State of Hawaii may be in Contempt of Court over Obama Birth Certificate

why doesn't he have anything to do with his brother???:doubt:

Because he was not part of his life in any way shape or form. :eusa_whistle:
USArmyRetired Look up his threads....

Does or Does Congressman Trent Franks 's congressional district want an investigation?

Dont know, i am still waiting for your link. Is this Trent Frank a burfer? IF so, it makes sense he would WANT a congressional investigation, no?

You don't know? and your waiting for what link? You'd better get of your Arse and bring your own facts before attempting to disparage someone Zona You need to prove that this post is discredited before you intimate that it is that is straight slander. Again, what is your proof that Trent Franks district did or didn't want an investigation?
Beating a dead horse doesnt help to get where you wish to go.

That said I did enjoy Trump punking the president.

Reverse that and you are more accurate.

you'd think the nutter would have figured that out when trump suddenly got very quiet.

but i don't know many rightwingnuts who fail to proclaim victory even when totally humiliated.

Well, he has his fantasies, apparently.....:eusa_whistle:
Your not even close to accurate.

I guess you chose to forget the statement at the whitehouse on how they would not release it as a matter of principle on privacy.

Then you are purposely overlooking money was spent to keep it suppressed.

But thanks for the attempt anyway. I enjoy a good morning chuckle.


Do facts always draw laughter from you?

No, but your fantasies do. :lol::lol::lol:
The entire State of Hawaii is embroiled in the Barry Hussein Soetoro birth certificate mess now. You must remember the president’s April 2011 very public celebratory release of his long form birth certificate.

Amid the Democrat leaping chest bumps and one kneed fist pumps, I’d say that it was a very respectful and dignified celebration.

You thought it was over, you thought the “birthers” were defeated and everyone from the Supreme Court to Congress could go on pretending that Barry Hussein Soetoro is a legitimate president. Now who would want to destroy that made for the Progressive media Kodak moment? Maybe a United States District Judge, perhaps? Read more... Google Creating Orwellian Worldview

Beating a dead horse doesnt help to get where you wish to go.

That said I did enjoy Trump punking the president.

If Dumbass the Chump "punked" Obama, then why did he drop out of the race after Obama released his birth certificate?

Actually, it looks like Dumbass the Chump got punked. Matter of fact, haven't heard much outta him since.........
Karl Rove Knocks 'Birthers,' Says GOP Should Focus on 'Real Issues'

Urging conservatives to focus on "real issues," Karl Rove said Republicans should speak out against those in the party who question whether President Obama is a citizen of the United States.

- "Within our party, we've got to be very careful about allowing these people who are the birthers and the 9/11-deniers to get too high a profile and say too much without setting the record straight," Rove said.

- Rove compared the movement to fringe Republican groups in the 1950s like the John Birch Society, saying that "it took Bill Buckley standing up as a strong conservative and taking them on."

- He suggested that Republican candidates could be hurt when asked about the birther question on a national stage such as during campaign debates.

"If they'd step forward and say 'Look, we've got better things to talk about, then to fall into this trap that the White House has laid for us,' this issue will start to go away," Rove said.

Karl Rove Knocks 'Birthers,' Says GOP Should Focus on 'Real Issues'
Donald Trump has already paid the price of getting involved in this issue, so why don't the Republicans take Rove's advice that this is a "trap that the White House has laid for us," move on, and deal with the "grown-up" issues?

Yeah....laughter at his expense.....he hates that. No wonder he dropped off the radar, he humiliated himself.....USAR has no compunction about the self-humiliation part tho.
Breaking News:

Congressman Trent Franks Being Forced To Open Investigations Into Obama's Eligibility

Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona has been submitted to open a Congressional investigation by the party in his district which party members voted a overwhelming 56-5 to pass the motion. Also in a second vote for the motion, it passed 45-4. Franks was the first Congressman to ever call for impeachment of the usurper for his decision to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act which is a breach of his oath to the Constitution and therefore a impeachable offense. With all that is going on with Obama and the debt crisis, this is a smart move. Here is the motion:

We, the members of the Tea Party formally summon our Congressman Trent Franks within the next 30 days call for a full and open Congressional investigation to include discovery and public testimony into the following questions relating to Barack Obama. First, is Barack Obama a natural born citizen eligible to hold the office of President per the terms and historical meaning of Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution as stated in the Supreme Court case of Minor vs. Happersett 88 U.S. 162 (1875 )and why was Barack Obama not held to the same standard as was John McCain in April of 2008 when the US Senate via Senate Res. 511 declared McCain to be a qualified natural born citizen by virtue of “being born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936 ? “ Secondly, is Barack Obama holding a legitimate Social Security number issued by the Social Security Administration only to him or is he employing a number (042-68-4425), or numbers also issued previously to a different citizen or citizens and where is a copy of the SS-5 application form in the SSA records needed to obtain that number? And third, is the recently released long form birth certificate which he personally endorsed on April 27, 2011 from the White House Press Room legitimate and identical to an original held by the Department of Health in Hawaii or was it a forged document and therefore a felony under U.S. Criminal codes?

