based on what you want to believe and that is not only pathetic but reprehensible for someone who claims to be a Christian.
What I choose is to oppose my country giving 3 billion dollars in aid every year to another country who is using that aid to commit war crimes with.

All of us do not support war crimes.

Jesus certainly never called upon His followers to kill or support others in their killing acts.

Being a Christian is following Jesus teachings, the example He set.

But what Jesus also said is you will face opposition and be hated for following me, and so it is.
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I am going to have to thank those responsible for shutting down our government for all they are doing to end us providing aid to Israel.

And I realize this is a perfect opportunity to bring up the chemical weapons issue with them.

I JUST do not think everyone realizes the US provided Israel chemical weapons they used to commit war crimes with.
What I choose is to oppose my country giving 3 billion dollars in aid every year to another country who is using that aid to commit war crimes with.

All of us do not support war crimes.

Jesus certainly never called upon His followers to kill or support others in their killing acts.

Being a Christian is following Jesus teachings, the example He set.

But what Jesus also said is you will face opposition and be hated for following me, and so it is.

I don't hate you, I pity you. You only focus on one aspect, one group. It is well known Hamas sets up their rockets in residential areas to attack Israel and kill Israeli civilians and children. They do that knowing full well the Israelis will target the launch site killing civilians in the process thus giving them the propaganda that people like you buy into.
None of us condone the killing of innocents but most of us focus on the whole, not the part and realize the since we were given free will we, not God, unleashed evil in the world. Unlike you, I'm a realist and understand such things, even if I abhor the needless destruction and death of innocents, on all sides. If you really want to stop it your focus needs to switch to Hamas and Hezbollah trying to get them to stop. Once they stop, Israel will stop.
We all do not support Israels human rights abuses.
But Frau Sherri believes in her Muslim friends' human rights issues. She has no problem which innocent people they kill, even Christians, but is right there if some Israelis gives one of her friends a harmless slap. Since Frau Sherri spends her entire life in front of her computer, has anyone ever seen her condemn on any forum what her friends are doing. So, Frau Sherri, since you are on a Middle East Forum, can you give us a rundown of what your friends are doing to innocent others in the Middle East?

That is not true. Because I oppose us funding Israels human rights abuses, it does not mean I support others human rights abuses. I do not.

The fact is God gives us our burdens and passions, we go where He takes us and care about the matters and people He places in our Hearts or we run from his callings to us.

OIC. So the bigotbitch claims 'Goddidit' about her heartless 'comments' saying she was sickened to hear people's sorrow over the poor little children murdered in Connecticut......... Like what, is there a finite amount of compassion in the world - so if it's given to grieving families in CT, it's somehow taking away from grieving families elsewhere?

Someone needs to look up 'zero-sum philosophy'.......
You go on Ignore again, MHunterB, enough of your personal attacks.

Let me be sure to memorialize your name calling before you edit your post.

Here it is:

"She doesn't want the word to realize she's a sheriKKKins, a l'il Nazi-sucking hater"

This is not how decent human beings debate issues, responding to filthy name calling like that.

Whatever she tells you- you had it coming.
What I choose is to oppose my country giving 3 billion dollars in aid every year to another country who is using that aid to commit war crimes with.

All of us do not support war crimes.

Jesus certainly never called upon His followers to kill or support others in their killing acts.

Being a Christian is following Jesus teachings, the example He set.

But what Jesus also said is you will face opposition and be hated for following me, and so it is.

I don't hate you, I pity you. You only focus on one aspect, one group. It is well known Hamas sets up their rockets in residential areas to attack Israel and kill Israeli civilians and children. They do that knowing full well the Israelis will target the launch site killing civilians in the process thus giving them the propaganda that people like you buy into.
None of us condone the killing of innocents but most of us focus on the whole, not the part and realize the since we were given free will we, not God, unleashed evil in the world. Unlike you, I'm a realist and understand such things, even if I abhor the needless destruction and death of innocents, on all sides. If you really want to stop it your focus needs to switch to Hamas and Hezbollah trying to get them to stop. Once they stop, Israel will stop.

My concern is US funds used to fund Israels war crimes.

