State Nullification on Gay Marriage!

The states have no authority to deny citizens their civil rights.
No one is being denied anything, bozo. States have the power to set rules for marriage. The government cannot deny the will of the citizens.

AGAIN, why were anti-miscegenation laws overturned? Judicial overreach?

Because races are equal, SSM and OSM are not.

Only in your opinion and it's not your authority to decide. The Supreme Court has the authority to decide whether equal protection applies.
No the ultimate authority are the citizens of the states. All power derives from the consent of the governed.

Then why is racial segregation illegal? Why is slavery illegal? Why can't a state segregate its schools if 'the people' wanted it? Why couldn't the people of a state bring back slavery if they wanted it?
Many states passed referenda and constitutional amendments declaring marriage as between one man and one woman. In some cases those votes passed with over 80% approval.
It's time states, which are sovereign, nullified meddling by Federal courts against the will of the people and simply declared that any official granting a license to anything other than two non-consanguineous single adults of the opposite sex will lose their salaries and benefits in perpetuity.

I understand the states rights issues , but INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS trump states rights. Specifically they have no right to prevent the homosexuals from marrying each other.

While I agree that if the good lord made something better than pussy he kept it for himself. , individuals have a right to pursue happiness.


Wrong! Individuals can pursue happiness as long as it follows the law. Gay can get "Married" now, just that the "Marriage" may not be recognized.

But that "rights" word is so over used especially by those on the far left.
Here's the bloomberg poll from your own source:

Bloomberg National Poll conducted by Selzer & Company. March 7-10, 2014. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1.

"Do you support or oppose allowing same-sex couples to get married?"
Support: 55%
Oppose: 39%
Unsure 9%

Civil Rights

You're ignoring your own source again. Here's the Pew Research Poll:

"Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally?"
May 2008, June 2008, April 2009, August 2009, April 2012, June 2012: "... allowing gay and lesbian couples ..."

Favor 54%
Oppose 39%
Unsure 7%

Civil Rights

That's the first 6 polls on whether or not gay marriage should be legal. Every single one contradicts you.

And of course, anything that contradicts you ignore.

And I do not care about polls or gay marriage, I want the government out of the business of marriage..

What part of that do you NOT understand?
So...what have you been actively doing to make that happen? And for how long have you been doing it?

Why does to matter to someone who wants to punish certain religious casts who do not care really care otherthan they want to plunder their
"illegal" means "rights" have been violated? Wow! That is very far left of you!

You're not actually quoting me, you know that right? This is what I said:

Who says that one must be put in jail to have one's rights violated?

So that would be you...and who? So far, every source for everything you've said is yourself. And your source is clearly insuffecient to carry your argument.

So in other words you have no basis for using the term "illegal" and gay "Marriage".

You are you quoting? Its certainly not me. I've said that if you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a good reason. And there isn't one. I've also said that the majority of folks support gay marriage. And they do.

Do you even disagree with me?

And I claim nothing other than you do not understand the Constitution or what "rights" are as you are a far left drone. And the government should not be in the business of "Marriage".

Yet the Supreme Court says that marriage is a right. Now why would I ignore the supreme court on what is a right...and instead believe you citing yourself?

"illegal" means "rights" have been violated? Wow! That is very far left of you! Yes that is what you said.

So can you post where any gay people (in the US) who have been put in jail for being "illegally" "Married"?

I bet you can not and thus goes to show that terms like "illegal" are scare tactic words.

You've never heard of anyone being convicted of violating someone's civil rights?
Those powers not explicitly grandted to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people respectively.
Seems states have the power to say who can marry and who can't, not the federal government.

...nor prohibited by it...

Unconstitutional state laws are prohibited.
Nothing unconstitutional about them. The states have been setting their own laws for marriage for 200 years. It is the proper function of the state, not the federtal goverment. If the feds want to exert control, nullify it!

Really? Then how did miscegenation prohibitions get overturned?
That was a racial issue. This is not a racial issue.

Again. You claimed this:

"Nothing unconstitutional about them. The states have been setting their own laws for marriage for 200 years. It is the proper function of the state, not the federtal goverment."

Laws against interracial marriage were set by the states for 200 years.

Which is it? Is those marriage laws the right of the states or not?

No I have never heard of anyone being put in jail for being gay and "illegally" "Married", if you have links please post them.

Then again you think that being "gay" is a race, based on the faulty analogies you keep using.
No the ultimate authority are the citizens of the states. All power derives from the consent of the governed.

The State lacks the authority to violate the rights of the individual. You're literally arguing for the tyranny of the majority. And that was anathema to the founders.
No the ultimate authority are the citizens of the states. All power derives from the consent of the governed.

The State lacks the authority to violate the rights of the individual. You're literally arguing for the tyranny of the majority. And that was anathema to the founders.