Oh look! The Loonies are out in force! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
The entire State of Hawaii is embroiled in the Barry Hussein Soetoro birth certificate mess now. You must remember the president’s April 2011 very public celebratory release of his long form birth certificate.

Amid the Democrat leaping chest bumps and one kneed fist pumps, I’d say that it was a very respectful and dignified celebration.

You thought it was over, you thought the “birthers” were defeated and everyone from the Supreme Court to Congress could go on pretending that Barry Hussein Soetoro is a legitimate president. Now who would want to destroy that made for the Progressive media Kodak moment? Maybe a United States District Judge, perhaps? Read more... Google Creating Orwellian Worldview

Beating a dead horse doesnt help to get where you wish to go.

That said I did enjoy Trump punking the president.

If Dumbass the Chump "punked" Obama, then why did he drop out of the race after Obama released his birth certificate?

Actually, it looks like Dumbass the Chump got punked. Matter of fact, haven't heard much outta him since.........

Trump didn't like being pwn'd, did he?
Beating a dead horse doesnt help to get where you wish to go.

That said I did enjoy Trump punking the president.

Reverse that and you are more accurate.

you'd think the nutter would have figured that out when trump suddenly got very quiet.

but i don't know many rightwingnuts who fail to proclaim victory even when totally humiliated.

You may want to re-think the meaning of quiet.. I have and it's not always what it appears to be. Just saying............

perhaps...but I didnt see any.

Pleasenote...I clearly said "this is the first birther thing I HAVE SEEN since Obama produced the doc...."

Show me the latest thread before this one....or tell me how to use the search engine to find it.


USArmyRetired Look up his threads....

Does or Does Congressman Trent Franks 's congressional district want an investigation?

So what if he wants an investigation? That's almost as stupid as Rep. Broun from GA putting a bill through to lower the debt ceiling.

You GOP's ain't got much in the brain pan area, do ya?
The entire State of Hawaii is embroiled in the Barry Hussein Soetoro birth certificate mess now. You must remember the president’s April 2011 very public celebratory release of his long form birth certificate.

Amid the Democrat leaping chest bumps and one kneed fist pumps, I’d say that it was a very respectful and dignified celebration.

You thought it was over, you thought the “birthers” were defeated and everyone from the Supreme Court to Congress could go on pretending that Barry Hussein Soetoro is a legitimate president. Now who would want to destroy that made for the Progressive media Kodak moment? Maybe a United States District Judge, perhaps? Read more... Google Creating Orwellian Worldview

Beating a dead horse doesnt help to get where you wish to go.

That said I did enjoy Trump punking the president.

If Dumbass the Chump "punked" Obama, then why did he drop out of the race after Obama released his birth certificate?

Actually, it looks like Dumbass the Chump got punked. Matter of fact, haven't heard much outta him since.........

The fact is that both the short form and the long form birth certificates Obama offered have since been proved forgery's. I have very limited photoshop skills but was able to see those documents were altered. So, the question is NOT if they were were real, but rather why folks want to bury it and act like all is fine.

Why would Obama pay millions(2 million I believe) to seal all his personal records if not for having something to hide?
Could a moderator please move this dumbass thread to the proper forum.... Conspiracy Theories.... PLEASE?

Could a moderator please move this dumbass thread to the proper forum.... Conspiracy Theories.... PLEASE?


When the documents were proved to be forgery's than any theory no longer was valid. You can't judge anything as true or false without looking into each side.

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

Michael LeMieux -- Who Forged Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate?

Paul Irey Type Face Expert, Obama birth certificate forged, Typography expert, PDF file manipulation, image | Citizen WElls

I asked you a question in a previous post which you did not answer. Why would Obama spend 2 million to keep all of his personal records sealed if not for something to hide?
Where's the proof that he did so.

I think I could bring thousands of pieces of proof to your attention yet you still will not believe. Why is this? What would it take to make you believe? What constitutes proof to you?
Beating a dead horse doesnt help to get where you wish to go.

That said I did enjoy Trump punking the president.

If Dumbass the Chump "punked" Obama, then why did he drop out of the race after Obama released his birth certificate?

Actually, it looks like Dumbass the Chump got punked. Matter of fact, haven't heard much outta him since.........

The fact is that both the short form and the long form birth certificates Obama offered have since been proved forgery's. I have very limited photoshop skills but was able to see those documents were altered. So, the question is NOT if they were were real, but rather why folks want to bury it and act like all is fine.

Why would Obama pay millions(2 million I believe) to seal all his personal records if not for having something to hide?


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