I feel like I have the blood of these dead children on my hands and I want the blood cleansed from my hands.

I feel guilt and do not want to keep contributing to this shedding of the blood of the innocent in Palestine.

You call my caring about children whose lives Americans are hurting hate, that is fine with me, your opinion means nothing to me.

I pity you your lack of compassion for the people we are hurting.

We have no obligation to fund human rights abuses of anyone.
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Thank you for keeping the government shut down. My reasons for supporting this is the State Dept announcement that this will stop aid to foreign countries. WE need to stop aid to foreign countries. WE give 3 billion dollars a year to Israel and that needs to stop. WE have an interest in providing for the needs of Americans. Further, Israel uses funds and US weapons to commit human rights abuses in her Occupation of Palestine. In Cast Lead, she used chemical weapons (white phosphorous and depleted uranium) from the US to unlawfully attack civilians with in Gaza. This is all documented by Amnesty in their report 22 Days of Death and Destruction. 344 children were killed, 1391 total casualties, the majority civilians. We need to stop funding war crimes of Israel.

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What I choose is to oppose my country giving 3 billion dollars in aid every year to another country who is using that aid to commit war crimes with.

All of us do not support war crimes.

Jesus certainly never called upon His followers to kill or support others in their killing acts.

Being a Christian is following Jesus teachings, the example He set.

But what Jesus also said is you will face opposition and be hated for following me, and so it is.

I don't hate you, I pity you. You only focus on one aspect, one group. It is well known Hamas sets up their rockets in residential areas to attack Israel and kill Israeli civilians and children. They do that knowing full well the Israelis will target the launch site killing civilians in the process thus giving them the propaganda that people like you buy into.
None of us condone the killing of innocents but most of us focus on the whole, not the part and realize the since we were given free will we, not God, unleashed evil in the world. Unlike you, I'm a realist and understand such things, even if I abhor the needless destruction and death of innocents, on all sides. If you really want to stop it your focus needs to switch to Hamas and Hezbollah trying to get them to stop. Once they stop, Israel will stop.

My concern is US funds used to fund Israels war crimes.

I feel like I have the blood of these dead children on my hands and I want the blood cleansed from my hands.

I feel guilt and do not want to keep contributing to this shedding of the blood of the innocent in Palestine.

You call my caring about children whose lives Americans are hurting hate, that is fine with me, your opinion means nothing to me.

I pity you your lack of compassion for the people we are hurting.

Again you think I have no compassion, again it's nothing more than an attempt by you to justify your narrow focused hatred. Again if you guilt is so bad and you wish to stop it change your focus to the war crimes committed by Hamas who alone can stop the killing, and stop spouting propaganda and justification.
I don't hate you, I pity you. You only focus on one aspect, one group. It is well known Hamas sets up their rockets in residential areas to attack Israel and kill Israeli civilians and children. They do that knowing full well the Israelis will target the launch site killing civilians in the process thus giving them the propaganda that people like you buy into.
None of us condone the killing of innocents but most of us focus on the whole, not the part and realize the since we were given free will we, not God, unleashed evil in the world. Unlike you, I'm a realist and understand such things, even if I abhor the needless destruction and death of innocents, on all sides. If you really want to stop it your focus needs to switch to Hamas and Hezbollah trying to get them to stop. Once they stop, Israel will stop.

My concern is US funds used to fund Israels war crimes.

I feel like I have the blood of these dead children on my hands and I want the blood cleansed from my hands.

I feel guilt and do not want to keep contributing to this shedding of the blood of the innocent in Palestine.

You call my caring about children whose lives Americans are hurting hate, that is fine with me, your opinion means nothing to me.

I pity you your lack of compassion for the people we are hurting.

Again you think I have no compassion, again it's nothing more than an attempt by you to justify your narrow focused hatred. Again if you guilt is so bad and you wish to stop it change your focus to the war crimes committed by Hamas who alone can stop the killing, and stop spouting propaganda and justification.
I'm afraid youre wasting your time. She said she's happy her own goverement collapses and people suffer, as long as it might hurt Israel.

Classic terrorist thinking. They are willing to sacrifice 100 of their own for the opportunity to hurt 1 Jew.
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