Really? Don't pay your property taxes and see if they will let you keep your home..
Wrong! Individuals can pursue happiness as long as it follows the law. Gay can get "Married" now, just that the "Marriage" may not be recognized.

The law is only valid if it doesn't violate individual rights. And the law's failure to recognize gay marriage does exact that. As it denies the individual equal protection under the law.

But that "rights" word is so over used especially by those on the far left.

An argument that might carry more weight if you weren't also ignoring the Supreme Court as well. Marriage is a right. That you disagree is quite irrelevant, as you define nothing, adjudicate nothing, overrule nothing.

Where as the courts are authoritative.

No I have never heard of anyone being put in jail for being gay and "illegally" "Married", if you have links please post them.

And for at least the 5th time, who says that one must be imprisoned for one's rights to be violated? Only you do. And you're nobody, legally speaking.

If the law doesn't protect gays equally under the law, it violates the 14th amendment. As it denies gays equal protection in the law. If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a good reason.

And you don't have one.
Really? Don't pay your property taxes and see if they will let you keep your home..

Which has what to do with what we're discussing? Taxes are thoroughly constitutional. Including Ad Valorem taxes. Gay marriage bans however don't have a viable state interest. They exist because they have existed.

And that's simply not good enough.
Wrong! Individuals can pursue happiness as long as it follows the law. Gay can get "Married" now, just that the "Marriage" may not be recognized.

The law is only valid if it doesn't violate individual rights. And the law's failure to recognize gay marriage does exact that. As it denies the individual equal protection under the law.

But that "rights" word is so over used especially by those on the far left.

An argument that might carry more weight if you weren't also ignoring the Supreme Court as well. Marriage is a right. That you disagree is quite irrelevant, as you define nothing, adjudicate nothing, overrule nothing.

Where as the courts are authoritative.

No I have never heard of anyone being put in jail for being gay and "illegally" "Married", if you have links please post them.

And for at least the 5th time, who says that one must be imprisoned for one's rights to be violated? Only you do. And you're nobody, legally speaking.

If the law doesn't protect gays equally under the law, it violates the 14th amendment. As it denies gays equal protection in the law. If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a good reason.

And you don't have one.

And for the sixth time please post where one that was gay was arrested for being "illegally" "married".
Really? Don't pay your property taxes and see if they will let you keep your home..

Which has what to do with what we're discussing? Taxes are thoroughly constitutional. Including Ad Valorem taxes. Gay marriage bans however don't have a viable state interest. They exist because they have existed.

And that's simply not good enough.

You are the one that said that the individual rights trump states rights and I just proved to you that your comments were wrong! If you can not handle being wrong then maybe you should not post far left propaganda.

However the good news it won't matter if you are gay or not or even if you are in a gay "Marriage" or not. So don't pay those property taxes and let us all know how well that works out for you.
Men and women have children together that need to be protected. Same sex couples are incapable of having children.
You are the one that said that the individual rights trump states rights and I just proved to you that your comments were wrong! If you can not handle being wrong then maybe you should not post far left propaganda.

And if you're going to deny rights, you need a good reason. Taxes are required for the government to function. Gay marriage bans aren't.

Its that lack of a good reason that robs gay marriage bans of legal validity. They exist for no other reason than to discriminate against gays and lesbians. No state interest is served in abrogating the rights to marry of gays and lesbians.

And that's why they have a near perfect record of failure in federal court.
Men and women have children together that need to be protected. Same sex couples are incapable of having children.

No state requires that a couple have children in order for their marriages to be valid. No state requires that a couple be able to have children in order for their marriages to be valid. Why then would we invent a standard that applies to no one....and then apply it exclusively to gays and lesbians?

That's an equal protection violation. In addition to making no sense at all.
And for the sixth time please post where one that was gay was arrested for being "illegally" "married".

What relevance does that have to the issues we're discussing? No one, save yourself, has said that one needs to be arrested in order to have one's rights violated.

All that's necessary for an equal protection violation under the 14th amendment is for the law to deny rights to gays and lesbians for no good reason. Like say, the right to marry.
Men and women have children together that need to be protected. Same sex couples are incapable of having children.
Children are not required nor needed to have a legally valid marriage in this nation. Your arguement has been throughly laughed out of almost every court in the nation.
You are the one that said that the individual rights trump states rights and I just proved to you that your comments were wrong! If you can not handle being wrong then maybe you should not post far left propaganda.

And if you're going to deny rights, you need a good reason. Taxes are required for the government to function. Gay marriage bans aren't.

Its that lack of a good reason that robs gay marriage bans of legal validity. They exist for no other reason than to discriminate against gays and lesbians. No state interest is served in abrogating the rights to marry of gays and lesbians.

