State of the Union address


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2010
I read highlights of Obama's speech from last night.
First, this was a campaign speech. That is to be expected. The man IS running for re-election.
However, the speech which took on a populist theme was long on rhetoric but short on substance.
Obama has made many speeches where proposals have been made yet what is missing are the methods by which his proposals are implemented.
He likes to say what he would like to do but never tells the American people how he is going to do it.
I didn't listen to the speech...instead I spent an hour at the used car lot looking at pickups.

If I'm going to spend an hour being lied to, I at least want to be lied to to my face.
I read highlights of Obama's speech from last night.
First, this was a campaign speech. That is to be expected. The man IS running for re-election.
However, the speech which took on a populist theme was long on rhetoric but short on substance.
Obama has made many speeches where proposals have been made yet what is missing are the methods by which his proposals are implemented.
He likes to say what he would like to do but never tells the American people how he is going to do it.

I unfortunately watched the entire thing. What I got a kick out of was how he said he had asked Congress for authority to cut and consolidate excess programs and departments.......after naming at least a half dozen panels, boards, teams, programs, yada, yada, yada his administration was going to set up to address various problems. In short, he is creating new government jobs and expanding the government.
I read highlights of Obama's speech from last night.
First, this was a campaign speech. That is to be expected. The man IS running for re-election.
However, the speech which took on a populist theme was long on rhetoric but short on substance.
Obama has made many speeches where proposals have been made yet what is missing are the methods by which his proposals are implemented.
He likes to say what he would like to do but never tells the American people how he is going to do it.

I unfortunately watched the entire thing. What I got a kick out of was how he said he had asked Congress for authority to cut and consolidate excess programs and departments.......after naming at least a half dozen panels, boards, teams, programs, yada, yada, yada his administration was going to set up to address various problems. In short, he is creating new government jobs and expanding the government.
This is the frustrating nature of Obama. He is responsible for creating dozens of new bureaucracies, the hiring of several thousand new federal employees to administer the departments and now he tells us in his campaign speech from last night that he now wants to consolidate eliminate?
Please. Federal employees( union members) are part of his political base. Obama isn't going to risk angering a very important democrat constituency.
In other words, even if he gets the go ahead to cut and consolidate, not a single employee will lose their job and not a single dime of taxpayer money will be saved. But Obama and his bean counters will make it look as though savings will occur

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