State Nullification on Gay Marriage!

More than 30 states voted to make so-called "gay marriage" illegal. Those are the elections I'm talking about.

And States can't vote away individual rights without a good reason. You're literally arguing for the tyranny of the majority, where the rights of minorities can be voted away with a simple majority. In your imagination, is there ANY check to this power? Any right that the majority can't strip from the minority with 50% +1?

You don't seem to get how our system works. Rights are not up for a vote. If you're going to deny rights, you need a very, very good reason. Its called the 'Strict Scrutiny' rule. And gay marriage opponents have failed it so ineptly, so comically and so consistently that they can't even meet the much lower 'rational rule' in trying to justify such bans.

Worse, you're 'procreation standard' is one applied to NO ONE. No straight couple has their marriage invalidated because they have no kids. No straight couple has their marriage invalidated because they can't have kids. No one is required to have kids or be able to have them. Why then would we exclude gays because they don't meet a standard that doesn't exist and is applied to no one?

Whether a state requires it is irrelevant.

Its obviously relevant if its your basis for denying fundamental civil rights. As why would we deny gays the right to marry for failing to meet a standard that applies to NO ONE. And then even more ineptly, apply it ONLY to gays. And then in a last spasm of WTF, use this made up standard that applies to no one to exclude gays from marriage.

Are you starting to see why the record of failure for gay marraige opponents is essentially perfect? They can demonstrate NO rational reason for denying rights, no compelling state interest, and can't even see the "Strict Scrutiny' rule from where they're standing. For Colorado alone, every single federal court, every district court, every appelant court, without exception, ruled in favor of gay marriage for this very reason.

As the bans are clearly unconstitutional. And rights cannot be voted away with a damn good reason. Which gay marriage opponents simply don't have.

"Marriage" is not a "right"..

But then again I see all the far left keywords in that post again.

Everything could be considered a "right" if presented a certain way. However claiming something is a "right" does not make it so.
Drink up!
Really? Then why did all the states except 3 vote to keep marriage only between a man and a woman?

Because the votes were in the past, when support for gay marriage was weaker. And not in the present, where support for gay marriage is stronger. Since 2011, support for gay marriage has skyrocketed. Now leading opposition to gay marriage by 12 points per Gallup.

And why does the poll on this thread reflect a staunch refusal to solidly back gay marriage all the way...running at 82% and climbing?...And is one of the most popular polls in USMB history?

That informal message poll doesn't ask any questions about the legality of gay marriage. The Gallup poll does.

And support for gay marriage is solidly high. Leading from between 12 and 18 points depending on the poll. Pew polls, PPP polls, Bloomberg polls, ABC polls, CBS polls, all show the same national support for gay marriage by roughly the same margins.

But you're going to cling to an informal message board poll that doesn't even ask about gay marriage legality?

That's a little desperate.
Really? Then why did all the states except 3 vote to keep marriage only between a man and a woman?

Because the votes were in the past, when support for gay marriage was weaker. And not in the present, where support for gay marriage is stronger. Since 2011, support for gay marriage has skyrocketed. Now leading opposition to gay marriage by 12 points per Gallup.

And why does the poll on this thread reflect a staunch refusal to solidly back gay marriage all the way...running at 82% and climbing?...And is one of the most popular polls in USMB history?

That informal message poll doesn't ask any questions about the legality of gay marriage. The Gallup poll does.

And support for gay marriage is solidly high. Leading from between 12 and 18 points depending on the poll. Pew polls, PPP polls, Bloomberg polls, ABC polls, CBS polls, all show the same national support for gay marriage by roughly the same margins.

But you're going to cling to an informal message board poll that doesn't even ask about gay marriage legality?

That's a little desperate.
The 82% poll asked about forcing churches to perform gay marriages. How stupid IS Sil?
The 82% poll asked about forcing churches to perform gay marriages. How stupid IS Sil?

Apparently I'm smart enough to notice that the answer to the question 82% voted on was "oh HELL NO!" [paraphrased] instead of just "no".
Apparently I'm smart enough to notice that the answer to the question 82% voted on was "oh HELL NO!" [paraphrased] instead of just "no".

Yet apparently not smart enough to realize that the poll doesn't ask any question about the legality of gay marriage.

I support gay marriage. And I don't support requiring places of worship to accommodate gay weddings. As marriage equality is about under the law. And religion is about expressions of personal faith.

You can't comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.
Proof enough of the delusion is the fact that only opposite sex coupling creates human life. THAT'S AN ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

No state requires a child for a marriage to be valid. No state requires the ability to have children for a marriage to be valid. How then is gay and lesbians couples failure to meet a standard that applies to NO ONE an excuse to exclude them from marriage?

And actually some states require that couples NOT be able to have children to Civilly Marry.

Many states passed referenda and constitutional amendments declaring marriage as between one man and one woman. In some cases those votes passed with over 80% approval.
It's time states, which are sovereign, nullified meddling by Federal courts against the will of the people and simply declared that any official granting a license to anything other than two non-consanguineous single adults of the opposite sex will lose their salaries and benefits in perpetuity.

If you don't want meddling, don't violate the U.S. Constitution, or in some cases, you're own constitution. Equal Protection.
Many states passed referenda and constitutional amendments declaring marriage as between one man and one woman. In some cases those votes passed with over 80% approval.
It's time states, which are sovereign, nullified meddling by Federal courts against the will of the people and simply declared that any official granting a license to anything other than two non-consanguineous single adults of the opposite sex will lose their salaries and benefits in perpetuity.
The states have no authority to deny citizens their civil rights.
No one is being denied anything, bozo. States have the power to set rules for marriage. The government cannot deny the will of the citizens.

You mean like segregation?
The 82% poll asked about forcing churches to perform gay marriages. How stupid IS Sil?

Apparently I'm smart enough to notice that the answer to the question 82% voted on was "oh HELL NO!" [paraphrased] instead of just "no".
The question in your poll was Should churches be forced to perform gay marriages. How is that the same as Should civil gay marriages be legal?
Apparently I'm smart enough to notice that the answer to the question 82% voted on was "oh HELL NO!" [paraphrased] instead of just "no".

Yet apparently not smart enough to realize that the poll doesn't ask any question about the legality of gay marriage.

I support gay marriage. And I don't support requiring places of worship to accommodate gay weddings. As marriage equality is about under the law. And religion is about expressions of personal faith.

You can't comprehend the distinction. A rational person could.[/QUOTE]
That's why I wonder at Sil's level of intelligence.

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