And that's why they have a near perfect record of failure in federal court.

So in other words you can not post where one gay person has gone to jail (in the US) for being "illegally" "Married".

And that is your opinion and those of the far left activists judges.

But then again you have demonstrated that you do not know what "rights" are much less understand the Constitution.

Remove government from "Marriage".
And for the sixth time please post where one that was gay was arrested for being "illegally" "married".

What relevance does that have to the issues we're discussing? No one, save yourself, has said that one needs to be arrested in order to have one's rights violated.

All that's necessary for an equal protection violation under the 14th amendment is for the law to deny rights to gays and lesbians for no good reason. Like say, the right to marry.

You are the one who brought it up and twisted to the way you wanted it.

It has everything to do with it. Can you post any or not?
So in other words you can not post where one gay person has gone to jail (in the US) for being "illegally" "Married".

Of course not. You don't seem to understand what the gay marriage debate is. Its not that a gay couple be imprisoned for getting married. Its that the marriages of gay couples aren't being recognized by the law.

You really don't comprehend this? Seriously?

It has everything to do with it. Can you post any or not?

It obviously has nothing to do with it, as being 'imprisoned' isn't necessary for one's rights to be violated. All that's necessary for an equal protection violation under the 14th amendment is for the law to deny rights to gays and lesbians for no good reason. Like say, the right to marry.

No imprisonment required.
nd that is your opinion and those of the far left activists judges.

By 'far left judges', you mean virtually every federal court to hear the arguments? Even Reagan appointed judges are overruling gay marriage bans as lacking and good reason. Probably because the bans don't have a good reason.

But then again you have demonstrated that you do not know what "rights" are much less understand the Constitution.

So you say. Yet the courts have recognized marriage as a right for generations. You disagree. And you're irrelevant, legally speaking.

Remove government from "Marriage".

If you want a marriage that is void of government involvement, you have that option.

Gays want the protection and recognition of the State in their marriage. And overwhelmingly, they have that option.
So in other words you can not post where one gay person has gone to jail (in the US) for being "illegally" "Married".

Of course not. You don't seem to understand what the gay marriage debate is. Its not that a gay couple be imprisoned for getting married. Its that the marriages of gay couples aren't being recognized by the law.

You really don't comprehend this? Seriously?

It has everything to do with it. Can you post any or not?

It obviously has nothing to do with it, as being 'imprisoned' isn't necessary for one's rights to be violated. All that's necessary for an equal protection violation under the 14th amendment is for the law to deny rights to gays and lesbians for no good reason. Like say, the right to marry.

No imprisonment required.

So yes there have been ZERO gays locked up for being in "illegal" "marriages" even in states where it is "illegal". I would have assumed that the far left drones could have posted at least one link.

So in other words no ones "Civil rights" has been violated, go figure that one.
So yes there have been ZERO gays locked up for being in "illegal" "marriages" even in states where it is "illegal". I would have assumed that the far left drones could have posted at least one link.

And no one has ever claimed that a gay couple was imprisoned for getting married. You're refuting an argument no one is making. And beating the stuffing out of that strawman.

What is being claimed, and the courts have affirmed dozens of times, is that gays and lesbians are being denied equal protection under the law by gay marriage bans. As their right to marry is being denied for no good reason. There is no state interest in denying gays and lesbians the right to marry. It just is.

And that's not good enough. A fact you reiterate every time you run from it and cling desperately to your strawman stuffing....continuing to pummel an argument no one save you has ever made.
No the ultimate authority are the citizens of the states. All power derives from the consent of the governed.

The State lacks the authority to violate the rights of the individual. You're literally arguing for the tyranny of the majority. And that was anathema to the founders.

You're literally arguing for the equality of outcomes, not the equality of opportunity. THAT was anathema to the Founders.

Fagosexuality is a BEHAVIOR. It is the BEHAVIOR that we don't like, and we refuse to allow that BEHAVIOR to have the same legal results, rights, and privileges as another more acceptable BEHAVIOR, heterosexuality, AKA BEING NORMAL. Murder, manslaughter, gross negligence, all are treated differently under the law. They are BEHAVIORS. Society can outlaw a BEHAVIOR. Ours has benevolently chosen not to outlaw fagosexuality, but that wasn't enough for the fagosexuals. No, they want weddings, priests, publicity, a pat on the back for being AN ABOMINATION before the Lord. Too bad, you don't get that. You don't deserve it.

Fag marriage isn't equal rights. It's the government mandating that fags are allowed not only to be fags, but to get treated as if they were a normal couple, and remain free to force their faggotry into the public spotlight.

We have laws against eating dogs and cats. We have laws against playing loud music. We have laws against tons and tons of BEHAVIORS. Why is this type of law such a big deal to you liberals?

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